The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

I'm Losing the Light

                  Anger raged Leaving me ragged and broken high upon another lonely shore Madness afire Cruel words conspire from my open mouth Blazing crazed vile obscenities Washed away in a rain of tears I extinguished love True true love I gave up the fight It’s growing darker now I’m afraid I’m losing the light Vom...

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You Never Can Tell

Wandering dark streets again

Pain and stinging rain again cutting into me like a thief

Bleeding self disgust into my coffee cup

Stirring up emotions brown sugar days a coming

I’m listening to my heart pounding table tops

Sounding out Chuck Berry

You never can tell

But none the less promises of glass lie shattered

Blood splattered and torn into a thousand shards


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A REVIEW - Charlotte Henson's - Once More With Meaning - The Malt Bar - Bury

The expectant buzz abroad in the streets of Bury last Sunday  (Bank Holiday) evening was liken to , for those old enough to remember, a crowd scene from a  ‘Mad Max’ movie.  Shameless and My Gypsy Wedding merging as one as tarts and farts thronged and jostled  through the streets  spilling noisily in and out of every club and bar. Suddenly and thankfully I was off the street  and through the po...

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Still a Little Crazy











Lion King in your sheepish sweet meadow sleep

Reap the rough and tumble sure shot

Firing from the hip hop spot music slot

Shooting for the star edges of the farthest flung

Hey ho!

 You are a shag bag wrung out to dry

Try rock and roll and watch Judy lights shining

Tit tattle speak easy jelly talk

Tumble ...

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REVIEW - WOL 'Ring of Bells' Middleton

For all of those trembling on the brink, all wannabe poetry performers, as yet uninitiated and still afraid to stand-up on an open mike night, WOL Middleton night at the Ring of Bells is just up your street.

I was last to climb the ladder of a  steep staircase to the cosy room upstairs  at Middleton’s Ring of bells, I was warmly  welcomed by  the words of our  compare  Gemma ,( I’m pregnant...

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The Stolen Smile

Tears of rain streaked across the blinded eyes of the small shops and cafes that lined the narrow High Street, as muted sounds of a Christian Sunday morning could be clearly heard from behind the heavy oak doors of the Kingdom Hall. God’s gentle music rose up upon the squalling wind into the rain only to pitch tinkling and drumming from the roof tiles until splashing down onto the shining pavem...

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Into The Light







He kissed your eyes in sleep talk

Taking your hand he led you to that first morning

Into the light

Into the early pearly light that brightened the furthest edge of day


Where he gifted you beauty radiant within you like suns rising

Where he scattered gold and ruby stone in your hair shining

Into the light


He painted yo...

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Jefferama Opens at Bolton’s Gothic Drop Inn

Silhouetted against cold and darkening skies the vast Victorian monolith known as Brooklyn threw open its weathered creaking doors to a small band of foolhardy poets brave enough to enter.

The nervous throng of poets and musical wannabes were invited into what was once the master’s sumptuous bedchambers, sadly long neglected. Forgiving the backdrop of attic trivia and old bikes, one could n...

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When Neptune Filled His Boots (Nonsense)

When Bibble he would a bounding swim

Boundless glore upon his fizzog

Splashed he breastie ways and overlimb

Swimming swifty like a croc log

Quiet stealth he’d swimmy creep

Both overland and overseas

Until upon toasted stooks he’d leap

Climbed the highest Groolam trees

Came then Krabb and turning Turtle

Came then coughing Doobah birds

Nurbling yams and wee...

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nonsense comp

The Last Ferry

I still dream of the Solent’s bottle green,

of gentle sea splashing against the weed clad legs of the dark jetty.


Comes then a steal of wind carrying a kiss of the sea wetting your cheek,

as raucous rusted

ferry chains ring out over the darkening estuary.


 Roosted high upon her boatyard perch

a gull watches quietly from beneath downy white wing

as night p...

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He Found a Diamond

He found a diamond

A fire too hot to handle

Burning his fingers


Burning his cold toes

Keeping his ear to the ground

Quietly like a mouse


Quietly like snowfall

He stole into the brightness

A lightness of touch


A lightness a foot

He trod where angels fear to

Stepping into hell


Stepping out lightly

Into a future long past


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Just Another Line

Chase, rattle rings and things, Charlie chasing lady.

Moon pools sparkle beneath her thick black lashes

brushing away the lazy dampness of later midnight.


Yellow bright lights piss quick, dippy dancing a crazy

to faraway Manchester.


Blue note bozos tattooed black wait in tattered corners,

graffiti floozy Queens peddle push all ways.

Sirens table talk swee...

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