What is a day but a measure in time
don’t you hear your own clock chime
You might think it's not so simple
So refuse to act on this impulse
just to think of what others may say
But now is the time to seize the Day
Your future is earths worm food
For our life can’t be renewed
Our ashes will be left behind
That's how it's all designed
So live the life you ...
Wednesday 13th March 2024 5:33 pm
My Brain
My brain is like a chessboard
Always thinking moves ahead
I’ll never want to be ignored
Even when I am dead
My brain can solve a rubik cube
And memorise a deck of cards
I’ve nothing left at all to loose
it’s written in the stars
Friends often came and went
But I really didn’t care
As I was never present
I simply wasn’t there
So I’m sor...
Sunday 10th March 2024 8:03 pm
The Leaf
In the summer we were so strong
Inseparable from the vine
I always thought that we’d belong
And that you’d always be mine
So I continue on and on
But winter came in on time
Is it me or doesn’t this matter
Maybe it’s a warning Sign!
Torn from the stem we’re disregarded
Now Different colours shapes and sizes
We are Battered, bruised & separated
Like a...
Saturday 9th March 2024 12:00 pm
The Liar
There’s a screw loose inside my head
drilling deeper, not just when I’m in bed
When in shame, feel low or afraid
I’ll lie & keep up my pathetic charade
I’m a conjuror of sorts, magic, my game
But as in life…this deceptions the same
I’m NOT a con artist, gambler or cheat
Just a liar who feels he can’t compete
As everyone’s life much better than mine
So I lie...
Saturday 9th March 2024 9:21 am
The Ridings
There’s a shopping centre that’s on the rise
I’ll tell you what’s there… no I’ll summarise
Located in glorious Wakefield city
There’s an indoor play area for all the kiddies
There’s also a cinema, escape room and bars
So you Adults don’t have to walk far
From Primark to Belles,
there’s a Toy land as well
This really’s a shoppers galore
So what are you wait...
Saturday 9th March 2024 8:06 am
Road Rage
The bike are riding two by two
Hurrah hurrah
The bikes are riding two by two
Hurrah hurrah
The bikes are riding two by two
It’s the Highway Code, but I own the road
So Ill just keep driving on
The bikes are now riding three by three
Oh shite oh shite
The bikes are now riding three by three
Oh shite oh shite
The bikes are riding three by three
As ...
Tuesday 5th March 2024 11:01 am
Goole is where I’m off this week
I’ve heard the fishing museums Unique
I walk and stare at the ground
Reminding me it’s a historic port town
its special relationship with Gibraltar Rock
Is the same as I have with my dirty… sock
So... I’m on my way to Goole
Under my arm is my best cagoule
My Happiness level never does drop
But one things for sure the rai...
Monday 4th March 2024 1:31 am
The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled is convincing the world he doesn’t exist
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled
Is making the world believe he doesn’t exist
I don’t know why but I don’t agree
Let me explain I have an idea you see
Conspiracy theories is fuel for his flames
Brexit, traffic jams and gossip entertain…
His hoards and minions cheer and go wild
All waiting for the day that Johnson’s defiled
With a rod up his buttocks fo...
Sunday 3rd March 2024 9:20 pm
The Greatest Ever…. Cup and Ball Trick
The trick of the cup and ball
Starts with a vanish and reappearance
From oranges, lemons and even a baseball
Teleport to a cup, that the audience cheer
The magicians face says it all
No wonder magic is a great career
But instead of stopping he continues the act
As he is now handcuffed, bound and strapped.
He repeats the words that makes himself... vanish once more...
Sunday 3rd March 2024 4:33 pm
Wonka Land
Wonka land
Have you seen the land of chocolate
Just £35 from your own wallet
Promises of wonkas factory delight
But actually it’s a cooperate warehouse of shite
Ompa lumpars are large not tiny
I look and stare and think christ almighty.
Is it not Wonkaland? but another place
As I think of an excuse to this disgrace
Willy Wonkas now here and he’s complete...
Sunday 3rd March 2024 4:27 pm
The Souls Of Three
What is it that drives my fear
The way it’s Scaring me
Is it my last breathe, with family near
Inviting death to see
With no other thought, than not to take
My family and their own souls of three
I saw my life and my wife’s life
In a kingdom of the light
And angels wrapped their wings
that held and gripped us tight
With a choir that peacefully sing
I could see my children wi...
Saturday 12th March 2022 5:16 pm
The Hard Goodbye
How can we both, finally say goodbye
When all I think, you’ll ask is why
I gave up caring and supporting you
When really this is all I do.
Now your gone, my hearts a flutter
Emotions in words, come out as a stutter
I think did I fail? Or did you prevail?
My faults and mistakes are not yours to bear
You have enough trauma yourself to wear
I felt I was lost, like tears in rain
I w...
Monday 7th March 2022 2:02 pm
Is this justice?
Is this justice?
The beggar steals bread from a shop keeper
He would of paid but alas he’s too eager
To feed his family for just… one day
The judge announced 5 years, they will pay
It’s not like his family, could have their say
Is this justice?
The student who cares for their sick
Plagiarises essays one after another
To not fall foul of this important course
But ...
Sunday 6th March 2022 5:18 pm
Speaking Up (Confidence)
Speak up now, speak up. I hear you cried
why oh why , don't you say what's on your mind
conforming like a lamb to slaughter
not firm or rigid like bricks and of mortar
I know it's wrong to stay in silence
but fear alone tips the balance
to my conformity and uncertainty
The little voice cries again
speak up now, m speak up
Don’t be a victim let words be weapons
Like arrows or ...
Wednesday 2nd March 2022 1:58 pm
Can you see me?
Do you see me? Standing in the corner.
All black and blue like a Monet or Turner
Hiding from view as to not make a scene
Whilst inside of me, is a silent scream.
Childhood now gone I’m now an adult
I ask, Do you see me? Do you see me?
Years of violence by the kindness of hands
How could I trust a mum and a dad
I see you now but don’t look at me
under this armour I’m vulnerable you...
Tuesday 1st March 2022 6:05 pm
Recent Comments
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