Lasting Impressions
First impressions are really important
Always being at the very forefront
Of all that we ever think about
envision, imagine, or sometimes doubt
Will they actually be impressed with me?
or am I obsessed with the fears of failing
Like a boat in the breeze I’m sailing
But water leaks in and I’m bailing
to stay afloat as I need to survive
make an impression and show I’m a...
Saturday 23rd December 2017 10:33 pm
The Difference a Day Makes
A day in the life, twenty four hours
In that time you can fly to Australia
But in the same period things can
drain you I’m telling you.
Power you had but it disappeared
Trying to look back but it feels like years
How did it happen? What can it be?
Everything seemed good but now
It’s surreal
what were the causes
where did time go?
Thursday 21st December 2017 12:20 am
The boy in short trousers
Boy stands in a rowdy frantic playground
Feeling the cold in more ways than one
Shoes letting in water, nose dripping
Wiping dew away on the back of coat sleeves
too long for his skinny wiry arms
Mind wondering, cravings for recognition
will fall again on closed ears, as others have already categorised him as poor, pale and insignificant, no opposition
A pushover and e...
Monday 18th December 2017 9:06 pm
Acts of Human Kindness
Tears, fears, pain and distain
Confusion, intrusion, apportion of blame
Like sunshine coming after the rain
Is an act of human kindness
Make someone happy, make someone sad, upset somebody, even a tad
Feelings are hurt but now they are glad
For an act of human kindness
How does one know when
they’ve gone too far it’s like leaving
a door completely ajar but from a dark sk...
Thursday 14th December 2017 9:57 pm
We want so much for snow to fall
But through it all, nature predominates
Many signs though of festive proof
even though no snow appears on roof
Berries protuberant, and holly too
Ice forming amidst the water blue
of lake or pond and a stream or two
As the signs of winter transpire and ensue
Carpets of golden leaves still show
But alas no emergence of sleet or snow
Checking weather ap...
Sunday 10th December 2017 11:17 pm
The Loneliness of the long distance shopping trolley
It lies forlornly in a shallow murky stream
Rust particles starting to show on its mesh structure
and a soggy till receipt hugs against its side
together with a crumpled Mars bar wrapper.
Bread, milk, cream cakes and mushy peas, will have long been transferred
from this receptacle to fridge, pantry or stomach, after which a short
but violently rocky trip to the local w...
Friday 8th December 2017 10:51 pm
My 12 Days of Christmas
On the twelfth day of Christmas my girlfriend promised me:
12 Chicken drumsticks and
some stuffing for the turkey
12 Chicken drumsticks
11 Pipers smoking
10 Drunks a drinking
9 neighbours fighting, over...
8 Tins of chocolates
7 Bottles of Brandy
6 crates of Stella
Wednesday 6th December 2017 1:02 am
Remember and Respect
Respect is little to ask for
To remember is to respect
To respect is to remember
Those who paid an ultimate debt
When generations come together
To acknowledge not to mourn
It gives out a special feeling
That’s calm sincere and warm
Hats off to those who turn out
In rain or wind or snow
In aid of those who cared so much
They joined up and decided to go
They went to different place...
Thursday 30th November 2017 7:13 pm
Can you hear me Mother?
Can you hear me Mother?
Since you've been gone I just can't cope
Looking after this place is a flamin' joke
I miss your apple pie with a glass of gin
It's no picnic keep living out of a tin
Can you hear me Mother?
Why did you have to up and die?
In all your life you never hurt a fly
It doesn't seem fair that you have gone
And did you know that Eileen woman
has ...
Thursday 30th November 2017 12:27 am
Under the Gun
Amidst the streets and avenues
Where every track and trail
hear children cry and babies wail
And lead you to a crime or two
Many local folk scurry along
Oblivious to the shades of darkness
The covert meeting and exchange points
In dim light, twilight or even broad daylight
Capital of culture or capital of crime?
Is now a line used to describe suburbia
Wednesday 29th November 2017 10:52 pm
The Blue World below
Forests of kelp flourish in shallow waters
in warm turquoise sea bed villages
Giant fronds rising up to heady heights
creating crowded thickets of life that
fight for food and space to survive
However the enemy in the shape
of sharp spiky sea urchins, descend quickly, feeding endlessly off this
life sustaining plant in seemingly endless bristly armies in full flow
Golden coloured garib...
Monday 27th November 2017 5:34 pm
Anecdotal Attributes
A fair exchange is no robbery
There’s no excuse for snobbery
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
A chocolate fire guard is of no use
He’s no use nor ornament
Two slices short of a loaf
If she had brains she’d be dangerous
But could make you as warm as toast
As deaf as a door post
As blind as a bat
Two short planks are thick
But he’s thicker than th...
Sunday 26th November 2017 11:43 pm
Do they really want what’s best?
When you’re a baby they want you
to grow, when you grow they want you
to show, the traits and habits of someone
who’s good, and behaves in a way
that everyone should
They want the best for you
The best for you, what’s best for you
you see, what’s good for them is right
for them, so it’s right for you and me
You start to walk and they want you to run
And lear...
Wednesday 22nd November 2017 12:52 am
Is there a coffee in the house?
Steam rising and sounds of foaming milk
permeate the atmosphere
Background music forces itself
into the foreground, competing with
contrived conversations, babies wailing
and a workman swearing abusively
The Baristas carry on without a whisper
They could even be sisters in the way
that they stick together, talking about
the weather again with the customers
Working in unison like a ...
Wednesday 22nd November 2017 12:44 am
Political Correctness
PC gone mad?
PC seems sad
Things that are correct
and those that aren’t
What you can say
and what you can’t
Regard somehow
it seems quite scant
We admit to being wrong
Even in the words of songs
People mocked, derided, upset
But what you see is what you get
Wolf whistling and winks
Advertising of drinks
Saying what you really think
Are all hovering on ...
Monday 20th November 2017 11:25 am
Truth and Lies
Truth and lies can make you cry
like pie in the sky as you cast the die
Truth and hate when you stay up late
To watch the news and see them berate
The state of politics of fear and hate
And Brexit served up on a plate
Of truth and lies when all the while
Their doom and gloom is a sonic boom
Of cheats and liars mixed with smoke and fire Spinning yarns with two faced charm
...Sunday 19th November 2017 11:23 pm
I only work for the Council
In the chamber of the council
Where all the decisions are made
On roads and drains and sewers
And how much we all get paid
Now some of us are gardeners
And others empty bins
There's also the unlucky ones
Who rod grids and pipes and things
Well me I'm in the office
Delivering all the mail
Compared to the Chief Executive
Into insignificance I do pale
Sunday 19th November 2017 10:42 pm
Have you heard the latest rumour
About the Vicar and his Wife?
They got stuck in the crypt
no one there to assist
And it changed their whole outlook on life
You see with no one there to help them
And Devine intervention not seen
The Vicar chose not to pray to God
But sought solace in a few G and Ts
So the moral of this story
As you amble along in life's rac...
Sunday 19th November 2017 10:38 pm
Families at War
Sit tight, keep quiet
keep still, no lights
No emotions, no tears
no rows, no fights
Avoid confrontations
in a tin pot shelter
As hearts are beating
A belief in the mask
around necks to protect
but in reality a token
of advice misguided
and broken
with instructions
to lessen the panic
amid all the destruction
Blacked out, s...
Tuesday 14th November 2017 11:55 pm
The Place of Dreams?
As I am dreaming of spirit or demon
Driving me on to confusion of mind
Vivid then hazy my eyelids feel lazy
Limbs feeling heavy and fingers entwined
Floating, show boating because I can fly
Let’s drink as I sink in this place in my sky
I go there, I cry there, not die there, not yet
Tossing and turning, mind churning a lie?
A place that seems tranquil, ...
Sunday 12th November 2017 7:23 pm
Vicious Cycle
Suburban life awakens in a
super output area of deprivation
According to the statisticians index
this place has to be the pits
of the earth in isolation
Children void of early morning food
plead with parents
to get them to school
but know that they
will again fail to be heard
above the noise of the wind
rain and someone taking the blame
for how things remain
in a grey and black wor...
Friday 10th November 2017 12:15 am
Bright colours
on pastel shades
Telling black and
white stories
Of purple tinted
jelly beans
And brown and
greenish flora
Indigo banners
are now unfurled
Showing yellow
violet and green
Rainbow trout
with purple mouths
Swimming in
a colourless stream
Oh show me the colours of life
To see it's light and shade
Through God'...
Thursday 9th November 2017 11:49 pm
By Fred Varden
Oh I wish I could hide away
And live every single day
With no interference
From those close or near us
I wish I could hide away
I could do with a break you know
And get covered from head to toe
In them massage oils
And be wrapped in tin foil
To take all me stresses away
Oh I wish I lived by the sea
Take in the sun and the br...
Monday 6th November 2017 11:09 pm
Talking Eyes
By Fred Varden
Each time those sparkling emeralds are observed a different story
unfolds before me.
Unfolding before me a different story.
A tale of intrigue today perhaps
or mystery tomorrow?
Brow furled or unfurled, eyeliner or eye
shadow, to disguise truths hidden within?
Disguised within are hidden truths
There are days when t...
Monday 6th November 2017 11:06 pm
Friends Prominent
By Fred Varden
Stevie, Gary, Peter and me
Simon, Jude and John times three
Mike, Geoff, Dave and friends
Frank and Denis never did made amends
These are all me mates you see
At least that's what they pretended to be
The reality is that they gave me strife
I'm convinced they all fancied me wife
Always planning, plotting, being pruden...
Monday 6th November 2017 11:01 pm
Parenting for Dummies
By Fred Varden
"Mummy I want some tasty sweets"
"Oh no you've had enough of treats"
"Ok I will cry, cry and cry"
"Well alright but it's the last I buy"
"You said that same thing yesterday"
"Well yesterday is not today"
"Granted but I now want milk"
"No chance of that you're getting zilch"
"But natural feeding's the best they say"
"On this you...
Monday 6th November 2017 10:59 pm
Is there a nurse in the house? (Audio)
Friday 3rd November 2017 10:34 pm
Your gonna have to pay
For a bill you don’t remember
They wanted all your details
even asked about your gender
At first it all seemed kosher
Or perhaps it was a joke
If you leave it any longer
There’s a chance you’ll end up broke
Driving home your bum was twitchin’
checked your bank balance in the kitchen
The cash was all still there
But for how long w...
Friday 3rd November 2017 10:24 pm
Pine needles
Fine needles
Sewing needles
Knitting needles
Hat pins
Straight pins
Ten pins
And tie pins
Syringe needles
Thread needles
Record needles
Haystack needles
Ear pins
Nose pins
Hair pins
And rolling pins
My needles
Your pins
Sewing boxes
Monday 30th October 2017 11:12 pm
Split Personalities
Innumerable characteristics
Lots of quirks and traits
Moods, feelings, personas
Too many to contemplate
Those pan faced and stoic
Straight laced and serious
Po faced but laid back
Expressionless and curious
The gregarious, outrageous
Unreserved but shy
Intriguing and mysterious
Easy on the eye
Bubbly and extravagant
Conscientious but neuroti...
Sunday 29th October 2017 7:24 pm
Ode to a Toad
To you oh amphibious one do I write this tribute most deserving
To he who is either frog or toad depending on exactly what mode
A human being classifies your mysterious and bulbous eyes
Depending on the shape or size
The scaly skin you wear like a mink coat
You are the aristocracy of the moat
The pond or lake with green and slimy frill
Where your peers and servants can be found
Before it'...
Sunday 29th October 2017 7:18 pm
Social Media pat-a-cake
Facebook Facebook give me a poke
Send me a message from a handsome bloke
Make all my friends like my new lovely picture
Even the one tagging my ugly sister
Messenger Messenger help me survive
With one click may I now go live
Face to face with the lady of my dreams
On second thoughts make it someone in their late teens
From my profile she can clearly see
Friday 27th October 2017 10:40 pm
Divisions of Joy
Raw sounds of electrified emotion
Driving an arrow straight at the heart
Of those who listen and observe the motion of he with deep souled voice
A haunting yet so captivating a beat
Sets the tone again to dance hall feet
That try to emulate the quirky moves
Of a struggling genius in giants shoes
Bass lines throb with treble up high
With beats and rolls from skins on tins
...Thursday 26th October 2017 11:53 pm
Wigan Pier
Eh well we were driving along, driving along, driving along near Wigan
I was eating a pie, eating a pie and I had to make a decision
We were lost you see, lost you see, we were lost you see near Wigan.
The Pier was where we needed to be, to be, or not to be.
So I stopped a bloke, stopped a bloke, but nearly choked on me pie. As he poked me in, as he poked me in, as he poked me in the ...
Thursday 26th October 2017 11:40 pm
Random Rhyme
Movie stars:
Aston Martin Cars
Footballers wives:
Liposuction lives
Mediterranean diets:
Sunday fry ups
Angela Merkel:
Vicious circle
European Union:
Unstable communion
Sense of Politics:
Nonsense of Heretics
Mad Scientist:
Sane Psychiatrist
White collar worker:
Thursday 26th October 2017 10:45 pm
The Builders Yard
An eerie icy builders yard
tools, equipment and materials
do forlornly lie
A barrow with a squeaky
wonky wheel
Caked with cement
bruised with grit
Planks of un-plained
knotted wood rest
amidst rusted terracotta
scaffolding clamps
A thousand screws and nails
some misshapen, aged
extracted, used,
deemed useless
caress bags of unused
carpet tacks and masonry bolts
Creosote in a ...
Wednesday 25th October 2017 10:04 pm
Life in Shades
Shades of grey describe the times
When explanations are in short supply
No answer can be found at once
so things hang in the distant beyond
Nearer to home there's shades of green
where rhyme and reason can be seen
Feelings of safety and security in rooms
that don't present as doom and gloom
They don't present as doom and gloom
we're safe and secure in our private rooms
Times we dr...
Tuesday 24th October 2017 11:03 pm
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