wol 2018
havent written a blog for years now! 3 years i think...
any one up for more bond poetry?
where have all me muckers gone??
anyone still on?
Sunday 19th August 2018 2:51 am
He took his knees unto the floor.
A dark man,
Nervous by the words of his first harvest
And his body moved like fresh grapefruits
Juicy with pips
For a First Dawn had come.
And he did sweetly breathe upon the babe’s head
And kissed its newborn eyelids,
Fallen like dark purple Lilacs of a full moon in mauve
Upon this little face
Heavy set in sleep.
He blew the...
Thursday 4th February 2016 12:23 am
the raven speaks unto the dove (new edit)
I was sent to sea
A long time before you, dove.
And Honestly, I flew above
It's storms and moved for Him these great, black wings
In search of land. In the vast freedom of Nothing
I beat.
Until my reality was abandoned.
God’s faithful servant, Noah
And every one of God’s men cheered for
the fortuitous return
of you
Tuesday 7th July 2015 10:09 pm
day sky
sometimes i look at the sky
when driving, at speed
and I
see the clouds billow and fold
an angry riposte at the audacity
of open miles
sometimes thick and black
they tumble
sometimes less afraid
they swoop a palette knife
full of paint
and accentuate themselves with white tipped
like waves in a torrent.
sometimes i look at the sky
and in the picks of rich umber and the ...
Sunday 28th June 2015 10:27 pm
A crow landed on the rail.
A crow landed on the rail.
One for sorrow.
Swept down from the perimeter
mounted the metal siding off the road
and stood for a second on its perch.
Took a quick lick of his head
to spot the murder.
To move on.
It could have been less.
Id left the mess of people,
my head spinning with time spent
Looking a...
Friday 15th May 2015 11:52 pm
The generators thunder on
Churning up the air like a thick furrowed plough
Relentless in sound
A backbone to the field
which tastes like gasoline
Rumbling the undergrowth
The size of home is the thickness of this noise
And the area with which they spread their hold
Engine meeting engine black grimed
young men with dreadlocks bunched up like tree stumps
long hair and...
Sunday 20th July 2014 9:29 pm
The Elk Dog. Retelling Myths and Legends. Blackfoot Tribal.
This story, The Elk Dog is retold from the original stories of the Native American Tribal (the Orphan Boy and the Elk: Blackfoot Tribal). It is a story of the coming of age and lightly suggests guidance for young people regarding gender identity.
The collection ‘Wyrd as Folk; Retelling the Legends by Rachel Bond, includes stories from a wide cross section of folk lore/ legend and myth and inclu...
Friday 18th July 2014 7:26 pm
Bad Queen Mab a story from 'The Bond Grimoire.'
Once upon a time, in a land not far away, there was a little girl named Hazel. She was a good girl who liked rabbits. She also liked books. This is the story of how that little girl became cursed by the worst faery curse ever. Cursed by Bad Queen Mab.
Hazel used to love to read her books late at night under the covers with a secret torch to light the pages. She had been warned by...
Tuesday 15th July 2014 5:57 pm
There's sand falling from the sky
coppered bronze burnished in silt and grains
containing secrets of a magicked East
that became known around these parts as an overspill from the brick yard,
but this dust is Saharan
crustacae from planes
Dead lost places with no witness.
The heat of the sun bears down its mirage
and admires its own reflection over vast skeletal lansca...
Thursday 3rd April 2014 11:41 pm
louise (repost)
I want to dance like Louise LeCavalier
She flamed across stage
When I was fresh out from ballet
With the whisper of a spectre
Released from its chains
She took my breath up
In her pale hands
And threw it
Past the stars
In ever leap, twist, thrown and tumbled
She danced with the passion and
Power of a man in a feminine world
Thursday 25th July 2013 7:42 am
ten past nine
i wait by the smell of the oils drying
and look at my fingers
think how the paint patterns of accident
look better
than the offering on the board.
look at the lines drawn
in colour
on the fat side of my thumb.
The mount of venus
where all ideas of love begun.
they are still young, just weary
my fingers can easy bend
and b...
Wednesday 29th May 2013 1:38 am
I walked 52 countries wide
my feet weary and bruised.
i let the tide wash over them,
52 lovers all die, a muse.
With the crashing of a wave,
their indifference
to the sounds i make,
to the waves of frequency running
through my brain.
8 hertz and 8 hurts,
A stranger
in every town,
speaking the tongues
of the Pentecost.
i sit on th...
Monday 20th May 2013 6:12 pm
white noise (letters)
Thursday 9th May 2013 1:18 am
Hidden Song of the Godhead
Sunday 5th May 2013 1:17 am
go to the woods (relist)
I stood in the tall mirror
on the border of puberty,
not long before i had learned to see myself.
Glass against foil, a simple trick.
Even though the foil was peeling,revealing itself plain
i believed
in something better
and i looked right in to the point where they say He hides
deep inside the ripples of glass
and i squinted my eyes
knowing ...
Friday 5th April 2013 4:29 am
go to the woods -
I stood in the tall mirror
on the border of puberty,
not long before i had learned to see myself.
Glass against foil, a simple trick.
Even though the foil was peeling,revealing itself plain
i believed
in something better
and i looked right in to the point where they say He hides
deep inside the ripples of glass
and i squinted my eyes
knowing ...
Saturday 23rd March 2013 3:51 am
Corinth (relist)
love is for somebody other
someone with eye blinkers like shutters
somebody else whose skin has never sensed
the crashing of all its pores
the closure of all of the doors
the suffocation of knowing
now that loves snuck in
only he has the keys
and he licks at the taste of their metals
Never had to question
the ideas come to mind
all rose tinted
...Thursday 28th February 2013 11:20 am
cacti plant
You were asking for someone to come change your life
i did just that.
i was asking for someone to get high with
you were, without me having to go rewrite the past.
you wanted someone to like your poetry, your art
my mum says, "you see in people what other people cant."
Sometimes i think i have a window
where i should have a chest, a glass head,
sometime ago...
Friday 8th February 2013 12:29 am
40 rats. again.
I have a rat in my kitchen
he's grinding his baccy stained teeth
under his sticky brown moustache
he strains his throat to speak
'you want to forget about this '
'incase you get old'
'you write a good poem,
you have potential'.
He does a bit of this and that this rat
nothing more penetrative
no less pervasive than a lull, a lazy dull
Sunday 20th January 2013 4:27 am
Pearls and Swine
I met a girl in the corridor
she walked tall with limbs long
chestnut hair stroked her perspired fore
while through the air called softly a song.
each note formed round a lightening tone
her eyes stretched to see beyond me as she spoke
between her and the distance sentences had grown
into a lily scent with perfumed oils awoke.
she tripped with pleasur...
Tuesday 4th December 2012 10:21 pm
rock in a storm
sunk with the cliche
butter drunk with compliments and doe eyes
i gave you all my surpises like a rabbit in headlights.
i liked it
i liked falling
listening with twitchy ears
soft furred unfocussed mad march passed us and asked for a cup of tea
it was funny then
i loved to give up my thoughts
and our ideas
were like ...
Wednesday 22nd August 2012 12:30 am
for you
i said if i wrote
a poem
about you
thats it.
it would be over.
There you have it.
Tuesday 21st August 2012 10:48 pm
i once wrote to you about the tower
its been 3 weeks
and its been an hour
i dragged myself over the cattle barrs in the mud
and i whispered when i could
but its been 3 months
its been gone in a shower
the rain leaves patterns in my skin
looking for the place we did begin
im lost and i was drowning
but my throat had never swallowed
i worshi...
Wednesday 8th August 2012 12:23 am
To be a fisher of men.
"I am grateful to say, when quizzed, as I am thoroughly today,
'Wher've you been, where've you been, where've you been?'"
I steadfastly say, "I am come to church."
'As they can ask me questions of God again and again,till God has come home
And I will always have an answer.'
But of alcohol my heart beats hard inside my head and it hangs thereof.'
A fisher of men, my...
Saturday 28th July 2012 11:12 pm
The Dreadful Mermaid and A Slice of Orange Ocean
The Dreadful Mermaid
Shore densed slabs slick wet edged bricken shard
Stickleback shell cracks cut scratch bloodful turn
My feet wanting drips sweet red a mallard
he feathers flood lorn prints the sand auburn
Heavy footed I walked all the way here
Set my meat down and subjugated sat
Dry cried awful faces a snot smeared leer
Nothing to say ...
Friday 27th July 2012 1:51 am
television. rerun. still on. still relevant. in case you missed it.
One Nation under God
has turned into
One Nation under the influence
of one drug
Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation
T.V., it satellite links
our United States of unconciousness
Apathetic therapeutic and extremely addictive
the methadone metronome pumping out
a 150 channels 24 hours a day
you can flip through all of them
and s...
Tuesday 8th May 2012 1:12 am
3 tin rings
Three tin rings wound round the other
Fell in a chain tin tings together
Ching ching the bling bill got bigger
And I tink you teefed it like a little tinker’s nigger
You hid it in your pocket
Lifted it with thin fingers
Spindled round a hypo
Swiftly mingled blood and hydro
Till im throwin in your jeans
Minging stink into the laundrette dryer
And chink chi...
Tuesday 10th April 2012 2:03 am
Agape ( A-gap-ay)
If we could imagine the love of one who loves men purely for their own sake, and not because of any need or desire of his own, purely desires their good, and yet loves them wholly, not for what at this moment they are, but for what he knows he can make of them because he made them, then we should have in our minds some true image of the love of the Father and Creator of mankind.
O. C. Quick
...Thursday 29th March 2012 12:31 am
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