Signs of Christmas
We want so much for snow to fall
But through it all, nature predominates
Many signs though of festive proof
even though no snow appears on roof
Berries protuberant, and holly too
Ice forming amidst the water blue
of lake or pond and a stream or two
As the signs of winter transpire and ensue
Carpets of golden leaves still show
But alas no emergence of sleet or s...
Friday 27th December 2019 2:24 pm
At Christmas time with bells on
Eeh itâs gettinâ darker and so much colder
leavinâ tâ pub I glance over me shoulder
In case I clock a face that maybe
after me presents for Crimbo you see...
at Christmas time with bells on
Now a fella intâ snug, he sold me a rug
Not the ones for yer âed but for near
yer bed, to keep ya warm if youâve
âad a snow storm...
at Christmas time with bells on
Itâs ...
Friday 27th December 2019 2:18 pm
We Canât Breath
Can somebody please help us?
We are inhabitants of planet earth
We have been around for a very long time
But we canât breath
Some of us are humans, others not so
We need oxygen, food, clean air and water
Some of our friends live under the water
But we are all finding it harder to breath
There is an enemy who has also beenÂ
an ever present in our worldÂ
Wednesday 18th December 2019 9:46 am
2051 A Space Oddity
Gas-like mist rolls over the gritty dunes
and strange shaped, granite like rocksÂ
Multi coloured clouds form like plumes
of smoke spreading across the eerie plain
Periods of extreme quiet give way to what
would seem like peels of distant thunder
accompanied by a gentle surface tremor
As if playing out a sinister rhythmic sequence
Noticeable though, the feeling of ...
Tuesday 17th December 2019 1:22 pm
Drive of my Life
Driving at night
on a road I donât know
The wind howling
with a fluttering of snow
Seeing things in a way
I donât normally see
and it thwarts me from
getting to where I need to be
Eyes playing games
Peering beyond the haze
Every street seems the same
like a cornfield maze
Well thats how it feels
When disorientation kicks in
Like being in hell
when youâv...
Sunday 15th December 2019 12:25 pm
Reference in Rhyme
To whom it may concern
From this I hope you will learn
More about this candidate
Who up to now is never late
He always gets things done
Provided his team have won
Heâs as honest as the day is new
and also makes a decent brew
This man has integrity in his bones
Never been known to whinge or moan
Nothing is ever too much trouble
He just lives in a hard work bubble
...Saturday 30th November 2019 10:47 am
Alexa and Siri (A digital love story) Audio
Monday 25th November 2019 11:16 pm
Haiku Truth
And so this is the truth
We care not for the World
But the World we ourselves live in
Telling me you love me makes me feel good
Telling me lies hurts my feelings
Telling me the truth makes me suspicious
To the public the press reveals the truth
To the press the public look for the truth
To the press and the public the truth is hidden
A politician is regard...
Monday 25th November 2019 11:07 pm
The Place of Dreams?
As I am dreaming of spirit or demon
Driving me on to confusion of mind
Vivid then hazy my eyelids feel lazy
Limbs feeling heavy and fingers entwinedÂ
Floating, show boating because I can fly
Letâs drink as I sink in this place in my sky
I go there, I cry there, not die there, not yet
Tossing and turning, mind churning a lie?
A place that seems tranquil, eerie and dry
...Tuesday 12th November 2019 10:14 am
The Druid
Is he sage, sorcerer, diviner or devil?
Seer and soothsayer to those in peril?
Future, past, present, prophet or charlatan?
Layer down of laws, lauded by emperors
Shrouded in mystery, cloak and dagger
Learned man or sometimes a woman
Interpretation of dreams and visions
Revered, respected, withdrawn from conflict
The Druid was steeped in mystery and all
The fol...
Saturday 9th November 2019 8:41 pm
Food and Drink
Sitting here, a nice cool beer
Sound of voices, many choices
Condiments laid out, salt and pepper
mayo, salad cream, taste seems better
Crazy size menu, fish, meat, curries and pies
Vegetarian, vegan and special diets
Theyâll boil, braze, poach or fry it
If you want sides, they vary far and wide
Salads, chips, wedges and fries
A fish section, seafood, steaks and pizzaâs
...Tuesday 29th October 2019 10:08 am
The Deepest Cut
If only life could be cut and pasted
Erase the months and years Iâve wasted
Paste in the things that others can do
Cut out the memories of fear and you
and the demons that so often playÂ
with my thoughts, deliberations, day by day
Dig to the core with blade in hand
to unearth hurt, pain, like sand
sifting through the realms of time
Whatâs mine is yours, and yours is mine
If only in tha...
Monday 28th October 2019 9:53 pm
Ode to a Toad
To you oh amphibious one do I write
this tribute most deserving
To he who is either frog or toad,
depending on exactly what mode
A human being classifies your
mysterious and bulbous eyes
Depending on the shape or size
The scaly skin you wear like a mink coatÂ
You are the aristocracy of the moat
The pond or lake with green and slimy frill
Where your peers and serv...
Friday 25th October 2019 11:17 am
House of Cards
Did we ever stand a chance in a paper world
Where every fold, every tear really hurts
Creased and crumpled, a throw away line
Ripped and torn we limped over to mine
A tempestuous relationship, cruel and hard
We unravelled, fell apart, in my house of cards
A paper plane, an origami creation
Travelling light in a floating paper sensation
Tripping the light fantastic...
Sunday 29th September 2019 3:02 pm
Slide, slide, slide away
On your belly every day
In our gardens, and our sheds
Making dark places your comfy bed
No puppy dogs tails for the slugs and snails
But plants and bulbs to ruin and munch
Especially at night so you need no lunch
Itâs not the story, itâs the way I tell it
Excuse me while I put down some slug pellets
Iâve tried making them walk on eggshells
Saturday 28th September 2019 2:12 pm
Haiku Day 3
To the public the press reveals the truth
To the press the public look for the truth
To the press and the public the truth is hidden
The Urban Poet for Poetry Day 2019
Friday 27th September 2019 11:17 pm
Haiku Day 2
Telling me you love me makes me feel good
Telling me lies hurts my feelings
Telling me the truth makes me suspicious
The Urban Poet for Poetry Day 2019
Friday 27th September 2019 11:13 pm
Haiku Day 1
And so this is the truth
We care not for the World
But the World we ourselves live in
The Urban Poet for National Poetry Day 2019
(A daily 3 liner leading up to Poetry Day 2019)
Tuesday 24th September 2019 11:59 pm
Ode to an Evil Fracker
Those whose business
is all about fracking
Deserve nothing
else but a damn
good sackingÂ
Spoiling our shorelineÂ
Donât give them
more time
To ruin and endanger
Like an evil stranger
In the name of money
For just profits sake
Causing minor earth quakes
So donât laugh at us or scoff
Just pack up your drills and
The Urban Poet 2019
Saturday 21st September 2019 12:33 pm
A Writers Life
A writers life, a writers mind
Thoughts bombarding, counting time
You ache to write down what you see
The things you hear, the trapped, the free
Views and opinions, feelings strong
A writer knows not right or wrong
Just wants to capture colour and shade
Like military regalia on parade
To lore, to reel the reader in
To enter the writers mind within
A banner o...
Sunday 15th September 2019 11:05 pm
Fanny Arlington
In slow stately ballroom style
she dances in triple time
a stylistically refined minuet
with her partner but not in step.
He, being mesmerised with
her beguiling beauty
and electric personality
as the orchestra plays
in ambiguous tempo or so he says
Not tiring, Fanny looks to refresh
her performance by swapping
dance partners, and so I move
swiftly in
No need for introductions
Sunday 15th September 2019 10:36 pm
We Canât Breath
Can somebody please help us?
We are inhabitants of planet earth
We have been around for a very long time
But we canât breath
Some of us are humans, others not so
We need oxygen, food, clean air and water
Some of our friends live under the water
But we are all finding it harder to breath
There is an enemy who has also beenÂ
an ever present in our worldÂ
Monday 26th August 2019 10:16 pm
Ranting Reg
The patients wait patiently for his dulcet tones
He sits there with headset and microphone
Most maybe sick and lying in bed
But they still canât wait to hear Ranting Reg
If itâs cricket scores you want to hear
Or old music remixed and well stirred
Lie back, tune in, just give it a whirl
and listen to Ranting Reg
Ranting Reg knows his stuff
Of Ranting Reg canât get enough
He plays the...
Thursday 22nd August 2019 4:25 pm
Naturally Innate
People differ in terms
of their innate abilities
Yes, Innate, inborn
Natural, and inbred
Congenital, inherent
Intrinsic, or instinctive
Intuitive, spontaneous
Unlearned, and untaught
Hereditary, inherited
In the blood, or in the family
Quintessential, organic
Essential, or basic
Fundamental, constitutional
Rare, connate, and non natural
Built-in, ingrown or
Yes, p...
Thursday 22nd August 2019 4:22 pm
Have you heard the latest rumour
About the Vicar and his Wife?
They got stuck in the crypt
no one there to assist
And it changed their whole outlook on life
You see with no one there to help them
And Devine intervention not seen
The Vicar chose not to pray to GodÂ
But sought solace in a few G and Ts
So is the moral of this story
As we amble along in life's race
Is ...
Saturday 17th August 2019 3:00 pm
Claws tearing at the stinking mattress
A source of sustenance or rodent madness?
The urge to cause chaos, to scare, to shock
Water dripping down a filthy pipe blocked
Rats, rats the symbol of filth?
Rats, rats, wonât cure you theyâll kill
Running in packs, working hard to destroy
Everything that crosses their slimy paths
Vermin of the first degree, representing evil
To y...
Friday 9th August 2019 4:09 pm
My Kind of Life
The life I knew is faded and skewed
In a way that even I didnât expect
As along the way I start to collect
Memories sweet and those to detest
Itâs as if the years have past and so
It leaves me in a place I just donât know
Or recognise in shape or form
From those I remember since being born
I suppose that itâs my kind of life
The ups, the downs, the laughs and frowns
Wednesday 7th August 2019 10:21 pm
Ga Ga Rhyme
Ga Ga romama
Poker face
Sheâs misplaced
Katy Perry
Mungo Gerry
Iggy Pop
Please donât stop
Foo Fighters
All nighters
Fag lighters
Ga ga rhymeÂ
Rock and roll
Drill and soul
Rap and r ân b
Music mix
Breaks the mould
And man
it sets you free
The Urban Poet 2019
Wednesday 24th July 2019 11:38 pm
The Enemy Within
No strategic plans in this battle
A war without guns or explosives
Yet many victims and casualties
Some succumb to its powerful draw
Others battle on defencelessly
Along the way they experience fear
dread of an endless existence bubble
A treadmill of pills and well wishes
A mountain of advice to climb
Even though itâs futile words again
Do they really understand the pain?
Is there compr...
Tuesday 9th July 2019 6:42 pm
Blind Date
Iâm late, Iâm late
For a very important date
I donât mind you see
If itâs a blind date or three
âCos I prefer not to know
What she looks like and so
I just turn up, give her a sultry look
and then hope for the best
(You can imagine the rest)
Now in me minds eye
Sheâs a looker, thatâs why
I always prefer, to buy flowers for herÂ
But Iâve had too many shocks
Like a bird with Botox
Monday 8th July 2019 2:34 pm
Norma Jean
First day of June in twenty six
Blonde bombshell born
will star in many flicks
Childhood spent in foster care
but stood out from the crowd
especially her hair,
her beauty and so much so
she was popular with the guys
who all wanted to know
who she was, where was she from?
Where did she tarry?
At sixteen though
she went and got married
Oh Norma Jean your s...
Saturday 29th June 2019 11:18 pm
When did I sign up? (A Carers lament)
The stress the strain and endless pain
Is normal in a world where sun is rain
Where white is black
and you darenât look back
or answer when they say âhey whatâs up?â
When was it that for all this I signed up?
Donât get me wrong I do the caring
not for money or gifts but for love and sharing,
and promises I made on that special day
but hey! When did I sign up for th...
Tuesday 18th June 2019 10:35 pm
Canât sleep at night
wake up with the light
Iâm crabby, angry
and up for a fight
The night before
I slept onât floor
To try and change
the old routineÂ
It worked at first
but things got worse
when I needed a leak
and the floorboards creaked
I tossed and turned
So I made a brew
Grilled a slice or two
but me toast got burned
and me plans were spurned
There was nothing else for it
Saturday 15th June 2019 11:44 pm
Who is this please?
Forty more years with nothing to show
Only fragmented memories to join togetherÂ
The past behind so just go with the flow
Keep it safe, donât push it, canât live forever
Who is this please?
In this cellophane dream?
Is it you, or is it me?
Promise me that Iâll soon be free
From a hazy world I can barely see
Who is this please?
Trying to establish connections to gaps
In time and spac...
Sunday 9th June 2019 10:09 pm
True Friends
True friends laugh
when you laugh
Cry when you hurt
Know your favourite colour
The cut of your skirt (or shirt)
They feel when your down
And know when itâs real
See all the signs when
youâve had a rough deal
When youâre far apart
Their best wishes they send
You know itâs genuine âcos
Itâs from a really true friend
The Urban Poet 2019
Friday 31st May 2019 11:13 pm
Boring little old Me
Iâm not radical, controversial or bad
UnInteresting, a mess, or completely mad
I admit to sometimes being the sad
Boring little old me
Iâm not a Goth, gay, a punk or a followerÂ
of any group, icon, not a self pity wallower
Iâm not big, or tall or tiny like a Borrower
Iâm just boring little old me
Iâve never been trapped in
Or had secrets in a closet
Been in a bank and tried to rob it
Friday 31st May 2019 11:07 pm
The Goal
The happiness of all mankind is the goal
In any type of war we become someone else
Youâre not you anymore, you will never again be you,
once you have taken a life,
or violated someone or somethingÂ
You wake up the following morning
and youâre still you,
realising that it was you all along
This person who could act or react under orders
to help facilitate the goal of all mankind
The goa...
Friday 31st May 2019 11:03 pm
On This Day
Nigelâs feeling cock a hoop
The others are having to regroup
The vote is done, weâve had our say
Itâs still not June but itâs the end of May
The Tories look towards Mr Johnson
So donât worry Jeremy just carry on son
Cable Guyâs pleased, his term almost finished
So his group will probably soon diminish
UKIP looks a ghost of itâs former self
And CHUK with Chuka is left on ...
Tuesday 28th May 2019 5:17 pm
The 24/7 365 Cell
Twenty four seven, three six five
Before imprisonment I felt alive
Free to do whatever I wanted
Without any fear or disappointment
Now Iâm a slave and no longer free
Controlled by a screen and a PCB
Itâs got that way that I canât let it go
Every fact and answer I need to know
I used to have pets, a cat and poodleÂ
Now I touch and stroke my Google
Itâs my closest companion from dawn t...
Thursday 23rd May 2019 11:01 pm
Set âem up Joe (tribute to Doris Day)
Oh Doris the songs of joy you gave us
and the fabulous movies you graced
I was Bewitched by your Precious Love
As we were Making Whoopie on
The Black Hills of Dakota,
whilst on a Sentimental Journey.
Night and Day you were the Teachers Pet
Oh Close your Eyes and Fly me to the Moon
Move over Darling and let us share our Secret Love
once again.
I will sing you...
Tuesday 14th May 2019 11:51 pm
Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor
Soon to be lauded by writers and singers
A media eruption as soon as you were born
People talking about you from dusk till dawn
Something worth celebrating across the world
In honour of you flags will be unfurled.
The Urban Poet 2019
Friday 10th May 2019 12:00 pm
Eclectic Mix
Wide ranging
Universal and
Non exclusive
Broad based
All embracingÂ
Many sided
and Inclusive
An eclectic cocktailÂ
The Urban Poet 2019
Sunday 5th May 2019 11:33 pm
Four Lines
A four line ditty for my young lady so pretty.
So beautiful, oh your complexion, your eyes!
Your are stunning, very intelligent and witty
I really wish I was like you and didnât tell lies.
The Urban Poet 2019
Friday 3rd May 2019 10:09 pm
Parenting can be a joy
Whether bringing up a girl or boy
It can also be hard, it is no lie
Especially when youâre sleep deprived
But donât lose heart and have no fear
It only lasts for twenty five years!
The Urban Poet 2019
Thursday 2nd May 2019 11:53 pm
I do Ron Ron
Well for the sake of the story,
letâs call him Ron
Didnât meet him on a Monday
nor did my heart stand still.
Just a good old fashioned,
uncomplicated relationship,
oops sorry, meant complicated
We were in love, (or so he told me)
I was the only one for him (the lying b......)
He made me feel so very special
(you have to fake it sometimes)
We were an imperfect ...
Sunday 28th April 2019 11:44 pm
Rhymes and Reasons
Lines set out in rhyme In time
with beats and rhythm
in metre sweet
To connect, correct
Inform, pour scorn
Create and form, adorn, purloin Â
âAm I bothered â you said
they can tread on me
rat a tat on me, betray me
Sticks and stones they say
and thatâs the way
I deal with it all
stand tall, donât take a fall
for any dude who tries to be rude
âcos itâs wate...
Sunday 28th April 2019 3:49 pm
Mistaken Identity
All these years Iâve known this personÂ
Every thought, habit, word and intentionÂ
The personal struggles of mind and body
Beliefs, experiences, natural, spiritual,
emotional and even transformational
The way they adapted to every twist, turn and bump,
in a long road to adulthood and beyond
Reinventing a personality along the way
to match what was bowled in their direction
...Saturday 27th April 2019 11:20 pm
Save Carrington Moss
A huge threat hanging over sheer beauty,
As the planners see it all as their duty,
to allow fat cats to trick them with compromise,
in order to see pound signs in each otherâs eyes.
Governments will come and some will go,
but the beauty of our countryside
will continue to glow, with stunning new discoveries every day, and thatâs one reason why we have to have our say,
on matt...
Saturday 27th April 2019 10:27 pm
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