Ravi Shankar Died The Other Day
Earthwide rhythms, the gentle whisper
erupts in new and beautiful
usualless jewels.
Sounds that move mountains
and within
it contains the sun,
the rain: it breaches seasons,
relieves all cause and worry,
redeems all meaning.
Intuitive music,
selfless twists of genius.
Some quiet and some
with aching gales.
A platf...
Friday 28th December 2012 11:05 am
A Close Call Scenario
Deer perks up stares around in all directions.
Fails to see
The Lion in the Distance.
Deer presumes feeding.
Lion moves
paw by paw
devouring the Earth with delicate steps.
Every method of skulk and treasured
jewellery feet.
Claws clip and
chance the branches
fallen a million
years before
and now the shadow
of death resembles sunlight...
Monday 3rd December 2012 12:00 pm
The Memory of Tongues
One for all,
all for nothing.
Sweet winter cools the dry
of summer nights and splintered
dreams that shadow
endless preying hours.
the poor man's weed,
a fortress of leisure
til wake forsakes you.
Outside the shattered leaves fall silent.
Wet glass batters petal echoes.
What is the world?
Wednesday 17th October 2012 11:42 am
Foreign Island Dream
Last night my
symbiote showed me
a soft summer kiss
in a foreign island
A blue eyed english girl,
mushroom picking,
legs entwined
and shrugless.
It showed me
the slowing world
of my other
I am not one.
We are many, yet
too few to name.
As I remember this, it
must recall
what I fail...
Sunday 7th October 2012 9:55 am
Rain and Mind
Rain and mind are one.
They fall, affect nature,
uptake and
Rain and mind are one.
They kill and maim
with enough time.
Rain and mind are one.
I think of this
as Chopin flicks another
kind finger
towards the moon.
Thursday 4th October 2012 4:29 pm
Summer Darkness
As soon as you open your eyes
you realize the purple of dawn
peeps for insects
in the wet stalk morning.
A grizzle of fuzz for nature,
the ritual constant
buzzing of magpie eyed
beasts release their
nightmares on the breeze.
Come forward child.
Do not be afraid
of your reflection.
Tip a finger fo...
Tuesday 2nd October 2012 8:15 am
A Child Divides
A child divides the second
it is born
into infinite places.
All our usual selves
carry out the menial statures.
Some will die,
some will live forever.
Our multiversal persons
protect and extract
savagely and in the most
perfect, foremost differences.
A child divides
because man, woman,
beast and lover
breed in...
Friday 28th September 2012 8:26 am
Shy Jupiter
Jupiter ribbons
link of ebb slow tease the leer
rampant ore mush soft
in slight shines.
Another sly solve
sullen flaxen curfew peaks,
assures the form
allows it
to be alone.
Thursday 26th July 2012 12:20 pm
The Singing Cage
For Mahmoud Darwish
All drawl cause in brave peev.
Bright in shallow space, sure
like death in exile
few follow you
to the singing cage.
Wednesday 18th July 2012 1:26 pm
One Way
Sun shelf clouds lead heavy,
triasic rain mends the mind,
rings the ear.
Somebody pressed the button on the bus
to get off
they leave
and another
gets on
this time the sun
decides to erupt.
Solar flare.
Children to fire,
the driver melts
a damp neck slower, top deck
screams, greedy crawls
and still
...Thursday 12th July 2012 2:09 pm
Q nome.
Tuesday 3rd July 2012 4:10 pm
Everything Is Not Going To Be Okay
I am not asleep.
Just past half five a.m. I am less than gravetized.
Little white dust, a lust for pure thought, an edge or
some disfigurement. An absolute poem
that will make a freak of time and jazz
is the protagonist aware of the power it holds
on these insane moments
of sniffed muse and
skin dropped silver bombs.
Because sometimes I am that child ag...
Saturday 30th June 2012 11:09 am
Three Cruel Penguin Scenarios
It bites. Infant. Baby penguin poached
and now escaping. Not cruel for biting, cruel
for gloating the carcass with random scatterings
in some yet to be discovered ancient animal
revenge ceremony.
Penguin pet of leading
scientist accidentally gets injected
with new strain of cognition
manipulators. Becomes
sexually deviant immediately and
Friday 29th June 2012 12:57 pm
Bloat face pearl
drowned in
skirt floats up
smooth current laps
neath a
wreathing now
for bracing
a break
of light
in the peak
collapse a tip it
just below
a flurry
of lashes
and duck beats.
Thursday 28th June 2012 1:22 pm
Dark Is Control
Smooth as
burnt skin parts
Winter trampolines.
A clamour
cause and curfew,
the way shade rapes
all light and seeing
yet free
when dark
is control.
Wednesday 27th June 2012 1:32 pm
The Sleek Reprisals of Organised Wheelchair Gangs
They need something to do.
They need something to.
They need something too.
They need something.
They need.
They need.
They need something.
They need something too.
They need some thing two.
They need some thing, two.
They need,
thing to
do due.
They need some thing
Friday 22nd June 2012 10:34 am
Pianos Laugh For Dead Elephants
Pianos laugh
in this
sneaky jazz ritual.
Death in a good way they cry
total annihilatory
and beautiful
with little gift rhythms.
Pianos grin
smug unexpectancy,
they grope first
the notes
they are more impressive
than the instrument itself.
Pianos laugh
a borrow of turmoil and closure
for l...
Thursday 21st June 2012 2:47 pm
As far as the eye is relevant,
a sheet of green to wander.
Solid perks upright in the
shade elevates the cause, young
love on crisping dew
picnic basket shards. It
Monday 18th June 2012 12:00 pm
My eyes barely seperate as I lift myself up. To the window. I light a rolly. Nightmares from last night's weed. But it is not really a nightmare it is a memory of better times.
Hillview the place was called. An estate. My better self, a young tryer.
Coming home from school with my friends. A nice sunny joint. Meet up with the girlfriend later. I don't care about my posture. My teeth are...
Sunday 17th June 2012 12:36 pm
The Kidnap Subliminals
An available dilemma
comes to surface.
The wars and the arrogance
of generational
just under
7 billion.
Severe media and the
forever always
breakdown of the secret
takes full the reason
and kidnaps the planet
with little subtle
tilts, whispers
in our infant's ear
vacates a purpose
of freedom....
Monday 11th June 2012 12:55 pm
Calm Fire Dream
Foxbodies all lined
up, covered
in bull silk you tally
fresh bone in sunny thunder.
Fake echoes bellow
incriminating nature
a single screech,
a forehead forward
it calms a fire.
Tuesday 5th June 2012 1:22 pm
Glum Pooch
Eyes like
Ears flat
dreary lopes
in sorry faced
heat he
a body
to break a
for the sake
of passing children.
Monday 4th June 2012 11:53 am
Love The Cage
You are born once
Yet may die
at various times
in careless places.
Financial terrorism has taken
over wholly
just look
at Africa,
for simplicity of extracting
natural resources
replace it with debt
Best of all
economic slavery
the people, the pyramid builders
to love the cage
Sunday 3rd June 2012 1:10 pm
Six Days
On the sixth day
I lost my.
Not in a ha ha way
not the good kind,
the crushed pink units
of powder seemed to
want me to leave
this place.
This death
wants me.
I thought no sleep would
make a writer
out of me
out of death
the world had an ending
I could not figure
and left me
shivering in the dark.
Wednesday 30th May 2012 1:04 pm
Among Bone
Raw sockets flaw torn electric
skeleton brim skink.
Curlew pure a parry
for sad savages.
Where glows the breach for closing?
As the sky makes firm a death
in every second
for those
among bone.
Tuesday 22nd May 2012 12:00 pm
There is nothing left to write but something true. So here it.
There is no feeling anymore. Feel. The world. Nothing.
Catalogue life or the sudden cool of foreign sun.
Not the way it is told in history books because what they forget is this. Us.
Take two hundred years and who are we?
Four hundred.
A thousand.
Our villians, not the public ones but our personal killers...
Saturday 19th May 2012 11:33 am
It. And then the. Even if.
Because every single word is another person in their hand.
So what is the.
Where to go from here. There.
Nowhere. Now. No. N
All down to one. A point. What is the.
End it now. The phrase. End it. N.
Words mean less and less.
Real means. End it.
Letter. Even N.
Means nothing on its own.
Just an N in some deformed alphab...
Friday 18th May 2012 2:49 pm
Back then
the pen had joy to bring
in seven year fingers.
Each word a smile brought forward
the broadest of futures.
Light shone through
gaps in the beat of the rhythm
but it never mattered
because I was writing.
The world was enormous.
Space opened up in large doses
and everything meant more than just form.
Come back through the...
Tuesday 27th March 2012 8:57 am
25 Million Seahorses Killed For The Greater Good
So we can feel the cool slick of the river
and the moon glow deep in our sigh.
So that every child may grow
up in their gentle
with rhythm in their smiles.
So the air is a wisdom of lungs,
a full and complete
source of dreams to render.
So that tomorrow has a place for us
in the trees, in the sky.
So life is the pleasure of every.
Saturday 24th March 2012 2:22 pm
Part 1
"They said it was impossible to reach the Aurelis Galaxy" He stands bead eyed. Left arm missing. A massive plasma in the background with flicking images. He continues
"And now just over 100 years later we have not only reached this galaxy we have landed on a beautiful planet with both feet." A smile broads across his face. The room cheers. Claps. Seventy or so humans and 3 ...
Friday 23rd March 2012 1:44 pm
The Quiet Conveyer Belt
1 2
quiet quiet
uqiet tquie
uiqet etqui
uieqt ietqu
uietq uietq
quiet quiet
Tuesday 20th March 2012 1:25 pm
They The System
The system we have chosen has left us.
A glitch worth more dead than beating,
Divides with time's inheritance.
The system we spoke of is silent.
Cruel mutes of the new order
Cradle the hush of hungry places
And the streets are eating all the screams.
The system we believed in
Is not even a system.
It is a human being.
A shake of hands.
A c...
Sunday 18th March 2012 1:32 pm
I shall sellotape
Every rejection letter
To make a raft
And float
To New York.
Thursday 15th March 2012 1:24 pm
Future Smut For Cardboard People
Burn as it will
The last few moments
Of the fire.
Electric blue tip brim.
Pure anonymous carnage,
Tiny fixed points colliding,
Atomic rage.
Nuclear grope the clean fear,
Secret, political hand of fate.
Future smut for cardboard people.
Wednesday 14th March 2012 1:15 pm
Like A Child In A Bath Of Knives
Where once a child stood full in wonder
Of a yellow day's caress
And the dark starfield light could
All but relish
In the finite sky.
Surprise in the form of knowing
Each book read eclipsed a question
Heard not answered
As the poor drugs of poetry
Did little to benefit query
Just left the grasp half collapsed
Between lost and drowned.
Monday 12th March 2012 3:14 pm
A Priest For Our Time.
She looked good at the funeral. Classy mascara. It rained sly drops, beating as the banter of whispers shook slow.
A bit high. That dress. Youngest one there with a half on. Tights at least. No.
Then Father Whatshisface, pietic clone, could be anyone, steps fourth out of a brella
"If there's anyone here who thinks these two should not be married then, no wait."
Father Drunkatnoo...
Saturday 10th March 2012 1:11 pm
Thank Fuck
"Thank fuck not like thank fuck" he says tipping a fly mid air. 800 eyes apparently. Lazy.
"But thank fuck like a thank fuck y'know, a thanking fuck." Gratitude. That's how he begins the story. New and slouching.
"He'd been mayor for exactly 7 minutes when it happened." he felt the needle go in. Morphine more feel. A yellow curtain dripped last night's exhales.
"One of a twin, the c...
Thursday 8th March 2012 11:51 am
12 The Research Institute Of Radical Genetics
Slim gall corridors
wordless menace yellow
New recruit mule of the north
OCD friendly
state fund grant file hired
brings two toasters wherever
clicks at 10 2 and 10 past
"if it don't i'm not me"
as long as it doesn't.....
On the hours roll
trickshot physics grated tracepaper
thick inky wise fingers
curling brows curl round restless
musculas te...
Wednesday 7th March 2012 10:33 am
Radio Warning
shshshshshshwe'reshshshshsof a killer on theshshshshshshshs
Tuesday 6th March 2012 12:39 pm
11 The Imaginator
Ear on mouseback.
thought quick burst through
lab all colour of white
sole pure technoid silver
screens in the basement equipped
a chamber of futures
he him built it in no time
feral forming face without a care
plans peeled ripped clean within
smooth touch soft silent mind.
Evenings of radical memory licking
lure tongue for slick books
curate, tic...
Monday 5th March 2012 2:10 pm
Cute Slum Chick Jelly
Her twine soul cruel
beating fast in air
Of the future.
Marbel eyes, closed peaches
Soft slime blue
Touch the skin
Of her wonder
Or maybe
never again
To feel a warm hand
Break the lonely border.
The dream of her becomes
Nighmare evaporation,
An opened iris exits
That perfect end within
A thought that marks the...
Sunday 4th March 2012 1:19 pm
10 Anti Demagogy
Hurry study college collage
beakerpeeks readhappy
rest of class just struggle stagger
like walk tubed legs he tries
to forget not regret her to let here
become lovely with logic.
All a's all owned
astute mute student
self to self kept
rigid equasive
ready finish swelling petri dishes
heart in future flux funny
quiet muse room
shale shade apart...
Friday 2nd March 2012 2:10 pm
9 Lov
It reads:
"Love hates those who fail to follow.
It alienates those incapable by mind or form to obtain it
Therefore love is a dictatorship.
I am leaving you, he him, for the monk
You know the one.
I got funky with God and burnt my feet.
Please refrain from caring about me
and never trust a man in robes.
PS thanks for the leg."
He him sits clin...
Thursday 1st March 2012 12:15 pm
8 The Buddha Gun
Spare room stone floor cold
sweat shakes downfluid
she waits, breaking
sparring forceful monkwhispers
deep headholes gelled skull gapes
iris hush mercurian
let jesus in, between
give god the right, behind
wet leaf brain cruel mush
frail days and furry nighthands
the hands of god in the silent sheets
she her lets the dove fly
Wednesday 29th February 2012 11:40 am
7 The Drawing Of Lines
Weeks of peace increase in creases
she her climbs hi silence
taps open crate one after one
tiny heaven powder crywhite smiles
but he him knows it goes no other
pupes diluted flywide sweetnoon
light corrupts further and for her
life in morning lines more more the monster
curse her coathanger hips
and the fables of her eyes round as black holes
he cannot de...
Tuesday 28th February 2012 12:40 pm
6 Sweet Hallucine On The Dink Dark River
Deal agreed produce placed
powder and various shrooms
in a crate of plates
antique now less
she her has her way with a hairclip
tips quick open one and two
thickrich mushy fungal pillars
from a crate and chews and choose
he him grinsleeps on the soft laps
of the dink dark river
covered in wait
but she's up up for love
nature the ...
Sunday 26th February 2012 11:23 am
5 Blue Mule
both bare cruel grill fumes
airing on the clench
he him spent every penny on a promise
take back matter of tick tock
textbook traits of tit for tat
standstranded pursehat stopcornered
in rags for discards, rollys
when allsudden speakheaded to them
bowler hat man prospects illegal approaches
"You'd fit a kilo in that leg"
(words move b...
Tuesday 21st February 2012 3:59 pm
4 Monk Discussion
Stringyleg pimp retired to the green
country corn air.
She gives last paycheque rolling
uphill booring the knolls
of burdenmoney past to her
for time the tears of grey gave up
now a smile a new front
a new him raw hate
musculas in forms to clear
good leg weather for killing
little taily mus or muzzle
fimble sun face forward
she gleets for the gone
...Sunday 19th February 2012 1:47 pm
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