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Request for help - share your poetry audio...

Hello Write Out Louders...

I'd like to share some of your spoken word poetry on the Write Out Loud Instagram feed.

I'm looking for around 10 poems with audio readings. I will share the text and audio on Instagram to highlight the site's audio upload feature (and the power of spoken word, of course).

If you have posted a poem with an audio reading on Write Out Loud and would be happy for m...

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social mediaspoken wordpoetry audionot a poem


Oh, I won't be silent & I won't let go

I will hold on tighter 'til the afterglow - Ed Sheeran


I remember when summer

Kissed my walking skin warm

Now it seems eternity claims

My body breath spirit brain


In the silence of tonight

I will myself to stand upright

Startled slip then almost fall

Into the gravity of it all


Angels on the archipelago

Devils in...

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australian poetryEd SheeranSpoken word

big girls don't cry except when it is absolutely not the right time to do so.

am i hungry or has the pit returned.

that stupid fucking pit.

its an eternal loop, circling in and out of itself.

floating dead centre in my gut.

particles of another girl explode and expand out of it, 

overcome by this strange girl from the strange world.

i weep on my mothers lap, 

i retch over porcelin, patterned.

seeing my sister for the first time in weeks, 

she glow...

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poetpoetryprosepoemspoken wordanxietypanicpanic attackfictionnon fictionshortshort storystoryteenageteenage poetryamateur poetry

The Origin of Silence

He came like an ancient prophecy

sparked by the howling of the seasons.

Those who pursued him knew nothing of his arts

They did not see him sewn into the four winds

They did not hear him no matter how loud he sang.

In this time of virus and plague true hunger bares its teeth.

A fierce breaking, a shaking and a flailing

A swooning and a sweating, a cruel fever falling

All ab...

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poetryprophecyperformance poetryspoken wordaustralian poets

Our Nation's Rock Bottom

Our Nation's Rock Bottom

There comes a point in a person’s life where things must change.
They have hurt themselves, and others.
They have lost everything they had.
They have even lost their way.
It’s a point,
 where the failures and the terrible things of their past rise up to haunt them.
They must change or perish.

Because of what they have allowed to happen,
 they find themselves i...

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Spoken WordPoliticalsocial


I was in the arctic.
Those frozen forests of Alaska.
North of Fairbanks,
in the wild Yukon.


It was night,
and the moon shown,
on the white, bright snow.
Everything had a light, blue glow.


It was cold,
minus 60 degrees,
and I prayed to God,
for a sign to go.


I needed a change,
a new life, away
to go. A way to escape,
the life I was in.


I no longer cared.

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spoken wordSpiritfreedom

Scary Things

Scary Things

That scary thing won’t happen.
Reject it; stand against it.
Get in its face, like a boss.
Break its nose; then laugh at its blood.

Has the worst thing come to pass?
How many times in your life?
That anxiety demon;
kills us a thousand times, before death.

I will pray about it now.
I will believe I am safe.
I will trust that I am free
I will give love, and love some mo...

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Powerfearspoken wordtruth

Unmasked - a snippet from Buzzin Bards Anthology

The following piece is a snippet from Buzzin Bards Manchester Poetry Anthology, submissions are still open at:


While you’re too busy being two-faced 

I’ve got one face with many layers. 

Take me at face value, or take a detour, 

reforged, like Ant Man upon my deep pores. 

Tryna get 1UP, that’s a weak score...

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autismaspieaspergersmaskmaskingstigmamental healthTekkenRaymanSuperMarioAnt ManMarvelPS4computer gamesvideo gamesManchesterBuzzin BardsbeesacceptanceanthologyShakespearehip hopspoken wordpage poetry

Silver Grey Blue

Tell me a story
young friend
where you've been
and gone
tell me your reply
won't be so long
tell me I can't
do no wrong
paint me an ocean
pretty blue green
paint me a sky
silver grey blue
paint me a new day
yellow and red
I been waiting an waiting
a long while waiting, 

anticipating thinking
and hoping you come
blue as the sky
on a summers night
midnight is the time to...

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spoken word

Glass Paint

I am a weaver of words. Make no mistake I said words, not wisdom.
I am a coniessuer of simulies, and synonyms.
My shelves are lined with glass beakers and tubes containing syllables, but I am no alchemist.
Make no mistake, though, I am a poet.
I will reach for the sharpest edges of your mind, and whether I come home with lifelong scars or your lifelong adoration - I don't mind.
No, I don't be...

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clichepersonalPoetryspoken word

What We Do

What We Do

For Paul


Writers write and painters paint but artists don’t art

and musicians don’t mu. 

Bikers bike and drivers drive, blimps go limp

but coupes don’t coup.

Coiffeurs coif, hairdressers dress hair,

but nail techs don’t nail techs (or perhaps they do).

Fighters fight, professors at times profess

but hatters don’t hat and surgeons don’t surge.

If you w...

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love poempoemspoken word

An Open Letter To The Occupant I & II

Good afternoon one and all!

I hope this isnt cheating as such, but I've just uploaded a two-part poem over on my soundcloud, these can be listened to either as a whole or as seperate tracks. Please find the link below and I hope you enjoy!



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spoken wordpunk poetrypunkpoemaudiosoundcloudpolitical

Malefic Condescension : Grace's Parasite

Kill off the infection,

     A belief against the invisible court of justice, Wherein love is no longer held libel as the greatest of every moment's existence value... The difference between intolerance compelled lethargic inaction versus the any second creeping essence affliction of the empathetic imagination engine must survive the spread of difference across our lives, Surmounting the conv...

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micropoetryspoken wordequalityreligionsocial commentarysocial stigmamental healthvillain of truth

Malefic Condescension: Wrought by You II

Drawing worthless diction as fire,

    Unqualified lucid pictures of muted clouds entitled hope, Inaudibly described via a depravity of discord, A torrential malady choir of misshapen atonement deficit cast foreseen just libel out angels, Whose eyes re filled with numb denouncement matriarchal Lilith established garden of misery over marionette's adorned with the purposeful threat of silence ...

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villain of truthjutonequalityvillainoftruthspoken wordacceptancesocial commentary

Malefic Condescension: Wrought by You I

Drawing worthless diction as fire,

       Pictures of hope via inaudibly denouncing marionette's adorning a threat of silence augmented memory shrapnel ache crown, Unholy is the bargain of karma's fallen god betting delicate righteous amputated feeding gold hand, Wherein Avarice' nurtured greed lies unnaturally skin apparently injected confession awoken, Bruised tongue & wicked attention ...

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spoken wordequalitydomestic violencereligionvillain of truthJuton

Malefic Condescension: Dose of Heaven...

Over death,

      Achieving nectar dose of the god's lost dreams, The unfathomable infinite sandcastling cosmos, Realm of golden aptitude desire tests, Where the children of karma's eternal poverty war are forever subdued by avarice... Inside.

In earnest anticipation of,

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poetryvillain of truthequalityspoken wordart activismoccupy art

Hive Mind: Seething Vocal Discord II

Genocide tolerance,

     Speech vomited from a hate intoxicated by an uninvited intolerance heirloom complex mouth full of razor blades, Every sky is unsheathing acid ghastly haze falling rain down upon our graceless artificially self labelled intelligent inhumane white nameless cross tattooed tongues, Empowered by whisky bottom glass dreams that appear more than obscene, Loved more than the ...

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equality villain of truthpoetryspoken wordoccupy artactivism

Hive Mind: Seething Vocal Discord I

Holocaust seething,

     Speech vomited from a hate intoxicated mouth full of razor blades, Whose tongue is white nameless cross tattooed to empower the whisky bottom glass dreams to appear more than obscene, Suicide slicing empathy's once authentic imagination equality eternal engine on behalf of avarice' reincarnated intolerance heirloom of a false Buddha's multiple profit gun arms, Margina...

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micropoetryoccupy artspoken wordpoetryequalitysocial commentary

To a Church II


      The memory ache music fades and the emotional context is stripped away, The choir's recital is no longer libel, Singing their eyes are filled with the equity of selfish tears, For glory's pathetic streets of fortune gold their voices aspire, Beseeching the chemical faith reaction of hope's unleashed intellectual awareness prison, Authentically resilient is the currency of our beau...

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Poetryspoken wordwritten spoken wordjutonvillain of truthoccupyreligion

Poem: Spoken Word

Being unable to participate
during the worship service
is a poor spiritual sign.

Unwillingness to offer praise,
while standing in His Presence,
shows a deficient of new wine.

For the obvious silence
reveals an apparent lack of Faith
and failure to know God's design.

A desire of heavenly passion
cannot resonate from within,
when not letting your love for Him to shine.

For the ...

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christian poetrypoetryaithbreunigSpoken Word

Weird Words a new spoken words night

In Axilfah on Thundersday we heard a sonic boom.

The rain came down but words held sway within a tight packed room.

They came from Leeds and Lancashire, from Cleckheaton and Hudd.

They raised their arms and voices too and spoke of death and blood.

And local wordsmiths said their piece. What rants and hymns we heard

when Genevieve her coven called to utter Weird Words

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deathbloodgigpoetrywordsspoken word

Ottava Riva - NaPoWriMo Day 8

Another attempt at my paternal tongue.

Un altro tentativo di mia lingua paterna.

And though I beam with pride as I'm learning.

E anche se mi fascio con orgoglio, come sto imparando.

I'm aware that translated, the metre is wrong.

Sono consapevole del fatto che tradotto, lo strumento è sbagliato.

But this language pulsates to my yearning.

Ma questo linguaggio pu...

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ItalyItalianRomeRomanPaternalFatherFamilyLoveSelf-discoveryDiscoverySelf-awarenessAwarenessHonestyGrowthInspirationInspirationalMetaphorPoetryOttava RivaOttava Riva formIambic PentametreMetreVerseLyricSpoken WordBi-lingualMultinationalGlobalPoeticInnovativeThe Five Faces of FulliUshiku CrisafulliCrisafulliNaPoWriMo

Our Sanctuary


enchanting  armies of harmony...Phalanxes of rhythmic phoenixes.......remixing life to art art to life dark to light death to is our sanctuary music is our life to art art to life the art of life is the heart of life...... lifes A cycle like sum hyped CD or 12 inch vinyl spiral tribes thrive.........revolutionary breath music’s vital enlightened or suicida...

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Spoken WordpoetryspeakeasymanchesterChriSJaM

Team GUM at Riff Awards/Riff News

Team GUM are taking on the Riff Awards.

Step 1.

Like the Riff page here:

Step 2.

Send an email to:

Put forward Kris Fogg for BEST NEWCOMER.

Put forward Ushiku Crisafulli for BEST NON MUSICAL ENTERTAINER.

You'll see us both repping Riff at RIFF SURVIVAL SUNDAY - MARCH 31st


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RiffRiff AwardsRiff Survival SundaySurvivalSundayRockMusicComedySpoken WordHip HopCountryVarietyAwardsIndependent MusicIndependentLocal ArtistsLocalArtistsMusiciansKris FoggKrisFoggUshikuUshiku CrisafulliThe Five Faces of Fulli

Total Art

Total Art….he art...she art……soulful hearts… arms…….vocal craft…..motion dance…….oceans calm…………Notions of the dark….like Napoleon….blown apart……….focus sharp… opal vase……..golden mask……………ghosts of ones selves past……nations reincar…..woeful gasps…emotions scarred…..ter disa………. souls un-charred……wondering star…..melodious bars……opulent spark…….associate all parts…..ahh the holy who...

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speakeasymanchesterChriSJaMspoken word

Pop Up Poetry Jamming for Oxfam

Pop Up Poetry at the Bar des Arts in Guildford in October succeeded in raising £70 for Oxfam through voluntary donations at what is normally a free night of poetry, songs and spoken word. We had a great time, with the Leano, Cathy Flower and Steve Pottinger adding their magic to a line up of fantastic open mic contributors, including some new faces whom we're looking forward to inviting back as...

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OxfamOxjamJanice WindleBar Des ArtsPop Up Poetryperformancespoken wordpoetry

OpenMind: Slamming September Poster

Take a look at the poster for our OpenMind: Slamming September event at Fuel on Monday 24th September.



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SlamSeptemberOpenMindPoetryMusicDanceArtExhibitionAcousticTheatreSpoken WordRapVarietyCompetition

Captain of the Rant vs. Hair Explosion's new EP, 'Nudges, Whispers and Threats' now available for free download!

Hello there!

Just a quick update. Captain of the Rant and Hair Explosion have finally finished off their latest EP, 'Nudges, Whispers and Threats', and now it's available for free download from here.

Our last EP, 'No Copyright Necessary', was called a "beautiful and resonant work" by Big Wheel Magazine, and it got great responses elsewhere.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy our latest instal...

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captain of the ranthair explosionspoken wordelectronudges whispers and threats

Captain of the Rant's Basement Sedition residency - online trailer

This is the trailer for Captain of the Rant's Basement Sedition - a series of spoken word and poetry events eevery Friday in October. The line ups are absoloutely fantastic - sixteen brilliant performances over four events in the cosy venue of the Railroad Cafe. Check it out.

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railroad cafespoken wordpoetrycaptain of the ranthackneyLondon

If being obtuse was an art form it would be called poetry


A summation of a one sided converstation I had with my local librarian.
He said ‘If being obtuse was an art form it would be called poetry!’
Should I discuss dis cuss, or choose to dash it far from us like some kind of dutty discus in disgust?
Cos poetry for me ain't about creating crossword clues,
Nor showing off skills of syntax, by sending artefacts or smarty facts 

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poetryspoken word

First Readings Here three videos of my first readings would  love feedback as i know they are not perfect by any means but i am now on a learning curve about projection and performance so let me know

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poetryspoken wordreading

'The Rock'

‘The Rock’

I crawled from under a rock
To be here today
It seems so harsh to say
From so very far away
From my comfort zone
My rock, my home
I was only doing what you wanted
You wanted me to be seen
And not heard
You know it well enough
So it’s not so absurd
But to you it seemed
so easy
You could block me out
Easy peasy
But every now and then
The others heard...

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thepoetjohnbsafe1stalwaysspoken wordpoempoetpoetrythe orckchild abuseJohn HarrisonNAPAC

Live at the Camden eye, London 1st May 2011

Due to health issues and more it is difficult for me to travel out and about, but I make myswelf do it. Its very important t me to spread the word and let others in my position see that sometimes we can do it. 1st May I appeared at The Camden Eye. This was my forth time at this RRRants run event. Like I was saying it takes it out of me, but not enough to stop me arranging to do more, thats the ...

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poetpoempoetryJohn Harrisonspoken wordlive poetrychild absue

'But a man'

‘But a man’

If it were, for only birds to see
Through skies, far and wide
Then would we not want to see
Through birds eyes?

If it were only for the horses to gallop
Distances far and wide
And only our limbs could take us there
Could we take that, in our stride?

If it were for only fish to swim
To cross oceans, rivers and waters full
And to sink to their depths of ...

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John Harrisonpoetrypoetpoembsafe1stalwaysthepoetjohnnaturespoken word

'She said / He said'

'She said / He said'

She mocked me
With full intent
Her tongue like a razor
To slice right through me
Attack! Attack!

“This is not Poetry” she said
“It doesn’t even rhyme”
As I turned to her and said

“By your command...
But my inner self
Is not on demand
It’s not as fine
As the grains of sand
But also... not so bland”

She turned
Just like her look

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funnyfunbsafe1stalwaysthepoetjohnpoetpoempoetryJohn Harrisonlight heartedspoken word

'The art of being Lonely'

'The Art of Being Lonely'

Loneliness is Ugly...

Loneliness is a world full of people
Yet still being alone
Loneliness is a room full of people
But never could be further away

Loneliness is finding it hard to say
“I am lonely”
Loneliness is not to be shared
Loneliness is the sharing of it...
But to still be lonely

Loneliness is in an over populated world

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downchild abusepoetpoempoetryJohn Harrisonspoken wordlonelynesslonelyalonedepressionisolatedmental health

'Family Ties'

'Family Ties'

Family ties
Not meant to despise
Not meant to cover the lies

At one time, bringing you together
A thought:
‘It would last forever’

But not in a world of abuse
Deflected, rejected
Used to blame you

Family ties
Ties you up in knots
Oh the pain by them
Soon forgot
Na, na, na, na
Beaten down
So you don’t ...

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spoken wordchild abusepoetpoempoetryJohn Harrison

'Dead Poets' (LIVE)

‘Dead Poets’

They killed them.
They revived the ones they loved
And made dead ones of
Ones they didn’t even know
They mocked the mocking birds
Oh I know it sounds absurd
I thought I was ok
You see
I’m a writer first
But they soon righted that
Lucky I’m not a poet
Poetically I’d be dead
I got this stuff in my head
Sometimes it comes out
I write a story or two

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Spoken wordpoetpoempoetrylive poetryJohn HarrisonDead Poets

'The Unwritten Poems'

'The Unwritten Poems'

But that my pen
Wouldn’t speak
If I could tell it so
But twas I
Who wouldn’t let it
Oh if I could read you
All the unwritten poems
Of those other poets you know
I would have words
For every moment of the day
And no moments enough
To begin to say
What those poems...
So wanted too


Copyright John Harrison 2010


Video on YouTub...

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poemSpoken wordpoetThe Unwritten PoemsVideosPoetryJohn Harrisonvideo

New poem: Workers of the World... Fragment...


The harsh beep of the alarm clock

destroys our dreams,

we force our eyes open

splitting the crust at the seams.

Rusty we stand – shaken, brave,

weak, scared,

curing the scars and bruises

for the day and night shifts,

burying a billion excuses to call in sick

our subconscious scratching at the stitches

so carefully woven

over a thousand past li...

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workingcaptain of the rantpoetryspoken word

Free downloadable Spoken Word (poetry-reading) EP.

 Hope you enjoy it!

Ray. x

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Spoken Word poetrySpoken WordpoemRaymond AntrobusEPreadingLondon

Q&A With New York Based Poet/ Spoken Word artist- Jon Sands

This is a series of Q&A with some poets I've met across the world.

Enjoy! :-)

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Raymond Antrobuspoetpoetryspoken wordJon SandsPaula Varjackthe art and craft

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