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Alexa, Give Me a New Life!
Saturday 1st March 2025 10:53 am
And Yours?
And Yours?
Tell the world your story
Share all of your experiences
Working in that type of job
For 7 long fucking years
It wasn’t bad or good
It was what it was
A bit of everything
All thrown together
Life death in-between
There was music and song
Books and stories
Film and video
Each to their own
We endure differently
My trip is mine
What is yours?
...Monday 19th August 2024 1:45 pm
Move It
Move It
Let the bosses deal with the shit
It’s what they’re paid for
Why should we concern ourselves?
We have our own demons to slay
There are other opportunities out there
Not just their cheap scandalous account
Let’s move on get something better
Away from their hostility mind set and vices
I plan on being an astronaut
What about you?
Monday 19th August 2024 1:36 pm
Sometimes I go to my car
Which isn't very far
But during work time it can seem strange
As if I'm lost and out on the range
Sometimes I forget things
Important, useful, essential things
To do my work or I'll be lost
Can't have that now at my own cost
So I return to the vehicle
Luckily today I didn't cycle
To retrieve my cherished, beloved and innocent phone
...Monday 3rd June 2024 9:17 am
The Braithwaite Boy
I knew the Braithwaite boy at school;
I knew him when he started work.
He bagged fruit at the market stall:
Quite slow, but never one to shirk.
His parents lived beside the park;
They were the type to put on airs.
They saw him as an office clerk
Or in the city selling shares.
But he was quiet, often teased,
And ready to accept his place;
The customers seemed...
Tuesday 12th March 2024 4:51 pm
Support worker
Hoody, vape and tatt
All night I've been sat
Another coffee will wake me up
Here's a magazine, take my cup
Alone on the ward, feeling bored
My eyes crush a matchstick hoard
Marks and scuffs on the walls
Remind me of times, restraints and all
Long days and nights settle in my thoughts
Old faces, names, and incidences haunt
Decisions made, young people blamed
...Wednesday 24th January 2024 10:12 am
Future Found
The colour of your shirt does not determine your standing or standard of life,
Your position within a company does not make you who you are,
When describing one's self it is hard to not chronicle ones job,
Instead regale your sole and subsequent wisdom.
The 8 to 10hours a day you spend away not looking at reflection nor self-righteous meditation can leave you impatient yet waiting and ...
Friday 30th September 2022 1:52 pm
The rings to my eye sockets,
Deep and purple.
I do not have the luxury of being lightning in a bottle,
I must make my presence known through substance,
Filling the sea of aspirations with my own,
Intoxicating and plentiful,
The key to any readers hearts,
My own suffering.
I will expose myself bare,
Devour my offering so that I may find release.
Tuesday 26th April 2022 3:56 pm
Prelude to a working day
The toast was warm and buttery
The coffee, hot and strong
The radio played a reminisce
From sunny days long gone
I sipped away the aches & pains
And watched the morning light
Brush honey upon the basking birds
That sang with all their might
The open door leaked warming breeze
And a hint of dewy blooms
But, time tick-tocked reality
To rejoin life's spinning lo...
Sunday 12th September 2021 9:16 am
Tick tick tick
Tap tap tap
The clock ticks down
On an inevitable time bomb
That is my collapse
You're the only thing keeping me together
A solid foundation
You never let me down
Or abandon me
Coz there's nothing you need from me
Except perfection
Show up at meetings
Plan everything
Be everything, for everyone
I can be a wreck
But I'm the perfect p...
Monday 24th May 2021 11:15 am
The Feminist Friend
Everyone’s having babies
Everything’s just turned up a whole notch of crazy
They must just think I’m lazy
But I too, could really love a baby
Makes me feel quite stupid
I’ve never had luck with cupid
Life doesn’t come with a blueprint
But really did for you, kid
Never been dripping in diamonds
Couldn’t find a man to afford them
And even if he offered
I’d ...
Wednesday 31st March 2021 10:36 am
New Buds
The old man stepped out into the garden and stood in the sunshine. Warm, yes, but not too warm to work. He collected the battered barrow from the shed. In it a kneeler and a bucket containing gloves, a trowel and secateurs.
There had been five weeks without significant rain and at the end temperatures had been up in the mid to high thirties. Now, after some good downpours, the garden was just ...
Wednesday 31st July 2019 8:59 pm
Money is the soul to reach a goal
It is the tool to play a role
But if you're miser or a poor
No way to live happy and cool
Luck is the wing across future
but work is the core of the creature
To be strong even no wing
Keep your effort to win the venture
Poor & rich, should also search
Money everywhere, we must fetch
the only lazy .. also crazy
Forever, no goa...
Thursday 4th April 2019 4:09 pm
Believe to Live
Be happy with what you have
Then you will have what you hope
Firmly, work and save
Simply, you reach the top
It depends on you more
Than a reason or a cause
Not because rich and poor
Your brain, how much knows
Do believe in God's Judging
And gain your thought results
God never asks a jumbling
But to be aware of the facts
Wednesday 27th February 2019 11:16 am
The choice
Translation of my Arabic Poem (“The Choice”)
Who, in the World, chooses his birth?
Who chooses his family and children?
Who chooses his fate and country?
Who chooses the time to go to heaven?
But it is possible to choose our day
To sincerely care about family and work
This will be the first right step to our future
To achieve our goals while we're alive
Your name and countr...
Monday 25th February 2019 8:11 pm
At the end of everything
Some results come to gain
Thus, you can get experience
How to deal with same again
Don't think, it was so difficult
Just use your own brain
Be ready for every possible
Don't tell me "but in vain"
If you can say "I decide it"
The desert turns green
Then you'll exert success
Surely will forget the pain
Monday 4th February 2019 1:53 pm
Introvert's Day Off
I packed a suitcase for just myself
then took a trip to winter months. Found
the key to the bedroom in a snow-crusted corner.
Flat-lined in a crowded room and had to shake
off the hangover in
empty spaces.
So mood landed on carpet
and grew dim like a lamp when the flimsy blanket
drapes over the shade to welcome the latest
blast of ice in gray sunset.
Friday 1st February 2019 9:47 am
Cultivating Life
A traffic jam that spans an entire epoch
Is followed by daily punishments of
Dreary Sisyphean meanderings,
Followed by even more traffic
In sweltering heat and sticky humidity.
With all energy drained from
Lungs, limbs, and mind,
He shuffles into his house
Seeking only relief and brief reprieve.
As he unbuttons his soaked shirt,
“Do me,” assaults his ears
...Tuesday 16th October 2018 11:56 am
I'm ok. Overworked and underpaid.
But what's it to them, they have it all made.
I'm tired and pained but if it wasn't for the gain,
I wouldn't be out slammin out here jammin like it's fame.
If I knew what it was all about
In the end would they pay out?
If i saw through all the lies and the cheats,
If they didn't cover our eyes, mouth, and nose with the sheets,
And we saw what the money...
Tuesday 3rd July 2018 1:28 am
CHOOSE LIFE, choose getting fired, choose beating the system, fucking the system, fuck the system. Choose office politics, small talk, polite talk. Signing birthday cards for people you don’t even like. Choose snacking because you are bored, eating cake because it’s there. Filling up the coffee machine, smiling once you’ve done it. Choose getting praise for work you hate, hating work for peo...
Thursday 18th January 2018 2:15 pm
The Return of 7:22 (at 7:27 )
In their wool blend suits
And Primani boots
Crusaders on a mission
Like jockeys before the National
They jostle for position
As the 7:22 snakes into view
They anticipate her breaks
She grinds unto a squeaking halt
Before the incumbents make their escape
Hands in pockets lined in pockets
Aligned to the doors
They brace and embrace the putrid heat
Swim toward a ...
Thursday 4th January 2018 1:43 pm
It's Dark Now
It’s dark now
In a morning
And I really don’t like the cold
Rising early
In the dead dark world
I’m feeling suddenly old
My bones creak
And my back is aching
I’d like to be back in my bed
Still, there are bills to pay
And work to be done
So I’d better make a move
It’s cold now
In a morning
And I want to be home before its d...
Wednesday 3rd January 2018 4:09 pm
Frustration and Boredom
Deep seated boredom and frustration
Grinding at my begrudged concentration
Slowly I watch my brain cells die
And slowly I can’t be bothered to try
My mind’s enraged like an animal caged
Today is another one of those days
Five in fact like a boiling pot
With the lid on while I keep getting hot
In my mind I overflow
In ways I couldn’t let them know
I contain an explosion of colours and wor...
Monday 24th July 2017 6:56 pm
Same Sh*t, Different Day
standing there silent, feet on the ground
in a world of my own whilst folk rush around
in every direction, this seething throng
is it just me, am I in the wrong
am I the only one in this crowd
not making a noise but wanting to shout
and scream at those that are nearby
I shrug my shoulders, let out a sigh
all going to the office, a corporate ideal
sterile surroundings, same look and feel
Thursday 20th July 2017 1:48 pm
Responsibility is an evil friend,
It won’t let you walk away less you offend,
You stop and serve – your duty do,
For the benefit of those who would spit on you,
and for those you know in need,
and, for those who helped you indeed,
Responsibility is an evil friend,
It will destroy you in the end.
I’ve be...
Wednesday 18th January 2017 4:20 pm
Meanwhile, In Sweden
Human resources -
She works in human resources.
Don't tell anyone.
Sometimes I hear those screams from her basement;
Screams like giving birth to a fully grown and functioning dentist.
Then, after the screams,
There's that familiar matryoshka doll silence.
The crooked blood leaks from her sleek harbinger mouth,
As she carries the sleek heavy-duty plastic refuse bags,
One by one,
Saturday 17th September 2016 6:53 pm
Duty Of Care - Extreme Combat
Dear all
Please take this refresher advice as a friendly reminder
Of our protocol for calling in sick
Which is
In the first instance call the shift supervisor
Inform them why you are unable to attend your shift
Be as clear as possible
The more information the better
We don't need to hear a blues lyric
Only the truth
This information will of course remain ...
Friday 12th August 2016 1:23 pm
A day to achieve
I wake up to blue skies and a bright sun
My alarm rings, now my day has begun
I turn on the hot shower, the bathroom begins to steam
When I'm done I dry and put on my best dress
I have an important meeting today so I need to impress
After the usual traffic jam I finally arrive at work
I'm greeted with smiles from familiar faces
I come face to face with my boss as my heartbeat races
Good m...
Sunday 7th August 2016 12:21 am
The lady of the night.
There's a lady
who's known as the lady of the night.
On the dot of 9-00 she arrives,
with her fiery lips and fiery hips
dressed in colours that match her eyes.
She totters on heels as high as a hand
and makes her way down the street
to the place that she calls her place of work
where her clients know that she’ll be.
In driving rain she'll be there again
as the drivers stutter on b...
Saturday 23rd April 2016 10:32 pm
The Making Of A Worker
The Making Of A Worker.
The lorry tips its rubble
On the road outside our house,
the privet hedge engulfed
in a primordial cloud of dust,
it drives away in chugging glee
having spilled its heavy load
and we stand and watch it go
as the carbon mountain settles.
The sergeant-major father
barks his orders at the troops
and our little hands clasp tight
Tuesday 2nd February 2016 8:01 pm
Work Day
Pounding the phones
Hello? Is anyone home?
Trying to make that dollar
While all anyone can do is hollar
Please, shh! Hear me out!
There's no need to shout!
Listen for a minute
And I promise I'll be quick to finish
Can I interest you in a quote?
On your car, home, or boat?
No, its not a joke
Not your average bloke
Out to trick and deceive
I'm just trying to do...
Sunday 25th October 2015 2:33 am
On a mat appears...(an early practice poem for a public art commission)
Sliver, slip, slub, snarl, sup-up
pins, pair, pick, put up,
nip, nicking, necking, nosing,
nocturnal nattering ‘til noon,
get-up garble gibbering go work
laying-on, let-in, long lever
endsneverendneverendnever home again up ...
Saturday 27th June 2015 11:52 pm
My Lottery Win
I spotted a slip of paper
Blowing around the floor
Nobody else had noticed it
So I had to go and explore
I chased it around the pavement
Through the bus station door it blew
I managed to catch it and pick it up
It was last weekend's lottery ticket, who knew?
It was for the big, multi rollover
Thirty million they said
And they were still seeking the winner
All sorts were going thro...
Saturday 20th June 2015 1:11 pm
The Usual
Sun through window,
Clock ticks.
I stare into space,
Blank mind like empty canvas.
Pen taps,
Failed slaughterer of time.
Work unfinished,
Clock ticks.
Cold coffee untasted,
I look at unread my emails,
and ignore them.
Clock ticks.
Clock ticks.
Clock ticks.
Shuffle papers,
Move mouse,
Press keys,
Clock ticks.
...Friday 16th January 2015 9:50 am
Work Day's End
The work day leaves around me.
I do not share the rush to cars or beers or childcare pickup.
I do not need to slice the everyday’s hot cord
that doesn’t fuel my energy, my need
to prove I can - mostly to myself.
I let the walker-talkers move
somewhat shy of stampede down halls
too long for anything but gale-strong drafts,
up hills too steep for anything but...
Friday 21st November 2014 1:07 am
Crime of Comfort
It's morning again
I'm trapped in.
Out of bed
into the same lie I roll.
I have no alibi
committing the sin
of deep-diving
this "cozy" 9-to-5.
"Take a ri...
Wednesday 3rd September 2014 9:58 pm
Once-upon-a-time, a barman worshipped the Sun.
Worked nights so didn’t see much of it
but in his head he’d got stories of
the Fire God supreme,
Blaze Lord,
vanquishing monsters who'd eat out your dreams.
He called the Sun ‘Hero’,
believed it had six pairs of arms,
giant wings of flame
and the handsomest nose in the galaxy.
Made moons blush
and g...
Friday 17th December 2010 1:38 pm
18 months experience
18 months experience in:
filing, stacking and procrastination.
Got all the skills you need
to capture your attention.
I' ve made a million cups of tea
and then watched it, undrunk, swirl down the plughole
with a gurgle it was gone,
Like my ambition.
£250 a week
to sit and chat,
wonder what to do at the weekend,
Wondering, where's the party at?
Finally five o'clo...
Saturday 1st August 2009 1:04 pm
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