The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 11:54 am

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I'm 20 years old and I started writing as soon as I was taught how to make the squiggly lines on paper. I'm sure I wasn't much good, in fact, I have evidence for that case; a really bad poem about Popeye. It gave me an escape though, a window into another life as the cliche goes. I'm not entirely sure when I first started to take myself seriously. That's hard to judge. At the age of twelve I joined my first writing site, TYWC. Then at the age of fourteen I went from being a playground poet to keeping an anthology and made a few shabby attempts at novels. That wasn't when I decided to be a writer though. I'd always said I was going to be an actor, a writer or a teacher but until the age of fifteen I was determined it would be the latter. The other two were just dreams and guilty pleasures I indulged in my spare time from running drama club and acting in local plays to the thrill of having my poems published in anthologies and magazines. At about seventeen, several writing sites later (though TYWC was still going strong) I signed up for YWS where I'd be a junior moderator within six months and a full moderator a few months later. Seventeen was a busy year for me. I also finished my first novel. A joint one between my sister and I, written during a wonderful summer when we let our imaginations run wild. That was when my heart decided I was going to write. But by this point I'd got myself tangled up in the law in the worst possible way: I was studying it. I did my A levels in Law, English, History, Maths, Further Maths (a big mistake) and threw in a fast track GCSE Spanish course just for fun. Crazy I know. I spread myself too thin and learned a very important lesson. Quality over quantity. It had never sunk in before then. But anyway, I came out with an A in English, an A for the GCSE, a D for the further maths and B's for everything else. Law seemed like a good option so I started university off on the wrong foot. By some lucky streak though I found myself friends with English students Sandie and Alex. They had the course I wanted and very soon everyone knew it. I frustrated them to no end, scrabbling for answers to their questions. Why the hell are you doing law? I'm good at it. Why not English then? It isn't a stable career. Then why don't you stop writing in class? I can't. And I couldn't. I took on NaNoWriMo and missed the 50k target by a thousand words. Not that I minded. I spent the last three hours of the last day in the pub, reading parts out to Clair and Mike and despairing over the last thousand words that I just wasn't in the mood to write. I chose quality over quantity and it felt great. I had 49,000 words I was reasonably proud of. I didn't do the January exams for law. And here I am, a year and a half later and studying English with Creative Writing. I couldn't be happier. I still worry that I'll never match up to the greats but I'll make a career out of it somehow and maybe, just maybe I'll be a published author one day. How did I come by this place then? It was about a year ago when my sister's boyfriend asked if I wanted to take part in a poetry slam. I signed up to the site, we went down to Bolton and it was awesome. It's currently the only one I've done but I can't wait to try again. And I decided to start posting poetry here because I'm worried that my friends on YWS don't always give me an honest opinion and now that I'm taking writing seriously, I need others to take me seriously. Thank you for being interested, even if you only read a line or two. That means a lot to me, Heather xx


Orange Peel and Apple Pips There must be more to life than this: a winter wind and withered kiss upon these frozen, sun-parched lips; just orange peel and apple pips. We're living on remains of death with bottle caps, recycled breath, and feeble rays of advent light illuminate brash Beauty's blight. There's less to love than fragile Rose who blooms in seldom summer prose. We're nothing more than drops and blips; just orange peel and apple pips. Finger in the Dust I could close the curtains and they didn't shrivel at my touch or fall, dissolve and split like hair-line fractures of the flesh (and birthday candles). I could hear my children and they didn't lie so still, their faces marked by rose-bud moss that grew and settled in the pores (still beautiful). I could fold their smiles to fit in threads of lullaby dreams that resonated at my touch, my breath. There was a stain, on the carpet (by his chair). I used to wish it gone - oh how it lingered, falsely strong. I hoped their hands would always fit my palm but not like this, reserved in nursery bliss with only smoke to breathe.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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winston plowes

Mon 13th Jun 2011 12:03

Hi there, Thx for the comments on my poem '1971' There is a more detailed reply on the blog entry page. Much appreciated. Win x

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Fri 27th Aug 2010 09:41

Heather,thanks for your input. I don't respond to all comments only because they take so much time, and tend to make any given poem look like it has a lot 'reader feedback' when it doesn't. In "Midnight Gardens" I used 'assignation' to define the type of man; I knew 'affair' was a better 'fit', but it didn't suit him; so I went with 'character clue'.

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Ray Miller

Sat 7th Aug 2010 19:18

Heather. Thanks for your very kind words. You've enough writing ability already to be aspiring to higher things than my talent! Try Simon Armitage.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 7th Aug 2010 15:26

Heather, I've been away for several days and am only just getting back into the loop. I enjoyed your comments on my last two pieces, especially 'the little leaf'. Perhaps this poem is too close to the metaphysical, like fairy tales, fables and myths whose real value lie in their undercurrent of life teachings. That 'little leaf' was an instant idea and a great effort to capture. Your bio sure shows a lot in common with my background. Save ALL your stuff in hard copy too; paper might yet outlive electricity. Runes in stone are a bit over the top. :)

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sat 31st Jul 2010 21:19

A very good evening to you Heather.To say you have made my day with your comments on 'The Widower' would be a great understatement! thank you ever so so much-with kindest regards-Stefan-x

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Sat 31st Jul 2010 21:18

Hi Heather, many thanks for your kind appraisal of 'A Certain Lady', much appreciated :)
Best wishes, Dave

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Tommy Carroll

Wed 21st Jul 2010 18:04

Thank you Heather...I think you have made me think...:')

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Ray Miller

Sat 17th Jul 2010 11:53

Hello. Andrew Motion was Poet Laureate before Carol Ann Duffy. Rubbish, though!
As for "my thoughts are less angrier" if you say angrier as if it rhymed with sangria that stretches the metre a bit. But it's just a long joke really! Ta for your comments.

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Fri 16th Jul 2010 20:55

Hello Heather - welcome to the gang :)
Thanks for your kind remarks about 'Those Days' - glad you enjoyed it.
Best wishes, Dave

<Deleted User> (6895)

Mon 12th Jul 2010 16:40

Good afternoon Heather-thank you so much for your skillful advice on my poem 'Naivety'-very helpful indeed-repair job being undertaken-many many thanks for those comments-Stef-xx

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Gus Jonsson

Mon 12th Jul 2010 14:16

Thanks you ladies... I wouldn't dare do a follow up...but I know a a poet who may??

Perhaps it may be offered as a lemon drizzle prize subject..


I'm sure Isobel and Francine could arrange that... I'll send the cake overseas if it comes to it... Whatya think ???


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Ray Miller

Mon 12th Jul 2010 00:23

Heather. Thanks for your comments on Stroke.Glad you liked it.

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winston plowes

Sun 11th Jul 2010 22:31

yes, more blogs pleas heather :-) Win

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Steven Kenny

Sun 11th Jul 2010 13:14

Hi Heather! Welcome to WOL! Thanks for your comment on 'And finally...' I've had a read of your stuff and it's good work! Perhaps those people at the other site weren't just trying to curry favour? I know from experience that it's hard to take praise as genuine but in your case, I think it happens to be true! I particularly like Finger in the Dust; keep them coming! I for one would like to read more of your work! :-)

<Deleted User> (7075)

Sat 10th Jul 2010 20:57

hi Heather... sorry for the delay. Your poets profile is now up and running. Welcome to Write out loud, happy blogging! Win

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