The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

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Ian Whiteley

Tue 20th Dec 2016 12:23

Thanks for commenting on 'Advent' Mike - I'm really pleased that you liked it - hope you're keeping well - best wishes of the season mate

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Wed 9th Nov 2016 08:40

Hello Mike ?
Thank you so much for the correction. I rectified it immediately and I am really grateful for your encouragement and guidance.

I look forward to hearing more from you.


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Sun 22nd Feb 2015 17:21

Thankyou for reading my poem kind regards Wendy .

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<Deleted User> (9882)

Sat 21st Feb 2015 22:43

Catch you soon fella.x

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<Deleted User> (9882)

Sat 21st Feb 2015 10:35

Hi again Mikey.'All' taken on board.Bit rushed this morning.Will get back to you.Lots of love.


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Noris Roberts

Thu 22nd Jan 2015 23:08

Thank you for reading me and thanks for your comment.
I do have have passion and I'm glad that discovered it!

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 15th Oct 2014 10:43

Hello Mike - having read your entry on my home
page, I found a report on MSN about promised
change(s) in the treatment of mental illness.
It featured a 24 year old woman who had suffered from degrees of depression since
12 -13 years of age. The saving grace of how
she was given help by one worker after her GP
seemed to have failed to put her forward for
talking therapy provided some light in a long dark tunnel for her.
Your own circumstances - also from a young age - exacerbated by your later experiences and a
failure of society to adequately accommodate your situation reads like something from Dickens or Dostoevsky! Your fortune seems to
be your family when material comforts remain scarce. Wealth comes in various forms and your gratitude for that blessing is touchingly
obvious. Life is an unpredictable adventure:
grossly unfair and cruel, amazing and glorious,
it gives and takes away without any apparent
sense or sign of fairness or justice. But it is STILL life and has to be met and greeted
with as much positivity as possible. The
alternative comes soon enough.
Love to live - and live to love! You may not
have had a proper crack of the whip in the
former but you have the chance to prove the
latter. Many never have that in their lives.
We are what we are but it's what we CAN be that propels us on through the vicissitudes of this journey through life.
Bon chance!

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Wed 3rd Sep 2014 21:19

Thanks for reading my poem and for commenting.
The last line is meant to be puzzled over.
By it I mean we spend all our time worrying about things that don't might whilst destroying the world and not giving that a second thought

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Wed 25th Jun 2014 21:07

Nice and dark - How i like it ha , ha
How are you Michael ? just wanted to say hello hope you are well mate i have not been on here as much but i have been working on old stuff .take care mate Eoin

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David Cooke

Wed 28th May 2014 09:39

Nice to hear from A Coltrane fan. Just rushing out he door. Be back in a day or two re Coltrane info. Cheers DAvid PS OLe, yes, all his stuff on Atlantic Records is great!

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 26th Feb 2014 18:26

thanks for the comments on 'Anytown' and 'Here There Be Demons' Mike and apologies for the tardiness of my reply - I've not been spending enough time on WOL recently and I've got behind with both my thank-you's and my readings of other folks work - something I intend to remedy as we head in to March :-) will be back in touch I'm sure once I catch up on my reading

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Fri 20th Dec 2013 12:13

Thanks for the comment on my poem Fulfilment. Much appreciated, glad you enjoyed it. T

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<Deleted User> (11459)

Wed 30th Oct 2013 15:12

Hi! Thank you a lot for your poetry-comment on 'You may kill me'! Love your profile picture! Sunny wishes!

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chris stevenson

Mon 28th Oct 2013 13:05

Hello Mike ... thanks very much for the comment which obviously contains some of your personal understanding ...I logged in and wrote it so it has the immediate feel of a situation which others seem to have recognised .. thank-you .. chris.

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 27th Aug 2013 00:25

Greetings - and many thanks for the Youtube link provided on my profile page.
A wondrous montage of shots of predominantly
human activity over the face of our world - but
not the downbeat message "in total" I feared.
The extraordinary achievments of Mankind in leaving its mark on our planet is there to see
but not all bad by any means. The cycle of
life goes on; even our human excretory product
can appeal to other life forms! I was amazed
only this evening to learn how reindeer are
drawn to human urine because of its salt content.
I guess we're back to human numbers - and, as with
other life forms, these must be carefully watched to guard against betraying the essential balance
of nature. Otherwise, everything increasingly
points to the sky; with our greatest modern buildings seeming to grab hold of the heavens.
As for the whale at the end of that Youtube clip
- was it saying "we're still here, pal!" - or
waving "goodbye to all that". Being an optimist I prefer the former. As one who successfully
lobbied against the use of sperm whale oil in
the leather industry back in teh 70s - resulting in the adoption of a synthetic substitute, I believe that it rescued a species "on the brink"; and I well remember many doom & gloom-mongers
readily predicting how the atom bomb would see
humanity bringing down the curtain on all life.
But au has provided a sentinel
for global safety and a supply of power. And
there are other examples to provide optimism
for the future. By all means, let us be on
our guard against excess in whatever form - but the hope is surely in the knowledge that we
are AWARE of the dangers in line and in time
with their appearance and threat. We cannot
say we have not been warned!
Onwards and upwards....

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Ian Whiteley

Fri 23rd Aug 2013 16:29

really sorry to hear you're struggling at the moment - I have had recent touches with someone who shares some of your feelings of despair and depression - not a nice thing for the one suffering or those who can do little to help. I suppose I would say to you what I said to the person close to me - don't give up, look for the positives in things and express yourself and share your hurt. That could sound hollow if you are in a really bad place - but I hope you appreciate that it comes from a good place in me and I really do mean it.
Meanwhile - your poetry seems to be helping you express your inner demons and, whilst it is quite 'heavy' I'm sure a lot of people 'get it' and thank god they aren't similarly afflicted.
Never the less - your poetry is thought provoking, stark and intelligent - and the back track is very fitting for the subject matter.
Keep at it mate - don't let the bastards grind you down - keep creating - because creativity just might help you recover some of what you feel you've lost.
Take care of yourself sunshine

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 31st Jul 2013 18:48

thanks for stopping by and commenting on 'Alien Feelings' - glad you liked it.
CTUSM - now there was a band - The Only Living Boy In New Cross - post punk classic :-)

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Steve Higgins

Tue 30th Jul 2013 15:13

Keep working on that collage -one day it'll all make sense (we hope!) Probably find out that the secret of life is 42 so that'll make my poem 'numbers' way out! thanks for looking in -Steve

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Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Tue 30th Jul 2013 10:15

Thanks for the comments N.

Much appreciated


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Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Tue 30th Jul 2013 10:09

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Tue 30th Jul 2013 08:07

Thanks for your comment on my poem Mike. It's more of a live performance piece really - it needs an audience - but I'm glad it made you smile :)

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Joshua Van-Cook

Sat 22nd Jun 2013 22:56

Hi Mike, thanks for your comment on "Worlds". I'm glad it appealed, it more or less started with me being somewhat over analytical of my own daydreams which most oft speak of a better tomorrow or even the present of a reality not so very far from our own. I guess you appreciated the pointers to ALbert Einstein and Edgar Allan Poe in that piece.

Much appreciated anywho, and all the best with the kids,


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kealan coady

Fri 3rd May 2013 07:35

Hello there just wanna say, thanks for that comment I appreciate when someone truly understands what I write

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Pete Slater

Sat 27th Apr 2013 21:56

Hi Mike
Thanks for reading On the Block
It's not a condemnation of the youth of today just an observation. This was only the fifth poem I wrote. Since then I have written a couple with a more sympathetic view of our young people. Blame was not the intention. Thank you for your comments though Mike, much appreciated mate.
Pete The Bus Driving Poet.

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<Deleted User> (10123)

Fri 19th Apr 2013 12:30

Not seen it yet.
tag it: A day in the life of comp
that should do the trick
don't forget to send your votes
chow for now, nick

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<Deleted User> (6315)

Tue 16th Apr 2013 22:12

Blimey I am not surprised you worry..that long?..Is there nothing that can be done?..I do know that you can make sure you receive no with-held numbers a message comes up to tell folk that if their number is with-held they will not be put through. (that is if they are calling from a with-held number obviously.) You may want to try would save you and your family having to deal with any more..Anyways good luck.

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 3rd Apr 2013 16:26

really pleased that you liked ' the clown' and found time to comment - much appreciated

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<Deleted User> (10123)

Tue 29th Jan 2013 12:19

I’m lucky, I don’t suffer except for some, maybe:
The headaches and the nightmares of what could nearly be.
An SAS saved my life by using his dawn knife,
But we weren’t there, so that can’t be,
No, we were not the cavalry.

I am so sorry that you feel the way that you can’t help,
But I have been in places where the enemy wants your scalp,
Before your time – so what? – Lost mates hurt just the same,
I try to sleep, but nothing, no, nothing is the same.

To break away from horrors – I write and do my best,
It’s good that you can, ‘get it out’ – despite my lame protest,
I wasn’t condescending, of that I am most sure,
For you, it is more difficult to quell the fighting roar.

A raw that I know well - that wears its anger for all time,
Ignore those fucking analysts; you fought and spent your prime,
This has now been taken – given to our Queen,
I trust that I do not offend – for I had earlier seen.

The wish was for your solid words to come across most strong,
Not ignored as babbling squaddie – redress always dies long,
I was not a ‘grunt’ but a ‘shiny’ you would say,
Nonetheless, I was there, albeit, previous day.

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 20th Jan 2013 11:44

Thanks so much for your thoughtful comments on my January Fairy poem. I was a child in the 50s and remember our little plastic fairy very fondly!

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Andrew Peters

Mon 31st Dec 2012 11:07

very kind comments Mike, I would love to see the comments on your facebook page - how I do I find it? Please feel free to pass it on - am really trying to go back to why I started writing in the first place - the reflect back the world, to say something, to come from the heart {excuse the cliche but there is no other way to put it}. I think Wilfred Owen did that, as did Gerard Manley Hopkins, Edward Thomas etc... - I used to do arts presenting on tv many years ago and did a prog on Wilfred Owen - I went to the house he was in a youngster in Shrewsbury and also met one of his descendants, who let me hold his war medals, his lighter and his christening robe - touching the hem of history! Anyhow, thanks again Mike,
Andrew Fusek Peters

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Graham Sherwood

Fri 21st Dec 2012 23:31

Hello Mike. Many thanks for your kind comments on And Trio's.
I am embarrassed by the sentiments of some of the commentors who have all assumed that the piece is biographical.
I will of course explain to each, however I have not experienced a tragedy, but have merely been inspired by the potential of one.

Thank you once again for your feedback.

Very best regards,


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Neil Fawcett

Fri 21st Dec 2012 09:17

Cheers Mike and a very Merry Christmas to you too.

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Thu 20th Dec 2012 13:18

Thanks for your lovely comment on my poem Mike.

I'm not sure that I'm a fantastic poet, but I do like to write about themes that people can connect with and I'm glad the poem worked for you. I've left a more detailed response on the poem but in case you don't get chance to read it, just wanted to wish you a very happy and peaceful Christmas too.

Isobel xx

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tony sheridan

Thu 20th Dec 2012 01:16

Thanks for your comments on Christine. I am working on the song version. Take care, Tony.

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Tommy Carroll

Wed 7th Nov 2012 19:28

It's!....aaah...if you...oh shi...I think separation from something...yes that's it.

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Noris Roberts

Tue 17th Jul 2012 02:58

Hi Mike, Thanks for your comment I also enjoyed reading yours. :D

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Sun 10th Jun 2012 01:01

Thanks for your comment on my latest Mike. I hope life is treating you well. x

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winston plowes

Sun 10th Jun 2012 00:25

Hi Mike, glad we concur re our jubilee sentiment. Win

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Sat 9th Jun 2012 18:05

Hi Mike, thanks for your comments on 'Worlds Apart'. I responded in detail there. :) Best wishes, Dave

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Peter Asher

Tue 8th May 2012 20:15

Thanks for the comment on Anna Dacie. I thought I would keep the lines short and to the point.

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Mick Waring

Tue 8th May 2012 11:43

hello mike, thanks.. your 'the haunted future' wishes the pen were mightier than the sword and we could fix everything...unfortunately we're in the hands of univ' graduates playing while england sinks into a sewer...then they'll disappear on their memoirs.

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winston plowes

Tue 8th May 2012 09:36

Hi Mike

For your info -

1. Queen Victoria's husband Prince Albert died aged 42; they had 42 grandchildren and their great-grandson, Edward VIII, abdicated at the age of 42.

2. The world's first book printed with movable type is the Gutenberg Bible which has 42 lines per page.

3. On page 42 of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry discovers he's a wizard.

4. The first time Douglas Adams essayed the number 42 was in a sketch called "The Hole in the Wall Club". In it, comedian Griff Rhys Jones mentions the 42nd meeting of the Crawley and District Paranoid Society.

5. Lord Lucan's last known location was outside 42 Norman Road, Newhaven, East Sussex.

6. The Doctor Who episode entitled "42" lasts for 42 minutes.

7. Titanic was travelling at a speed equivalent to 42km/hour when it collided with an iceberg.

8. The marine battalion 42 Commando insists that it be known as "Four two, Sir!"

9. In east Asia, including parts of China, tall buildings often avoid having a 42nd floor because of tetraphobia – fear of the number four because the words "four" and "death" sound the same (si or sei). Likewise, four 14, 24, etc.

Win X

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Fri 27th Apr 2012 10:29

Hi Noetic, have added further comments to ECHOES. Many thanks for sharing.

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John Coopey

Mon 16th Apr 2012 00:00

Many thanks for the kind comments on my poems recently. Sorry I can’t offer a more personal thankyou but I’ve got gremlins in my machine which makes typing a comment over the internet take an eternity. Hence this rather impersonal catch-all done in Word and pasted on-line.
Notwithstanding, many thanks.

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J. Otis Powell!

Sat 14th Apr 2012 14:47

Something from James Baldwin
"The poet or the revolutionary is there to articulate the necessity, but until the people themselves apprehend it, nothing can happen ... Perhaps it can't be done without the poet, but it certainly can't be done without the people. The poet and the people get on generally very badly, and yet they need each other. The poet knows it sooner than the people do. The people usually know it after the poet is dead; but that's all right. The point is to get your work done, and your work is to change the world."

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Fri 13th Apr 2012 08:43

Hi Mike, thanks for your comments on moonshine. It's a really good point about the question mark. The poem was written for a purpose - part of a discussion I was having with an individual in poem form, however, it would have served me well to consider how it might need to be different for a wider audience. The question mark (hehehe, can I really have such a dilemma over a piece of punctuation!) made sense in the context of a poem before and a poem after but as a stand alone, perhaps not so much. You've given me good food for thought!

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Marianne Louise Daniels

Fri 30th Mar 2012 10:12

Thank you for your comments, I am very touched that you have appreciated my work. I don't think I am very publisher-friendly, but I will keep trying.

Relinquishing Pain is so raw and truthful - I admire your bravery. Beautiful read.

Thank you.

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Noris Roberts

Wed 8th Feb 2012 23:39

Hi Mike, thank you for your comment on my poem "Here I Am". I've been listening to your poems and have really enjoyed them. They have are definitely powerful.-

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Peter Asher

Wed 25th Jan 2012 12:49

Thanks for your comment on ‘An Old Man’. I wasn’t sure how to structure the verse initially, I may review it later. The gist of my purpose was to portray an inner loneliness and vulnerability and the comfort one seeks to cope with it. A sort of mental foetal position. Thanks again. I’ll be at the Emperor in Cambridge on Feb 13. So come along if you can.

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Tue 24th Jan 2012 12:50

Hello Mike - my thanks to you for commenting on 'Call Out' - glad you enjoyed it :) Best wishes, Dave

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