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US Elections (Remove filter)


He does not wear life

As life should be worn,


And seems not to think

That we should be kind,


That people need hope,

And not resentment,


That honesty wins

Over packs of lies.


If he gets the nod,

We are all losers.

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US Electionsdemocracy

The President You Deserve

Turn out in November, don’t hesitate;

Sit on your hands and it may be too late.

Scruples don’t mean you just sit and observe,

If you want the President you deserve.


Though candidates will never be ideal,

The better one seeks to rally and heal.

To occupy the White House is to serve,

Choose wisely the President you deserve.


Respect for democracy and its ways


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US electionsDemocracy

The Sequel 

T2 will be an egocentric Deja-vu 

T2 will bring back an unfettered hullabaloo. 


T2 will be F.U.B.A.R. and the worst ever S.N.A.F.U. 

T2 will bring back the world's horribilis hairdo. 


T2 will be no ‘nice to be back, how-do-you-do’ 

T2 will guarantee more mis-cued chaos ensues. 


     A sequel will be medieval 

     A sequel will not go peaceful 

     A sequel ...

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trumpMAGAUS elections


I’m gonna win big, so big, this time;

I’ll notch up a record score.

There’s no way, trust me, there’s no way

That the other side will get more.


Our democracy is sacred,

To say otherwise is a sin;

So I will accept the verdict,

Provided, of course, that I win!


If I should lose, I will cry foul,

Alleging there was massive fraud;

I don’t need any evidence –


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US electionsdemocracy

America Turns the Lights on (US Election)

The lights go on

And the darkness slips away, from

The podium

The Twitter fueled hate

The stockpiling of lies, we thought it was too late


But it Brings a better day

Brings a better day

Brings a better day


A tombstone is lifted

And people can now breath

Not suffocating from insanity

And his personal greed


It brings a better day

Brings a better d...

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bidentrumpUSAUS elections

Ode To Trump-Land

In a place not far away,

a place they call Trump-land.

Where the leader of that place is called,




or worse, on a bad day in Trump-land.


Some of his subjects have been heard to say,

that he has abused the sacred office he holds.

Worse, say some, that he has suborned the institutions of Government.

These days are the darkest of days, in Trump-l...

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PoliticsTrumpUS elections

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