The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Wild Woman (3.)

Born of something more than flesh and bone 

She wasn’t of this world 

And maybe that’s why she felt a great deal of pain 

Maybe that's why she chose to be wild 

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Tonight all that is left of me is a small child 

My burdens are larger than any I’ve held before 

On my shoulders I carry more than I can handle 

With an inexperienced point of view it doesn’t appear as heavy, 

But now I’m matched with responsibilities far greater than myself. 

Uncertain for my future, I doubt the chances my of survival will be successful 

Nothing short of misery...

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Losing Hope.

Quietly, she sat in her own space on the verge of risky behaviour 

The great debate of bolting towards adventure or staying idle 

On the tip of her tongue was the sweet taste of temptation 

She bit down hard, blood raced to the surface like crimson flavored depression 

A newfound revelation struck

Nothing was between her and escaping this fate, she was after all alone in this world,...

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There are no words to fully express grief. 

I could write endlessly about my broken heart that just won’t heal and the fears I face alone in the dark or the carefree look he wore when he said goodbye, but no writer could ever come close in describing what it feels like to receive the gut wrenching news of death. No metaphor or imagery could brighten a poem written about a topic so unbearably da...

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Tell me,
Do you feel my pain as I weep desperately in the night? 
Can you taste the salt of my tears as they melt into my pillowcase? 
Where is purpose? I ask as I cling tight to my breath
This is no ache, I am torn apart limb by limb while my heart lay shattered upon the floor.
I've spent a thousand nights longing for a breakthrough in the dark, perhaps a whisper of encouragement to lay my l...

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Wild Woman (2.)

She wandered with her lonesome, following her daring side, venturing out in the cold moonlit night leaving a trail of footprints behind. 

Wherever she strayed the dark followed, falling in love at her feet 

The evening was full of mystery and yet devoid of any charm, for’ it was too cold to be found of any comfort

Frosted fingertips chilled to the bone 

Her eyes like glass, reflecting ...

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Wild Woman (1.)

She closed the curtains settling in for the night.

How in the world did it get dark so fast? The early evenings felt like an excuse to settle into a lazy disposition, but as a wild woman the term “lazy” was exempt from her vocabulary.

As the curtains fell over the glass silence captured her mind. 

Her soul aware and driving thoughts. 

Creative ambitions took over releasing her emotions...

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It all led me back to the same place, you know? 

Barefoot between twisted trees, standing underneath a gloomy sky 

Autumn leaves and memories fell at my feet 

A realization hit me; Everywhere I've never been, lived beyond a hollow city of rust. 

I had to climb out from this neverending routine 

Years of  heartbreak, despair, loss, doubt, trials untangled themselves from my roots the...

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Good in Goodbye

I had you on the edge of a prayer before we fell to pieces 

Or rather, before you had the ambition to leave 

If it wasn’t for my indecisive behavior our shot wouldn’t have been wasted 

Though fate would have caught up to us eventually, but at least I’d know

While you live that coveted picket fence life, I’m learning to love each and every breath that births me into a new day. 

I cou...

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Spark the fire that is my soul,

I’ll let the wild parts of myself wander free beneath the chrome blue shadows of the moon. 

This woman I have become is beyond her years,

She spends time in conversation with the thunder 

And without hesitation she chases the lighting. 

I find hope in the words of Petty and Nicks,

Melodic medication for a troubled soul. 

I’m a free falling gypsy...

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A Little Less Lonely (Finally.)

Crisp bed sheets wrapped loosely around her body 

Dressed in pale skin and cigarette smoke 

She ran a hand through her untamed hair, twirling a long strand around her index finger before tying knots into the tangled mess

Soft music fell from the speakers 

It was outdated and felt like summer 

Something like this you just can’t buy anymore

Tears rolled down, staining the young fea...

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There's a black canvas staring back at me. 
Nothing else, no smiling people or vibrant colors, just black paint smeared across a white spread. 
Motivation slipped my existence months ago
But I have this moment and in my current state of sadness I wish to create 
Even it turns out to be acrylic nothingness. 


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Remember when you used write so much? 
Your words upon paper was like oxygen to your lungs, you couldn't get enough. 
It was all that you wanted, all that you were...
But that made you happy
It made you glow inside 
Where did that light go? 
What made it disappear? 
I saw it fade, I'm watching it now
As painful as it is 
There's nothing to feel 
Just emptiness 
Is this what it's like to...

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This room is dark and quiet 
My thoughts conversate with eachother
And In my lonely disposition I whisper to the shadows climbing up the wall 
No audible answer could be heard, only the short inhale and exhale of breath being released from my lungs. 
Now all my wounds are open
Bleeding out in the dark. 
Owned by overwhelming fear, I am in belief these insecurities will never subside 
Here w...

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I start my day the same way I end it 
Reflecting and preparing
I believe when a day begins it is a chance to start fresh with a new perspective 
I am struggling, overwhelmed by the chaos we accept to live in our lives, it hurts. 
With every sip of coffee I believed that today would be the day I change my own shitty circumstances. 
Unfortunately, it seems that it was only the caffeine...

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In a Rut.

The sadness was all around her 
Swimming in misery up to her throat 
It weighed her down 
Yet refused to choke her 
Her tears spilled out
Falling gracefully before soaking into her skin 
What a hopeless tangle she had gotten herself into
She spent so long dwelling in this mess she was unsure of how to escape 
How long would she sing a song of sorrow? 
She prayed this was only a season

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Passing Through

I caught you off guard when I said "Hello" 
The greeting must've left you speechless as confusion was written on your face 
Yet you replied with a smile 
Tired and worn 
But real enough to fool many 
It was only an exchange of few words 
But I knew there was more to be said 
I felt there was little truth behind that "I'm Fine" 
My mind won't let me forget the sight of you Sitting in silenc...

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Stranger in the Crowd.

Unnoticed his shadow moves across the sidewalk and fades into the night
Sweaty palms and shaky nerves 
He clings to the fabric of his jacket 
The only thing larger than his fears are the holes in the wall. 
The thought made his fists sting
He sits down in the same seat every Saturday 
His eyes stare across the counter 
She never looks up 
At least not at him 
Everyone's talking but he doe...

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Heart of the Forest

She belongs to no one 
Daughter of the night 
Constellations fall upon her skin 
Like tattoos across her chest 
May the whole sky sink to the ground below
Engulf her in evening blues
Walking down a path of green she believes where trees grow there is peace 
Her hands caress the lush scenery like a warm hello. 
She doesn't mind the cold mud stuck beneath her feet as closes her eyes and than...

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Two Fools and Me.

You brought back to life the passion inside me
That burning desire to live 
That wild streak 
My heart was meant to beat 
Life is best when it's happening outside four walls 
I haven't been myself in so long
Drained of all hope and then you found me   
Now here we are 
You drive a little faster  
Music bounces through the speakers 
I stretch out in the backseat
Feeling at home
We've be...

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Out Of Reach

Tangled in the branches 
In awe of the view 
My goal was to meet with the sky 
Longing to be closer to where I find comfort 
How much longer will I wander alone, remaining hidden from your sight?
I've strayed so far that my footprints have faded into the soil. 
The light used to guide me 
Now it's disappeared behind dark clouds 
It seems like so long ago when I used to sit in anticipated s...

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Your Time Will Come

Just breathe 
Be still 
Know that all you feel will one day have purpose
Your tears will not go to waste 
What is meant to happen will 
Slow down 
Don't rush 
Life is not a race but a journey 
Be brave 
Be focused 
Do what you must in this moment to get through
Rehearse that song over and over again until you find the courage
Believe those words to be the truth 
All is not as lost as ...

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Temporary Fool.

You're the baddest 
Reputation tarnished
Wrapped in leather 
James Dean 
Real deal knock-off
Smokin' on my corner 
Fingertips frozen to the bone
No money just a backup plan 
That must be me 
You're falling again 
Lost in hopeless despair.
Once a Lover 
Won't you come in? 
Pick me up where you left off 
Three years ago 
Twenty one
You left without Goodbye. 

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The Most Perfect Dream

Last night I was gifted with a beautiful dream. 
I was barefoot, standing on loose boards and chipped paint looking out at a dead field from an old farmhouse. 
My childhood home. 
On most nights the main character in all my nightmares is me, running from several nameless demons 
I'm wide awake when I close my eyes, yet disoriented enough to bury myself alive in the trenches.  
I can still hea...

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Dig Deeper

Most casualties occur in silence
Those moments when we are locked away inside ourselves, consumed by the sound of nothing at all. 
We settle into a routine of constantly going, always busying ourselves. 
We burry the things we don't want to see underneath it all, after so long we soon forget the sound of our own voice. 
Take a look outside yourself and watch as each of us drowns in denial. 

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It's been forty eight hours 
Apparently sleep is for the weak. 
My chest aches 
Heavy with anxiety. 
In the darkness I lay still 
Unable to find peace, 
I let my mind wander. 
I think of you. 
Yes, I do know
I understand very well 
Because I'm just some girl who's in love with the band. 
It's true
I've got it bad. 
I shared with you what I adored the most and somehow you managed to ma...

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Consider Me Gone

Forty miles south 
Any sign of that town is well behind me
Hidden in a cloud of dirt  
I hit the gas 
Gravel flies
I fade into the afternoon 
A restless woman with a truck. 
Gloomy skies and headlights 
I realize there's no going back 
All the pleading in the world wouldn't make me turn around
I'm not sure what I'm getting myself into
Maybe I'll race the moon and send up a prayer or two

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