The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Worlds apart

They were worlds apart

From the very start

He was like the dazzling stars

That adorned the night sky


While she was his contrast,

And the infamous outcast

Always so bitter and dry

With her walls up and high

She lived a life cynical and wry


Yet he held her hand

And gazed at her with those eyes

That was sincere and clear

With his green eyes crinkled


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When the days become nights

In an alternate reality far away

The dying earth was left astray

By the ignorance and apathy of its people

Causing an ecological ripple


The days became nights

And the world succumbed to endless riots

Hunger became the unwelcomed kin

And then came death, its clingy twin


Tales of the glorious past

Were a painful reminder

Of days when the sun was kinder

And ...

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global warmingatmosphere

Growing up

Every decision I take

And every mistake I make

Always has humongous strife

In my life


This I believe makes me aware

Of life lessons taught seldom and rare

For it is true

That experience is the best teacher for you


Yet as I live by my choices

Ignoring the vilifying voices

I wonder

How far I’ve come to wander


Not too long ago

I clung to my mother


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Time freeze

Staring at the moonlit sky at night

Adorned with stars enthralling and bright

She was lost in its seraphic beauty


As the whizzing wind caressed her cheeks

And blew past her raven hair,

Soothing waves of sea splashed her feet that were muddy and bare


A feeling of tranquility and bliss flooded her entirety,

Her beaming visage as bright as a light deity 


She veh...

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The Boy-Who-Lived

His whole being was burning

With self-blame, anger, and guilt never-ending

All it took was a moment

For Sirius to fall

Into the veil

With his face frozen and pale


It was that damned prophecy

That took his parents and Padfoot away

Leaving him behind as a forlorn stray

What was he left alive for,

For being the Chosen One

And then being shunned?

The wizarding ...

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Harry Potter

The Little Pushover

Underneath every superficial smile

There laid something dark and vile

Hidden within each cloying word

Was a vicious glee buried and blurred


For years, she was blind

And needlessly kind

But she was finally aware,

That, they would never care

It was all a cruel pretense

At her expense


For, she was the little pushover

Who would helplessly hover

For recogni...

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Turning of Age

As the clock ticked to midnight

"You're of age!", her heart squealed in delight,

Her visage as bright as the morning sun

And her chocolate eyes gleamed with mischief and fun

Promised nothing but chaos to be woven and spun


All of her friends wished the same,

Twas her being joyous and untame

For she was a dandelion at heart

And her Odyssey and tales were just about to st...

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All I want for Christmas

Looking at the dazzling streets

Brimmed with joyous laughter and festive greets

The young girl smiled fleetingly

To the people who greeted her merrily


The little ones clung to their parents

Taking in everything with ingenuous awe

For their minds were still simple and raw

They were all so demanding

Yet adorably endearing

She envied them for their naivety

Which fil...

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The Boy from My dreams

Generally, when we have bad dreams or nightmares we are either falling from great heights or drowning in a deep sea or are chased or in the worst of cases killed by someone, but in this poem, when the girl has such dreams, they never end up with her crying or screaming in her sleep as a boy saves her every time.


Like a knight in shining armor,

In the nightmares I unintentionally harbo...

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The Forgotten Girl

Hidden in the dark

With vigilance strong and stark

She shields him from the unknown

Adhering to an undying vow sworn

To the stars and The Norns(the fates)

Paving a path pervaded with thorns


She had do it all again

Just to see his hazel eyes,

Crinkled with joy and laughter

And his infectious smile bestowed right after


For, she remembers the heart-wrenching pa...

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We and the Adamant COVID

Our lives like a sinusoidal graph

Happiness short-lived than half,

We are all anxious

Of the future ahead


Taking the lives of millions,

It still yearns for more,

And has shaken the world

To the core


As if not enough though,

It keeps mutating in a row,

Coming up with more pals(black fungus, parosmia, strokes)  

It has made people a toast

For they ha...

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Strolling Out in Covid Life

Think twice or thrice if you wish to stroll,

And be merciful to your pitiful soul,

With many things ahead,

Than what one can think,

Where each of it awaits,

To make you sink


With sanitizer in hand and shielded with a mask,

You are a soldier on task,

With regular thermal screenings

And quick swab tests

You are seen doubtfully

For the traces of the unholy enemy ...

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Seeking the wild within

In the monotonous life I am stuck

Surpassing everyday is pure luck

School, home, eat, sleep, repeat

Break the cycle

And I'd sigh in defeat


Too mechanical, it seems,

Let's escape this, my heart screams

Being adventurous, I always was,

But in embracing it I'm a lost cause


Breaking these shackles of rigidity,

I will revive my lost soul

By seeking the wild ...

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