mirror (Remove filter)
Light and Absence
I am not a mirror and the reflection gets lost in me, there is no name, everything drifts away, and in every part of me, a universe I do not know.
is an absence, but the scream still flows from the body as if it were not mine.
I am
the space between the light that is no longer seen.
Thursday 6th February 2025 4:53 am
The Divan
I look at myself, and see the abyss
In the mirror, where time slips away
And the cruel emptiness takes me whole
Like a distant echo that life betrays
What is pain, if not a flame
That burns without being explained?
It is a torment that is not mine
But invades me, devours me under the moonlight
The divan calls me, but what is the divan
If not a well, where the soul is lost
In words th...
Thursday 23rd January 2025 4:42 am
My reflection doesn’t tell my story yet I still feel as though it defines me
When I look,
I see my flaws
I see mistakes
I see problems
Looking at others I see so much beauty
They have the perfect clothes
Perfect hair
Perfect face
Perfect body
Maybe it’s just a facade but it seems so real
Pushed on me is the pe...
Wednesday 11th September 2024 8:07 pm
at right angles to beauty,
geometry's not my friend,
full reservoirs of make-up
my proportions won't mend
other girls seem so pretty
my torso's a basket case
lobster nose, carrot hair,
mirrors crack at my face
I dream of drastic surgery
features lissom and new
Romeos on my doorstep
aftershaves in a queue
each day flushed torture
in a self-consc...
Saturday 8th May 2021 11:08 am
was lovely last Christmas
hugs amid a snow storm
face so bright and caring
mind in such good form
sharp, as bright as a pin
enjoying tinsel and pies,
no hint of grief to come,
warmth yet in grey eyes
change, a new confusion
not sure of time or day,
struggled finding words,
shopping, lost her way
I know his face, where...?
why cant I remember?
...Saturday 12th December 2020 10:32 am
A Heart With No History
When I saw your wayward ways
My heart switched into reverse
This was far from what I wanted
An outcome so plainly perverse
Yours was a heart with no history
We were strangers, noon till night
The one I married was a mystery
A mirror that reflected no light
Tales you told me of your past
Turned out to be little but fiction
I stood next to a stranger when
Tuesday 1st September 2020 10:43 am
Mirror of perception
'Mirror mirror on the wall,
Who is the ugliest of them all'.
Hearing the answer gotten so sad,
For the looks of it, he was not so bad.
Seeing himself ugly in every face,
But it was just his perception not the case.
Thinking of this day and night,
Forgetting the beauty was not in the face but inside.
Again giving himself a chance, he gathered courage.
Asking one more question, like a sag...
Sunday 30th August 2020 12:56 pm
Bedroom Gothic
Things had stalled then tapered off
For Bill and Gwen had reached the stage
Where sex is what other people do
When love has turned its final page
Salad days gone and keen to downsize
They found a bungalow, cheap they said,
It had leaky flashing and woodworm
Above all, a full-length gilt mirror over the bed
That first night under a wrinkled reflection
As the pai...
Sunday 19th July 2020 11:45 am
The mirror in the room
holds me quite tightly
within its glassy memory.
Standing aside from its stare
I know what its thoughts are.
Dreaming of a reflection,
reflecting on a dream.
Still, but still in motion,
an opposite movement
a trick of the eye,
thoughts backward,
it emulates itself,
and echoes all before it.
Patiently waiting for its time
to cast a li...
Wednesday 15th April 2020 5:28 pm
Void Brooding.
I wish the abyss would stop looking back at me.
I look in the mirror and I swear that's all I see.
Not a monster but a void I cant escape.
I was born with a heart but it seems mishaped.
Someday I swear I'm going to leave this place.
Find my way to the light that people praise.
But for now I think it's better if I hang my head.
Bite my tongue and drink until I just forget.
I don't know ...
Saturday 18th May 2019 7:49 am
The mirror
The mirror speaks a truth that you don't want to hear
What makes you so afraid is right there and it's so clear
That anyone but you would run away and scream
But no, you choose to stay and bathe in your darkest dream.
There is no light or rainbows or things you'd like to share,
Just you...in your naked costume, parading under moon's glare.
You twitch and turn and the sides are all the same...
Saturday 2nd June 2018 10:27 am
Stranger in me
Looked in the possessing mirror
Holding me fast in her grip
Not letting go even when I step away
Keep an eye on yourself
Spy on yourself
Introspective inspection
I saw the stranger in me
the foreigner in my family
the immigrant in my house
Was it me?
Was it you?
It was me
It was you
Another situation
Another time
Same reaction
Same action
Saturday 19th May 2018 10:34 pm
A valuable gift,
An emotional curse,
Seeing past the illusion,
Stuck with the truth
Ugly at times,
But you know it’s for the better,
In a world of pretenders,
There’s only a few authentic left
A loving heart,
Unable to be free,
God forbid you love a fraud,
Imagine you’re 6 feet deep
The mind and the heart are at odds,
HOW can they reconcile?
...Sunday 25th February 2018 6:06 pm
Scattered Beauty
And then
When the night nighed
Her beauty sighed
She looked again into mirror
Beauty scattered by any error
Her face is a piece of cheater
Expert as liar quite neater
Then smoke emanated
As if my wishes detonated
Glasses broke into pieces
Ashamed of reflecting her face
To my Love, this is disgrace
Mirza Sharafat Hussain Beigh
Tuesday 9th January 2018 3:44 pm
Aisa Kyu
By : Mirza Sharafat
mujhe kya , har cheez me tera ghar lagta hai
wo sama , teri ghali ka wo manzar lagta hai
pawu zameen pa rakh ke samandar lagta hai
teri muhabbat ka asar is qadar lagta hai
Sulagti huwi aagh pa mujhe chalney do rafiq
Har qadam pa maloom uska reh guzar lagta hai
terey ansuvu ki jo na kar sakey qadar
phir dil usk...
Tuesday 29th August 2017 5:18 am
The waves come and go
And the sea remains the sea
The reflections come and go
And the mirror remains the mirror
Joy and misery come and go
What remains is what is me
Thursday 29th December 2016 6:56 pm
Mirror cracked
In the mirror
I held a face
that held a face's stare,
In that mirror
the face that stared
stared back at me in fear...
I knew that once
I turned away
that we would meet again
that he would watch
the back of my head and
whisper once more my name.
words and foto Tommy Carroll
Monday 29th August 2016 11:51 am
you would not believe how easy it is to break a mirror!
and we're not talking the ones that you see in the clearance sections at stores,
we're talking about the mirror that shows you how you think about yourself.
this mirror is one made of a very special glass,
one that comes in all different shapes and sizes for every person,
one that is very often...fragile.
a child often begins their ...
Saturday 30th July 2016 6:36 am
Gaze into the mirror
at the face behind the mask
and wonder if it's really you,
or don’t you dare to ask?
Who can know what lies beyond
the mirrors fragile face,
reflections of another life;
another time or place?
Touch the chill upon the glass
and see a tiny ripple,
was it real or in your mind,
did it really feel so supple?
Gaze into empty eyes
...Friday 18th September 2015 2:00 am
The hands of time tick slowly by
as dawn breaks in a new day.
A nightmare reality of
the receding night lies marked,
like so many fading stars,
in the shattered glass on the floor.
Silken shards of sorry souls,
their lives now trapped
in a dream of what was then,
what is now and
what should never have been.
Each broken image,
a moment in time captured
...Monday 15th June 2015 12:51 pm
In the mirror I see your face
In the birds I see your heart
In the clouds I see your mind
In the rain I see your tears
In the ocean I see your depth
In the trees I see your strength
In the rainbow I see your beauty
In the wind I see your breath
In the sky I see your soul
No insight sees deeper than no sight.
Wednesday 7th January 2015 3:30 pm
The mirror
From the bridge of your dreams
You see yourself on the other side
Illuminated for a brief moment.
You walk away from the illusion,
Deciding to be only one part.
And yet at the very last moment
You turn around and look back
At the silhouetted image of you
In the distance, raising a right hand.
And you wave back with the left
Because you are the reflection
And this is the connection
As f...
Wednesday 7th January 2015 3:22 pm
The Mirror
My first apartment
was in a bad neighborhood.
The apartment was small
and rat infested.
The mirror in my
bedroom had a
dark shadowy spot
in the corner.
It looked creepy but
I told myself to ignore it.
But sometimes I swear
the shadow pulsated
like it was breathing.
When my lease r...
Tuesday 21st January 2014 7:35 pm
Who is this Woman in the Mirror
Who is this woman in
the mirror?
When did her hair start
to turn grey?
What happened to the
young girl who used to
laugh and play?
Who is this woman in
the mirror?
When did these
wrinkles appear?
What happened to the
young girl whose parents
used to call "Dear"...
Monday 3rd October 2011 1:32 am
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