The Last Star
A furious darkness is the sum of all forms.
The equity of beings from across space,
dwindling on the breaches of failed time
so dark it is violent
so real it is unavoidable.
We are the sayings of simple organics,
living parables
falling into the future
and the definite loss of all shine.
No sun prevails in the bitter fight with gravity...
Saturday 11th May 2013 11:04 am
She is beautiful and she needs me.
We are whole together and nothing can stop us.
Her eyes are white blue
like two tiny oceans
and rupture my soul when they look
at four in the morning
crying for insects
and packing a screen.
Her smile is a testament of bliss,
her kiss, a flowery touch,
an assuring thing
and all her faults are pure.
...Wednesday 8th May 2013 7:40 am
Our Fault Is Urge
Urge is the cause of all chaos.
If nobody felt then
the world would be perfect and without quality.
Properties are reasons for defilement.
No needs and
no search for means.
with purity of being,
to be free
of the need
to aquire, contain and control.
To relinquish luxury's distraction
and return
to a glorious form of preh...
Friday 3rd May 2013 7:25 am
What if our total experience
is managed by forms that are
beyond our cosmic constintuency?
What if our lives are not lived but
adhered, negated?
Love and rage,
peace and imperfections.
Each of us may well be unreal,
contolled by some future government
or gaming company.
What if our hardware wears out
and leaves our skeleton wan...
Wednesday 24th April 2013 9:34 am
Words No Bigger Than Nails
Who you
fail to
ask for
the last
full and
fail to
you are
gone like
Tuesday 23rd April 2013 9:12 am
Blonde Memory
Perfume on the pillow
starlight in the wound
our forgotten futures.
A glisten of flesh in the moon
glow forming
in the soft place she slept.
New kiss, near past awake
on cold thought mornings
her mind, her skin,
the way of her hair
blonde on my chest in the dark.
Never the arguments
just the...
Monday 1st April 2013 10:21 am
For A Short Time.
Death is the final refusal.
It discards the giggle of time,
that beast with a stretch
the length of a universe.
The strong silent type of dark matter
and the blush of unfinished principles,
of critical strings.
Important as every heart attack there ever was,
some believe the concept
a messiah of numbers.
True freedom may appear as ...
Friday 15th February 2013 11:06 am
The Perfect Communist Reproduction Of The Natural World
A fortress for us in the forest.
Sure, azure, a slur
in the blue above.
Soft, slight and shiny.
Sheer and sleek not shaking.
A wake of wayward warlessness.
Broad and open the winged Earth breathes,
breeds a batter of lives and leisures
fed on silence, the pure milk of the forest
and the new born future learns indifference
and the tolerance of forms...
Tuesday 12th February 2013 12:29 pm
In Defence of Light
Source of all cause.
A breach in original symmetry
authentic and unretainable
like the softest star
beating in the pulse of its end.
Swirling in a panic, the particles
slow to a nub, mute.
The absent whisper of a guilty galaxy
turning inward, a reversal
of energy released relentlessly
it peaks, compact, complete.
A shift, shimmer, a slight
...Tuesday 5th February 2013 1:39 pm
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