The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 34 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.


Reaching for happiness


Capturing esteem


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Red tail and red shoulder hawks

Osprey   heron   swan

Have graced my home skies


Two bald eagles’ soar

Against crystal a blue sky

Majestic blessings



Hope soars eternal!

In the eye of the eagle

Limitlessness is

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I am Lorraine

 I am Lorraine                         

I was sacrificed as the first-born female to the god of property and prosperity

Indentured there forth to keep the borders intact

Against all hardship, annoyances, and conditions



That is why I am named of battle and land

After the province, Joan of Arc fought to hold

“Made famous in battle” by German tongue

In Latin, I am “Sea ...

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I am Lorraine

 I am Lorraine                 



I was sacrificed as the first-born female to the god of property and prosperity

Indentured there forth to keep the borders intact

Against all hardship, annoyances, and conditions


That is why I am named of battle and land

After the province, Joan of Arc fought to hold

“Made famous in battle” by German tongue

In Latin, I am “Sea Gul...

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Change is good


She said -- change is good!

I’ve said it before

Drenched in frustration

Trapped in dedication

With a windowless view


When change happens

When change overtakes

The body – The heart

And the time comes…


Mothers know it

There’s no holding it back

Without pain and suffering

When the time comes…


When the winds blow

When the lava flows


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a universal foul mood

independence weak

declare your freedom

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I do not exist

Neither bound nor found

In memory or actions

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Chamomile and contradiction

The web page states:

For over four decades,

Chamomille Natural Foods has been providing

Products and resources that promote

Healthy and wholesome lifestyle.



Sensationalized propaganda campaign

Viral threats marched over

Healthy lifestyles

Negating four decades of healthy,

Life supporting, guidance


Bright Yellow Caution Tape

Blocks the pathway to...

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Makeup applied and

Hair styled, I am ready

For my viral shroud

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Crazy soup

Beyond logic

Beyond reason

Beyond the science of life


Crazy drama

Crazy rules

Crazy, crazy, crazy soup


Drown out truth

Drown out agenda

Drown out curiosity


Formed in the Pisces-ian kitchen

Flavored with the age of Aquarius

Finished with a drizzle of…

Future is yours to savor



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I know what time it is

I know what time it is

A new wall-clock’s

Hands move ever so slowly

As the hour passes quickly by

Mesmerizing my attention


Each life choice seems small

Each breath almost effortless

Until hindsight enlarges

Magnifying the moments

Of our lives – highlighting the times

When we held our breath


Life is long

Even when time is short

Seconds slow


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Out all night, at the Madhatter’s Birthday Party

Validating the quantum-ness of the White Rabbit

Enjoying the deep waters because I know how to swim

Reverie aside … I realize my passion


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Planetary prerogative

Planetary prerogative             Lorraine Settanni  4/19/20



Hurricanes, floods

Earthquakes, tsunamis

Drought, devastation…

Moved humanity to explore

Grow and evolve


A vulnerable species

Learning to survive

Climate changes,

Infestation of poisonous

Plants, insects, and animals


The air we breath

Always home to free-floating



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5-7-5 thoughts

Do you know the cost?

How many prayed for it?

The price of world peace



What did you expect

It would take to initiate

Global Awareness?


One-hundred-year drought

One-hundred-year flu

Hard energetic reboot



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Sourdough Bread

Colonies of


Float in mid-air



Harvested by


Like magic

Become food


crusty, tangy, sweet

shaped by a baker’s hand

buttery comfort

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Stay Safe?


When has any human been safe?

Lions, Tigers, and Bears… OH MY!

Mosquitos, Ticks, Killer Bees…

Cancer, Bacteria, Viruses…

But the greatest of these

Has always been humans


This is the High Holiday Time

For most of our belief systems

A remembrance of great - Unsafe times

When the masses were protected

And individuals’ sacrificed

We lived to see another d...

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