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man made

self-made is self-man made
self-made is self-man made glory
joy is self-made joy
joy is a joyful self-made
joy is a joyful glory
glory is a joy of glory
glory of joy,glory of self-made

man is man made glory
a mass of glory is a mass of man made
a mass of glory is a mass of energy
energy is a mass of energy
energy is a mass of joy
energy is a joy of energy
mass is a joy of energy


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My mind

My mind's filled with static energy, my heart's full of dynamic emotions.

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Albert Einstein

I see one thing,
you see another,
because one thing is always more than itself:
it is itself
plus the relativity of the thing.

It is the mass,
plus I don’t know how many times the acceleration.
You look,
it has transmuted,
it is already another thing.

To see
is to recreate the world,
is to interact with the beautiful,
is to interact with the ugly,
is to commune with the ...

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Albert EinsteinEinsteinenergymassthingworldyouseeaccelerationbeautifuluglyunique

Let the wolves run

Let the wolves run

I run faster

Let the wolves run 

I am stronger

Sure of myself 

I flex the muscles of my mind

No need to hide

I expel hexes in one breath,

You may not enter

Nor commit the theft 

Of my soul

You are uninvited 

Release the hatred from your heart

Vengeance is a waste of energy

To be enlightened is to be smart 

And rise above, rise!

I a...

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Vengeancehateenergycleansepurifyspiritualexpelhexfreespiritsoulmindbodyfreedommeditationgrowdevelopstrengthbelieffaithself beliefsense of selfprotectioncursefightdefeatblack magicpredatorwolves

conquering the mind,body,and soul

conquer is conquering the mind
conquer is conquering the soul
conquer is conquering the energy
energy conquer energy
energy conquer the mind,body,and soul
a active soul is a active body
a active soul is a active energy

active is actively a body
active is actively a energy
the mind,body,and soul is actively a energy
energy honor energy
peace honor peace
peace conquer peace
peace is a...

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Skin and Bones

Dust to dust

ashes to ashes will shall all return

with our regrets,

sins and wins erased from mother nature

our spirits effervesce into carbon 

but fear not as energy cannot be destroyed only transferred

our lives once lived tangibly in a conrete jungle

has now been washed away with a faint petrichor lingering in the air!

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mother natureearthyspiritscarbonAshesenergy


Thoughts racing fast

Heart beating 

You can’t seem to find your mind 

You close your eyes and hear the thumping beat 

Thumping,racing, thinking could this be 

Energies so strong you can’t sit still and  breathe 

Thoughts racing fast 

Heart beating 

You close your eyes and hear the thumping beat

Thumping faster, racing, thinking could this be 

You tell yourself breathe...

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Breathenew feelingsheartanxiousbeatingloveenergy

Life Race


You should plan to keep going 
whatever you meet .. whatever you face 
The only thing to be growing 
Never to fallback in the race 


Be aware to wear patience hat 
Remove the hat of desperation 
Keep energy for acts no chat 
No goals achieved in quotation 


Always to ask what you need 
To get ready helping people 
Same as you eat you must feed 
To win the race you shoul...

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Yin-Yang Love

He loves me?
He loves me not?

Questions I have 
asked myself a lot 
since the day 
I said I do. 

Yes, he has a 
wandering eye,
avoids intimacy
like I am 
the blessed
Mother Mary.

Yes, he has a 
hair-trigger temper, 
can top Pinocho 
with his lies.

Our love is 
but I no longer
question why.

After four decades 
in the trenches,
I have learned 
to focu...

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datingenergylifelovemarriagepassionrelationshipsself-healingstrengthtruthyin and yang

Be infinitely infinite into infinity

I’m a cycle

I’m a circle

I’m a forever

I’m always

Casting shadows on myself

Packing silver on the shelves

Plus! Plus! Plus! Plus!

I’m infinity

Maths was never my forte

You cannot minus or divide me

I’m a forever

I’m always

Smiling when the moon comes

Smelling for when Monday runs

I was reborn, refreshed

I can be ironed and pressed

Good as new

I’m ...

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Infinityforeveralwaysfunenergyrythmicword playpep talkadvice

You're Fizzy

You’re fizzy


You’re fizzy like an alka-seltzer

All elastic, little belter,

Plastic fantastic, helter skelter

Spacey one, you moon of delta.


Short of fuse, a pocket rocket

Soothing words just like a locket

Fit my spade you yellow bucket

My mind is full, but you unblock it.


Pack a punch, sting like a bee,

Sharp and bristly, holly tree,

Grab your rose, ...

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Take action.

Strike a blow.

Ring the anvil.

Pace.  Drive.  Beat.

Be dynamis.  Perpetual origin.

Chain reaction ignition.

Strike hot iron. Watch hammer-sparks ignite satellite flames,

Orbiting original impetus: You.

Gravitational fulcrum.

Nuclear furnace.

Primal energy.

Ignite your world with positivity.  Watch the wildfire.

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positivitypositive actionenergychain reactionpositive feedback

A Message to the New Government

The nation needs renewables now!
The nation needs renewables now!

As Once-great Britain takes a bow
and we leave the stage of the European Union,
the quintessential issue's the quandary how
we accommodate the suck of an economy consuming 
two thousand million megawatt hours 
of climate wrecking energy by the year
when there's finite reserves of fossil fuel power.
I spurn the allegation ...

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Nature reclaimed

The leaves are blossoming.

The time of lime green ripeness is here.

They cling onto the branches,

Their tips winnowing in the gentle breeze.


The few leaves which cling no longer,

Rustle on the floor

And are swept away at dusk.


The branches continue to shake

And the leaves, in their vitality and freshness,

Partake in the knowing, changing course.


The nes...

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white knights


White nights joust on the hill

Spoiling for a fight

And in a lonely cottage

I turn on the light.


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