Life Stops At 30
My arse is soaked from sitting on the metal
for what feels like a fucking eternity.
It doesn’t look like much goes on in these parts,
especially not at this time of night,
but beggars can’t be choosers as they say.
A tram pulls in on the opposite platform,
full to the brim with laughter and togetherness,
the kind that only outsiders can exude.
But then in a flash it...
Sunday 9th December 2018 1:36 am
I Almost Lost You
A few words were said in anger
but their inferences vanished
when the tear ducts began to swell
and a lump suffocated me
and you just retreated further
and still haven’t quite returned home.
I almost lost you and still feel
Like I did.
Tuesday 4th December 2018 11:53 pm
The Bookie Always Wins
Pick a side; your call. But I guarantee
the grass is greener on the other.
They've beaten you one way or another,
just like your pathetic predecessors.
Look at you - a sweaty, neurotic mess,
dribbling the last of your whisky chaser
down your chest while glaring at the laptop
with your back hunched. You grip your shaking hands,
praying that the Argentine footbal...
Thursday 22nd June 2017 9:06 pm
The Prisoner of Pollen
Wake up
Hear fan
Rub eyes
Itch throat
Blow nose
Walk out
Turn tap
Drink down
Look out -
See sun -
Shake head
Hate life
Walk back
Lie down
Close eyes
Drift off
Sunday 18th June 2017 3:24 am
Never Like The First Time
I took the route not taken often these days;
the one I used to take as an observer
before my curiosity had worn thin
with my waist, hairline, patience and energy.
But in the minutes between checking emails,
talking to my girlfriend at length on the phone
and being generally pre-occupied,
embers temporarily regain their glow.
I can recall a certain innocence
Thursday 15th June 2017 1:10 pm
Once we've got ourselves semi settled,
the latest order is incoming
for a kiss which is destined to be
all too dispassionate and short lived.
It serves a purpose, if nothing else.
Remember when you used to bite your tongue
and I'd pontificate, unchallenged?
A few jokes later, you'd bite my tongue
too; was that a seductive technique
or were you trying to tell me s...
Monday 12th June 2017 12:53 pm
Acts I and II
The charger’s sat on the window sill
while I’m sat in this single carriage
preparing my excuses:
“I’m sorry I didn’t call”/
“The day got away from me”/
“Just like that the battery went”/
“You know what iPhones are like”
and when each of these reasons wash
like the River Mersey does the skin
I’ll butter you up with endearments:
“Those plump pink lips are asking fo...
Thursday 8th June 2017 6:59 pm
My records are all packed for tomorrow.
I’ve got my English degree at the top
(I always had an eye for a good plot)
then my journalism course certificate
(I always had an eye for a story)
then my passport (I always liked to travel)
and at the bottom is my p45
(I never wanted to emulate you pricks).
You can add this to your records, if you like.
Tuesday 6th June 2017 7:37 pm
Copper Lining
Small talk, then the predictable -
like you cared how I was.
Your words were barely audible
but the essence came across.
You smirked, like it was funny,
as only a cunt could do.
I might be short of money
but at least I’m shot of you.
Wednesday 24th May 2017 4:21 pm
A Few Quiet Ones
Thank God these beers are 9 percent
for when you feel the need to vent
while weaker men accept their place
and wonder why they showed their face.
I sip and wait for time to pass
amidst the sound of breaking glass,
while staring hopelessly at yeast –
The one thing here that’s grown, at least.
“This writing stuff’s all well and good
“but is it going to give you f...
Monday 15th May 2017 1:10 pm
The chronic whines of infants reverberate
across deserted aisles and downstairs
to the messy, disjointed window displays
where mannequins stand, oblivious to life.
The clunking wheels of clothes rails rattle and spin
as if indifferent to their direction
and each agonising screech of coat hangers
evokes a newfound sense of desolation.
Chart hits play over and over ...
Wednesday 10th May 2017 1:37 pm
Familiar Unfamiliarity
Three questionable nights of sleep
an accumulation of mucus
and a few frothy pints later
and I’m back at this place.
The walls look like they’ve been moved back
the ceilings appear elevated
the furniture’s disproportionate
and disaster feels imminent
(my GP said that might happen).
As dawn breaks and other minds rest
I pace restlessly round the room
watch sun pouri...
Tuesday 9th May 2017 11:03 am
Momentary Musings
My mind has been released on bail
pending further enquiries.
Liberated, it walks with me
through the gates and onto the streets
but before wandering further
it surveys, just for a minute -
the football game in the alley,
the blackbird's therapeutic chirp,
the slowly trickling riverbed,
the sky awash in orange-red.
It feels a multitude of things -
Thursday 27th April 2017 8:15 am
Under a Different Cloud
Words just about filter through
The shouts, screams and laughter
Behind me. I seek solace
In the beaming blue sky,
Partly covered by clouds,
Which pours through the stained glass pane –
A familiar sight
At this autumnal hour
When families go home
Together, and lovers watch
The world just pass them by.
My eyes return to the sky,
Choose a cloud, and wonder
...Saturday 22nd April 2017 7:31 pm
I, Once Removed
I've no mind to lose
or gain
A mind unused
can feel no pain
- the kind borne out
Of overthought
By minds intense
and overwrought.
Joy, too, is futile,
A fleeting thing
To which the docile
hearts will cling.
So what of me
When all is done?
Actions, many
Feelings, one
For what I know
I knew not then
Those years ago
Before ...
Sunday 16th April 2017 9:32 pm
When I was fresher faced than now
And needed ways to fill my nights
I'd get the Eddie Stobart out
While big boys put the world to rights.
I sped along the window sill
Scything down all ants in sight
It seems a somewhat twisted thrill
When looked at in a different light.
Fretful faces watched me play,
Distracted by the TV screen;
The bomb set off by Tim M...
Wednesday 12th April 2017 11:13 pm
Shopping List
The lighter's the only thing that's clicked today
And it needn't have bothered in any case.
If only
The flames had burned like the holes in our stomachs
Instead they fizzled out with the sun (and us)
The Queen of Sefton Park deserves more than this,
A light breeze taken out of context
That would've served us well on another day
But not today. Not when we...
Sunday 9th April 2017 7:29 pm
The connotations were different
Back then - the days of SEGA Rally
On the PC. I got a right ear full
When I crashed at a bend and threw a strop
What came back makes me wince even now.
The documented exchange saw you sent
To the headteachers office for your sins.
The rally games eventually stopped,
The bickering dragged on a while longer.
My slipping grades; staying out ...
Sunday 2nd April 2017 9:42 pm
An unwelcome intruder
you were, that Wednesday night
you landed on the vinyl
while I tended to the bags
under my eyes before bed.
This, of all places? But why?
Did you want a change of scene,
somewhere to make a fresh start?
Or did you just end up here
and have no idea why?
If your answer's the latter,
don't worry - you're not alone.
Poor thing - you were s...
Monday 27th March 2017 2:31 pm
I used to love the fair, didn’t you?
Hooking ducks out of the water
Eating hotdogs with too much ketchup
Panicking over height restrictions
The blood and thunder of the dodgems
Brought out your inner competitor.
There was a whole array of facepaints
Which made you stand out from the crowd.
Stallholders would ask all about you,
Your name, your age, where you were from
Sunday 12th March 2017 9:25 pm
As you strut down the chewing gum stained pavement
It’s hard to picture your breasts stuffed with foie gras
Served alongside a large glass of red Bordeaux
At a revered Michelin-starred restaurant.
Such grandeur is a far cry from the butts
Of cigarettes you peck at expectantly
While your cronies shit on windscreens for the laughs
You’re no golden pheasant, that m...
Wednesday 8th March 2017 11:01 pm
Miles of rippled sand and
Sunset in orange wavelengths
Are the most perfect setting
For selfish escapism.
As I stand atop the mound
For a minute, I feel free
here - Why oblige? Why belong?
Just like that, though, it hits me.
My defunct Ray Bans come off
and Pictures of You comes on
casting my mind back and forth.
Your hair, auburn, elusive
My hands, clenched, ag...
Monday 6th March 2017 10:11 pm
Outside the lift,
Just across the hallway,
In one of the adjacent flats
I heard a melodic scale on guitar
They were clearly a beginner
Like me back in high school
But no longer.
It was a C
natural minor scale
Ascending and descending notes
Brought to mind new adjectives on each play.
Optimistic and ominous
Resolute and resigned
Novel and known.
Sunday 5th March 2017 9:49 am
The Stream
The stream
Is where my younger years were spent
The stream
My most dependable of friends
The stream
In which we hid our feet from view
The stream
To where it flowed, we never knew
The stream
The scene of countless conker fights
The stream
So tranquil on a summer night
The stream
Where we would seek our evening dish
The stream
Where on...
Friday 3rd March 2017 12:29 am
Cigarettes and Rum
The shipping forecast reports severe storms
Waves ricochet off rocks along the shore
Out to sea, towering walls of water
Overwhelm the sturdiest of vessels
Which, fight as they might against the currents,
Will concede defeat any second now.
A buoy stays afloat, just, but is itself
Perilously close to going under.
Lightning strikes once, twice, maybe a third time
Or at le...
Wednesday 1st March 2017 10:12 pm
Long distance
It’s 30 miles from mine to yours
But every night it feels like more
When I get in and clear my head
I want you but get me instead.
The smell of weariness and gloom
Has killed your hairspray and perfume
Though misplaced socks and sleeping mask
Make through the week a simpler task
In this, my fucking freezing flat
(No you to sort the thermostat)
It feels like ...
Tuesday 28th February 2017 10:27 pm
The infinite stretch of tarmac
Has a hypnotic effect
Any sense of rhyme or reason
Is lost in the unconsciousness.
Droves of lambs with no agenda
Surrounded by crisp morning sun
Are a welcome distraction
From sudden, unforeseen delays.
Water slowly trickles upstream
Like pollutant cars up the bridge –
Imposing and industrial –
Which cut through this serenity
To m...
Tuesday 28th February 2017 10:23 pm
Salford Quays is like the Amazon today
Warm, moist air rises, spreading and lingering
On glass, driven by an intricate rhythm
The mystique of our misty reflections
Leaving little to be accountable for.
No corners are left uncovered
By the millions of droplets
Falling on this steamed-up surface
Where vague snippets of us, that are
Soon to evaporate, remain.
Tuesday 28th February 2017 10:15 pm
The Final Platform
The builder blows his cigarette fumes
Into the melancholy morning air
They dissipate almost instantly
Carriages which once seemed years away
Pull in to collect their passengers
And so, a new journey has begun.
The heavens have opened up today
Cocky schoolboys are drenched to the bone
We fly past acres of nothingness,
Houses built out of an afterthought,
Street ar...
Tuesday 28th February 2017 10:38 am
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