The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Mum's Dream - حُلْمُ أُمْ (العربية /


Mum's Dream
In the deep black darkness of the night
I seek him:
walking, running,
stumbling. My blood-stained feet
refuse to stop,
cannot stop,
must not stop,
searching for him.
In the deep black darkness of the night

I adore him, for death I love him,
look forward to the day I shall meet him,
throw myself between his arms,
put my head on his shoulders and j...

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Poetry in translation migration situation

I know these aren't new!

As more work has been done on the Group Profiles software (thank you , lads) I am consolidating the translated works that reside on our site into the Poetry in Translation Group. This is in anticipation of our developing the translation work further, of getting more people to set up their own group profiles- for writing groups or for event organizers, and of further...

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Giving the world to Venus

This is a poem written by Hilary Walker (pictured). It is here in English and a French translation,  the result of work between Hilary and French poets at Write Out Loud's Bordeaux poetry event in 2006.

You are welcome to comment on HIlary's poem and/or to offer suggestions for its translation.

Ecrit par Hilary Walker et traduit par elle et des poètes Francais en 2006. Vous êtes invités...

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I wish I can live life by Abu Al Qassim Al Shabbi translated by Fatima Al Matar

Write Out Loud's Paul Blackburn approached Fatima Al Matar (pictured), a poet from Kuwait currently living in Coventry, with proposal for a Cross Cultural Poetry project.  As a result of discussion, two blogs were produced which should be read together (this one second).

Initially, she worked with English poet, Fred Holland, to produce a version of his poem "Unsuited" in Arabic, and versio...

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Unsuited by Fred Holland translated by Fatima Al Matar

Write Out Loud's Paul Blackburn approached Fatima Al Matar (pictured), a poet from Kuwait currently living in Coventry, with proposal for a Cross Cultural Poetry project.  As a result of discussion, two blogs were produced which should be read together (this one first).

Initially, she worked with English poet, Fred Holland, to produce a version of his poem "Unsuited" in Arabic, and versio...

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Oh ! Ma ville natale

Oh ! Ma ville natale


Au pied  d’une montagne

Où se couche le soleil d’Afrique noire,

Ville s’étendant sur la plaine

Recevant le vent du Lac Mwelu,

Vaste étendue d’eau du Sud

D’où la Luvua prend ses eaux,

Traverse le vaste territoire

 Et se jette dans le fleuve Congo.


Paysage de contraste beauté fleurie,

S’étendant et ne faisant qu’un avec la Z...

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Cross Cultural Poetry

Eye of the Beholder

This is a poem by Siraj Patel Paguthanvi translated into English by Aziz Zumla




Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

O My Sweet let us meet

and whisper sweet nothings,

set alight a myriad of stars

and see what magic springs


The blazing Sun and all its rays

with your gaze you set ablaze.

Lower your gaze and the rays

are nothing but ...

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GhazalCross Cultural PoetryGujarati

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