Wisdom may not have fallen
but was pushed
from the fifth corner of
the Earth, one third flesh, a glass skull
"crying sometimes sounds like laughing"
when you try to trick the Trickster
mountains move against your Will
and your pompous offers, your strange
libations and plastic sacrifices be smitten like children
by unfit guardians, our wrathful rulers
Tuesday 8th December 2020 4:20 pm
First Impression
First Impression
Uri El
moving like a warm voice in your white heart
Uriel are or is
Is it not?
or is et al
I do not doubt the atrocity of the many heavens
as does our Uriel standing at the gates of Repentance
with a flaming sword and a single Name
a hero to saints and psychics alike
and even some bloodletting angels
end up sorrier than you’ve ever ...
Thursday 15th October 2020 7:43 am
There Will Come A Day
Thrust is a vile endeavor, roaring animal lust
And woman yell every sacred vowel known to Azaroth.
Joy in sin, sin is death, joy is death
Trust, an even more degenerate form of inter-
course: Will imposed on the weak and wet
Brain rape at its finest
Tryst Ah the self – brutalism of the dead and
disfranchised, to make love to oneself asexually
Is the Day God will Have His Word with yo...
Friday 9th October 2020 2:25 am
A Sweet little poem on happiness
to hate yourself completely is to love thyself.
for who here admires ashlar?
to hate oneself is a will to change
to cringe at the sound of your own philosophies,
wince at who you are daily as a feast,
hating yourself truly is a gift
empathy, contrary to the pied pipers, exists purely for hatred
and to hate openly is the ultimate sacrifice
because you knowingly incur cureless retalia...
Wednesday 7th October 2020 7:45 pm
The Right Shadow
A glint flows twice for the right
There are no candles in the
A farm is more than one
and always burns as
Tuesday 1st September 2020 12:23 pm
The Shadow on the Rock
Like Jacob arriving into
the orange town of
Pineal we fight
bright shadows on altars
of heart, bones
and crows break the paralysis
of knowing without mind so many
thoughts form a nation
within themselves sovereign
there is no sound save
that of cracking ribs and snapped
skulls as a new day floods
insubstant on chaos-forms
...Sunday 16th August 2020 7:57 am
The One With Two Half-Brains
Abraham, abrained, quartered blackbox
the 4 directions and their shadows
and 7 on the spine in segments of
each breath a brain un t angle d
quarks in 8 brains crackling
a brain for every okayshun
a brain bubbling like a fried egg in a stained pan searching for answers
and finay near fatally answered
by Something who believes Itself to be
hilarious cunning Etc. . .
any ...
Wednesday 29th July 2020 4:52 pm
Thunder and Darkening
Icarus moonbound, the human mind
flayed in the watery filaments
of the firmament
God-scorched, flames curl in the mirage of
neurotic moths like thoughts flocking
to a corpse
and just when you think you hear silence
Illuminations appear as sad creatures
to the unexpecting, blue branches
dance down from above
green pikes lick the sky
ghostly deformities made whole
Thursday 2nd July 2020 10:29 am
Everyday Is Someday
Everyday Is Someday
loud minds
discard the many futures
eternally as snakeskin
as a plastic glowstick
nescient of the night
coursing mornings’ brief
unwise hope
and the air of Earth
like one deformed breath spread across
the once-crystal planet
observing as if from orbit
your own life, the avatar
you choose to be without knowing
annihilates all realms out of sight
and from just ab...
Friday 26th June 2020 9:46 am
Time's Three
intense relentless numerical
an effigy of figures fermenting
in a grey gods terrarium
stars beat faster than us
asteroids like asterisk multiply
the fiery fluids of the firmament
immersed in mist immaterial, the number
of the Beast’s white brain and
the skies between eclipses
is 7 times 3
Time’s Three
Friday 12th June 2020 2:59 pm
God Cope
there is no depth to which the darkness will not devolve
nor wretched Aeon the least neglected
in this box of starless gore
where light which forms full the firmament
becomes suspicious in its myths
and you cringe to breath what might be death
and you hunger though you cannot eat
and you thirst but the world is salt
this is the Spirit on fire.
like this, you cannot exist
without it.
Wednesday 3rd June 2020 12:12 pm
Black Umbrella
here a tallow skull spurting mist
of red and smoke chokes the air
here a woman with a broken mouth
screaming for mercy face down
in the concrete
an old black man long-alchemised
from ashlar to pillar cries in throes
of righteous anger as the skeletal horde
burn down his fought-for foundation
there an elderly couple threading waves of angry bodies
beaten to a pulp simply
Sunday 31st May 2020 5:27 pm
Blackpills from Babylon
iron in the wind, blood above the sun
a cube in 9 forms foments
old world chaos
with a new world Ninkilim
and thunder is no longer fractal but a
direct reflection of divinity
in the dirt as shown by Jove’s
quietly diminishing Eye
Jesus as Serpent and the 666
misread technology of the Spirit,
the Holy Ghost like weaponized Compassion
coming at you at 3 in the morning
with blood ...
Friday 22nd May 2020 12:51 pm
The Nephilim of Croghan Hill
The Nephilim of Croghan Hill
6 foot 6 in 100 BC
you peered up from millenia
of dead stars, your nipples shredded lest
the tribe be once again victim
to your serpent milk
and as the elders gathered screams like seeds
you remember different stars, better skies, the time
you married Ireland as a White Mare
sent from Tyrconnel
and brought a harvest to sacrament
but the night had fou...
Thursday 14th May 2020 10:57 am
The Sound of Blood and the Left-Handed Moon
I saw my first porn when I was 9 and
two days later half severed
my hand in a pane of glass
and the devil downed my blood,
my wailing alm like a golden calf
banned from the pack for singing
too heartlessly
and yet the contusion closing over
with time and deaths many lessons
to cut old wounds fresh and let the music out,
the music of blood in a
Universe of Sacrifice
the sound is...
Sunday 10th May 2020 11:21 am
We Are All That We Are
I first came to England as an Archon
and my blindness made me full
I pretended I had substance to my spirit
but I had not even Will
I convinced myself the light we carry
was born from brainless eras
that the burning golden Eye above us
was the symbol of a truce
From from away I cast my blood beyond
what I believed to be unreal
those phantom mimes of a better self
Monday 4th May 2020 10:15 am
here in prehistory the silence grinds
like a second star
in the gold light of Saturn
breaming tongues of fire
on the cold broil of the brain
skulled-in squarely a flickering husk
and there go the dreams like mosquitos
to the cranial grave
shew your voice against that hush
with faultless animal empathy
curse your ghosts to a pyre of peace
in 4D purgatory
eviscerate the simulation
Friday 3rd April 2020 2:54 pm
false light first thought long lost in
coiled chorus coniferous
the sweet song of the beast
in hell the sole sound makes it
sugar simmering but turn to
multiples of colours the pale light
is not for you, the Trojan myriad,
the beckon of dead relatives,
just another fenn trap
for the soul
so the vehicle forgets dies
again ...
Friday 3rd April 2020 10:49 am
Sophia Defiled
Sophia Defiled
The authorities received knowledge they needed to create humanity. Sophia Zoe, who is with Sabaoth, anticipated them. She laughed at their decision, because they are blind, and they created humanity in ignorance and against their own interests. They did not know what they were doing
- On The Origin of the World
Wednesday 25th March 2020 5:42 pm
Horizons of Neverwhere
out there far
before or as if
bronze forks
Quarks calm erupt
there never was a here or
here there any old where
shapeless in superpositions
elemental we
rise like bloated hearts to the waters edge
the waves folding in-
-to golden ratios ...
Tuesday 24th March 2020 12:18 pm
The Natural Habitat of the Cube-Eating SkyFish
The Natural Habitat of the Cube-Eating SkyFish
the great gold well in the sky
burns an arc, a curve across
the fallen sea
the tide above
misdescribed as
space, empty or there
at all
a relic of two stars and a time
before the myths were co-opted
and the beasts above were among us
and the beasts below were among us
in that time the truth of time itself
was known, that time...
Monday 16th March 2020 6:36 pm
Misguided Madness Calls For The Quirkiest Measures
take a long loud breath
we have always been each other, a piece
apart yet
somehow inseperate Love the bubbling aether
Spring unbound the dome
of suffering beneath our
mutual hallucination of this
(long loud breath)
a line has pierced
the circle once and for us
a queue of hearts meant to march for
justice: misguided madn...
Friday 13th March 2020 7:37 pm
Cat Struck
A truck struck a cat the other day and the bloody lump
of marmalade lay alive, one eye twitching, for hours.
This was at about 3 in the dark and nobody noticed though
many were stricken by nightmares of lights and horns.
In the morning the brains were side-stepped, guts jumped over
like puddles of meat, the corpse hopscotched.
The most concerned shook their heads but dead cats are bad ...
Friday 6th March 2020 7:01 pm
Hermetic Neo-Septet
All is ALL: dark included
Truth occluded
All is ALL: anomalies Natural
nature artificial
All is ALL: variables golden
Gnosis moulding
All is ALL: Living matter
corpse platter
All is ALL: moving vacuum
fluid continuum
All is ALL: folk of the firma...
Thursday 5th March 2020 9:11 am
The Sketching of a Shadow Once Described by a Blindman with Third Hand Knowledge
space like a fluid piano, notes effervescent
unnamed, unaimed-for doorway at 4 a.m
kept awake by numbers, bloody spirals in hearts and eyes.
Numbers? Burn em!
set flames to the equations that turned our
magical reality into a dead clock
death to the legacy of Einstein
and his fancy corpseverse
the cheating genius completed the inversion
by making Tesla turn in...
Wednesday 4th March 2020 9:23 am
First page of my new book out soon critique needed
1st page of my new book, critique needed, ty
like a flower you learn
to live with it’s there, you hear it
smell it taste it see it in
the careful patterns of people
whose wires work well
and the parody of Paradise, of
false prophets, well-groomed
apostles ...
Tuesday 3rd March 2020 8:31 am
Haunt Alive
when I die
i will haunt the world
as a ghost in a white crown of thorns
for all the little ones who never make it home
and the kind-hearted who open their doors
to the mad and malicious never to be seen again
when i die
i will haunt the world
as pure trauma surfing the brainwaves
of killers, rapists, torturers
and with God's armour brightly about me
i shal...
Tuesday 3rd March 2020 6:25 am
H - H
a formula, a tornado
hillside ashlar particle
a resonance, rhythm, a Word, even
and us in our aquatic vehicles
so near a nemesis that feeds
on both Light and Light's absence
it's no wonder we paint our faces
set up nets and traps of branches to wait
for Nature when she comes skipping though the forest of our lives like death
Sunday 1st March 2020 3:22 pm
a child of 9, i wrote from a 3
across the busy street
from my foster family at the time
the 3 was HIGH
i climbed it though i could not climb
i can't remember where i carried the notepad
wether crook or backpack but each branch ascended made me look down and wonder
why i was doing this
the cars that raced passed, the circuit trucks,
sent the branches trembling, goose...
Friday 28th February 2020 3:29 pm
"Peacefully In Their Sleep"
disbelief may very well
be the saviour
of humanity pure inversions turned
to disgust of such fullness
that the old will stay old
and live old
and die old
and is there anything more beautiful than dying old
without knowing?
Friday 28th February 2020 1:33 pm
The 31 Inversion
dead at 13
dead at 30
Alive at 31
this is Baphomet baptised at their finest
Unity of yins and chess pieces
find order without an order
this game has alternate storylines
for each of us avatars and
no group knows because
ALL is known to ALL at ALL times
Know thyself
but first kill the part of you
that wants you dead.
Thursday 27th February 2020 12:26 pm
i found a stone on the ground at third Light
a blackstone blatant as a birthmark or
ley-lines from Dystopia
but almost triangular; old mist
hung in high night air green apogee
scrim from a chicken-scratch sky
this nano-scribes abound
these hills; the trees wonder blessed,
is the resting place of a certain ark.
it makes a sound
like animals when they kiss
or a stone skipping acr...
Wednesday 26th February 2020 8:56 pm
God is a Gun
new poem
God is a Gun
quiet as a tabletop photo op of
AR15’s, tricksters of silence
unloaded but for the surety of
memory’s forever- leaking veins
a fresh enterprise for public disgust
ammo as far from Love as Amun Himself
a Nile-born mirage of safety
perpetual the possibility despite precaution
of God like a gun aimed inward
why, when you agree to play the game
of Russian Ro...
Monday 24th February 2020 7:23 pm
The pope Has Lost His slippers, The Red Ones, And his God-forsaken Mind Along With Them.
We put our faith, love, hope in gut-soaked paws because we want to believe we need it ‘People
Just don’t do that to other people’
They do, though not at ALL justly.
Thank God for Natural Law
Saturday 22nd February 2020 5:12 pm
You Fire You
me new poem
You Fire You
your head an apple your heart a serpent
praise the tail
hymn the coil
the fury guts
Salmon like sure thoughts
Sustain you
Sustain you
Light of trial
Burn all apologies
kiss the words
you prayed for
Eden’s jealous judge corrupt
Cats hammered to death
puppies set ablaze amid
smirks, squealing, blood aroma
gerbils quietl...
Saturday 22nd February 2020 8:00 am
i C Your face in registrations plates
coma cluster corneas and orange lights
lithe saints crowned as aeons among us
Source, raise them strong autumnal pods
i C Your name announced by strangers, radio personalities,
tech from ancient cultures wryly hidden in revelations,
Mathematics, doorways and heroes
as numbers, sound and shape
yet this code, passed down through old ascended
Thursday 20th February 2020 11:23 pm
The Drawing of a Poem
A blank space
plated in acrylic veneer,
dark and green
Next a bag o’life brimming with Tibetan rocksalt
Peppered across the surface like a fine spice
Adhesive? Fuck knows. Art is free
Saturn, life-like with Cassini shadows
once heralding in the natural proto-age
of dystopia now closing shop but slowing still
seen from the icy blue and cracked
surface of Mad Europa
Thursday 20th February 2020 11:49 am
Circa Timeless
We were never the base of a pyramid
we built them from the ground down
not as slaves but masons free and fearless
even as Sek'met devoured order in its prime
we made the sounds and stacked the blocks
and preyed to Gods weakened by
ages of divides, imposed checkerboards
and the blood of the first born question
But we only knew how t...
Wednesday 19th February 2020 12:04 pm
con-nected ny higherlower beings
unit-ed by the Godself
omni-aware of Omniscience
quest-ions break the cagedome
Di-vision is easy to foment but
Wednesday 19th February 2020 9:31 am
Lyra, I Barely Know Ye
They are not here just
as we are aliens on this
distant hostile world
i had been praying to energies for years
before unquestionable yet personal proof
crashed like a craft into my Hermetical dune
and once you see the levers, the lit nodes,
the stains on the curtain behind which your world
had existed as a basic formation melts vitrified
but to release the igneous rocks they tried s...
Wednesday 19th February 2020 7:36 am
Poem of a Proud Swine
pearls, despite the obnoxious initiates, belong to everyone
not silver-plated secrets to be cast based on caste
for breath is the common denominator, breath and
birth a birthright
to an Eternal realm of Rest
Gnosis is not a blood diamond
extracted from the elders before the village
is levelled overnight
it is the icy bottle of sea water
on a hot day you envision drinking
but await th...
Wednesday 19th February 2020 7:01 am
Blame Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
you get used to the idea
of sleep as
a manic magi’s
fantasy of descent
and the perfect black
of nothing:
a prize for blindness
nightmares righteous
as witchdoctors
cast guts across
the goosebumps
of the trifold heart
your daily friendly reminder
that satan has made a brothel
of the stars and angels watch in wonder
Can you blame them?
Tuesday 18th February 2020 12:09 pm
Raped by an Angel
two become one
or one devolves to
duality the fluid
docking of bodies
like a parody
Yin and Yang forever
connected, occulted
sealed Hermetical an obelisk
from the softest wettest nook
Inside and the moans of angels
fulfill a Creator’s most soaked dream
of re-union
as daemons watch from a corner
quanta conscious
amid the loud coming of bodies, ages
Sunday 16th February 2020 9:36 am
Trips and Traffick Lights
Simon had felt alone long before he and Val had gotten married and in fairness the first few years he had felt a noticeable reduction in his reclusive aspects. But, Simon being Simon, it lost its novelty the day they had both decided not to start a family.
In an unspoken agreement, possibly even subconscious, they had both concluded that the world was just too evil of a place to burden a perf...
Friday 14th February 2020 11:46 pm
deathless and the sweet-scent of
gods misguided, their heads crushed like grapes
in the grim Kali kaleidoscope
we drink the aeons of the unknowable
mind self-generated
and objectify the stars for Ends
limbless in limbo akin to infinity
this coptic-coded digital density
bleeds the mind’s wine
to further hack the bloodlines
our projected existence on the cornucopia
quiet as the mou...
Friday 14th February 2020 12:04 am
Tripartate of the Question
Quiet questions and quieter answers
minds morph
you asked for madness, requested
Eternity in return, to never again
bleed on the Earth’s hot scalp
your beating spine
you quashed normality and the paths
to simplistic happiness
if only to breath clear waters
and know at no cost to anyone
The whys and whats of it all.
Thursday 13th February 2020 11:59 pm
Suicide in a Hall Of Mirrors
Suicide in a hall of mirrors
from every angle blood and froth
here a skull crushed
by hooves there a mind
one view proves the blade
could not harm an ant
yet another glass opinion and
it’s flooring mountains
CALM bubbling like a fire and the tablets
only work when you
stop taking...
Wednesday 12th February 2020 7:59 pm
death to fruit
Light from Light
be low eve
there are stars and the shadows of aeons
curling creatures in their flames
like twisted slinkys in satan’s fairground
where not...
Tuesday 4th February 2020 6:30 pm
¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥
blood world rules for w. w3 is a war of percep divinity arrives as a vul
isdom millenia of sacrif tion deceptions not f ture picks the last flesh
ices roars historic proof acts but how they sell of the faithful as thy rot
Wednesday 1st January 2020 11:26 pm
Sight Divides
sight divides us
like an interchangeable eye
patch Right Left Right
as the careless and faithful mourn alike
the darkness partitioned
for lazy eyes one face a living image
of day and night and of the glass gates
Imploding in ratios
Of 2 to 1 plus the crennaled crannog
on steroids in the midst
of growing public awareness
from politicians to post-humanic
cel ebri ties a...
Wednesday 1st January 2020 11:19 pm
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