The ice in her eyes
Melted the trickle of lies
Encrypted on her face
Exposing a jasmine malaise
A trace of despair
Aces - a pair
Concealed up her sleave
Flattered to decieve
The weave of the web
The nails - a bed
The words - token
Olive branches, stripped - broken
Guilt sounds tip toe
Around a blonde glow
In the looking glass
Of new mown ...
Friday 13th November 2015 4:29 pm
Scrambling from a turbulent stream
I dream...
of sailing in a sea of daisies
drifting to buttercup bay
enticed by the scent of jasmine
and the aroma of new mown hay
swimming with a school of angelfish
engulfed in a swell of warmth
floating on a tide of reflection
I wish...
greener gras...
Tuesday 3rd June 2014 11:32 am
What's this thing
that's so beautiful, yet, can be so ugly?
What's this thing
that makes you laugh and cry?
What's this thing
that's gentle, strong, soft and abrasive?
What is it?
Why does it change like the weather
dividing it's particles but still holds together?
Why does it radiate so much warmth,
yet create so much ice?
Wednesday 8th January 2014 4:45 pm
I'm a woman
Let me breathe
I'm feminine
Let me be
My feline body
May appear weak
But my intricate mind
Is unique
Monday 6th January 2014 9:46 pm
A Tug of Love
Nurse me
So...oooth me
Squ...eeeze me
Kiss me
Wash my face
Comb my hair
Fix my laces
Straighten my tie
Hold my hand
Walk me to school
Throw a tearful wave
Catch a nervous look
Release a maternal smile
Search my tongue
For a lie
Scrub it clean
When I'm wrong
Sneak a peek
On my facebook
Deny you di...
Monday 2nd December 2013 1:56 pm
The script
the grey matter
with no questions
tendered or rendered
to hide
the creases and flaws
of the catechism curtain
Incense clouds
the view
from the true
sense of reality
Morality kneels
on glass - stained
water - unholy
drips into tears
Guilt trips
filter into veins
trembling, shaking
in silence
occupied by
...Tuesday 26th November 2013 4:57 pm
A flickering light
mirrored on to a bedroom wall
in the middle of the night
a leg moves
the flicker fades
the eyes close
it re-appears
A hand opens
to caress the shine
it dances into crevices
teasing the fingers
The mind wanders deep into darkness
closing its ears to distractions
eyes ignore instructions
tissue lids, paper thin
detect a tanta...
Wednesday 6th November 2013 4:21 pm
The Text
You didn't tell me
When you opened your door
That one day you would slam it on my fingers
Trap my tail
Put on the red light
And sail into the sunset
Guns blazing with Mickey Bubble
Crying a river into his Dom Perignon
Popping your cork
Floating your boat
And dripping his caviar on the deck...
Like the texts I sent
That f...
Friday 12th July 2013 4:10 pm
Moonlight, Roses and You
Moonlight - and you
Roses - the scent
Whispers your name
Golden hair, aromatic smile
Laughter in your eyes
Captured - a gentle bite of your lips - sweet
The dance of rapport
Rhythm, movement
Waves - soft, smooth
Breathless motion
Ocean - lapping, rolling, crashing, caressing the rock...
Friday 12th April 2013 3:20 pm
The exterior appears alive
The interior's brown bread
The smile smiles but the head's mashed
H'orderves shattered, tattered and scattered
Over a kaleidoscope ocean swell
The bell tolls out of control like a fire engine on heat
Beating faster, harder, threatening to burst the ticker
On the B of the bang
Badly drawn curtains
Expose the writing...
Thursday 28th March 2013 2:10 pm
Mother ! Can you see me ?
( This was a situation 16 years ago when my wife was expecting our youngest child. Unfortunately she had a fall which put her into labour and our son was born 6 weeks premature and spent 4 weeks in intensive care. It was touch and go for both of them at the time but they came through it. Our son has now grown into a strapping 6 foot athletic, bright young man after such a traumatic entrance to...
Sunday 3rd February 2013 8:21 pm
A plane scratches the clear blue sky
leaving a milky blemish on the virgin canvas.
A posse of rabbits bob and weave in a meadow
of buttercups and daisies
until their playtime is interrupted by the bark of a dog.
Ears alert, noses twitching and eyes scanning the terrain,
they disappear in unison to their underground bunkers.
A large bull controls the adjac...
Friday 11th January 2013 4:59 pm
Hunched shoulders
hands in shallow pockets
hiding from the cold
left hand searching for an ember of warmth
in the corners of threadbare lining
fingers tingle
as he finds his last penny of comfort...
a pick for his guitar
His soul released
he starts to play
Hendrix style - Hey Joe
people stop, heads turn,
faces stare
as he rocks All Along the Watchtower
...Monday 24th December 2012 12:33 pm
When I was born
I was Harold
but last Christmas
I became Carol
I only changed
for a festive dare
not knowing
it'd cause a stir
Cos things went wrong,
the meat 'n' two veg are gone
In their place
a botox face,
two melons
and a pear shaped bum
Monday 3rd December 2012 8:38 pm
Daggers in your eyes
tempered by words of fire
and flames from your tongue
puncture my heart
Tears trickle
roll and meander
sealing my lips
healing my wounds.
As is love...As love is
Friday 30th November 2012 12:17 am
This is the last Christmas !
Cos Santa Claus has got the sack
for growing weed and selling crack.
Upon his arrest he did protest his innocence
and made it clear
it was for personal use
and medication for his reindeers.
As part of his defence
he said he wasn't to blame
it was the fault of years
of success, stress and fame.
At sentenc...
Thursday 29th November 2012 9:09 pm
The moonlight shadow
unfolds across your furrowed brow
while you contemplate your face
in the mill pond glaze.
You cast your line and wait.
An owl calls, interrupting your nostalgia
and stalling your train of thought
that chugs by all too often in your twilight years.
The rain falls,
rippling your face in the pond
as a vole scampers by your f...
Monday 22nd October 2012 7:28 pm
Blue and red stripes moving with ease
rolling the spotted sponsored bag of wind
along the grass below the breeze.
Creating patterns of triangular squares
through a diamond formation,
always aware of that picture,
that intelligent shaped creation.
Decisions of length, of strength,
of calculated weight of pace.
Putting the lace the right way round
Tuesday 9th October 2012 8:58 pm
In Germany
I'm Herr
In Church
I'm Hymn
In Letter
I'm Sir
In Birth
I'm Twin.
In Rome
I'm Italian
In Summer
I'm Hot
In Love
I'm Stallion
In Truth
I'm Not.
In Scotland
I'm Jock
In Glasgow
I'm Born
In Whiskey
I'm Scotch
In Kilt
I'm Worn.
In French
I'm Revolution
In Paris...
Friday 14th September 2012 4:17 pm
I've hit the wall
full stop !
I'm blocked out
with nowt
to say
I can't play a note
or even hum
a tune.
I've tried spoon
my eyes
and rubbing
my thighs
like Vic Reeves
but I can't
a rhyme or thought
my brain age
is nought.
I'm distraught !
Please help
por favor
before I ban...
Tuesday 12th June 2012 1:44 pm
There was a man with a rash
Who was told to rub it with cash
But all he had was cheque
Which didn't remove a speck
So to get him out of a fix
A kind lady
Let him use her threp'ny bits !
Monday 12th March 2012 2:56 pm
Come on guys put your hands up
Be brave
Who's ever thought of the ultimate
That fate we're all destined for
The last breath
Who's tried the test when you were kids
Held it for as long as you can
To get the buzz
Of the fuzzy head and the wobbly legs
Who's then been close to the overdose
The plastic bag that sags your head
On the bed
Monday 5th March 2012 3:50 pm
Listen, I'm going to let you into a secret
I did it when I was 15!
Yeh, I know some of you will be shocked and think
I was a bit naive to get stung.
But some of my mates had been doing it since they
Were 13 and 14 and they started taunting me...
I felt out of it.
And I knew some of the girls in our class had been at it
Since they were 12!
I was so...
Thursday 1st March 2012 4:05 pm
No Title
How do you write poetry?
I don't know, haven't got a Scooby Doo.
Although a teacher once told me the words you use
Should rhyme and stick together like glue.
But I haven't got the time or
The intonation to think like that.
My mates would think I'm a right ......Ball and Bat.
One lady suggested that we should work together
Using the Free Style Rhythm method...
Tuesday 28th February 2012 2:32 pm
Maternal Beacon
Mother, every breath shared.
Every step a hop, skip and a jump,
to keep touch, to keep in front.
As you guide young eyes
through misty forests, where nothing sleeps
and hungry wolves wait for
lame ducks and lost sheep.
Wanderers stray and lose their way.
But patient anchor waits,
anticipates their return with a firm hand,
open arms and a warm heart.
...Monday 27th February 2012 2:11 pm
Dark night fell
When life's blood was spilt - cold
A last breath stolen - murdered
With no hand to hold
With no chance of growing old
Hearts broken
As Mother's spirit
Is softly spoken
Eyes focused through tears
Through years of emotion
With hopes alive
Doubled beyond jeopardy
Tides change
Roll ashore
Thursday 23rd February 2012 3:17 pm
They told us it would be over by Christmas
But it was a sepia, suicidal scene
In July 1916
The grass was green
The mud was brown
On rolling hills
Where trees were falling
On top of limbs already broken
The ea...
Friday 17th February 2012 12:15 pm
Breathe in please as you squeeze
Through the envelope and escape
The pigeon hole of high numbers
That lumbers and encumbers you
And threatens the glue that holds
The letters together to make sense
And condense the myth
Of 3 score and 10
Then think again, hang in there
Give the young guns a stare
And tell them you're here
Still here, no fe...
Monday 13th February 2012 2:24 pm
Five seconds that's all it took.
Five seconds of rage, lost head.
When I pushed and shoved and he struck
his skull on the bench, now he's dead.
Five seconds equals fourteen years clink
at least, before I see the light of day.
He got everything from me and to think
he threw it in my face and gave it all away.
I found an ear ring and a note
from tha...
Wednesday 8th February 2012 2:39 pm
Tippler toilets down the yard, pitch black.
No chain,
ripped up newspapers down the drain.
No lights,
not even a candle on cold winter nights.
Constipation cured when the cat runs in
and the rat runs out.
No locks,
just scream and shout
when you pull up your kecks
and scamper out !
Sunday 29th January 2012 6:07 pm
The Golden Vision
( As requested by Dave Bradley.)
And we'd jump out of bed, get dressed
And bounce down stairs for our toasted bread
And rush to church for 9.o'clock mass
And when it finished we'd race to the field of grass
And dive about connecting with headers in every position
And pretend we were Alex Young, The Golden Vision
And we'd get full of mud ...
Wednesday 25th January 2012 10:47 pm
Quarry Man
(This is based on 57 Beatles titles.)
A day in my life doesn't come cheap,
when your ticket to ride is opposite
a nowhere man.
Who looks as though he's been dragged
through a hedge backwards
from some Norwegian wood.
As the rain bounces down
and steams up the window of dreams.
I think of yesterday
when all my troubles seemed so far away.
I sink into my th...
Monday 23rd January 2012 3:05 pm
Don't stand in dog shit,
Don't eat yellow snow.
Avoid it....
Like people who call you
Mate or Bro.
And offer you the earth,
Fake friendships and visions of chill.
Don't fall for it.
Be strong, stand up,
Be brave, stand tall,
Box clever.
Don't let them feed off you
And have their fill.
It's easy to face your enemies,
...Friday 20th January 2012 1:34 pm
Look out for me, cos I could be......
A cloud floating by,
a ray of sunlight
in a clear blue sky.
An autumn leaf
that flutters at your feet
or a burst of rain
on your window pane.
Listen out for me, cos I might be......
A message in a song,
a voice of experience
when things go wrong.
A crack of thunder,
a lighten...
Sunday 15th January 2012 1:00 pm
Going to sleep
In a cloud of smoke
Floating in fluid
Not wanting to choke
Has mum forgot
I'm here?
Does she know
My fears?
Please don't smoke
That horrible stuff
Please don't (cough! cough!)
I've had enough
So give me a chance
For a clean start
And I'll pay y...
Friday 13th January 2012 3:43 pm
He said he loved me
but I don't think he liked me.
Yeh, he sent me flowers
and things and showered
me with gifts and meals.
But that didn't make me feel
any depth
but maybe it kept
me dangling in hope.
But what a dope
me! You see
my shallow thoughts are for me,
I really don't want deep,
I don't want sleep
in o...
Friday 13th January 2012 11:17 am
Jib the road, dodge the cars,
blue lights scream, nee naw, nee naw.
The Dibble say there's been a robbery not far
from here, round the corner. A guy saw
two lads running away down the lane.
They took us in the car to the spot.
Hot, confused, we panic, give false names.
The guy said " No, these are not
the ones. But Dibble says " You're arrested."
and drive us a...
Thursday 12th January 2012 4:17 pm
Recent Comments
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