Olfactory Evoked Recall
A perfect blue
Green on silver
Silk distance
Shard swept
Petals groomed
For the wind.
Fumed curls
From the copper
Somehow entitles
Visions of childhood.
The fragrance
Of things lost
Stands still in the street.
Infinite memories
You feel it.
Olfactory evoked recall
I ...
Sunday 18th December 2011 1:33 pm
The Real Hell
Fall free and slow
Into the furnace.
For every insect body crushed
Or flywing scoffed
As a child,
It qualifies
As something unique
To humans.
This torture is bliss
In its certainty.
The torture of them.
Turtleshell ashtrays,
Elephant tusk instruments,
Shark fin soup.
Refuse the excuse of instinct.
Survival can be acco...
Saturday 17th December 2011 3:31 pm
Skull Profit
For Commissioner Moses Binoga
Leader, Uganda Anti Human Sacrafice Task Force.
Police are pleading for sanity
In a country of wild beauty.
As concrete climbs upward
And wealth begins to form.
But what happens when all capital
Becomes rare?
When the profits curl uncertainty?
They cut off the head and genitals,
Monday 12th December 2011 3:49 pm
The Moon, 2211
The sky will glow soft streaks
Of purple and green
From an artificially inseminated
It will be
An industrial colony at first.
Workers, rustbeard scientists,
Cricket legged astronauts.
Then the rest will come.
Stiff lip families and
Financiers, senior executives,
The first settlers.
The worst.
While the poor back o...
Saturday 3rd December 2011 7:27 pm
This Poem Has Nothing To Say
Some words seem to
Fit together
Even when they
Do not rhyme.
It could be something
A quick fix
An aggressive impression
Of a clearly superior language:
That dink in the cosmic spring
Untangling the mystery
One dying scientist
At a time.
And when it does occur
At C.E.R.N.
At the BLACK HOLE ...
Thursday 24th November 2011 5:39 pm
Curlew On The Breaches
Current picking
Air gliding
Breeze creep.
With no
Knowledge of
There is
Too soon
To fly.
Wednesday 2nd November 2011 10:29 pm
Lung Sulk
Deep silver scene as the sun moves in.
Plastic shaded angles cover and smooth
Through the drench of branches
And multi coloured animals, uprooted
From the slow cool night
And now lung sulking in the shadows.
Creep forced by the skeletons
Of their lost relatives
Run over one summer
Or captured for entertainment.
The memories beat
And swell ...
Tuesday 1st November 2011 10:28 am
The Moon: Golfballs, astronaut shit
For the organic and furious
A question and a sure thing
Is divided by nothing but time.
The moon could kill us all
With an inch of its bravery
Enslave us all in wonder forever
For the simple act of falling
Further and without hesitation
Into the darkening shack
Of mad curiosity
But instead
We have penetrated
The mysteries of this...
Sunday 30th October 2011 9:52 am
Sometimes I Am Not Born
Close your eyes and it is there:
The possible.
Everything you recognize
And everything you cannot fathom.
Infinite differences limp and spark
Throughout the cosmic strings
That hold it all together
Where time surrenders all impression
And what we know as life is lost
In everchanging variations.
Far away they click and rattle,
Wednesday 19th October 2011 9:10 am
Voice In The Dark
Sometimes I hear it
Spread its breath
In a corner of the room.
It amplifies the glow
And tint of naked silver
Breaching the vestige of shade.
Sweet tumours of noise
In the granite silence,
The perfect disaster,
A civil war of the senses.
Sometimes I hear the voice
I know does not exist
Rest its broken throat
In a debt of word...
Monday 3rd October 2011 2:54 pm
In The Shadows Of Mountains
Several thousand years of built up force
It takes to make a mountain.
The popular friction of time
Surging forward on all sides.
Pushing mass upwards toward the sky.
Strict, unobstructed
As if freedom exists in this form.
As if the earth, wants.
Tuesday 27th September 2011 5:46 pm
The Plan Of Nature
An original glimpse of morning light
Cools quietly
In a slow tipped ebb
Or brim resuming
On the surface of smooth backed insects.
A familiar mist
Hangs light shades of blue
And purple diluted
On an otherwise indifferent canvas.
But a flaw in the plan of nature
Becomes apparent
When the sparks light up
In the city distance.
Monday 26th September 2011 3:28 am
I Made The Earth Uncomfortable With My Hammer
A place three fields across
From where I was living,
The resting place of a certain stone
Face first to the sun.
Whenever I felt the world break loose
I took my hammer from the shed
And brought it to that field where
I stood at the foot of the rock
And beat it quick at first
Then slow bursts with each blow
A fraction of rage evaporated.
Thursday 22nd September 2011 3:58 am
Now And Then
Every now and then
I get the impression
I am somewhere else.
Although my bones are in position
For the shake that will break me
There are places I have not seen.
I could have been there
Before if I had tried
And not relived the world
That whispers when I sleep.
The murmur and creek
Of dreams failing on a beat,
A single misgiving
...Tuesday 20th September 2011 3:43 pm
Infants Become Skeletons
The value of something undermines
What we try to do here.
It lives and occurs, becomes the cord
Between the dreams you serve and the dreams
You fail to receive.
You see the people
In orbit of their
As they lie down in their glue,
New for one more day.
And all the tears and smiles
For a chance of love,
From infant t...
Monday 19th September 2011 10:21 am
Look Back
The fall of morning tumbles gently
In a drift and glimmer
Of silver lightshade,
The glue sap sticking to the day
In the form of static.
Passing cars thrift an image on the wall
Of someone not looking back but
Always moving forward.
Ready for terror and joy.
All the wonderful things
Of which we have been warned:
The chokesuit and rope...
Thursday 15th September 2011 3:01 pm
Everything I Am Not And More
Who are you?
What do you want?
First you took my girlfriends
And now you take my sleep.
There is simply no escape
From the burden of your presence.
The grimace of your whisper in my ear
And the scenes you create
To squeeze the mind quick and burst
The very soul
I tried so hard
To keep from breaking.
Some call you paranoia
But for m...
Wednesday 14th September 2011 2:39 pm
Ever After
Expected chaos at the break.
A slow loop resumes
Beyond the sudden fulcrum
Of skull and skin.
The light at the end
Or the glow from the start,
The same pure blur as before
Full with the colour of wonder
Occurs in refusal of thoughts
Too wretched to melt.
Thoughts that build a world
Outside this failing one.
Thoughts that exist on...
Tuesday 13th September 2011 3:11 pm
The light there cools blue streaks
As it climbs the side of the hill.
She has her drawing pad and brushes
And slinks her way up.
At the top the view
Is neither proof nor reduction
That the world is still alive.
She begins to paint anyway
Quick flicks of the brush
Ascending scars of blue and green
Listening to the wind,
Waiting for the land...
Wednesday 7th September 2011 1:22 pm
The Censored Sky Of The City
A few miles into the city
And things become open
Very quickly.
The sky, little delicate springs,
Even conversation.
Its most apparent at night.
The colours are justified.
A million shades of solar shadow
In a glimpse: uncensored
And the clicking of cattle
Settling in a field
Determined that nothing should happen.
Tuesday 6th September 2011 4:01 pm
In The Fizz Of Winter
At first light the mist moves quietly
In a straggle of smoke and colour
From black to grey, smooth, unburduned
With a shudder of traffic light sighs.
A magpie strides in the background
Of an empty garden,
It starts to rain
Free form: a warning
Of the storm to come.
Branches crackle on the cool wind
When all air surges upward
And sunlight i...
Monday 5th September 2011 2:15 pm
Villians have nightmares of humour
Of the way heroes 'laugh to cam'
After a massive tragedy
And then the sidekick nods
And the crowd cheer for the victory
Of the Better One.
The villian has a plan
As they do,
The master plan
Artificial natural disasters.
The villian clicks his fingers
In clear anticipation for t...
Sunday 4th September 2011 1:24 pm
There could be words
Hidden somewhere
Deep beneath
The surface of the page.
Little fragile creatures,
Terms and profits
Comfortable, alone.
However connections are severed
Between us and our definitions.
The words themselves resent
The beasts we have created
Out of them.
As they crackle and fizz
Then melt and dissapear.
...Thursday 1st September 2011 5:48 pm
The Chants Of Insects
It occurs in the slur of morning
When the birds have been fed
And survivors of the feast
Wriggle and squeak on the surface.
Bits of insects roll and search
For pieces of themselves
In the bloodwet grass
As the sun bursts.
Waiting for the rain
To soothe and manoeuvre
Those that are left
Chanting on the grass.
But they are not afra...
Wednesday 31st August 2011 3:06 pm
I have never smuggled drugs
Through Frankfurt airport
For one eyed Dominicans
Or watched pornography in 3D.
I have never lost my patience
In an argument reguarding
The burning of furniture
Even though the cold
Of that park
Was outstanding in January.
I have never cheated
In a televised cluedo tournament
However I did come second
Tuesday 30th August 2011 3:14 pm
Children Of Ghosts
In the purest hours
Of still thought and echoes
Where questions end
And graveyard begins.
Bereaved and better people
Jig to the beat
Of lost words, confused
By the soil in which
They diminish.
Children of ghosts
Real ghosts underground
Cry and whisper
In a shadow of stone.
They cry not for loss
Or doubt or nostalgia
Monday 29th August 2011 4:04 pm
He Heard The Stars
Just as the waves broke
And the shores poured in
A candle was lit in the distance.
He walked barefoot across
Beach rocks and flitch.
He heard the stars
Beating, swaying, ticking
And the lick of darkness
Broad above, spread out
In the glint of midnight.
He slowly approached the shine
Each foot forward gave clarity to the flame
Until he ...
Thursday 25th August 2011 3:03 pm
In The Dead Of Sunlight
Honey drip tar sunlight
Stale smoke crib fumes
Shade breaks cruel shadows
Sprawling on the wall.
Noise clinks outside
Time ticks turns under
Back to front, full
Closing further.
Face crease in the mirror
Hair falls thin ribbons
Floor filled strips
Blowing in the breeze.
Waiting for light to sigh
And the darkness take over
Wednesday 24th August 2011 4:34 pm
With or without
Angles to fear
Nothing (twice) Twice nothing
All things must end
But not everything
More importantly
...Tuesday 23rd August 2011 9:50 am
The Little Red Ball
This is not a poem.
It is merely a theory.
Just try to imagine
You are in a room
For an entire lifetime
With nothing to do
In the first twenty years.
Concrete brickwork.
Plastic windows let light it
However no images
Then a hatch opens.
A little red ball bounces in
The boredom broken, the hatch closes.
The ball brings you
Monday 22nd August 2011 3:48 pm
You cry for the wrong reasons.
The treatise you worked on
Failed from the start.
You shed a tear for the tulp
And backed away.
Sudden, as if by accident
You left at night
In a sulk of stars.
The apocalypse
Of your written words
Fell as melting leaves
Outside my door.
The knocking of goodbye
With no way to answer.
A hatred of ma...
Sunday 21st August 2011 4:31 pm
The nightbird calls, crestfallen
Covering a nest in shadow.
Slight strings of glint
Peek from a window reflection.
Everything that exists
Is somewhere out there.
The flowers and killers.
Planets, rabbits,
Stationary, everything dead,
Alive or indifferent
Resides in the space
Beyond my window.
Censored families asleep in their jewellery...
Thursday 18th August 2011 2:43 pm
Nothing Happens For A Reason
Nothing happens for a reason
And nothing happens all the time.
My pen tips the paper,
Ideas disintegrate.
Maybe one day
The Irish Film Council
Will fund my documentary
On the sexual exploits
Of the modern sloth.
There will be ham and wine
At the celebration.
Someone will tie my shoelaces
For a small fee.
The marshmallows shall be p...
Tuesday 16th August 2011 2:47 pm
Early Learning
He would walk eleven paces
Do a twirl and touch the ground
When he was ten
Or he felt bad things would happen.
He could not step on the cracks
Of the pavement so
He leaped from gap to gap
Followed by the erratic
Clicking of his fingers.
The people on the street
Would see him
Twirling, clicking, leaping,
Bending down to the ground
Monday 15th August 2011 2:58 pm
If Women Grew On Trees
The plant itself
Would be diverse
In its beauty.
The blondeflower
Ribbon clipped
And glowing
With the scent of blossom.
Or nightshade brunette
Teeming with starlight
In the company of red tipped
Curling petal rinds.
But if women grew on trees
They would not survive for long
With a chorus of neglectful men
Empty water cans in ha...
Sunday 14th August 2011 4:14 pm
Kill The System
Break down the borders
They have constructed.
Rip it apart.
End to end.
With just cause get armed,
Compose a manifesto,
Declare war on jp morgan.
Free your soul,
Become beautiful again.
Treat enemies with dignity,
You are not the new dictator.
But above all else, at least
Have a reason to riot.
The people have to agree
Thursday 11th August 2011 2:03 pm
Gullcry On The Harbour
What do they want?
The gulls
When they cry.
What do they need?
I hear them
Skitter and clasp
On the east pier.
Perch rich and steady
Among the unblushing
Curling of waves
And pebble scent.
Comfortable there.
Tucked in like snuggards
But all the while
What they need
They do not know.
For they are...
Wednesday 10th August 2011 2:24 pm
Death To The Literati
What happened?
The language I used to understand
Has left
In a privilege of mist.
Now I must relate
To second hand translations.
Spoken thought was something
To be admired
But now diluted
In a flurry of gym shirts.
The words are lost
In plastic muscle and pop lyrics.
The dead are once again.
They are armed with pens
And will no...
Tuesday 9th August 2011 4:57 pm
Wolves And Matchboxes
Awake from the same dream
You told me about
The one where you die
At Calin Market.
You drip lipstick on your skeleton
And we embrace
Under a garden of stars
Where the wolves wait
For me to leave
Then rip you to pieces.
Why do you blame me
For loss of flesh?
If not for the price
Of Asian matchboxes
I'd be eaten too.
Monday 8th August 2011 2:57 pm
The Laughing Neanderthal
The first neanderthal to laugh
Passed his days in aching.
A presocratic understanding
Formed as loss
In the gully of his sorrow.
He saw the future
Of humour
Rotting in leaves and deerskull
And the dying of his tribe.
A sky too open to nourish.
The pure blue of it.
Over the ground, bones
The skeletons of friends and lovers.
Tuesday 2nd August 2011 4:09 pm
I Heard Her Sigh By The Fireplace
She set her glass
On the mantelpiece
And fixed her eyes on the flame.
The courage of the coal
As it flicked and sniggered.
The madness of its desperation
She percieved as genius.
But something was not right.
She gulped her wine
Too enthustiastically
Forced the cigarette
Into submission.
She had to walk away.
The heat was just...
Tuesday 26th July 2011 2:57 pm
The Sadhu speaks
Enforces the sordid
Lex talionis.
Despite the mew of the public
An entire civilization
Rolls their eyes backwards
Toward the plastic barrier.
Wishing for an incident
Of petty compromize.
The plastic is the pathogen
Of inside society.
Families burning their last candle.
Pulling the curtains closed
Over the scu...
Monday 25th July 2011 5:27 pm
Nothing Is Ugly In The Dark
Whats the night for anyway?
- Marilyn Monroe
All light is ominous.
Shadows have no standards.
See them drub and chumble
Reflections of better days.
Because nothing is ugly
In the dark.
Physical vision
Is a product of closure.
When darkness is multiplied
The numbers are wonderful.
Forty layers of shade
Friday 22nd July 2011 12:18 pm
I heard you mention curves
Folding the robes of your pyjamas
In the snap cold morning
With a smoke and coffee
You said you believed
In M Theory.
On silver coated grass we sat
Your eyes like event horizons.
The pull and tuck influence
Of words falling from your lips
Like animals from a ridge.
And the mist began to fill
The desperate cor...
Thursday 21st July 2011 4:54 pm
Turning away
From flame lust
and flourish.
The better men wait
beside the fire
Straggling their ends
For love.
The quaint sail
Of flame
On the rooftops of strangers.
The new mutes.
Searching for something
Bones bending in
The fear of heat
They all wish and wo...
Tuesday 19th July 2011 3:32 pm
Keeping You Warm
Tell me again
The wishes of you're childhood.
From the slow ebb of a dream
A racket of pang to conquer.
Ugly beside your body
I broke the rule of nature.
Curling into you
Like a terrible virus
Of your beauty.
But looking back now
It was worth it
Keeping you warm
For the better person
You deserved.
Sunday 17th July 2011 3:37 pm
Constuction had begun
On a four story country home.
Five fathoms from the lake.
A catalyst of shadows
From my bedroom window.
And when the staff called:
"Lights out!" I'd climb
Down from my window and walk
Through the fields of stars
Where nightbirds hissed
The gentle rush of my path.
It was quiet in there
On a bioclast chair
Wednesday 13th July 2011 1:47 pm
Excerpt from novel.
I Will Take Revenge On The Annual Famine Memorial Extravaganza Committee.
I think I hear somebody crying. Yes. And they are.
It’s the petting zoo that gets me. A petting zoo at the Annual Famine Memorial Extravaganza. I didn’t expect shepherds. Or indeed a gerenuk. Just one gerenuk. Ripped from it’s family in Africa. Now at the height of it’s life in Sligo. I am standing up. My fo...
Monday 11th July 2011 1:22 pm
The Volunteer Creature
The perfect colour
Shade grey rising
From a tired hill
In the form of smoke.
Walking for the sake
Of some frail destination
With echoes of graves and lovers
Covering the paces.
Every breath dreaming of relevance
Until a silk of stillness
And strangle of flowers
Beats the path finished.
A feint light forms
The brief, naked ima...
Monday 11th July 2011 12:22 pm
The Burning Of The Sting
He stood for an hour in silence
And tried to recall
The last time her glance
Had shadowed him.
Flat back in the park
He remembers
The unfurnished blossom
And copperfumes
Of the smelting city.
They were happy then.
Swatting off wasps
In the brazen heat
Of that afternoon.
But a wasp landed quick.
Perched on his elbow
Sunday 10th July 2011 1:11 pm
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