The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

destruction (Remove filter)

Unyielding Heroes

Today, three years ago, Russia launched its brutal invasion of Ukraine, shattering peace and unleashing a wave of destruction. Towns were levelled, lives torn apart, and a nation thrust into an endless struggle for survival. Despite the relentless violence, Ukraine remains unyielding, its people refusing to surrender. The world has watched as the cost in blood and suffering continues to rise, and ...

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Ukrainewarresistanceresiliencedestructionfreedomsacrificelossdefiancesurvivaltragedystrengthsovereigntyunyieldingwar crimesresistance spiritbrutalityhopewar anniversarycouragesuffering

The Trump Express: Engine of Havoc!

This sonnet wants to capture the chaotic and relentless force of Trump’s ambitions—an unstoppable train of greed, power, and imperialism, barreling through the world, leaving disruption and destruction in its wake.

The world is battered, torn beneath his wheels,
A runaway of greed and steel and spite.
A thousand schemes, each twisting as it steals,
Devour the day and drown the dead of nig...

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Trumppoliticsdictatorshipfeardestructiondisruptiontyrannygreedcorruptionglobal crisis

Superbly Pretty

Superbly Pretty

Pretty dance of laser fire

Multi coloured megawatt beams

Frying all they touch

Superbly pretty yet evil

Beyond Hell the capability

Fired from orbiting spaceships


Close to a planet

Or a galaxy away

Up close is good

See the results

The planet melts

People are gas

It's over fast




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Vivid Orange



Vivid Orange

Sky black burnt like sack cloth by the fires

Endless fires vivid orange flames

Always orange as is the screams

Now invisible for they are dead

Bodies black ash blown about

Wind whipped up by the flames

Orange wind this way and that

Like the war win lose win lose

On and on till it simply ended

All dead nobody left to fight

Pull the trigger dro...

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Embers flicker and glow,

taking things nice and slow,

breaking out of it’s cold prison,

a remnant of unwanted ignition.


Breathing in the outside air,

licks of flame reach and dare,

slightly heated in their struggle,

as the arsonist starts to giggle.


No longer easily contained,

angry torrents flutter in orange,

roaring for attention enraged,

burning all wi...

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The Turning Of The Tide

The Turning Of The Tide


Walking along the beach at sunset

A romantic moment at holiday’s end

The sand and condoms slip between our toes

The dying red rays reflecting in rock pools of piss

And glinting off discarded coco-cola bottles

Children collecting the shell-like husks of food cartons

And skimming smooth flat plastic plates into the sea

Surf lapping gently against ...

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bournemouth beachcarelessdestructiongreen planethuman wastenegligencerubbish

House of Giants

House of Giants


Through houses of Giants,
we crawl on our knees.

We slave for our feed,
and all of our need.

They have framed our life,
till the day we die

Through their house, we fly,
work, and drive.

Their bones corrupt us,
surround us, and stink.

Every word is no.
Every sign is stop.
Everything is wait.
I’m gonna escape.

I will find a way.
I will be free.


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freedomSpoken Word poetryconspiracytruthgreeddestruction

Humans: the race that plagues the Earth

You see the USA and UK
Having pride for our race
When really, we are a disgrace
But the truth always is the hardest thing to face

We hurt the world that gave us life
Proving our greed has no price
We are a plague upon the earth
Taking it for all that it is worth
Money comes before conservation
Because nothing is worth it, without gaining a sum
Disguising our greed as caring for what's ...

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Humanshumanraceplagueconservationcharitypollutiondestroying the planetdestructionearth

Real Life Nightmare

Every moment to fear,

Forever holding back internal tears.

Life- so complicated,

forever indecisive.

The world too big, too scary,

my mind so full of queries.

Never certain, never happy,

each decision could be deadly.

An escapes impossible,

every outcomes implausible.

Sinking under water,

Always being taken for a martyr.

The pain runs so deep,

Barely able to ...

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anxietybattlecomplicateddangerdarkdeepdesperationdestructiondrowningemotional painemotiveescapefearFrom the hearthopeindecisiveinternal battlemental healthmental health issuesmindnightmarepoetrypoetry and mental healthsanitysinkingsubconsciouswar

Daily Howl

Daily Howl


A quiet boy -

he painted rainbows,

got lost in the words

of ancient poets,

spoke with respect,

offered up his seat

and his place in the world

to the unfortunates.


He smiled,

he laughed,

he spoke in words

of love and peace

with passion

and humility.

His voice

a pacifier.



when the world was cruel,

he cried


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Old & New

Shuttles soar with seemingly unprecendented motion.
The children's eyes gaze to the floor.
The ground is green and brown and yellow.
The world below cannot bellow.

Bellow whole-heartedly,
Sing and hum its' tune.
A melody, sweet melody.
A rotation for all of you.

Its' sweet chillness pressed against the nostrils,
Its' gentle warmth against the skin.
Allow the gaze of the star above,

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Into The Wilderness

Into the Wilderness


Into the wilderness we went. Edhweirft and Hwyrflung swirled above us, blowing and bustling through the treetops. Watching. Threatening. But maintaining a safe distance as the trees protected us








... we went, as the gloam drew in. Druuuuuin!! Closer. Druuuuuuuuiiiiinnnn!!!!! Closer. It hugs, this gloa...

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Nonsensetreesnonsense verseAlice In WonderlandLewis Carrolljabberwockwildernesswoodsweatherwindrainthunderlighteningdestructionnaturefractalsdanger

Not the killing type (Part I)

I try not to question my humanity

and let me be damned,

but I’m not the killing type.

Only sometimes

I want to put out someone’s eyes

press them in or pluck them out

like the clear plastic baubles from a lifeless doll.


Like a force majeure,

rip the bricks from walls

watching architecture crumble and tumble

the relics of a past age fall,

flutter like shredded b...

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I’m gonna be so pretty for you,

She says

As one layer falls off and tumbles to the ground -

Hugging your feet

Like a lash of waves.

I’m gonna be so pretty for you,

Let me be pretty for you,

I will be the prettiest I’ve ever been,

She says

As one layer of flesh peels off, along with her clothes.

One layer of soft lips melts from her features -

Layers and layers till...

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(If Mother Earth could speak...)


I’m the first light of dawn setting fire to the skies,

the awe that ends with a soft, sated sigh.

I’m the slow, gentle sway of ancient, lofty trees,

branches of life filled with wonders to be.


I am sands and seas; a warm summer breeze

blowing soft, whispered tunes over ever-changing dunes.

I am stars in the heavens sailing high overhe...

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mother natureMother Earthportentprognosisbeautystormdestructiondespair


As the sun peeps out

over misty morning hills

and the dawn chorus calls

with its piercing shrill,

the demons of the night

skulk slowly away,

a sidelong glance

at the few who got away.


He rises and stretches

and with sleepy eyes,

breathes a sigh of relief

and a laughing surprise.

The nightmare lingers

in his foggy mind

until a final shiver

leaves th...

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"I want to eat your cancer" - Nirvana

Inspired by Nirvana's song 'heart-shaped box'. The line "I want to eat your cancer" was so strong and powerful, really got me thinking


I want to eat your cancer,

Sip your darkness, your evils,

Drink from your chalice of disease,

Soak up your pain, bathe in it, wash in it...

So that you are dry.

And when you are too dry;

Powdery, breaking, crumbling,

Ill offer you a dri...

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destructionsacrificeultimatepainloverelationshipcaretake a bulletnirvana



And the world keeps rocking to the sound of the void
Spinning through time, a pirouette we can't avoid
And what have you done today
Did the fool on his errand slip by
Did you have much to say
As his time in your life seemed to fly

And the world keeps spinning into uncertain futures
The wounds in it's crust needing serious sutures
And what have you done today
Was th...

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Earthlifedeathdestructiontimequestionsdying planet










the ack-ack-ack

of sobbing children

a tear

for every bullet

the roll of pressure

heal to toe

erasing limbs

flies swarming on open wounds

picking at the scabs

of wounded families

the searing pain

of widows and orphans

scorched flesh

hurt is local currency

guns from foreign currency


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casualtieswar childwarwar zonedestructiondeathhorror

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