Lockdown Blues
Sat around the table in the snug
Talking about this and that
And there’s beautiful blonde on tap
Jukebox banging out some glorious tunes
A few more beers yet, I’ve got the room
More banter when we nip outside
Talking to strangers, a cig or two
It’s now all just a fantasy
Something from the long-lost past
Laughing and joking with mates at the bar
Something we thought w...
Monday 15th February 2021 11:02 pm
When I contemplate the big sky
I look around and wonder why
I don't have enough tears to cry
Don't feel emotional, don't try
To understand the sky.
When I contemplate the bright sun
Then see people pick up a gun
I wonder what we've done
To become who we've become
And not understand the sun.
When you break it all down?
We're blindfold to each other
Monday 15th February 2021 10:52 pm
Stand Tall
I could have stepped in
And committed the sin
Of sticking my nose in your face
I held back
I didn’t attack
Didn’t want to get it wrong
There’s something wrong with this place.
I heard you
Making a noise
You stood tall
Never even needed me.
I didn’t step in
I know where you’ve been
I’ve been there too if you ask
I kept quiet
Kept it inside
Monday 15th February 2021 10:46 pm
The Stone Still Grinds
Everything is analysed,
Everybody justifies,
Poor folk still dies.
Everything is explained,
Everybody discussed,
Poor girl says, ‘what’s the fuss?’.
I don’t take you for a fool,
I hope not you to I,
But cold hard facts,
Are hard to find,
And yet the stone still grinds.
Everything is described,
We all give detailed accounts,
Poor folk still died.
I don’t ta...
Monday 15th February 2021 10:42 pm
A Storm is Coming
My poem supporting the Labour Party.
A Storm is Coming
I’m looking at the big sky
Not just my favourite piece
Abundance of selfish thinking
Putting everyone in doubt
Of the true purpose of what it’s all about.
I’m not giving anything to anyone
Is the mantra taken up
What’s good for me is all I see
I disregard everyone else
A storm is coming, look after yoursel...
Friday 29th November 2019 11:53 am
Scorched Skies
Scorched skies and the ground littered with
The dettritus of a careless society
Broken buildings and rivers poisoned with
The sickening pollution of a thoughtless culture
The wind screams endlessly like banshees
Howling the fall of man
Empty lives staring hopelessly at pointless
Tablets in their hands
Desperately seeking meaning to a forgotten plan
Saturday 15th June 2019 2:41 pm
The Good Are Few
The Good are Few
Endless blue skies and a gin and tonic
Sat comfortably on our decking, while the country goes chronic
Election fever and a disappointing, lingering apathy
Unsafe and unstable causing a calamity.
Bright, hot sun and take another sip
Get the juices flowing, afraid of a slip
Optimistic dreams create media frenzy
Floundering queen, green with envy.
Gentle warm breeze an...
Saturday 15th June 2019 2:24 pm
Complicated Man
I’m sitting in between everything
I haven’t got a defence
Clarity of argument; I sit on the fence
Like a remainer without passion
I watch the world pass by
Happy in the moment that I didn’t even try
To oppose the inevitability of a right-wing slant
I get really tired sometimes of benevolent rant
Where everybody else sits and where I fit
Why should I care for folks’ ups a...
Sunday 18th November 2018 4:04 pm
The End
So now, you’ve reached the end
Of a journey not so well spent
And in your moment of reflection
You can consider all your rejection
All your anger
All your judgment
All your disdain
So now, you’re feeling a cold sweat
Of a fear, that bears some threat
And in your moment of desperation
You may consider others condemnation
Of all your spite
All your reasons to figh...
Sunday 18th November 2018 4:01 pm
Blue sky and stillness in the air
Birds tweeting and the smell of pine
Heart leaping at the thought of a long, hot summer
Flinching as a bumble bee drones by
Reminiscent of childhood fears.
World issues seem far away, or are they?
Pollution identified in plastic and contrails
Disgust and irritation on the treatment of nature
Adrenalin pumping resentment
With environ...
Wednesday 10th October 2018 2:17 pm
Initial Wake
Initially, it was all a bit of fun
Having a bit of a yarn
But in the wake of what has recently been said
I’ll try for a seminal piece
Just get it straight in my head
A seminal piece would set me up right
Comfortable possibilities for life
But what if my scribing is considered tripe
Would I dig in and put up a scrap?
A reservoir of ability, full and ripe
Or would I sit back and accept
Wednesday 10th October 2018 2:14 pm
He woke up in the woods
Lost and all alone
No clue of where he was
Or anywhere to go
Staggering through the undergrowth
He finally found a path
It wound down through the trees
To a quaint cottage and a beautiful garden
Where he heard the sound of jazz!
The door was open and he walked on in
To Billie Holliday and his dad
Who smiled and said, “how’re you doing, lad?”
...Sunday 7th October 2018 1:38 pm
Tour de Yorkshire
It took ten seconds for the race to pass by
An hour we’d been waiting
I stood on the chair, took pictures
Cheered and cried
And when it was all done
And we could no longer see the sun
I was still drinking beer
Which is what I’d wanted to do
Since it had all begun.
Stuart Clark
Sunday 7th October 2018 1:36 pm
The Good are Few
Endless blue skies and a gin and tonic
Sat comfortably on our decking, while the country goes chronic
Election fever and a disappointing, lingering apathy
Unsafe and unstable causing a calamity.
Bright, hot sun and take another sip
Get the juices flowing, afraid of a slip
Optimistic dreams create media frenzy
Floundering queen, green with envy.
Gentle warm breeze ...
Sunday 7th October 2018 1:35 pm
Scorched Skies
Scorched skies and the ground littered with
The detritus of a careless society
Broken buildings and rivers poisoned with
The sickening pollution of a thoughtless culture
The wind screaming endlessly like banshees
Howling the fall of man
Empty lives staring hopelessly at pointless
Tablets in their hands
Desperately seeking meaning to a forgotten plan
Isolationists implore from TV screens ...
Saturday 29th September 2018 11:59 am
What’s The Worst That Can Happen?
From time to time, we’re all faced with trouble and strife
Constantly perplexed on how to struggle through life
So when you’re thinking things over
Of how to get your life in clover
Make a little promise to the inner you
Try to be nice and good to people
Even though sometimes you won’t like what they do
Forgiveness is complex and personal process
When you forgive someone, you release a pri...
Saturday 29th September 2018 11:57 am
Scratching Beard, Holding Head
Scratching Beard, Holding Head
Toing and froing getting little things done
Lazing around watching daytime TV
Temporarily caught up in the glitz and the glamour
Classic literature sitting on the shelf
Waiting to be read, I remind myself
Time flies by imperceptibly
I Scratch my beard and hold my head
What was it? That needed to be said
Was it correcting the la...
Sunday 3rd April 2016 1:29 pm
Word Art
Books are word art
Word art stimulates imagination
Word art can be borrowed
Libraries are word art borrowing facilities
Libraries are word art storage facilities
Libraries are precious
Word art is precious
People require access to borrowing centres
Prevent word art resource centre reduction
Reduction imposes non-access
Non-access creates non-inclusiveness
Friday 5th February 2016 3:55 pm
Opposite Nothing
Opposite Nothing
I’d stood in the square, across from the bank
Nervous with anticipation, if I had to be frank
Though full of beans and eager to please
You’d still captured my thoughts with comforting ease
Your long dark hair and sparkling brown eyes
Offered so much, with a hint of surprise
With consummate simplicity we’d both confirmed
That a meet during the week was one w...
Friday 5th February 2016 3:49 pm
Earth to Mankind
Earth to Mankind
I am diminished
I am yours to do with as you please
I ask you treat me with respect
Yet still I am reduced
I cherish my existence
Harness the sun as it harnesses me
Yet still I am dwindling
I provide you with all you need
I ask you value me as you would yourself
Yet still I am plundered
I am benign to you, unaware of your deeds
I am wide awake a...
Friday 5th February 2016 3:41 pm
Recent Comments
Robert C Gaulke on The Nothing
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Graham Sherwood on Cornwall in January.
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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh on The Nothing
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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh on A LESSON NEVER LEARNED (forgive me - this is a repeat entry)
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