Waiting for 'Big'
Crazy feeling
I’m still alive kicking up a storm
Crash bang bitch talk
Yes oh yes
The sort of talk that I like when I have a mind
Don’t you know?
Like you didn’t know
Lay me like a blade cold as chrome
Crawdaddy kisses down my spine
They burn like ice
Mind and eye filling
Spilling over and over with stingsong
The gone wrong too ...
Tuesday 21st December 2010 3:45 pm
Her Space
Oh how I adore her space
With just a trace of grace and favour
Her femininity to savour
Oh how I adore her space
Her secret nook and cranny
Oh how I adore her space
Oh how I adore her space
With just a trace of lace and French silk
Her blood red nails and her thighs of milk
Oh how I adore her space
Friday 19th November 2010 6:55 pm
Jake (This poem was written for a very dear friend on the loss of her true and faithful friend)
My big golden boy
Barking at the stars
Mars a million billion light years
As my tears crystal into the cold night air
Bringing me rare moments of love and laughter
Dreaming ever after of my big golden boy
My big golden boy
Barking at the stars
Trying to catch the clouded moon
A silver balloon within a thousand l...
Monday 8th November 2010 3:14 pm
Measuring The Moment ( Listening To The Seashell)
Can you hear the nothing to nowhere wind?
Measuring a moment
Somewhere lost in the far away
The never to come or go again
Red strokes of night slash bleeding to the edge
White sands stinging
Crystal kissing
Brownest eyes and tumbling hair
Pretty toes and yellow shells
Measuring a moment
Friday 29th October 2010 5:30 pm
Beneath the Umbrella Tree
Beneath the umbrella tree
The where I am tree of who I used to be
Spreads entwined wet bright vine
Ringed by rolling rusting iron seats
Dull diesel fume from a single decker green bus
The town hall clock beats out time
Across municipal gardens and abandoned lawnmower
‘The Spurs’ cafe remains open
Wednesday aft...
Tuesday 26th October 2010 4:22 pm
The Plate and the Spoon (FREEDOM)
Oh! How I wish
Said the plate to the spoon
As side by side they lay
That I could be given freedom
From bearing food
For just for one whole day
I carry their cake
Their bread and their tart
And To them it doesn’t matter
That me a little platter
Should have feelings
Of the heart
Oh! Hush you now
Sighed the silver spoon
Wednesday 13th October 2010 7:10 pm
Just Singing and Dancing
What a day
What an extraordinary day
I am standing here in the rain
Tears streaming down my face
Drip drip dripping
Dropping from my chin
Soaking my beating breast
Pouring out my heart
To anyone
Who will sing and dance with me
Wednesday 6th October 2010 8:11 pm
A Darling August
A Darling August
Black trousers
Green coat
She won’t be going home alone tonight
She’s a he and he is buzzing
A busy bee
A regular hive of industry
A true blue assed fly in the ointment
He’s making an appointment with destiny
A testimony to his enduring artistic bent
Primitive colours morda...
Tuesday 3rd August 2010 1:03 pm
'The Decision' 'A Review' 'A Dramatic Comedy About a Busker' By Mia Darlone
The bluesy trills of a clarinet were still honeycombing through my mind as I left the wet summer’s evening to Manchester’s Jazz Festival and climbed the stone steps into the nearby Theatre Royal/ Coliseum Club. The decision was easy for me to make either I accept the kind invitation to watch Mia Darlone’s latest production ‘The Decision’ or stay put and listen to an endless night of Jazz bene...
Tuesday 27th July 2010 11:24 pm
Boy Meets Girl
Standing on the shoreline with a foaming bottle of ‘Cream Soda’ in one hand and a bag of potato crisps in the other
all the while looking into the small pretty face of a girl in white plastic sunglasses
who was unyielding in her stare whilst sucking loudly on an ice lolly.
‘Where are you staying’?
Said the pretty girl her cheeks draw...
Monday 19th July 2010 6:42 pm
Stolen By The Light
The storm had blown over the Island during the night heralding a dawn that sent white clouds spiralling up against an azure blue sky,
like gypsy dancers in a fairground
‘Housewife’s Choice’ drifted through from the kitchen
on the breath of hot toast and breakfast.
I could hear Shirley’s voice in time with the wireless.
Da Dada da Dada da da…daa dah
Thursday 15th July 2010 4:52 pm
Men Of A Certain Age
I hate men of that certain age dressed in brown leather blousons
Faded blue jeans that cry out for an arse
Tired white trainers way past their best
I hate men of a certain age in baseball caps
Gold earrings and large sovereign rings
Adorning black dirty fingernails bitten to the quick
I hate men of a certain age
I hate men of a certain age dreessed...
Friday 9th July 2010 4:02 pm
Katie is a Barmaid
Katie is a barmaid
She has fiery red hair and a love me only mouth
Her smiles warm like summer
Then pass
Like clouds before a rising moon
She’s over there
Just over there
I’m over here
Just over here
Drinking in wishes
Swimming in beer
She tongues pearly teeth
Hanging like a spinning spider
Upon every boorish indecipherability
Monday 5th July 2010 12:54 pm
She Loved Sundays
Taking both of my hands in hers she leaned forward
kissing me softly upon my cheek.
'I've had a really lovely day today
I love Sundays
How about you’?
I smiled a broad beaming agreement
Lying should never be easy
I'd never found it difficult, but then I was well practised.
I had always agreed.
I had always agreed.
Saturday 26th June 2010 2:58 pm
Pandora's Box
Within the box
Came the light
Spiralling into the smothering depths
Through the sinning lullaby of siren song
An underworld
a stone cold lake
Wherein stood a castle
Wherein behind a door of yew
A library for the gods
Books and discoloured prints
Laid scattered
All about the floor
Small dusty web strand...
Wednesday 19th May 2010 11:23 am
To FarTed
This time
Love of my life
I have had just about enough
Of your corduroyed flatulence
Perhaps it was the Eggs Benedict
The Guinness fried fish kedgeree
I suspect it just may have been
That together with the Scampi Brochette con Aglio
Not to mention
A breakfast glass of Sauternes
Will you never learn?
You pervade...
Wednesday 21st April 2010 8:12 pm
She is just a Gypsy Girl
She is just a bonny gypsy girl
No frills no fancy
A pretty girl
With flowers in her hair
A gypsy girl
Long legs spangle dangle
In her garnet red patent leather shoes
Shining silver buckles O
Ruby down her henna hair comes tumbling
Curling dancing
Her words
Sunday 11th April 2010 1:35 pm
Jack Came Dancing ( Re - Post Oct 2008)
A hundred or so Years ago
Dark Came chancing
With a ripper's knife
Came he dancing taking life
Deftly in that midnight hour
Came the stripping
Then the ripping
Just as lightly he was flitting
Into the darkness
After slitting snow white breasts
Plump pleasuring flesh
Dr Death awaits concealing
A heart
A womb congealing
Watching bloody 'n...
Tuesday 6th April 2010 1:41 pm
Culver Cliff
Finger light
Touching pictures of sky
August sailing clouds
Tumble billowing
Chasing curtains of rain into a cresting sea
Red Clover await a salted kiss
Purple Musk
Thistle dance
Anywhere dancing
Sunday 14th March 2010 5:38 pm
An Innocent Abroad ( A Soldier’s Letter to his Chaplain)
She’s over there
I’m over here
Tell me
Where’s the sense in that
There’s never been a letter
Or a hand knitted sweater
Just a photograph of her Mother
Her poxy little brother
In the garden
Last September
My cat
While I’m overseas
She’s down there on her knees
She’s often there
I’m often here
Thursday 11th March 2010 2:18 pm
Claw and Bloody Nail
I wear my Fathers temper
Like a belt
Tight about me
Fight about me wherever I go
I wear my Father’s second sight
Looking both left and right
So that I might know just exactly
Where you have been
Who you’ve seen
More importantly
Where all of this is leading to
The agony
Claw and blo...
Sunday 7th February 2010 9:39 pm
A Thousand Oceans
I waken to the grey smear of day
How weary the wait
Chilly chatter mornings
Rolling like debt
Into never ending anywhere shrill
To fill the longest heat of day
Like a gypsy’s promise
A kiss
Soft upon wetted breeze
The night
The night is familiar
Like pages
Opening within a cloak of comfort
Wherein ...
Tuesday 2nd February 2010 2:12 pm
What do you wear Claire in the morning?
What do you wear Claire last thing at night?
What do you wear Claire?
Would you dare Claire?
In your underwear Claire
Doesn’t that feel right?
Would you do it just for spite
Like you did to me last night
You know just the right things to say Claire
Yeah, you certainly have a way Claire
About you
Don’t wanna be without you
Never gon...
Friday 8th January 2010 4:14 pm
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