The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Tags from last 12 months

family (1) life (1)


I held you tight 

telling you the pain would end


I held you tight

while your heart stopped




I hold you tight

in my heart


Forever you will be

alive in me. 


By Lynn Hahn

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I need to heal

I do not want my sweet Beau

trapped in a broken heart


He is my heart dog

he deserves a joyful

place to be




He will never be

truly free of pain


Nor will I 


Best days of my life were

with him laughing and playing

fun games


My mind needs to focus

and hold on to our amazing

time together in this crazy wo...

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They were standing in front of a cliff

wanting so badly to be on the other side. 


Along comes The Fancy Talking Man


he tells them...

it will be fun

and excitiing 

if they simply




and so they do


not knowing 

had they been patient

taken some time

walked a little futher


A beautiful bridge

was just a head

to take them to th...

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He's a walking talking country song

Pie in the sky kinda guy

Head in the clouds

Talks too loud

He's a walking talking country song

and I won't be with him for long

Bye bye Country Boy...LOL

by Lynn Hahn

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May your wings take flight

taking you to wonderful places

free from contraint

like a bird soaring in the sky

By lynn Hahn

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Be not a leaf

falling from a tree

Be a branch...

part of the trunk

with roots

to ground you. 

By Lynn Hahn

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