The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Donald Trump (Remove filter)

"Beware the Ides of March"

Although the Chinese philosopher Li Yuang said that "When little men cast long shadows, then surely the Sun is about to set". But the well-known and chilling phrase "Beware the Ides of March" is of course found in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar:

Who is it in the press that calls on me?
I hear a tongue, shriller than all the music,
Cry 'Caesar!' Speak; Caesar is turn'd to hear.


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Vladimir PutinJulius CaesarDonald TrumpAssassination

Give Her Back: A Sonnet For Liberty

To Glucksmann, this no longer fits with Trump’s current policies. The U.S. president is taking harsh action against immigrants, among other things. Since his inauguration on January 20, thousands of migrants have been arrested and deported to their countries of origin. The U.S. rapprochement with Russia in the context of the war in Ukraine is also likely part of the background to Glucksmann’s dema...

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Raphaël GlucksmannStatue of LibertydemocracyfreedomimmigrationDonald TrumpauthoritarianismUkraineEuropean Parliamentpolitical valueslibertysymbolisminternational relations

Making A Deal With The Devil

Well, you’ve had a glimpse of heaven and it’s opened your mind,

Now let’s get back to earth where the deaf lead the blind.


On our ancient shores there’s much confusion

With human detritus in much profusion,

Migrants, floods and industrial pollution

In our virgin rivers, lakes and oceans.


With social unrest and wild forest fires,

There’s cyber warfare and chemical wea...

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The DevilBaphometDonald Trump

Kowtowing to the King of Fear

The kowtowing of billionaires like Zuckerberg, Bezos, Altman, Soon-Shiong and even Mickey Mouse to Donald Trump is a chilling indictment of power’s moral decay. Ann Telnaes, a Pulitzer-winning cartoonist, dared to expose this disgraceful subservience in an unpublished cartoon for The Washington Post, only to see her work silenced by the very institution meant to champion free expression—owned by J...

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Ann TelnaesJeff BezosSam AltmannPatrick Soon-ShiongDonald Trumpmedia freedomcensorshiptech billionairesdemocracyThe Washington Postpress freedomgreed vs. truth

Having exhausted most troubleshooting options

for democrats everywhere,

Nov. 2024


General alarm: the inside

of the machine is very dirty,

and although we thought

the optimum temperature reached,

still the light hasn't come on.


We assumed we were

plugged into the mains,

but the descaling procedure

has failed; the water retains

its hardness, and because we're not

correctly positioned, we have to adj...

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polemicpoliticsAmericadonald trump



Desperate bid

For re-election

Social media master plan:

Twist public perception


Of who the real

Public enemy is

The real dangerous mob

The real security risk


"And you shall know them

By this distinctive sign":

Scarlet triangle

Inverted design


Bright red as anger

Hardly concealed

Bright red as blood wrath

On these stree...

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AntifaDonald TrumpFascismmisinformationre-electionsocial media campaignU.S. politics

Hispee Named Full Oligarchy Day!


The upbringing and circumstances
Beside agenda in current kinetic papers
Aside from that power
I can see where the speech is from
That mountain peak overlooking freedom
Directing instruction less care of precise
Extinct mountain birds hold piece of the net
That last centimeter between hyperspace and normal Earth
Even here parasite by watching me further
Control ...

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donald trump

In Our Eyes

One day I will not need to wear glasses

Because you have smashed up

All hope in my eyes


One day I will not wear glasses

Because you have stocked up so much hatred

That we have all become blind


One day we will all need to wear

Very, very, dark glasses

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donald trump




The street light casts a shadow on the bedroom wall through
partly opened curtains and for a moment I see Adolf Hitler
in silhouette and I know it’s my imagination but the truth is, hate
in an orange face scares me.




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Donald TrumpHateRacism

ameriKKKan trilogy version 2.0

amerikkkan trilogy v.2.0 (MUSIC VERSION)

can be listened to on the following link)

(1) USMF
When the KKK and the Kremlin
Are sharing their vodka and rye
When redneck mutherfuckers
are making Lady Liberty cry
When The land of the free is walled in
So pesky Mexicans can’t get by
That’s the day the rest of us
Watches A...

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donald trumpgun lawgun lobbymass shootingsUSA

For the volunteers @ Caernarfon castle - May 2017

Here we stand 'twixt mighty walls

Which once were feared by one and all

Today the bravest swordsmen's face

Jeans and jumper have replaced.

We're here for artists on display

To banish thoughts so torn astray

By Donlad Trump & Theresa May

Of meanness, cruelty and shame 

And all that humans do complain

And therefore just for a while

Replace our thoughts and hidden smile


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CaernarfonPoliticsArtdonald trumpTheresa May

Thousand Flasks: A world so racist

A thousand flasks,

residing in heaven's den,

engraved with white masks, 

with thousand souls of men.


A thousand plans,

with a particular thrill.

There are no forms to fill,

to join Ku Klux Klan.


Those thousand flasks,

contain soul of men,

who weren't white men,

killed by the white masks.


David Duke is one of those men,

Whose throne is that of d...

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donald trumpdemonetization in Indiatax evasionku klux klanpresidentpotus

Saint Hate

Saint Hate


The day he prayed to Saint Hate

was the day he lost his soul,

spat blood on the pavement,

pissed on the homeless,

broke bones for fun.


The day he prayed to Saint Hate

he surrendered his humanity,

lit a candle to the little god

who sat upon his shoulder

adding weight to the chip.


The day he prayed to Saint Hate

he put on the white hood,


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donald trumpfascisminaugurationhaterole model





When the KKK and the Kremlin

Are sharing their vodka and rye

When redneck mutherfuckers

are making Lady Liberty cry

When The land of the free is walled in

So pesky Mexicans can’t get by

That’s the day the rest of us

Watches America die.


When the Whitehouse houses a bigot

A misogynist ‘locker room’ fly

When a multi-billionaire

Stands for momma...

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democracydonald trumpelection

Animal Cruelty

Here is an elephant.


He knows not of what is going on

or how he got here. Neither do we.


He divides opinion, like the foul stench

of an onion in a warm room.

Some chant of its values,

smell only what they want.

Some simply cry.


The elephant fixes his tiny eye

on a mate.

“I’m gonna grab that cow by the pussy

with my tusks,” he thinks.



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donald trump

He'll Make America Great Again

Don't give that man your tears today
Though it's dark now you'll find a way
Now is the time to laugh, sing and create
Throw the bile back at his tangerine face
I call on the punks, the poets, the artists, the revolutionaries and the visionaries, don't let the spark be snuffed out in vain
Come together and show him how you'll make yourself great again 

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punk poetrypunk poemTrumpdonald trumpamerican politicspolitical poempolitical poetry

President Trump has control of the nuclear trigger

They're building a wall on the border.
They question which God you revere.
The military men have their orders
to weed out the liberals and queers.
The nation is ravaged with violence.
His critics are seeking asylum.

The U.S. lies in ruin - go figure 
why the wider world is gripped with fear:
President Trump has control of the nuclear trigger.

He's ripped up the free trade agreements...

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donald trumpnuclear war

Dear Donald Trump

I don't often post on this poetry blog but I feel so strongly about this subject, I had to share it.


Dear Donald Trump


Dear Donald Trump, the thought of you as the next Leader

of the Free World makes me want to hurl. 

Has America lost her mind


to even consider a racist, sexist buffoon

who hasn’t the sense to spend a sliver of his tax-free billions

on decent hair...

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AngerDonald TrumpPolitics

Snake Oil Sells the Economy

From the front of the conference room

He wraps us in a voice born of the pulpit

Buttery and gravelly and low


He floats down from the makeshift stage

Tells of the flying fish

Gives us magic sunglasses

So we can see through water


He's here to talk about new eyes

To see what under(lies)


He's selling a new language

In it, we write our morality on the wall


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chandra mossinecultural criticismcultural critiquedonald trumppoempoetrypolitical

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