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Hearts on Fire (Heavy Metal)

In the shadows of the abyss,
where light shatters apart,
hearts ablaze dance softly
in whispers of furious souls.

We cry out to the steel sky,
where pain becomes a song -
blood and steel, love and chaos
in the battle of existence.

Paths of fire and steps of hope:
among echoes of screams,
we awaken the lance.

Echoes of the past
are shackles that bind us,
but we are titans in free...

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shadowslightmetalheavy metalexistenceechoesfatefirepastcrybattle


Sometimes it feels like the world is falling apart

Sometimes it feels like no matter how hard you try, you just keep getting brought down

You tell yourself that everything is going to be alright

You tell yourself that you will survive

You look for a sign, anything to tell you that you are going down the right path

You pray to God that he gives you the strength to carry on

And jus...

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rainbowstormsurvivestrengthbattlegodpath of lifenewbeginningletgonewbeginings

Senshi (戦士)

My love is a two-edged weapon, wielded by insecurity and strikes with fear. 


Akin to Pandora’s pithos, it remained concealed; destruction would only come of openly sharing it to the outside world. 


My heart is shielded, once scarred by mistrust, now a lone vessel playing a broken melody looped: 




Just as soldiers march through wet trenches in p...

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I can’t see

But I can dream


It’s like wearing a blindfold

On my brown eyes

I can’t watch, but I can feel

All these weird wild vibes


All these angelic faces around me

But those diabolic souls surround me

Are they real or are they fake?

It’s like watching a blue snowflake

Falling for smiles and grace

All night murdering for a race


I can’t wait


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A battle with self.

In a dusky morning, the sun was setting,
Wanted to scream in a silent mic.

No more of this frustration, no more of this hatred,
Death was the only freedom came to his mind.

Listening to the people, listening to himself he realised,
Many a things don't matter, So does his life.

Losing his hobby, his like, his ego, his pride.
Losing his humanity, was what it was like.

'Try to stay po...

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battledepresseddepressionhopelesssuicide depressionsuicidepainemptinesslifestruggle


I can see it in your eyes

I can feel it in your soul

The path seems so confusing and you just don’t know 

I tried to fight your battles

I tried to keep you safe

I tried to give you love but you just ran away

Then I opened my eyes and realized

The battle isn’t mine 

So I closed my eyes with a broken heart and cried 

And then I prayed to God that he shows you the way back ...

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BattleloveBroken heartsGodlightsadness

Battle of the Bulge

Belgium was beastly cold in December of ’44.  
Deep snow covered frozen ground as 
shattered forests crackled and groaned 
under the weight of ice. 
We barely felt our feet, 
even when we tried to warm them.
Frostbite was a constant threat.
The air was still; there was no wind.  
Dense clouds covered the sky
and snowfall lent a misty haze 
like falling fog. 

We hoped for a quick end t...

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armybattleBattle of the BulgeBelgiumsoldierwarworld warWWII


Scream and fight,

oh little mind.

An endless battle

between you two


Always more than one,

never black and white

so you always fight.


Heart for love and lies.

Brain for truth and pain.

Listen to me I'm struggling!

Both of you take too much,

I can't keep up.


Fight for me and not with each other.

Fight for us and not some lover.

We need eachoth...

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Johnny stood besides his brother 
crying Tommy look after mother, 
He was going to fight a bloody war 
tears fell as he walked out the door 

His mother prayed all night for peace 
asked the lord to let the gun fire cease 
innocent children taken from this life 
pain, explosions, sharp cuts the knife 

dying men decay in the ground 
A solution to peace has to be found 
no more explosio...

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The Mother To All

She’s a bright star, within the unlit night 

Guiding others through, the tough thing, that we call life 

Her strength is beyond admirable to all 

And even if she should ever fall 

She would somehow, pull though 

The things, that to others, it would inevitably un-do 

Her beauty and grace, isn’t just a way to save face 

She's had to fight great wars, every single day 

Even wh...

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battlebeautybest friendcompassionfriendshipgenerocitykindnesslovemental healthmothermother to allpainsaviourselflessselflessnessstrengthstrugglethe one true motherwar

Forced upon Friendly Fire

All my life I've been used like a weapon 
Being aimed, knocked and drawn, facing friendly fire
Little seeds being planted by words and feelings
Anything to which your twisted minds desire
Manipulating me until I'm alone and disconnected 
Cutting loose all ties, that know your true nature 
Because now you know that is the only thing that'll save ya

You don't realise that I do not need the ...

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battleDeceptionenemies within friendly lineseyes openfriendly firemanipulation

Can't Escape

You try to escape the demons

But they latch on way too tight,

Their claws digging into my body

And mind, with all their might.


Fighting is exhausting,

It physically and mentally drains.

But still I endure it, hoping

One day I will finally escape the pain.

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anxietybattlecan't escapedemonsdepressionexhaustedhopeillnessmaniamental battlemental healthmental health issuesmental illnesspoetry and mental healthptsdrage

Twice A Day With Food.

It's a tough pill to swallow.
I want to fucking puke.
This feeling in my stomach,
like I swallowed a live nuke.

They just give me pills to swallow
and run a lot of useless tests.
I tried so hard to keep it away,
to fight it off but it infests.

I hate these pills I swallow.
I feel the cancer in my veins.
It's consuming my body
and fucking with my brain.

It's not your pill to swall...

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PillsLymphomaCancergive upbattle

Real Life Nightmare

Every moment to fear,

Forever holding back internal tears.

Life- so complicated,

forever indecisive.

The world too big, too scary,

my mind so full of queries.

Never certain, never happy,

each decision could be deadly.

An escapes impossible,

every outcomes implausible.

Sinking under water,

Always being taken for a martyr.

The pain runs so deep,

Barely able to ...

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anxietybattlecomplicateddangerdarkdeepdesperationdestructiondrowningemotional painemotiveescapefearFrom the hearthopeindecisiveinternal battlemental healthmental health issuesmindnightmarepoetrypoetry and mental healthsanitysinkingsubconsciouswar


Pain hurts in the middle of the day, in the middle of the night and in many other ways
It masks itself as shame and keeps calling your name
You're nothing 
You're worthless
You're alone
Calling out to the God who says He cares 
But finding silence and distant stares
I want to be happy
I want to be whole
I want to be free of the ghost that haunts me
Haunting my days and wrestling with my ...

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battleGood and evilsuicide awareness

To love is to suffer

His words twist into my heart, in bold letters they tear me apart, leaving my eyes bright and green, I can't hold back the tears, I'm not trying to fight, expressing my feelings is damaging, he takes it wrong and here comes the sting, I guess love isn't meant for me, no matter how sweet I can be.

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Heart breakbattlebullying

The Quiet Soldier

The Quiet Soldier


Why am I fighting these foes of mine?

(I know it's a soldier's fate)

to shoot my gun and die – yes, me as well as him,

when I see the blood on his cape

and his dead eyes shine;

by then it's too late for me and him alike -

but to the battle I return

with rifle and defiance primed

and hoards of bravado to turn and strike

when the muzzle-blasts out...

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capebattlebravadobig ideatumbrelArnhemfriends

Snow and Lightning

A while ago, I was reminded by my brother that our grandfather had fought in the Battle of the Somme, on the Western Front in 1916, where he was wounded and evacuated back home. This is for him, and for everyone.

Snow and Lightning


When winter paints the churned land white,

and splintered trees hang like sentinel flames,

snowfall that dusts bloody parapet stains

hardens to a sa...

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1916BattleFrontthe SommeWestern

Battle of One

To the death, we say,
Breath licked with flame, spits to my face;
His face.
Racing temples pump furious blood
Through ferrous veins,
Manes rise, eyes blister with relentless rage;
Then, clenched fists draw clotted blood
Through plum knuckles.
My neck buckles,
His neck,
Cracking bone like tinder,
The interweave of puffed ribs and scarlet skin
Glisten with fetid sweat;
I rea...

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depressiondemonsmental healthbattleturmoilpoempoetry


If there was no happieness
There would be nothing to enjoy.

If there was no sadness
There wouldn't be a care in the world.

If there was no friends
there would be loneliness everywhere.

If there was no uphill battles
there would be no courage
to keep on trying.

And if LIFE itself had nothing
imagine what LIFE would be....

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Flanders Field

Marching on together through the fire and the flame, Sent to war as boys, but they became men this day,
Heroes of a nation, who would have knew
That they risked their lives for everyone, valiant and true.   The darkness of the battlefield, will blind them all their lives
The images that they have seen shall remain upon their minds
Yet in this hour of war, they sheltered us with their ...

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Out over the fields a pair of crows circle and dive amongst the hedgerows and green grass.

A watery sun casts its watery face through the spring clouds as the birds disappear from view.

Eighty years ago it was a similar story as two manmade hawks of the air battle to the death; the fields aren’t green but a shell-holed hell with muddy trenches filled with wretched...

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historyww1biplanesair warbattle

Unto the Somme

Behind failing lines,
These curtains of shrapnel and sharp steel
Conceal my misery,
So seamlessly, absently
I go on, numb, alone,
For sensation no longer blesses me.

Relentlessly, I force back my fear,
The absent tears never reach my cheeks
And thick blankets of earth and sand
Choke my cries, damp,  pitiful.
I fall to the boards clotted with death
As my bre...

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warworld war Iconflictbattlesoldierdeathpoem

You can't Streep poverty under the carpet... - NaPoWriMo Day 9

A silence fell upon the city,

contorted shadows twisting moonlight.

Stuttering in a speakeasy seemed so misplaced

bottles rattled flickering like Fedora feathers

in an unforgiving wind.


The wretched odour of deprivation

a stench that sticks and degrades ones existence.

Even by day this city remains a lifeless sap

and by night the vampires feast on th...

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PoliticsHumanityMobstersBankstersWarNaPoWriMoGlobalThatcherMaggie ThatcherMargaret ThatcherFilmFilm NoirNoirProhibitionAmericaBritain1930s1980s2013universalpovertypoliticiansexploitationinequalityhatedivisioncelebrationclassClass Warvictorybattlestrugglecooperationcohesion





So you are a fighter pilot in one of today’s latest jets.

Tell me what it is like to fly, to fight and to die in the air?

All of the crushing g-forces and dizzying changes

of direction happening all at once.

I bet that there’s no glory in your battles,

only pain, mutilation and death.

But this is your game, an aerial ballet

of chess wher...

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fighter pilotplanepilotwarbattlesky





A room, just a room. Feel the sense of history

here, heavy as lead and as poignant as pain.

Aspects come into focus, heavy thick carpets,

waxed English tables. Silence. Total.

A view on a room, from the doorway after.

What went on here? What decisions were made?

History’s biggest gamble, to fail paid in blood

and men and tears.

To suc...

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d-dayhitlerwarnazialliesgermansww2battlegamblewin alllose all









Then… Airplane falling wreathed in fire, ruined

bonfire dragged down by gravity to a watery grave.

Broken machine resting on the seabed, silence

reigns in Deaths’ triumph.


Now… Test Pilot Feng Yi and five of his comrades flying

air tests on red China’s brand new J11 fighter.

Saw many old planes in formation, props and je...

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Dull metallic monster sitting on the bottom, forty fathoms

down, crushing weight of black water. Cold as death

and as frigid as eternity, never ending. An endless circle.

Now the battle is over, good against evil. Silent guns end

their killing, no more bomb bursts, killing shrapnel, sliced corpses.

Time has no hold here in Nature’s unfo...

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warbattleendhalifax bombertirpitzmuseumfjordraised

MUSTANG poem shortlisted in a comp...

...and will be published in a book called UPLIFTING MOMENTS



Born out of diverging needs and used in battle, american airframe and english merlin engine creating a machine quite unlike any other. At home six miles above the earth protecting silver lumbering B-17s from murderous nazi fighters, down on the deck filling the krauts full of lead dont tell m...

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mustangflightbattlepilotsfamilythe skymemories

STUKA POEM from the other side



Take off is early at dawn; twilight covers our planes in gold sunlight.

We climb so slowly for the sun and its protection on our dangerous flight

to England.

Our deadly load is our bombs, we’ll kill those Tommies just like our

Fuerher says. But are we so bad?

All we do is follow our orders and do our terrible mission.

We reach our target in the morning su...

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Terminal Velocity





Drenched in heavy morning rain
Like an arctic soaking to the vein;
I just sat there stunned and wordless,
by the results of endless tests.

Only do I seek the scoffer's sympathy;
my litanies dot the bottom of this timpani.
No restaurant on high street offers...
Whoa! I found where my sanity rests:

A very com...

Read more …

cancerfightbattlestrugglerecuperatecome into termswordbank

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