The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Graham Robinson

Updated: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 06:00 pm

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Graham is known for his appearances and recitals on City Talk FM, and is a prominent member of many local poetry societies. Graham's first collection of poetry 'Observations On Life' Graham has also set-up 'Poets Corner'. This is a brand-new poetry night set in Hoylake's stunning Glassfire venue that runs on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 8pm.


Hot and Sticky in Billericay It was hot and sticky that night in Billericay- as we lay in each other's arms- It was hot and sticky that night in Billericay- as we truly fell for each other's charms. It was hot and sticky that night in Billericay- as you said Oh please don't let me go- It was hot and sticky that night in Billericay- as on each other's skin we did blow. It was hot and sticky that night in Billericay- as we both kissed anf hugged the night away- It was hot and sticky that night in Billericay- as both in bed we stayed. It was hot and sticky that night in Billericay- as your moistened head slid down my manly chest- It was hot and sticky that night in Billericay- as your bloody earring got caught in my string vest!

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.


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M.C. Newberry

Wed 17th Oct 2012 13:03

Hello Graham - many thanks for the comment on "I Protest!".
I will admit to being stimulated to getting it set out by certain WOL entries over the months - and a few exchanges of opinion in the process.
No pack drill. :-)

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Jeff Dawson

Fri 7th Sep 2012 07:24

Thanx Graham & Poets Corner, every now and again something nice happens in the poetry world and to have one of your poems recognised by others is definitely one of them!

I'm delighted to have my Cotton Town poem featured in Poets Corner and your book, thanx for your support and kind words, hope to see you soon, all the best, Jeff

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John Coopey

Mon 16th Apr 2012 00:04

Many thanks for the kind comments on my poems recently. Sorry I can’t offer a more personal thankyou but I’ve got gremlins in my machine which makes typing a comment over the internet take an eternity. Hence this rather impersonal catch-all done in Word and pasted on-line.
Notwithstanding, many thanks.

steve mellor

Tue 3rd Apr 2012 08:32

Hi Graham
Many thanks for the comment on 'Out'
When I put it on the site, I had already decided that it was more of a paper poem than one to recite. I have no time for bigotry, but the telling is a hard path to follow

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John Coopey

Thu 8th Mar 2012 09:36

Hello Graham.
A bit obvious this was mine, eh? I shall have to get Ken Barlow's advice on how to avoid type-casting.
Yes, the Facebook critique was my darling daughter's, I'm afraid. Can't sing, can't play, can't do anything except "can you give me a tenner, dad?".
Glad you liked it.

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Jack Pascoe

Mon 5th Mar 2012 13:35

Hiya Graham,

Thanks for your comment on 'Don't take youself so serious'. I decided to change that particular line and make it a bit more jocular. Took out one of the verses as well to make it a bit more universal instead of narrowing it down to just poets, people in other professions take themselves too seriously as well sometimes.

Anyway, glad you enjoyed reading it and i hope you get a chance to look at the new version.

Kind regards,

p.s If we do end up on a plane together, make sure it's not going to America. I don't think the hijack thing goes down too well with American airlines. Some people have no sense of fun eh?

<Deleted User> (6292)

Sun 4th Mar 2012 12:48

Hello Graham
Thank you so much for your very worthwhile critique I am obliged.

The repetition of waving grass... is held within the poem as a , albeit clumsy, overlay as if in a movie scene.

I often try and imagine the scene very much in thesame way as a film director might... with the constant use of overlays transparcies and fades..

Once again many thanks for reading.

Augusta xx

<Deleted User> (10059)

Mon 27th Feb 2012 18:13

Graham - thanks for your kind comments on 'For the common good' - much appreciated. Whilst it paints a somewhat gloomy picture on the one hand, it nevertheless attempts to capture some of the atrocities in recent years. Like the reference you added re. Martin Luther King and Mandela - very apt! I do have a sense of humour as you might see from my other. By the way, Billericay poem is great! Tony

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John Coopey

Wed 22nd Feb 2012 20:48

What ho, Graham! Glad you liked "The Charge of the Light Brigade".
Whenever I get a call centre in Mumbai I always seem to get a bloke called "Colin" who's an avid watcher of Corra.

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Adam Warwicker

Mon 20th Feb 2012 16:52

Hi Graham, thanks for your comments on Holiday Romance. In my mind, the potential 'victims' were naive teenagers, that is, if such an entity still exists.

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Jack Pascoe

Sat 18th Feb 2012 10:58

Thanks for the comment on 'The Cock and Bulldog Inn' Graham, and sorry if i crushed the romance for you but i've never been good at that kind of thing. But if you are into Dickens i've put one up about him to celebrate his 200th birthday, You'll be able to tell which one it is from the title.
Kind regards 'n' all tha'.

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John Coopey

Fri 10th Feb 2012 17:22

Thanks for the comments on Platform, Graham. My later comment on that blog explains its provenance. In the light of that you'll probably understand that Ken Dodd's Dad's Dog's Dead was an awful lot more challenging as a poem, both rhythmically and lyrically.

<Deleted User> (6315)

Mon 6th Feb 2012 17:50

Hiya Graham..thanks a lot for that lovely reply to 'the other side' good of you..hey you should put your poems on the 'make a new blog entry' press the button when you log on..tis the far right one I think..hoping to see/hear you soon. Stel x

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Poets Corner

Fri 20th Jan 2012 15:14

A Poem - Graham Robinson (an adaption of a Philip Larkin poem)

What are days for?
Days are where we all live-
They come and go every day-
and have so very much to give.

Days come time and again, it really is a feat.
Daytime then passes to her friend - night time-
together they make our lovely days complete.
Then they allow us peace and quiet whilst we sleep.

Days are so very happy to be in-
for where else can we all live but days?
Days are always there to help us enjoy things-
in so many different ways.

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Chris Co

Wed 18th Jan 2012 20:43

Thx for the comment/feedback on my last poem. And thx for a great night in Hoylake.

My Best


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Poets Corner

Fri 18th Nov 2011 11:54

Both Myself and Stella Jones are delighted at the response to our 'Poets Corner' event at 'Glassfire' in (Sunny) Hoylake , Wirral (right by Hoylake Station)...
On Tuesday night we had around 40 people attend with 20 Poets reading and it is only our 2nd month!!
Poets travelled from Bolton (Rachel Bond)....
and Wigan (Elaine Booth- Guest Poet) Isobel Malinowski and Joy France and with my co-host Stella Jones it made Poets Corner an even more elegant evening...and the Poems were great as well!!
Elaine judged both Hara Willow (Hoylake Poet) and a newcomer - Steve Smith to be joint winners!
Although I know Elaine said it was a very close run thing!..Thanks to both Elaine and all poets...Graham

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Poets Corner

Fri 18th Nov 2011 11:45

I Am delighted at being judged the winning Poet 2011 at last months 'Wirral Ode Show' at The Stork Hotel in Price Street, is a great honour!
Thanks to Jason T Richardson..Mo and Dave Costello for a great night..I think all the poets had a great time!...I certainly did!
All the best to Mo who is taking over the show from sure it will continue to be a great venue for all poets to go and 'strut their stuff'....

Good Luck from Graham Robinson

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Poets Corner

Wed 9th Nov 2011 20:09

A Poem entitled 'The Pull' by Graham Robinson (after divorce)

You go into a pub a club or a bar
it doesn't matter where you are-
you are looking good and smelling fine
perhaps you drinking some beer or wine-
you look around for that encouraging smile
then you sit quietly and wait for a while-
suddenly you catch a lady's fleeting glance
Yes! there is eye contact, it's not just chance-
you see her breasts rising both up and down
look she is smiling at you there is no frown-
you walk over slowly, smile and say Hi or hello
she thinks Oh bloody hell here we go-
you think she reminds you of your ex
she thinks you are like most men and just want sex-
you both feel that vital chemistry straight away
and you know that it is only a matter of time before you share that overnight stay!

(From my book 'Observations On Life' - available from Graham or www.countyvise)..this poem was read out by Graham on City talk FM.

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Poets Corner

Mon 24th Oct 2011 17:58

Awww... thanks a lot Jeff..haha I went out with a young lady from Billericay many years ago..(back in the string vest days!) ha ha.. Young Love eh mate?

I wrote another one for City talk FM in Liverpool called 'The Pull' about how a man can get back in the stirrups of dating after 'Divorce'..mine was in 2005.

My book is called 'Observations On Life' available from www.countyvise or via www.Amazon or Me! or all you can call 0151 647 3333 (Birkenhead Press) or please ask at your local book shops!!..Thank you for your kind comments..I have just started up 'Poets Corner' at 'Glassfire'in Hoylake and there will be spots available for both 'Guest Poets'each month who will be given a 15 min spot to read their own work..they will also either judge or help to judge the most notable poem on the night! - plus 'FREE' guitarist/singer for a couple of say 10 min spots during the night in the attention all you local Poets or Songsters just let me know if you want to perform as soon as possible ok? (just e-mail me at or FB me ok? Thank you and All the best to you and all at WOL... Graham..(keep it real)...

<Deleted User> (7075)

Sat 8th Oct 2011 11:28

Hi Grahan, Welcom to Write Out Loud. Winston

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Jeff Dawson

Sat 8th Oct 2011 09:17

Hi Graham welcome to WOL, I run the poetry nights in Bolton. Your Billericay poem made me smile, nice one Jeff

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