The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

mother nature (Remove filter)

The Pecking

In the yard's dust-bowl kingdom, hens

Scratch their ancient rhythms. Until

Blood springs – a single drop

Like a red asterisk in white feathers.


Then something older than bone

Switches on behind her eye. Machinery

Of beak and claw engages, pre-programmed,

As if the first raptor never died.


Her neck snakes forward, hooked weapon

Drilling deep, each strike

A vi...

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betrayalfamilyhensmother nature

Summer breeze and the bee’s knees

The sky’s serenity

The sun’s strength

Mother Nature’s pride and poise

Earth’s balance

A bouquet of beauty in every way

The stillness between the trees

The calmness of the wind’s whispers

The modesty of mother nature; sacred and serene

The breathtaking beaches

The comfort of a campfire

The boisterous BBQ gatherings

The coziness of a cabin

With sun-kissed skin


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summerbeautymother nature

Spring Meets Summer

I want to wake up in the morning before the dawn
And watch the spring dressed in a beautiful gown.
When the spring passes its crown to summer,

Demonstrating its beautiful gamma.


I want to open my doors wide

And watch when summer as a bride

Accepts her sister's presents

And cherish all the dear moments.

And then I wish to walk with summer in the wood
And as a lyrist to...

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mother nature

An ode to Mother Nature - The Great Giver of Life!

"Take those clothes off, you smell of outside". She quipped

A perplexing concept; an ineffable part of everyday life clinging to our clothes.

Clinging to our very beings. 

From that first life affirming breath as we step out to conquer the day - in hopes of slaying invisible beasts, to the soft caress of the morning dew on bare skin. 
Then comes the rustling of evergreen leaves, graduall...

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NatureMother Naturetreesleavesmessageconnections

Skin and Bones

Dust to dust

ashes to ashes will shall all return

with our regrets,

sins and wins erased from mother nature

our spirits effervesce into carbon 

but fear not as energy cannot be destroyed only transferred

our lives once lived tangibly in a conrete jungle

has now been washed away with a faint petrichor lingering in the air!

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mother natureearthyspiritscarbonAshesenergy

Swamp Child

Kneel before the rich black mud

the minty plants smell when bruised

she sees the double backed burden

spouting eggs into the brown tea water

shame gathers with the loaches at the bottom

as the dragonfly larvae pounce

and eat those who have just been born

the shadows hold no magic to her yet

Hands fly, she captures a creature

pulling its leg to keep it safe

pulling its...

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pondshadowshamedarknesslifemother nature


When the birds take back their language,

when the trees unloose

their tenderly hands from around you,

when the air doesn't breathe

and the seas are tearing,

when the flowers whisper:

No, you own nothing,

then remember:

You're visitor,

honoring the hospitality.

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mother naturebeautylifeheartstillnesspeacefulfriendshippoetrywisdomphilosophypoems on spiritualitymetaphysics


Such a rush

don't be late

Think they'll wait?


Start on time

is their rhyme

The world tries to be

on schedule

Till Mother Nature

steps in

and does her thing





and such

Not much

Man can do with that

So who's in control?

We may think we are


We're not...


By Lynn Hahn


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mother naturePoemtime

Flying My Birds

I fly the birds around this place

We chat amongst the trees

The wildlife up in this place

Contains a rainbow breeze.

The truth rises to the top

A quiet frozen mountain

I fly my birds up to the top 

To chat and to surround it.

Discussing the monopoly,

Folks with greed in mind--

I'm the messenger of truth

Sending my birds to fly.

The Greed-ridden dictators 


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NaturePoetryMother NatureBirdsSpiritual


(If Mother Earth could speak...)


I’m the first light of dawn setting fire to the skies,

the awe that ends with a soft, sated sigh.

I’m the slow, gentle sway of ancient, lofty trees,

branches of life filled with wonders to be.


I am sands and seas; a warm summer breeze

blowing soft, whispered tunes over ever-changing dunes.

I am stars in the heavens sailing high overhe...

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mother natureMother Earthportentprognosisbeautystormdestructiondespair


Butterfly, flying free
Unaware of its destiny
Butterfly you are truly free
For yours is a path with certainty

You exist within the day
Falling victim to the night
But when the darkest hour comes
There is nothing, there is no fight

So as you flutter by my way
Without a single care
I envy you and your mortality
One such I cannot share

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ButterflyFirst BlogInsectsMother NatureNature

DEAR DIARY (Mother Nature)


I should have seen this coming – oh the guilt!

I nurtured each of evolution’s steps.

But now I beat my breast – the milk is spilt!

Till this Great Age shall close, I am regret!


I see it now; without the animal

no cerebral extension manifests.

But male potency hears just one call:

the one that I, upon the fool, impressed!


I thought I might slip w...

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mother naturedoom


Girl of the planet come to me now and show me your inner soul,
set my mind on fire with your eternal strength.
Goddess of the oceans and rivers, bathe me
in your watery embrace and solitude.
Queen of the deserts and of the shifting sands, fling
a sandstorm at my door, hide me in your deep Sahara.
Angel of the watery skies, blow me away with you...

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mystical femininityplanet earthmother naturenatural landscapeslovewomanman





Great, warm wet ocean rolling, curving, boiling cauldron.

Little grains of sand – brown, white, clear, black.

Thrown together onto the beach.

A small layer, a medium layer, a deep layer compressed into rock.

Hundreds of feet thick. Exposed to elements, rain, cold, wind, snow.

No warm carboniferous sun here. Just a windy plateau of a rock face.


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sandoceantimemountaingeological processmother nature





Mother Nature screams in utter rage, a voice as loud as thunder and death and one Man can’t hear himself; yet he knows something is wrong – this is because he has ruined and taken and not given a damn, raping the world, His world and not caring one bit.

So She is concerned and now She acts in the only way that will get results – 

devastatingly so.

A n...

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mother naturerevengedeathplanetmankind's selfishness

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