To the Man I Once Called Daddy
They say a daughter’s first love his her dad.
They’ll tell you it’s the greatest love you’ve ever had.
Sadly, no one told me there were men like you.
The kind that yell at mommy and hit her too.
The kind that sings boldly in the church pew, but when no one’s looking, he touches you.
Daddy, remember that night pops died?
I remember when you laid at the foot of my bed ...
Tuesday 20th February 2018 7:10 pm
The way I love you is Cancer.
And not in the romantic way, but in the deadly way. The way one single cell multiplies and corrupts it's neighboring cells. The way you seem to stay even when the doctors cut you out. It's scary how even when I think I'm cured, all it takes is a single thought and I'm falling in love all over again. I keep going back to that one single cell. I'm not saying your lo...
Tuesday 7th November 2017 1:37 am
You're Standing on the Edge of a Cliff: (spoken word)
You're standing on the edge of a cliff.
You look out across the trees,
The mountains look ready to consume.
Your heart is racing,
But this is what you want.
You're standing on the edge of a cliff.
You look up at the empty sky,
Only a single bird soars.
You are familiar with the lonesome.
But you enjoy lonely, right?
Monday 11th September 2017 12:57 am
Inhaling the chill of the night,
My pace quickens.
I soon realize where I am.
Time stops.
Exhaling fears, anxiety, stress.
My heart slows.
I notice the sound of a train in the distance.
Time resumes.
Inhaling the scent of pine tree and oil.
My thoughts race.
I remember the diner just past the railroad tracks.
But time stops again.
Thursday 31st August 2017 11:43 pm
This kind of pain is like having your heart tied in knots
and the blood only giving life to the butterflies in your stomach.
It's like waking up hoping the dream you just had was a reality.
Only to have reality weigh you down like chains on the ankles of a dove.
I wrapped myself in chains with the locks secure and I gave you the key.
But instead of unlocking me,
you walked away...
Tuesday 22nd August 2017 9:41 pm
All day, I put on a smile
I make jokes and laugh 'till those around me join in
I try my hardest to brighten everyones day
But yet, no one sees the pain behind my mask.
Don't I deserve to be happy?
People say we all have our own demons to face,
That no two people have been in the same situation as the other.
yet I always go out of my way to help those around me
no ...
Thursday 11th May 2017 7:04 pm
She was the sun and he the moon
her smile broke through his darkness and
his smile overcome her light
both loved eachother so much
but their timing was always off.
they wanted to touch so desperately
and no matter how much they wanted to greet eachother with a sweet kiss,
they knew that form the good of the whole world,
they had to keep their distance.
only once e...
Thursday 11th May 2017 1:14 pm
Letter to a Lost Cause
Anger swirls in the pit of my stomach. My head is clouded with questions. My eyes sting from holding back tears. Chills form all over my body and I can hardly breathe. You claimed I made life worse for you. you placed the blame right on top of my shoulders expecting me to cary it all. how can one make your life any worse when they are not a part of your life? I walked out months ago. I left you to...
Wednesday 10th May 2017 1:36 pm
Thoughts aimlessly swarm inside my head.
Your hand in mine, then the hopeless and heartbroken screams muffled by my pillow
Your piggyback rides soon flip to the memory of me cursing the universe.
Your hugs were so warm and vibrant.
Now I am so numb.
Why was I so selfish?! All I wanted was you and I never came to the realization that maybe I wasn't all that you wanted...
Monday 8th May 2017 3:30 pm
50 shades of red
red roses thrown into ember fires
green thorns twist into bloodthirsty briars
with my heart ripped from my chest
blood now mixes with the colors of my regrets.
I remember something someone once said
the colors of love ends in 50 shades of red.
screaming gets louder, faces turn dark shades of pink
It's now become a bloodbath of words and i'm sure to sink
Why fill your...
Friday 5th May 2017 2:04 pm
my rant (I'll regret this in the morning)
let’s get one thing straight. I have changed. I am not the same girl I used to be. besides, I thought you loved the old me? I would have never cheated on you and you know it. I don’t know why you couldn’t have just asked me what happened, no you had to start making irrational conclusions based on observation. look. you don’t know the whole story. please do not see me as the slut....
Friday 5th May 2017 4:41 am
The peircing, cold air nipped at the nape of my neck, rustling through my hair. My tummy tightens and a queezy feeling rests in the pit of my stomach. Something is terribly wrong.
I recollect myself and get onto the bus full of rambunctious children. I take a window seat and sit my bookbag on my lap. The fear inside me only continues to grow as we pull out of the school parking lot. as we make ...
Thursday 4th May 2017 2:50 pm
Due to the venomous words being spewed at each other, I lay awake listening in on the horrendous things being said.
“No one does anything to help me around this house!” “that’s not true Michelle, and you know it!” my step mother and father argue to each other.
“And don’t get me started on that blonde headed brat!” my stomach clenches “don’t you dare bring her into this!” re...
Thursday 4th May 2017 2:30 pm
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