The Grand National Makes Us Weep
to be a gambler
is to claim to be
a prophet
a shaman
a predictor of
the future
to be a gambler
is to be insane
because you know
you are right
fortune teller
the feeling is
is perfect
is something greater
than life
until you lose
but even that’s
because you had
that feeling
that gift
Saturday 11th April 2015 7:19 am
Public Transport
He said to her,
‘I’ve got a
you know.’
She sipped her
drink and
then replied,
‘But have you
got a
big dick?
I can always
the bus!’
Saturday 11th April 2015 6:59 am
Length & Girth
‘Was your ex’s dick bigger than this?’
I asked
holding up my large battered sausage to her.
‘How big do you think that is?’
she asked.
‘9 inches,’ I approximated.
‘Well yeah, as big, but it was fatter than that.
He said it was
nine and half long and
seven around.’
I nodded and laughed
but inside
I think I was crying.
Thursday 15th September 2011 3:46 pm
One Bum To Another
‘Does my bum look big in this?’
she asked.
‘Your bum looks big in
everything,’ I explained.
‘Are you serious?’ she said.
‘It takes a bum to know a bum,’
I replied, ‘and this is between us;
it don’t concern you.
In fact, me and your
exquisite behind
have been having a
fantastic relationship for
some time now.
We’ve been seeing
each other
Sunday 11th September 2011 12:41 pm
The Agony of the Flame
This night is like
Any night
But a candle knows best
And flickers
Dancing its own volition
I guess I’m lonely
Like the moth
I’m too intrigued
The darkness lingers
But it is not enough
I have come here to burn
You look at me
Your face the
Only thing I see
You smile
I smile back
But in the blackness
Monday 5th September 2011 7:02 am
when that daylight hit us again (inspired by Gareth Writer-Davies' Junk poem)
them rattling dirty hours
night melted away
the sun boiled up
and we were
straight off the
them days were
but essential
deadly but
so on fire
them days were
slow and
new and
we were doing something
reaching ou...
Sunday 27th March 2011 11:22 am
The End of my Soul on Saturday Nights
I hate the way TV personalities
stare at me
from the screen
like they know me
like they wanna talk or
hold my hand
or reach in and
rub my heart
the way they fucking
from their perfect
made-up flesh
they say ‘I am this
you want to be me
to know me
to look like me
come this way and I’ll
show you
a th...
Thursday 24th March 2011 8:04 pm
After All The Fucking Shit Has Already Fucking Hit You
all you can do is
come home
and drink
and wait
for the next day
another slow
rotten day
another day
with suffering
blues and
with banality
much less
that day
and another
on and
it goes
Thursday 17th March 2011 5:03 pm
Buy Me Books, Buy Me Books
Hello everyone,
I've got a new poetry chapbook, 'Room is Brutal' out with erbacce-press, as well as 'These Dirty Nothings'.
Buy one, or both, and gimme some money so I can buy some wine.
Also have my own self-published books available from my email address.
David Ma...
Monday 14th March 2011 8:33 pm
For You, Babe
The days burn
almost as much
as the nights
ever did
and yes you’re still a
blonde maniac
but your tits are good
and your arse is good
and your pussy is
very good
and I love that
small roll of fat
over your jeans
or the way you
spit out your gum or
smoke half a cigarette
or belch
just like a man
It’s ...
Sunday 13th March 2011 7:21 pm
The Night Mare
She said, ‘Argh! I’m such a nightmare, babe!’
People bore me too much,
bore me to death,
that’s why I drink,
that’s why I do what I do.
When I’ve had a drink I’m having
such a good time.
I think I drink to find people
more interesting,
not so boring.
You know?’
I nodded down the phone.
Then she slurred, ‘Argh! I’m
such a nightmare!...
Sunday 13th March 2011 11:11 am
Why Do You Want This Job?
The job interview
is the biggest lie.
Two people sit
facing each other
in a room
in the world.
One asks questions.
One answers.
None of these questions matter.
None are human.
One tells how great it is
to work in this company.
One says how much they
really want the job.
You reckon you can do it?
Sunday 13th March 2011 7:30 am
Our Poems
Our poems make love
Coz we do not
Our poems walk the streets
Looking for a place to go
They meet up secretly
And check into seedy hotels
On the edge of town
And fuck it all away
Till there’s nothing left
No day and no night
Our poems are lovers
We are not
But our poems always
Tell it
Better than we could
Ever ho...
Thursday 10th March 2011 8:47 pm
Someone’s always trying to take over the world
You have to take what you want
You have to take
You have to take what you
Before the other guy does
Take it all
Before it’s too late
Before the sun comes down
On us
Oh well
Take everything there is
It’s yours
If you want it
If you need it
Tell yourself that
Take it
Monday 7th March 2011 8:45 am
Life Bores Us All To Death
We all move
with such purpose
We stretch out
in all directions
Shit, we’ve got
such important
to get done
But all the way there’s
a little bit of
in our skulls or
pressing down on our
The sun will shine
or it will not
There will be light
or there will not
We get tangled...
Wednesday 2nd March 2011 2:03 pm
Apathetic Son of a Bitch
I always wanted an extraordinary life,
and I think that I’ve
never been able to accept its
lack of meaning.
I wanted purpose and reason but
there is none.
It’s all run out, been taken,
been used up by the
It’s a con.
So I want nothing,
I am not interested either way.
I have grown bored.
I cannot heal or roll over,
Tuesday 22nd February 2011 9:14 am
Sadness Structure
The sadness can
build up around you
if you let it
It can tower over
surround you
so that when you look it’s
all you can see
It stacks up like
piles of stone
jagged rocks
and the daylight can’t get through
But for a while you
like it this way and
it’s good the daylight can’t get through
You’re left alone
Monday 21st February 2011 12:10 pm
All The Days Scream
Some days
you’re the genius
Others days
you’re the fool
There is not much
in between
Saturday 19th February 2011 2:56 pm
Write or Die
Once it starts
it just don’t stop
Once it comes
it will not leave
It has you
you’re done for
The habit forms
the discipline
and there’s
nothing you can do
An invisible gun
pointed at the skull
pressed up
to the temple
and the voice
a whisper
a haunting chant:
You dare
Friday 18th February 2011 10:58 am
All Luck Runs Out, Some Does Not
We all learn to push our luck
We push and push
until it
runs out
until it
breaks and says
‘Get outta here
I’m done with you!’
Of course you have to
have the luck
to begin with
Only then can you
abuse it
You are lucky
then you are unlucky
You are unlucky
then you are lucky
That is just the way of things
Thursday 17th February 2011 9:47 am
Time and Happiness
Time and happiness
Time for happiness
Time is the meaning
Don’t ask me
I didn’t
make it this way
Just like Adam and Eve
alone in the garden
with just space
and time
and nothing else
no one else
Time is the answer
To just be
in love
with the one
you love
(as God suggested
Friday 11th February 2011 12:10 pm
That is all
Pointless days
pointless days
but no one will
admit this
they don’t like
to see it
But you see it
I know you
They get up for
no reason at all
They strain
and fuss
and stress
and worry
about nothing
at all
It is not
There is only
and then there’s
Wednesday 9th February 2011 7:48 am
Take it or leave it
You continue with your shitty life
And I’ll continue with mine
We’ll forget each other
One day, I’m sure
Just not yet
And I’m only infatuated with
Your look
Your face
Your smile
Your sexy body
But not you
Not yourself
You come in here and
Chase away the word
Make me question everything
Just who do you think you are?
Tuesday 8th February 2011 11:18 am
To my Girl
The women want to kill you
The men want to fuck you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Tuesday 1st February 2011 11:11 am
And a Voice
I am not designed for life
not fit for it
I’m merely not strong enough
a weak, hopeless
pathetic template
And this dark mood
this deathly visitor
is inside me now
all the way deep
gripping my skull
cutting my thoughts
making it hard enough
just trying to breathe
So I lay here
as lost as stone
a thing neither dead nor alive
...Monday 31st January 2011 5:16 pm
The night comes
A madman tucked up
sweet in a lullaby
A whore in the dark
These shadows cleanse
pulling everything
below the surface
Don’t you see
we’re made of tears?
I don’t know where
you are
which means
you’re gone once more
So I drink myself away
We are both lost
Sunday 30th January 2011 11:58 am
Job Interview Tip
All the way through the job interview I
desperately wanted to shout out the word
‘cunt’ very loudly. I don’t know why
but I did. I wanted to
spit it, hiss it,
scream it out in my interviewers’ faces.
I wanted to howl and growl and
bark it. I wanted them all
to know. But
I never. I just
sat there thinking:
‘cunt, cunt, cunt!’
And it’s the fact that
...Sunday 5th December 2010 8:57 am
Look at you
with your
perfect hair
perfect skin
perfect teeth
perfect cheekbones
perfect lips
perfect smile
perfect blowjobs
perfect tan
perfect tits
perfect pecs
perfect abs
perfect bellybutton ring
perfect tattoo
perfect sex change
perfect facelift
perfect body
perfect meat & bone
Sunday 5th December 2010 8:42 am
Somewhere during the car journey
I lost my love for you.
I’m sure I had it with me
when I left.
M1, M25, M4,
it’s on one of them, I’m sure,
but I lost it on the way.
And when I turn into your street
and I spot you waving,
I drive my car fast,
straight, headlong,
into your smile.
Friday 29th October 2010 11:49 am
Another Row
You corrupt
You infiltrate
You come in from the cold
Constructed from stone
You cross the room
You claim everything you want
And I can only watch
Dumb frozen
As you destroy the room with your mood
Daggers from your eyes
Knives from your lips
I clutch my chest. I fall through the floor
Friday 29th October 2010 11:47 am
I thought of you today
You, missing
Like a tooth from a skull
And it tongues the bloody gap where it was
You, missing
Like a fingernail torn off
And the weeping surface is left sore and confused
You, missing
Like an arm ripped away in a car crash
Then the strange life without it not understood
You, missing
Like the cigarette on the back of a hand
You alway...
Sunday 26th September 2010 7:04 am
Do Another Day
Night. Strange blue coming in,
my wild head eating up thoughts,
the clock’s noose around my neck.
And there’s a large number of sheep in this tomb,
about 2 per second,
for hours now.
There’s a thick panic when I discover birdsong:
it’s early it’s late,
it’s morning it’s night.
Perhaps a drink will soften the blow
as the quick hours fall
...Sunday 26th September 2010 6:57 am
Morning Horny
You wake up so horny
You want to hump
And you want the hump to go on forever
To never stop
To blow fast
To last
This great effort, this
Sexy hump
But your bed’s empty
And you’re all alone
And your hand looks at you
You swear it’s giving you the eye
So you smile back
Thursday 23rd September 2010 8:42 am
Bad Dreams
The bed is full of bad dreams
Scattered under sheets
That crunch into my flesh
Like broken glass.
I don’t sweep them away
Coz I can’t.
I love you but
You’re a nightmare.
I take you to bed all the same.
Tuesday 21st September 2010 9:02 am
In the busy cafe I finish my giant hangover fry-up
Wipe my mouth and slurp my tea
Then lean thoughtfully to the left
In order to let rip great apocalyptic trumpet blast
Just to show all these brain-dead bastards
That I mean business
But just before the release
My girl hisses: ‘Don’t you fucking dare!’
So I put my sad cheek back down and
Prepare to sulk
Sunday 19th September 2010 6:13 am
We done it up the side of that pub,
in December,
outside with no johnny.
And I didn’t know you
and you didn’t know me;
we didn’t know where the other had been.
You kept looking down at your gut
and saying: ‘God, I’m so fat!’
I wondered if he was listening.
I just belched and fucked you faster,
as it was cold and
I needed another drin...
Saturday 18th September 2010 6:18 am
Airplanes have been flying too close to our sun today.
Heart shapes have been spotted floating in the sky,
not UFOs as reported in the press, and your aura is
fluffy hot pink as usual, a supplication for red roses.
And speaking of those heart shapes of ours, you
open my chest like a box of chocolates
only to find nothing there but the words
‘Back Soon’.
We both k...
Saturday 18th September 2010 6:13 am
Ambulance Meditations
Cleaning the inside of ambulances,
£5.90 an hour,
four till midnight.
White vehicle lit up in the darkness.
Blood, puke,
shit, piss,
tissue, gunk, juice,
some other fluids,
not yet known to me,
but human matter,
splattered and sprayed wildly,
sticky under foot,
What a mess.
So we scrub and mop and wipe,
clean an...
Friday 17th September 2010 9:13 am
Untitled Smile
Your dark eyes peep from your
limbo. Hidden and obscured by your
sadness. You little fool.
There’s no easy way to explain to you
how all the others smile. And
what do they smile at that you cannot?
Their obscene faces stretch out in the sun,
well, don’t worry about it baby coz
I don’t get it either.
If they knew the truth they’d
never dare smile again.
Friday 17th September 2010 6:21 am
He’s leant over the urinal, drunk, his head against the wall,
dick hanging out between his hands,
wet stain on his trousers. And he moans when
you enter, eyes rolling back, zombified!
‘You alright boy eh? You okay now son?’ he slurs.
You nod and smile, look away, choose the furthest cubicle.
You hear his dirty old wheeze, his movements slow and shuffling.
You come ou...
Friday 17th September 2010 6:18 am
An Awful View
What an awful view
each morning.
This is it:
What’s it mean?
Ah, it means nothing.
It is awful.
Thursday 16th September 2010 4:55 am
Last Meal
The restaurant was busy, but during their meal
the woman suddenly screamed and just
stabbed her guy in the eye with her fork.
The crowd went mad all hooting and babbling.
We pissed ourselves laughing at it all,
all this new madness, and my girl asked me,
‘So, what do you think he said to her?’
‘Well,’ I replied, ‘if I had to guess, I would say
that he just told h...
Thursday 16th September 2010 4:54 am
Rub the Smiling Stars
We’re all just loners
Trying to smile,
Most of the time,
Or curling up
On the carpet.
Just a little more
In the sun,
A moment, is that
A glimmer in your eye
Reflecting me?
I stay out of your world
And you stay out of mine,
It’s how the stars get by.
We glow individually.
One day, baby, we’ll
Rub our fat worlds
Thursday 16th September 2010 4:51 am
You Turn Up Unannounced
You creep into my dreams the same way you creep into my poems.
In my dream last night I was driving my car. But I heard your voice.
You were far off, talking to my mum.
Then you walked into my old bedroom.
And I got up off the bed and went over to you, and
kissed you on the cheek,
not the lips.
Even in my dreams I know we’re over.
Wednesday 15th September 2010 10:21 am
Something Fishy About Today
Dead fish floating on the surface of the sky,
your smile is like a red bag of nails,
your heart is black mud,
your skin – cool as glass.
Bubbles fizz in my bottle, they
measure time,
the time in which we
don’t say a word.
This silence can kill but
there’s no such thing as silence anyhow.
Deep down I want my ideas to eat you.
Deep down I want to say so...
Wednesday 15th September 2010 10:18 am
She lives by the dawn
and the birds’ talk
when she comes
forces me to wake
to remember
her face
Wednesday 15th September 2010 7:20 am
How They Arrive
The poem turns up when it wants to
When it’s ready
And everyone is happy
I do as I’m told
I follow orders
The blues, the bottle
The words in between
And whatever’s left
Crumbles and
Falls away
Sometimes it’s so simple
Not hard
It’s just like that
The poems scratch to be
Let in, they
Crawl across th...
Tuesday 14th September 2010 12:44 pm
Ejaculation Is King
Shooting your load at least
three times a day
in the same way you
shoot your poems.
Hot and mad, burning
behind the eyes,
the maniac’s grin,
the words no one’ll know
but you. These
dirty nothings are
all your own,
you speak them to yourself
over and over as
you rub it out, as
you work it.
A gush, a spill, a flow
everywhere. Just
Tuesday 14th September 2010 10:34 am
Recent Comments
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