64-bit world
words can carry with them a certain weird
emptiness the poison enamel
of this sole-fuelled exterior reality
the blandest constrained phrase like
the sound that began the Earth
the sanest gateway
in a muddy forest of grief-laughing
and transient unstable compulsions
somehow sacred maybe
from another time a resonance
the sound of voices from the little Saturn box
Saturday 3rd September 2022 8:47 pm
some gods want us bloody
gore misunderstood as
invocation at
3 to the Great Unbegotten
like dust of the duat we dance
to the tone toroidal
waiting for Khepri
to roll forthwith the day
anew old moments
as bridegrooms in the borderlands
of morning
forever the Force that
feasts and feeds
Light Mind Power
to sacrifice
continuous refusals
give up the gho...
Friday 2nd September 2022 11:15 pm
A Lie To Break Your Heart
line in the sand
blood in the eyes
scorpion-like society
self-wounding in weird air
breathing deep
amid the seethes seers
blinded for the sake of snakes
free enough to disappear
speaking lies
though unknowingly
still breaks your heart just one
many paths laid out from past mortalities
from a journey in empat...
Monday 8th August 2022 11:52 pm
t here comes a t ime
when t he onl Y ligh t Y ou
have is t he one Y ou
li gh t Y
Tuesday 31st May 2022 3:19 pm
I refuse to let life lose
make champions of each
form phase and flame
of slightest darkness I reach
out toward the broader
storm-quiet crash of here
as the taste of strangers' rage
no clarity but fear
this mould-made quater-sleep
when numbered invocations tear
lightened fabrics long-left yet
quick to kill all slumber fought-for
no peace in dreams of death
in a paradise of beasts and h...
Tuesday 31st May 2022 12:17 pm
Earning Eternity
when I had nothing left to give
You gave me everything I will ever need
when spite and hate defined me
You loved me the most
the sound of a door closing scraped my bones
and You showed me the way of re-association
distant planning and laughter set fire to my mind
You simply taught me the power of unending Love
I will never again condescend
those gorgeous bei...
Saturday 30th April 2022 5:14 pm
The Optimist
screaming at the cold
the mold of a mind so
useless like a body in
a dark river
eyes crystal blue glaring up
amid the lapping scum
the corpse of who you thought
you'd become like a future
things will get better
things will get better
observers shocked back away
this bloated meat can speak afraid
too weird to interact with it
easier to laugh tribal simian
the differences...
Thursday 31st March 2022 5:11 pm
The Troll Who Saved The Earth
before Trump a darkness on the Earth
silent were the people as their alexas'
taped their snoring
and everything else in
their quater-waked states
and then thanks to the efforts of
some unseen force a known troll
took the United States Presidency
I knew he was the real deal when
they tried to kill him several
times and I finally gave in and
...Saturday 19th February 2022 2:25 pm
I spend about an hour writing from my heart
a very rare event and you keep signing me out
I know you're doing it on purpose.
You have ruined a beautiful website
And I have a feeling it will be fixed soon .
Friday 18th February 2022 10:25 pm
a ripped off title and a filthy notepad
in honour of Thoth
anti-saint unJesus-like with
winged feet you scrape my mind in
states of half-skulled intuition
you filch my numbers acausel warfare
blessed digits become threats
I fight nightly and the full moon is like a sniper
watching waiting
war has evolved and blinded the Earth
...Friday 18th February 2022 8:08 pm
Raft of Wreaths
eternal Truth in turmoil
lies pristine as ivory sculptures
lunarlight alone reflecting in the dim
of a thousand sunrise curses
faces maimed by trying like crunched leaves
seeds unhatched as souls beneath
the surface of the mind's maddening river death
the world its raft of wreaths
Thursday 3rd February 2022 6:16 pm
Lamb Poem
Regardless of those who seek to destroy searching spirits
my Jesus is different he laughs with me
I don't even ponder about His human incarnation
I want the Spirit I need the Spirit
Jesus is the Spirit of the world
and when He said 'so in everything, do to others
what you would have them do to you'
He gave us the Keys to free ourselves
the plans f...
Saturday 22nd January 2022 6:32 pm
One King
fading.............t railing
skimming lobster-like to eterni t y
Somewhere without seasons
a land free of horus rising
leaving the realm of information where
light stores the code of our becoming
we are connected by strings
unseen by most those that do
go insane get rich
our brains have been hacked for awhile ...
Saturday 22nd January 2022 3:20 pm
For The Great Mover
lumps of clay facilitate reality
nothing is that is not
who Moves the Earth?
blocks of space thick invisible
portions of what is
a crunched sun dead on
arrival no death Moves
that is not pushed
we are the blocks between airs
atoms attempt ...
Friday 21st January 2022 6:54 pm
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