A poem dedicated to my girlfriends parents:
We, the righteous citizens of England,
Wish to file a complaint.
We find the words sex, drugs and all affiliated terms,
“Street” or otherwise a tad insensitive to our moral and ethical codes,
And therefore we wish them to be removed from all:
Song lyrics,
Video games,
Radio shows,
Pharmaceutical companies,
Adult stores,
And msn screen names.
This is due to the f...
Saturday 2nd May 2009 5:48 pm
I'm baaack...
Apologies for vanishing from your computer screens and hebden bridge pubs, but the weather and my school work were conspiring to keep me away from you, however, i have a new poem for you all :)
My mouth upon hers,
Her breath tasting so sweet.
I kissed her,
I looked into her eyes,
And I whispered.
I'm sorry.
I lost my common sense that night.
The next day i picked up my weapo...
Thursday 19th February 2009 3:08 pm
An Unconventional Love
Your two eyes, wrinkled from the wisdom of the aging process.
As I stare into them I feel a sweet sense of regress,
And yet your skin is still fresh, that light brown body,
Simply carved into perfection by some higher power.
Your scent, of spice, whispering tales of foreign places,
Causing senses of delight in many smiling faces
And as I move you closer to me, I yearn to taste you
Sunday 9th November 2008 5:46 pm
The Aged
He sits, a painted smile upon his face,
Failing to hide his discomfort in his own skin;
The makeup feels like just another mask,
But the tears are real.
A hat and cane lie, discarded by his feet,
The former crumpled, the latter broken.
He forsakes his act,
The jovial nature,
Ever smiling face,
The bringer of joy.
Forever, finished with the young.
As the wrinkles swallow the mak...
Tuesday 26th August 2008 3:49 pm
The Masked and Unmasked Man
The Masked Man
I He stood there, outlined by the spirits.
II They were his friends,
I The masked man raised his arm once again.
II They cried.
I They moved towards him, drawn by the power,
II What had he done to them?
I Each of them, they joined with him to make one.
II Used. Betrayed.
I The l...
Saturday 28th June 2008 10:04 am
It appears I have found my brain,
I’ve fallen back in love with learning,
Back in love with loving,
Back in time with living.
Broken into miniature pieces as,
I pick up a book.
I finish it,
Begin another,
Not caring on subject, fact or,
Fiction… friction.
Occurring in the dark,
As it joins with my imagination.
Fiction fusion
Fiction fission
Fiction’s facts
And ...
Wednesday 11th June 2008 8:22 am
A rose,
Cut within an inch of its life.
Cut into obedience,
Cut into perfection.
To extend a leaf,
To dare to disobey.
Gives them more weapons to cut you down.
Left in the ground…
I listen to the girls laughter,
Of love,
It distracts me from the,
Poem I was writing.
And leaves me dreaming.
I dream of her soft, sweet, smile,
As she lies sl...
Tuesday 3rd June 2008 3:17 pm
These Hands
With these hands that I hold above my head,
I have destroyed the old and the young,
I have defaced beauty,
I have saved the sinful,
I have made others feel my pain.
With these hands, I have ended worlds.
Everything they were, gone.
You can take me, but you’ll never bring them back.
I am here, I will be remembered.
Those who knew them, now know me.
My name running through thei...
Sunday 1st June 2008 11:58 am
Love Sickness
The room is too warm, he lies there,
In his bed in the center.
Death hangs above, his loyal mistress,
Come back to kill his pains with love.
Hot sweat forms, it slides off his face,
As he works into heat.
The sheets are stifling, they hit the floor,
He lies naked, bare before mistress.
His breaths come faster as he enters,
The arms of those beside him.
Breathing in the sweet cherished air,
From life an...
Thursday 10th April 2008 7:55 pm
A Train of Thought
5 p.m. and I’m sat on a train,
Opposite a right wing man in a suit.
He's complaining that punk is dead.
I nod and agree,
All the while thinking,
That he killed it,
He locked it away:
No more safety pins,
Torn clothing in the bin,
To curse is now a sin,
Loud music now a din.
Punk vinyls in their original plastic,
"God save the queen!" Is no longer ironic.
I keep thinking that again and again,
He ...
Sunday 6th April 2008 10:27 am
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