The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.






amassed a mask of masochism

the masonry a mass of schisms

a nemean mime forever dividing it

self into character-constructing polarities 

and the sound of the pendulum swinging is

teeth scraping tarmac amid sweet Satanic 

anchors of lavender for an ancient mis

guided ritual for gorgeous reclusion 




you must respond at all costs, e...

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fresh sounds, noise without name
despite all time       in the subtler realms
power is in the knowing
how a resonance
is addressed    the title
of a lying vibration    in
the absence of this      if
the jargled mumbles through the walls
remain still
grey the nickname 
of a wave form will
suffice to suck the magic
from the panic
but a more potent 
vein of freedom 
is mined through th...

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neverending no

it creeps in like hope
                                       love clinging 
                     safe sound
                  the veiled shape of it

flowers watered in

fears denying all expected
                     crinkling snakeskin 

discarded    aimed star-ward

like a voice

            toneless in the void


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The Last Place

bleeding lamb-like the split throat splaying

on temple steps for Set's quiet-dark smirks

among scam-based chakra shenanigans

the iron-scented mist of blood 

atonement propelled through bone-white air a mass of military-grade psychic driving

travelling by darkness fear-first 


deep in prayers of accidental blasphemies regrets melting salty on a quickly-creasing face threats 


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Third Witness

messiah stillborn amid wilted lavender 
corn stalks pouty in hollow sockets
scarlet ibis feathers creaking in
the shadowed secrets of a single black ankh

a mass grey as prisoners' prayer
lightening powdered with stars' quiet

piercing an ever-rising ceiling of
corpse-like fantasy, expecting.

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