The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

A New Year Rant

A new year, a new start?

Don’t make me laugh 

Nobody gives a fart 

Whether it’s old or new

The year just flew

Stuck in your ways

Over endless days

That all seemed the same

Mainly tears and pain

And the fact remains

That it never seems to end

On whom can we depend?

Oh, and what’s a ‘real friend’?

Cos when the chips are down

And you look all around


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At Christmas time with Bells on

Eeh it’s gettin’ darker and so much colder

leavin’ t’ pub I glance over me shoulder

In case I clock a face that may be

after me presents for Crimbo you see...

At Christmas time with bells on


Now a fella int’ snug, he sold me a rug

Not the ones for yer ‘ed but for near

yer bed, to keep ya warm

if you’ve ad a snow storm...

at Christmas time with bells on


It’s ...

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Christmas Rocks but once a year

Champagne corks that squeak and pop

Santa Baby and Jingle Bell rock

Boom out through the karaoke machine

The biggest party ever seen

Seasons greetings bringing cheer

Christmas rocks but once a year


Alpine scenes with trees and snow

Holly berries, robins, mistletoe

Dominate all the cards we send

To all our loved ones and our friends

Good will messages bringing che...

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At Christmas time with Bells on

Eeh it’s gettin’ darker and so much colder

leavin’ t’ pub I glance over me shoulder

In case I clock a face that may be

after me presents for Crimbo you see...

At Christmas time with bells on


Now a fella int’ snug, he sold me a rug

Not the ones for yer ‘ed but for near

yer bed, to keep ya warm

if you’ve ad a snow storm...

at Christmas time with bells on


It’s ...

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Rivers of living water

A poem for the New Year

In the depths of darkness only the tiniest

ray of light can either be felt or seen

Chilled to the bone, with frost biting hard

deep within every sinew, it becomes easier

somehow to concede to defeat, surrender.


Where does one even start to tell their story?

A journal of how it all got to be in this place?

That wouldn’t be easy for any of us


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My 12 Days of Christmas

On the 1st day of Christmas my

girlfriend promised me:

some stuffing for the turkey

On the others days of Christmas…

2 Leather gloves

3 Cheap Pens

4 Mince pies

5 Cold beers!

6 Crates of Stella

7 Bottles of Brandy

8 Tins of Chocolates 

9 Neighbours were fighting 

10 Drinkers drinking

11 Pipers smoking

12 Chicken Drumsticks


🎶12 Chicken d...

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Maybe I’m mistaken but I think.she cares?

Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me?

Maybe I’m deluded?

Well maybe, but I don’t think so


Maybe I’m mistaken but I think.she’s still hurting?

Maybe my mind is working overtime?

Well perhaps, but I don’t think so

Maybe I am definitely deluded?

Well maybe I am, as I do feel old at times


Maybe there’s no maybe about it?


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How are you, all right? A conversational poem

"You’ve been on my mind a lot lately

How are you, alright?"

"Thank you, that’s actually very nice to hear"

"Don’t know why, but I feel drawn somehow"

"I get that, well we’ve been through lots lately"

"Yep, I know, but why is it so hard?"

"How am I, am I really alright?"

"You’re handling things and that’s good"

"It doesn’t always feel good, but it seems to help when someone ...

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Zone one:

Ok so what is time?

Many timepieces we have 

to help us to keep everything in focus

But why the need for order?

Is there a point where it dissolves?

Only time will tell or so they say

Well, the end of our lives is unknown

and unpredictable and so…

Zone two:

To be ruled by measures of time seems feeble

Surely a better life lies without time constraints?


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Signs of Christmas

We want so much for snow to fall
But through it all, nature predominates
Many signs though of festive proof
even though no snow appears on roof

Berries protuberant, and holly too
Ice forming amidst the water blue
of lake or pond and a stream or two
As the signs of winter transpire and ensue

Carpets of golden leaves still show
But alas no emergence of sleet or snow
Checking weather ap...

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Mumbo Jumbo Land

In furthest Mumbo Jumbo land

Where dragons take you by the hand

and show you fiery pits of fear

that burn and scar blood sweat and tear


In Whatever, Forever, Never land

Where stoic figures stalk the night

to horrify, take great delight

Bringing, angst, pain, terror, and fright


The very thought of what they do

Is enough to shred the nerves of you

and me, and ...

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Colours that Bleed

I see the colours past and present

As if laid out on a giant canvas

Shades of blue in my youth and childhood

But with fuzzy grey and black borders

Some purple patches in the background

with a splurge of green as if envious

Red letter days are tinged with pink

Whilst jaundiced yellowy periods dominate

The colours then bleed into confusion

               Creating a haz...

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Bonfire night blues

Remember, remember the 5th November

Recession, austerity and plot

As mortgages and prices go

They’ve sky rocketed a lot


The chancellor sharpens his pencil

To draft in all the dates

Of when to put the squeeze 

On me, my family and mates


They say that unemployment 

Will double by the summer

But that won’t bother Rishi

To him it’s just a bummer


For m...

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Moonlight Halloween

A frost chilled dim moonlight night

Putrid air, no stars in sight

Just sheer black sky’s we have

and eerie sounds that shout out “MAD”

It’s moonlight Halloween


It started out as a Christian festival

Priests and Rector’s in their vestibules

The congregation on All Hallows’ Eve

Candles lit for the graves of the dead

No meat eaten, soul cakes instead


Then came ...

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Split Personalities

Innumerable characteristics 

Lots of quirks and traits

Moods, feelings, personas

Too many to contemplate 


Those stern faced and stoic 

Straight laced and serious

Po faced but laid back

Expressionless and curious


The gregarious, outrageous 

Unreserved but shy

Intriguing and mysterious

Easy on the eye


Bubbly and extravagant

Conscientious but neur...

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Darkness and Light

In a life of confusion and pain

you wonder what it's all about

Hurry scurry helter skelter

you just feel like getting out

A whirlpool of insanity in

a world that gripped with fear

Oh what can the answer be

to all the things we hear?


The answers to the questions

sometimes they appear

to make no sense

The problems of the world

are growing 

The darkness so ...

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Anecdotal Attributes

A fair exchange is no robbery

There’s no excuse for snobbery

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

A chocolate fire guard is of no use


He’s no use nor ornament 

Two slices short of a loaf

If she had brains she’d be dangerous

But could make you as warm as toast


As deaf as a door post

As blind as a bat

Two short planks are thick

But he’s thicker than th...

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Running out of Time

I was running out of time

and trying hard to catch up

It was like being on a treadmill

Having no destination

Just a goal, a need to get there

Working alone, self discipline

was all I could rely on to keep going


Was I chasing shadows?

Trying to run backwards?

It felt very surreal, I was floating

Looking down on everything

Yes everything in my whole life

Why ...

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Alive to your feelings

A very long time ago

you thought you were alive

Did everything you could

In order to survive

That may have meant

doing the right thing

Even wearing a wedding ring

You were very much in love

so it didn’t really matter


Securing a steady job

Earning more than a few bob

The usual things follow

Like children, responsibility

All the highs and lows of life


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Music Lovers❤️

     Rock music

Pop music

Old music 

New music

    Classical music

Jazz music

Soul music

Sad music

     Punk bands

Glam bands

Garage bands

Brass bands

     Plastic Ono Band

Gastric bands

Elastic bands

Radio wave bands

       Metal bands

Grunge bands

New age bands

Brit pop bands

       Boy bands

Girl bands

Big bands

Bad bands


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Needles and Pins

Pine needles

  Fine needles 

      Sewing needles 

          Knitting needles

Hat pins

   Straight pins

     Ten pins

        And tie pins

Syringe needles 

   Thread needles 

       Record needles

           Haystack needles

Ear pins

   Nose pins

      Hair pins

         And rolling pins

My needles 

    Your pins

         Sewing boxes 


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Customer Service

She smiles, beguiles, acts naive

Sees you looking, interest increases

You ask polite questions and she agrees

with the observations you make and see


You flatter her, but not to deceive

It’s to help her feel better

and she gratefully receives

It seems as if she’s been left on the shelf

at the back of the queue, dislikes herself


Naturally, she responds to you


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Lady Desiree

The object of my innermost desires

are neither abstract, theoretical, 

hypothetical, or borne out of delusion

No confusion exists in my thoughts at all

just Lady Desiree


At first sight, in a glint of morning light

I observed her flowing form, at which point

I think I was reborn, because my life became

transformed for the better

Although I'd not had a tryst, I starte...

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An end to a Means

A reason to be part of you

Is knowing you are true

It’s better this way 

At least for today

I want to be with you


You know what I’m like

I know you so well

But only time will tell

Let’s face up to the change

Just rearrange

All things that seemed so strange


A house that’s built

On solid ground

Has no subsidence found 

But if you build a house on s...

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Tell Me

Tell me you love me, tell me you care

Tell me I look good, my clothes, my hair

Tell me the truth but no more lies

Tell me the secrets shown in your eyes

Tell me a story, one that’s not true

Tell me it’s not about me and you

Tell me it’s finished, the affair you had

Tell me you’ll come back…

I’m really sad


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Love Hate Relationship

You say you love me

So why do you hate me

For being everything

That’s not like you


You want me to change

My life, my friends

Estrange my family

Where will this end?


Will I still be allowed

to be me?

Or be controlled like

a gadget with a PCB?


I guess I know where

this is heading

My world is like water

and I’m just treading


Until I ...

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No Strings

So you wanted a relationship

With no strings attached

Well they say love is like a violin

So don’t expect to play me


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Seventy Years

Four days of celebrations drawing to a close

Coming together in unity and love

In honour of the one who’s heart beats

for the very people who turned out to cheer


Flags, banners, and memorabilia decorating

the streets. Bunting hangs high, far and wide

The Town Crier brings his message to us

We sing, cheer, and dance in reciprocation


The Master of Ceremonies leads t...

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Hey I’m Retired!

I work for the bank

I work for the council

I work for all HM government departments

I work for the Doctor

I work for the Utility companies

I work for the Dentist

I work for airlines and public transport

I work for Theatres and Cinemas

The list is never ending

I only used to have one employer

Hey I’m retired (or so I thought)


My day is one long slog on electron...

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Bright colours on pastel shades

Telling black and white stories

Of purple tinted jelly beans

And brown and greenish flora


Indigo banners are now unfurled 

Showing yellow violet and green

Rainbow trout with purple mouths

Swimming in a colourless stream


Oh show me the colours of life

To see it's light and shade

Through God's own kaleidoscope 

Observing how ...

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When I grow up

When I grow up I want to see

Everything there is to see

Travel all around the world

See every national flag unfurled


When I grow up I’m going to be tall

Tower over everyone, make them look small

I’ll get chosen for every sport there is

Wear all the gear, I’ll look the biz


When I grow up I’ll be so clever

So much so that there will never

Be anyone else at all...

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All Blown Up

A blow up doll in a blow up world

With a blow up face and blow up curls

That dangled around all over the place

But complimented her blow up face


A blow up kid in a blow up school

Who always struggled to keep the rules

Who one day took in a huge sharp pin

Cos all the children were making a din


So he popped all those blow up kids

Showed no remorse for what he did...

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What’s Wrong?

What’s wrong with me!

If only I could see what others can see

Does it matter that over beer

I sometimes choose tea?

You see I thought I was free

But in everything I seem to do

That doesn’t appear to be

the case, we’re all in a race

to be the perfect face

Obsessed by the need for information

With a determination

to succeed, to proceed

from where we are, to have t...

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Since you’ve been gone

Since you’ve been gone

I’ve not written a single line

How could I pick up a pen?

What would I express?


Since you’ve been gone

It’s been very strange

But also quite familiar

Returning to our memories


Since you’ve been gone

What has been the point?

The point seems to be

That I need to carry on


Since you’ve been gone

I need to carry on

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We’re all Stuffed!

The country is screwed 

and we’re all stuffed

All this virus malarkey

I’ve had enough

Life’s not normal

It’s all too hard

When can I go to London

and visit the Shard, the Palace

Or Parliament?

Nobody’s listening to my rant

They’re all fed up, with all the rules

Keep your mask on and don’t be rude

Keep your distance

No not when driving

Just everywhere you g...

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All I Want

All I want is a chance to shine

For people to take notice

Have a place to call mine


All I want is to be recognised

For the things I do

By everyone

including you


All I want are youthful looks

Like those you see in glossy books

To be able to pull on skinny jeans

Strut around as if I’m in my teens


All I want is a shiny new car

Get the drinks in


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A New Year Rant

A new year, a new start?

Don’t make me laugh 

Nobody gives a fart 

Whether it’s old or new

The year just flew

Stuck in your ways

Over endless days

That all seemed the same

Mainly tears and pain

And the fact remains

That it never seems to end

On whom can we depend?

Oh, and what’s a ‘real friend’?

Cos when the chips are down

And you look all around


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