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Consistency and Doors

Consistency and Doors


Should my versing rhymes

Consistent always be

Verse construct the same each time

Trochee start e.g ?


Will mixing round iambs, trochees

Cause readers go amuck

And throw hands up frustrated

Exclaiming “What the fuck!” ?


Don you've just gone disobeyed

What you've said before

The eff word you would never use

Get out, go, there's ...

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Ruined, But We're Still Around

Ruined, But We're Still Around


Industrial revolution ruined us

With motor cars and planes

Followed by the radio

Then television pains


Music then did ruin us

Rock and roll (aghast)

Beatles and the Rolling Stones

Music of our past


With all the damage that's been done

It's lucky we're still here

Inventions of no use to us

Quickly disappear



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Sir Les Patterson on Joan Collins

Sir Les Patterson on Joan Collins


Sir Les is from Australia

Knighted, rough, and ready

He mixes with celebrities

And all stuff that is heady


He had a poor upbringing

Manners suffered so

Born with teeth not quite in place

His spit was forced to show


Despite all of his problems

He has a heart of gold

But tends to leave his interviewers

Want time-del...

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Above the Parapet

Above the Parapet


I'll stand above the parapet

And say my honest bit

Don't care what others think of me

Don't care if thrown shit


I don't believe in being

Quiet on such things

Things of such importance

Someone must 'come out', bring....


Awareness of such issues

We cannot hide, ignore

Pretend that they will go away

Exist not anymore


So thro...

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The Little Rhymer

The Little Rhymer


I am a little rhymer

As happy as can be

I eat my words for breakfast

And different ones for tea


I'm learning from the Masters

How to rhymy be

Shakespeare, Yates and Ogden

Nash and Emily...


Who was a rhyming genius

Used slant rhymes cleverly

I've yet to master slant-like rhymes

A learner still I be


I need to climb this rhy...

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Don't Let Thoughts Go (Poof!) Fly 'Way

Don't Let Thoughts Go (Poof!) Fly 'Way


Poets need to write down thoughts

From mind while neurons grind

Don't let them go (poof!) fly away

You may lose them - not find


A neuron nudges you at night

Wake up!, go write this down

You could get Poem of the Week

Wake up! Don't yawn! Write down!


Surprise, surprise, I told you so

You're Poet of the Week

Now a...

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Floating On A Raft

Floating On A Raft


I've been in WOL a year now

Survived brimstone and fire

It's made me fitter, stronger

No way I'll skip, retire


Why do I like this platform?

'Cause I can ply my craft

Sometimes it comes out serious

Sometimes it comes out daft


Variety's the spice of life

Serious, comic, daft

I have all three-type poems

Riding on a raft...



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I've laid my bait, (now dangling)

Dangling in the site

Waiting for some drifters

Who might pass by and bite


Some might bite, say tasty

Some might hesitate

Some unsure of what's inside

Hiding, what's my fate ?


(Thalia: He's harmless. All show....)


Yes Thalia, my Muse of Mirth

A show with fun and games

There's too much doom and gloom on si...

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Poetic Cud

Poetic Cud


My poetry is different

At times it's rather strange

When breaking all poetic rules

You could say I'm off-range


Why must I be conventional

It is not in my blood

Don't want to go recycle

Some old poetic cud


My lines they can be cryptic

Read in them what you may

I will be unconventional

And say what I will say


Don Matthews


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My Second Adventure Into New-Age Poetry

My Second Adventure Into New-Age Poetry


(I have posed important questions we all need to ponder in this day of hither-thither rush.

Read and be blessed)


You and I are travellers of the multiverse.

The goal of sub-atomic particles is to plant the seeds of passion rather than greed. Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is energy.

The cosmos is calling to you v...

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I am a SORTA Poet

I am a SORTA Poet


I am a SORTA poet

This genre you've not heard?

Created in my madcap mind

Every single word


Graham invented QUINCANT

Created in his mind

Deep research, invent required

For this genre to find


Ruth and Rose and dk

Mae and Nigel too

Genre trawling, off you go

(Boing, boing, kangaroo)


(BBK is a famous line from one of my SORTA...

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Why Is He Posting So Early?

Why Is He Posting So Early?

(Posted 3.19am)


Why is he posting so early?

It's not his usual slot

It seems his routine's out of kilter

Routine's gone, all shot


You're right my routine's out of kilter

Won't be home at 4

Out electric bluesing

Dancing round the floor


My interest in electric blues

I guess you didn't know?

Wailing guitar, bending notes


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A Bold Red

A Bold Red


“This is really bold


A dense ball of black fruit

with dark roasted spice notes


Deepening into a whirlpool

of black soy-like inkiness,

bitumen and molasses


You get the picture”


Actually I don't


And despite 175 years in the making

and $1,500 a bottle....


...I'm not likely to


Don Matthews October 2019

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It's not my intention

To lie in convention

I'm going to stand up

And be me


It's not my intention

To lie in convention

I'm going to stand up

And be free


(Don Matthews July 2017 Poet in Training)



“The 'normal' person is what is left after society has

squeezed all unconventional opinions and

aspirations out of a human being”


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I Miss My Corner Grocery Shop

I Miss My Corner Grocery Shop


I miss my corner grocery shop

Where I could stop and chat

Gone, bulldozed, replaced with flats

And that my friend is that


Gone, my friendly corner shop

These flats don't stop and chat

Gone is idle conversation

And that my friend is that


But wait, a supermarket's come

Has groceries on tap

But conversations are not sold


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Edna (Stavely Makepeace 1970)

English Coventry band Stavely Makepeace recorded 'Edna' in 1970. Several members then went on to become Lieutenant Pigeon, recording 'Mouldy Old Dough'


Edna are twin sisters

Edna I and 2

Charlestoning with boa

Yodelay ee oo


Dancing round (all black and white)

Edna 1 and 2

Taddish mad (but all great fun)

There should be more like you


Don Matthews October 20...

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Climate Activists – Don't Disrupt Us

Climate Activists – Don't Disrupt Us


(True story.  We have shut down our coal-fired power station)


Climate activists here in my city

Are causing disruptions all round

We've already reduced our emissions

We've closed our efficient power supply down


We're paying for the cost of this closure

With outages of power cut at will

Disrupting daily life when this happe...

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Thalia and I

Thalia and I


Thalia's my Muse of Mirth

We met when she toured WOL

Looking for a matching mate

Someone she could control


(It might rhyme Don

but you know that's not true.....)


I want to please the lady

I need her oh so much

We're sorting out our differences

A give and take of such


Like any new relationship

Things do go up and down

But if yo...

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You Must Believe the Bible Son

You Must Believe the Bible Son

(Being Sunday I thought this appropriate.  A true story about me)


When I was just a little boy

My daddy said to me

You must believe the Bible son

Yes daddy, I see


When I was just a teenager

I went to 'varsity

They taught me how to question things

Question you and me


My father was a preacher

You see where this is headed?


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Moonwalk Oops

Moonwalk Oops



(This actually happened.  Someone somewhere along the line forgot to to flip the switch. Heard a whisper that Australian tracking station had something to do with it.  Of course, I don't believe a word of it....)


The world sat on edge watching telly

For Neil's one step/giant leap mankind

Handheld TV camera at ready

To broadcast event as unwinds


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Sitting Reading Paper (not another Brexit poem Don? Surely?)

Sitting Reading Paper (not another Brexit poem Don? Surely?)


The person under news-hat

Is not a chick, it's me

Look closely at my arms and

Big biceps you will see


(Cleared that up. Now to continue....)


I'm sitting reading paper

10,000 miles away

Boris playing Brexit

UK don't look OK


UK'ers you are on

The doorstep, (which I'm not)

Solution? Ho...

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Willy-Nilly : Words of Wisdom

Willy-Nilly : Words of Wisdom


I would encourage all of you

To exercise your mind

Creating words of wisdom

Nonsensically inclined


Someone in our past

Their mind attuned to silly

Took a lot of effort

To think up willy-nilly


I do admit at times

I am a little silly

But no way am I smart enough

To think up silly-billy


Don Matthews November 2018


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This word it really does exist

Google it, you'll see

A noun derived from Latin in

The 18th Century


It means the action/habit of

Estimating something worthless

So applying my great estim. skills

I estim this poem's worthless


Don Matthews August 2019


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Climate Hysteria is Spreading – Helped Along by Eco-Messiah Greta Thunberg

Climate Hysteria is Spreading – Helped Along by Eco-Messiah Greta Thunberg


Climate hysteria is spreading

Reason will soon be extinct

Indisputable facts they don't matter

To alarmists and journalists (both linked)


Journalists interviewing alarmists

Don't ask for their evidence, the facts

So all blindly believe in these catastrophists

Then rise up, join forces to ac...

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Idle Chit Chat from a Walkabout Mind

Idle Chit Chat from a Walkabout Mind


I'm sitting in Hillbillys

My Thalia, Muse of Mirth

Watching over shoulder as

I write these gems of worth


(Or rubbish....)


There's one thing I enjoy 'bout this

Keyboarding all my thoughts

'Lectronically to my hard drive

From where they're held tight, caught....


Till when I choose, release them

From hard drive ...

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Announcement to Parents by Chairman WOL Kiddie Kindergarten

Announcement to Parents by Chairman WOL Kiddie Kindergarten


Chairman:........The recent launch of our Kiddie Kindergarten was a huge success

                       despite phone calls from a few worried parents


                       It seems their children were skipping around singing 'Jack and Jill

                       went up the hill, Jack got there and went up Jill'


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Haiku – White Screen

Haiku – White Screen


Admiring white screen

Product of many hours work

Am pleased with result


Don Matthews June 2019

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Headachey Makey

Headachey Makey


I've writ this poem 'bout Emily

Dickinson I mean

It's causing me great problems

Like others will have been


Her effect on me is worrying

It's giving me headachey

But I will persevere, I will

Despite headachey makey


Now Emily would never stoop

To all such grimey rhymey

But I am just a learning poet

Firing up on winey


Don Matt...

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The Poet and The Politician

The Poet and The Politician


What are you doing poet
Standing on your roof ?
Waxing loud and lyrical
My answer to you's 'poof'

But politician on your throne
We put you there on trust
Why aren't you paying attention ?
Our planet's going bust

I'm making lots of money
Got people in my pocket
No way I'm gonna rock my boat
My comfy boat, why rock it?


The only w...

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Waymo, Skippy and Driverless Car Week

Waymo, Skippy and Driverless Car Week


(Ruth O'Reilley has made a sterling contribution to Driverless Car Week with 'Invisible Driver'.  Here is my contribution.

The test run video was taken in my hometown (Adelaide) with Premier and top brass present. Skippy agreed to act as the target, ...err, pedestrian. He was a little nervous but was assured the driverless car was 100% foolproof. Tr...

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Explains My Person

Explains My Person


Explains my person

Explains my write

Explains my shitty

Explains my bite


Explains my serious

Explains my comic

What rhymes with comic?

(Can only think Tomic)


Explains my mind-race

Explains sidetrack me

Explains lack of self-disc

(I'm mixed as can be)


I'm diagnosed manic

Explains last three verses

Brings flashes of ...

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