The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Tags from last 12 months

Manchester (1)

As Sharp The Thistle Be

As Sharp The Thistle Be



     The call came in earnest -

the handset snatched from dust laden


      ‘I want your presence,’

   and so the bike was pulled and oiled.


     The shire of Aberdeen gave

grand of canyon company,

   and before the hills my breath

     stolen and given back with interest,

        all green and bright post mortem of w...

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Saor Alba Gu Brath




…… I solemn paled upon the brow,

my heart wanting to leap

beyond the cage and free,

my gaze became a cinematic camera,

and all forgotten was pain and breath

and lack of spittle.


I cared not – my clothes sticky -

clinging like a spiders web and catch,

my eyes askance as if upon a host

of the evangelical – but,

not a soul here but me as all reli...

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Not Least By I

Not Least, By ‘I’


     It is only me after all,

there are none other residents I know

  live here, none and I guess;-

      ‘this one stays silent…...again!’


     Hyperion reminds us of the longevity

  we can sometimes labour, (all life),

   and then by the time the final passage,

    you no longer remember the basis of tale,

      the predicate to that point o...

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The Plight of the Footprint

The Plight of the Footprint



     There is,

a snide or two, with money, with agendas,

    within a self pious realm only ‘they,’ agree with.


     There are those,

   from Darnhill or Devils Kitchen,

          Soweto and beyond -

  no understandings or knowingness

     of the vile and disgusting with…….


     There is a soul crying out,

  there is a s...

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Margaret Shifter the May (A Pluscarden Doctor of Borg edit)

Margaret Shifter the May

                   (A Pluscarden Doctor of Borg edit)



     Roses, are red,

              Violets, are nice,


   ‘they teach you who the fascists were but never,

     the M O of what makes an individual a fascist,

       this they do so they can pull them out periodically

          if the elite feel a need to do house clearance of objector...

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Margaret May the 2nd

Roses, are red,

     Violets are gray,


(have you noticed lingo speak to try to introduce pedophilia as socially acceptable? Apparently, we are sign posted to acknowledge 'child sex workers' while being deterred from use of language stating the barbaric taking of trust and innocense of children by pedophiles exploiting and raping them)


         I want an end to this life and,


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Ulysses Be Fruitless

Ulysses Be Fruitless



     “Yes your majesty, no your majesty,

three bags full your majesty” and then,



     I have lingered here, not by choice,

but to collate what’s blatant but never said,

what a higher state needs to understand,

       needs to ‘feel’ and know thine dread,


     ‘so much has been lost upon our elders death,


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