The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

Old Poem


She went away in winter when the leaves are hung with snow,

I searched for her and searched for her as I could not let go,

And finally when I found her after fifteen years of fret,

She looked me in the eyes and said, "I'm sorry, have we met?"


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Am I An Addict?

It's funny what can trigger a daydream:

The smallest nothing is often enough

To make me forget real life and set off

On some vague journey through my favourite theme

Of how wonderful existence would be

If I had more luck. Yes, such dreams, Lord knows,

Help pass the time, but it does worry me

A little that the gap between what goes

On in my head and in reality seems

To be...

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Break Up Blues


My girlfriend walked out recently,
    She said she'd had enough,
She threw a glass of wine at me
    And stormed off in a huff.
And now she's spreading gossip of
    The hell I put her through,
And this that really makes it hurt
    Is all of it is true.

She's saying I am broken down
    And long since past my prime,
She's saying I am tedious 
    And dull before my time,

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An Old Poem

We never walked this way together,

   We never sat down here to chat,

We never spoke of future plans,

   Of hopes and dreams and things like that.

We never caught the last bus home,

   We never shared a cigarette,

We never kissed at your front door...

   In fact we never even met.


But if we had, oh if we had,

   Who knows what things we could've done,

What lovely...

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All Around The World

There's a tidal wave in Tonga
   There's a blizzard in Bombay
There's a whirlwind in Wyoming
   And a lockdown in LA
There's a power cut in Paris
   There's a panic in Peru...
But what the hell do I care
   When I'm lying here with you?

There's a flood in Famagusta
    There's a famine in Milan
There's an avalanche in Aspen
     And another in Japan
There's a deluge in New Dehli

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