Medusa Poem
Many months
with her own
in a Sarpedon cave
made to nestle her
Beauty gone;
Head -
a writhing tangle of
Vicious Serpents;
Did she retreat because Shame
her only bedfellow?
Perhaps ‘twas more a respite
to protect
the unsuspect
from her projections
lest they be turned to stone
so easily does Shame become Blame
...Sunday 12th May 2024 11:35 am
Maleficent on Steroids
I am the Destructive Force
the eruption that leaves you lost
for words
I am the bursting forth
of the trauma you buried decades ago
that brings you to your knees
I am the seemingly endless pain
that makes you wish for death
that you may never again fear it
I am Maleficent on steroids
your worst fears realised
I am the knocking down, brutally,
...Saturday 29th September 2018 1:33 am
PS my heart wall was built of silence
They tell me there are things that I can’t speak
that I must keep and keep and keep
that there are things that happen in dark places, in the in-between spaces with people who are faceless
And that I can’t speak
They tell me that i have no voice no choice no right to write
They tell me that I will not be believed and that I am not
will not
can not
be beloved
Monday 13th August 2018 8:46 am
And in the end it is as simple and as complicated as an out breath
all that weighed her down and kept her small clears like mist as her head rises, antlers held aloft, crowning glory, and her wings unfold gracefully, easily as she stands, she stands, she stands and speaks
And it never before was the right time
Would you ask a prisoner of war why he didn’t just leav...
Sunday 5th November 2017 3:34 am
I will make of this place
my grave
belly pressed against my mother
salt tears feeding the sand
sound of waves crashing
purple pink pig face flowers
dancing gently on the dunes
slowly climbing over the body
sun beats down
dissolving it to grains of sand
blown by the wind
to the waves
and away
at last
Sunday 22nd October 2017 3:06 am
I do not share
your unacknowledged luxury
to do as You please and when
I am a mother
I Am
You are
the bearer,
the holder or with-holder,
of knowledge and technique
But I am
the bearer of children
the holder of the dying
I Am A Mother
And that You
do not see
Is your loss
it is yours
...Friday 20th October 2017 3:22 am
Blood and Bone
Blood and Bone
We are walking on the soil
from black bones now
And swimming in rivers that ran red
with black blood.
Yes, "We."
And We
need to
brave now
we need to be
pushing our roots down deep
we need to be
looking down deep now
looking deep down
'Cause we need to be brave now
we need to be
Can't afford to deny now
...Friday 13th October 2017 12:32 pm
Exquisite Vision
When we meet
time slides
from now
to then
to when in some past life maybe
we were lovers?
And now
and now, exquisite vision
so fragile I fear to crush it with over-thinking
As I feel your fingertips
Tuesday 10th October 2017 10:45 am
Don't try to understand
just listen
These words are
sewing me here
more closely
than I can sometimes bear
mending the tears
drying the tears
in circle stitching
our scattered shattered
broken pieces together
I have agency
without urgency
Choose to open
in my own
I am both
Sunday 1st October 2017 4:01 am
Death poem
Death poem
Two days prior to expectation
I bleed into the earth
Red stain
deaths the bitterness
of being beaten;
the protection of 'them' from 'him'
(whatever and whoever that means);
the desperate
for the thread
I fear lost
that binds me
to this body
this earth.
Just write instead
just write
Saturday 23rd September 2017 11:08 am
The Gathering of Forces
Do not mistake silence or stillness
for acquiescence
You see the shell of the egg
waiting to hatch
Trust me
This is not submission
Not all protests are noisy affairs
and there's no shame in
protecting yourself
Trust me
Do not presume I'm no threat
There is power in being
Trust me
When language does not fit
When tradition is a disconnec...
Monday 12th June 2017 10:02 am
Well practised
I am
at being bleached clean
Mostly it is better
not to be seen
Clever they are
programmed from two
Being special, my dear,
means that they will want you
And hide as you might
and hide as you try
it is their greatest pleasure
to push til you cry
The stronger you get
the further they go
They laugh even harder
when you say no
And so I am practised
at being bleached c...
Thursday 18th May 2017 1:10 am
And the flames they are licking at the corners of my fear
And my mind it is saying it's too hot to stay here
And my heart is crying tears that dry before they fall
But my gut says
Stand here in the fire
Stand tall
And let it burn let it burn
Let it all fall away
All the silence and the hatred and the putrid decay
There's a wolf and he's baring his teeth in the flames
Waiting for the...
Friday 12th May 2017 11:12 am
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