The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Lost in Thought

Are like lyrics 
A different song for every new idea 
A person must have millions of tiny little melodies running through their head. 
A playlist of constant activity, since our brains never find time to sleep. 
I listen to the reflective tune of every human I meet 
And It draws me in 
It keeps me hanging on 
Nothing is as satisfying as the words lived and breathed by another insi...

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The Runaway

I climbed the tallest mountain and found myself on the edge of something wonderful
I fell so in love with the view, I followed it. 
That was the day I ran away. 
Chasing after distance 
Somewhere miles front of me 
The desert or possibly a land of salt water.
I search the sky for answers
Nothing but an empty shade of blue. 
No need for a compass
Where I end up is a mystery
I used to be a...

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So distracted by the world 

It’s impossible to hear your voice

Emptiness fills my chest

I’m hollow

Without your wisdom my heart has grown cold

Now take what is left of me 

And spread my remains across the ocean 

Let the waves pull me under 

To be absorbed by the wrath of your nature

Salt stings the wounds that I carry within

Wash clean the wicked from my skin

I kno...

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Novel Ideas

I bottle up my thoughts

And keep them hidden within 

So later I can pour them across lined paper 

And watch as my soul becomes art. 

Escaping the disappointment of reality by fueling my creativity

I process the world through eyes of a character in a book

The most compelling Nonfiction is me.

Every up and down I go through persuades me to write.

I’m made to Run wild 


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Conversation's with the Moon

As a reminder
I look to the moon 
My substance of peace 
Bringing calm into the chaos
I set my concentration upon the soft glowing light 
And breathe
How Thoughtful of you to hang a nightlight in the open sky. 
It feels as if there's comfort beyond the clouds shining over me. 
Ruler of creation,
Thank you. 
Between the many branches of the trees I find a little serendipity. 
Layers of m...

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Queen of the Galaxy

It's funny how small world's collide 
And may it be by chance or by design 
Lives become intertwined
An insignificant "Hello" is just the beginning, a fresh start. 
First introductions evolve into "I saved you a spot!" 
And from there we age into the years of teenage angst, learning the art of cheating on tests, giggling behind stacks of books while trading black nail polish and fake tattoos.

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Broken Hearts Need Glue

Inside her there was something much too broken to heal
So she hid herself from the world
In order to not to be disturbed from her independent composure. 
She feels the ache
It's a familiar sort of pain 
One that was inflicted with full knowledge of the outcome. 
Her heart bleeds out in the waiting
Only expecting the worse 
She'll run away again 
Pretending that this was the plan all along

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There's so much damage done underneath the surface.
Like a wasteland overflowing with hatred and confusion, collected over years of self destruction 
This is something I must face. 
Stirring inside is a war of emotion that I feed daily and like the most delicate flower, I wilt. 
Falling slowly to the floor
I'm a tear stained petal dressed in the shade sorrow.
Disconnected from the base of th...

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Personal Band-aid

If I may, 
Allow me to sew up your wounds. 
Roll up your sleeves and reveal to me the outcome of emotional catastrophe. 
Self inflicted punishment won't wipe the slate clean.
You can't fix yourself by severing your woes away. 
Do not succumb to the pressures of this broken world. 
Honestly, we're all quite a mess. 
You see yourself as the product of corrupt nature, 
Something that could ne...

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My Stubborn Heart

It's romance that I despise
There's an extreme hatred rooted deep Inside 
I watch the way the universe caves in with intense devotion and in envious disdain, I roll my eyes. 
My attitude wasn't always this way
But after painful memories and plenty of time, I've grown a bit too comfortable with solitude to break my selfish habits. 
Dedicated to independence,
I find peace in my lonesome compla...

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Split in Half

There's beauty in heartbreak
Though you don't see how something so excruciating can be overcome. 
A heart severed by love's misfortune, the knife still clenched tightly in her hand. 
Such a guilty culprit escapes the clutches of grief. 
You turn away
Under the pouring rain your tears are still obvious. 
I watch you break before my eyes
Your world shattering among the turmoil
Feel the pain 

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Look at you

Hiding in the safety of your home. 

Guarding all the charm you hold from curious eyes

Locked away inside four hollow walls. 

The fear eats at you

Tearing away all that you are

Flesh by flesh 

It devours you until it becomes you.

It's been years since I've had the pleasure of laughing beside you. 

My soul misses yours. 

This isn't protecting your...

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The words I yearn to say are stuck inside my chest,
Burried deeply under all that is unpleasant. 
To write much more than I already have urges me to feel. 
I often wonder how those around me navigate the world without writing down all that they stumble upon.
I have never known what it feels like to be numb to passion or anything in relation to. 
In sorrow I drown and in love I always plummet ...

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A Staccato burst of energy kick-starts my heart, fueling energy from inside, the splitting sound of a guitar sends shivers up my spine. 
Each chord is an electric roar connecting me to the song. 
And so it begins,
A feeling of joy that one can not fully express, 
It's another level of ecstasy and it cannot be contained. 
Speakers blare that metal sound rattling the marrow in my bones, I belie...

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She tries to recover her composure and regain self control. 
Each time she loses her temper, havoc wreaks upon her soul. 
She feels too deeply to suppress the intensity under the surface.
Her anger has no limit, her voice has no purpose. 
Fingers point as she is the only one to blame 
Guilt holds her under, drowning her in shame.
For such madness there must be a potion
She's at it again los...

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Kindred Strangers

How long has your beautiful soul been wandering the great unknown?
Out of nowhere your kind heart has taken hold of mine. 
Somewhere beyond the starry night you reside.
Can you feel the overwhelming tension creep up as you sleep?
In between cold sheets I am choked by the feeling until I am wide awake longing in the dark
I ask myself
How can you miss a stranger? 
Abusrd to even suggest an id...

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Conquering Monster's

He couldn't say how he really felt
Maybe because he was scared. 
Scared of the way it felt so easy
It all just seemed to flow so smoothly Towards all that is equitable.
If his heart had a say it would leap from his chest and chase opportunity as it appeared.
But it was his fears that spoke instead. 
Ringing in his ear were voices of deceit. 
They scoffed at him and mocked him loudly. 

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A war has been waged between my mind and my heart. 
At fault is my flesh as it is loud and dangerous. I continue to find myself consumed by it's cries. I question your existence as much as I question your love. No matter your grace I still feel dirty. Doubt weighs heavy on my chest, igniting endless confusion. 

Though I long to heal wounds of the broken, a good person I am not. 
I may reach o...

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The world was at peace
And I myself was at peace
So I sat for a moment
And wondered
How long it would all last
Seemingly almost perfect
I had never experienced such blissful contentment before.
I could get used to the silence like this,
What a rare thought for me to have.
But who could resist?
From the warm breeze kissing my skin to 
The tickle of fresh grass. 
I was alone once again

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Secluded Thoughts

Loneliness emerges from the depths of my being and swallows me whole. 
No mercy is shown to the one who swims aimlessly in despair.
A shadow, all alone I scream my troubling thoughts into the void.
Yet I am not heard.
Without a fight I am taken hostage to an island of solitary chaos. 
"It must not be that bad" I say "You harbor your feelings until they explode into pointless metaphors across ...

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Warm Evening
Cold bed
Gentle touch
All alone 
In the dark
My heart 
Shadows mock
The coward
Inside me
Falling fast
But not asleep
I'm feeling 
Empty space 
To my right
You left me
Tears drop slow
Salty stains
Caress the silky
Wrinkled sheets
Tangle me
Deeper into 
Empty heart 
Crowded mind
Fill the void

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My Friend Regret

When the silence is loud and smothering I put on a pot
I settle into the nearest chair and call up my friend Regret.
He’s an old ally I don’t know how to live without.
I offer him a cup as we play a game of catch up.
The scent fills the room around us, then I melt into my mug.
He does most of the talking as I listen in pained focus.
Bitter coffee burns my lips and I swallow down the steaming...

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Rhythm of the Storm

From where I sat in the safety of my home, I could have sworn the Earth was speaking. 

The wind whistled a tune through the cracks of the hollow walls resembling the sound of an old pan flute. 

Dark cranky clouds rolled over the blue revealing a grey atmosphere as drops of rain fell from above painting the asphalt in splatters. 

Just then the sky erupted into a thunderous song roaring fro...

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His words like the ocean so full of depth not a thing was shallow about his work. 

Each verse ran smooth with a profound sort of swagger one couldn't resist. 

She could easily get lost in descriptive metaphors and she often did. 

Her mouth quoting his intelligent thoughts and memorizing stanzas till late. She longed for the conversation behind each piece. 

What inspires the writer insi...

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My Place.

The place my soul burns the brightest is located up North.

Land covered with fresh green earth glazed with drops of dew. 

Miles of trees rooted in strategic lines in front of me.

The leaves catch a breeze giving off the effect of waving in my direction.

I always wave back.

No worry lies in the depths of these woods, no evil can penetrate this brain. 

I wander freely along trails ...

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Who Am I?

“Who am I? I asked the mirror today.

The mirror gave no reply. 

So then I asked a second time. “Who am I?” 

I was given nothing but a half-hearted shrug. 

My impatience got the best of me so I shouted once more.

“I said who am I?” Silence fell all around striking something  deep from within

I leaned into the mirror searching for an answer but the only thing I found was the face o...

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Growing Pains.

My Dear,

Breathe in the fresh Michigan air

Go ahead, take it all in don't be scared

Button your flannel and let down your hair

If I were visiting North I'd pull up a chair


Tell me the day you saw him last

Just cry me a river of the past 

Speak of the moments gone too fast

Our hearts are made of tainted glass


Run away beyond the trees

Let your tired soul be f...

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