The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 39 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

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Ged Thompson

Updated: Sat, 27 Jun 2020 03:49 pm

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Writer, Performance Poet, Storyteller & Fairytale Author.


What do you do? What do you do when you can’t find your smile and you look to the floor and you stare for a while and your poems sound like paper and your cheese tastes like bread, tap your foot for the demons that dance in your head. And you can’t find the light that shines out of your soul because you sold it for diamonds that you put in a hole, and your spade it got broken and covered in rust so you buried that too while your head it went bust. And you reached for a stars and you fell on a balloon that made funny noises and went down too soon, so you tumbled and struggled and gasping for air, composed a concoction that took you nowhere, and you cried as you fell and you called for your neighbour but your cries they bounced back in a dark echo chamber. You reached for your God and was handed a prize, they said draw him yourself, but you smudged up his eyes. So what do you do when you can’t find your smile and you look to the floor and you stare for a while. Find a friend, have a chat or a great big long walk, find a place that’s got trees in and go for a talk, have a pint, paint a painting, maybe sleep with your ex. (That last one don’t work but it’s a trick I know best). Take yourself from the drama and have a good sleep, know that laughing is priceless but it’s perfect to weep, stop spinning bad thoughts like they’re gold on a wheel, Rumpelstiltskin will find you and happiness steal, most of all when your stuck and your down on your luck, just get comfy in darkness and not give a fuck, because the tides they are changing they do that each day, you’ll come back on the same waves that took you away. Ged Thompson

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.


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<Deleted User> (19913)

Sat 2nd Mar 2019 00:46

Hi Ged,
I'm drawn to The butterfly girl, it feels like the start of a much grander story. I'm so glad I've discovered you.
I look forward to discovering more of your words.
Cheers, Kate


Sun 8th Feb 2015 09:02

Hey Ged,
Thanks for taking the time to have a read and comment on my stuff, really appreciate it xx

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 31st Jan 2015 17:20

Cheers Ged for your comment on "She parted her lips". Feedback is something I keep forgetting to provide. I'm not kidding. Tommy

PS Ged were did you see this piece? As I can't see it on the main page. Cheers TC I'm

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Mon 12th Jan 2015 06:55

Hello you! You've just brought a big smile to my face ;) Thanks for liking my poem. You've also made me feel guilty for not reading or commenting on any poetry in ages...on that note I see you've been very busy so envious - cos my nib is dry ;)

New years resolution - to write a poem, come over to Liverpool and top up on my bear hugs!

Hope all's well with you.

Isobel xx

Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Sat 19th Jul 2014 13:23

Hi Ged. Thanks for your kind comment.

J.C.has no special significance. To me, he was just a jumped up voice hearing delusional joiner, all be it with a nice disposition, sort of Nigel Farrago in his day, but with a more novel approach, that he'd find difficult to put across

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Ged the Poet

Sat 28th Jun 2014 10:50

Ged - 'Note to self' reeled me in to 'When the stars danced' on to 'And then the heart does flutter' and the sparkling 'What if'.
'More than 50' blew me away with your energy and passion. Screaming it with you. (96 YNWA regardless of any allegiance).

Reading these was like losing a quid and finding a tenner!
Superb work.

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Shirley Smothers

Fri 20th Dec 2013 17:45

Hello Ged,

Thanks for the kind comments on my "91 Word Story of My Life." It was a little difficult to get the story in 91 words. But I tried.

Thanks again,

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Laura Taylor

Fri 29th Nov 2013 10:07

Cheers fella! Haha :D

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Steve Higgins

Wed 27th Nov 2013 20:06

Hi Ged,
Thanks for looking in on my stuff and much appreciate your enthusiastic comments for 'Bigger Man Than Me'
All the best,

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Thu 21st Nov 2013 06:51

Awww hello you! Where've you been hiding? You'll have to make sure you come to the Christmas Spoke so we can have a catch up! xx

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 17th Oct 2013 23:34

Ged- If your in Kensington/Old Swan-i'll buy you a pint for your to-the-point critique on 'Blackened Berries' Tommy:)

<Deleted User> (11197)

Mon 30th Sep 2013 12:02

Hey Ged
Thank you for your beautiful comment on my write 'Thoughts'.

Best wishes

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Wez Jefferies

Sat 28th Sep 2013 13:07

Hey Ged,

Thanks for your comments, I love reading them, you always seem to get my sentiment spot on :) You actually inspired me to start writing again this morning, not written in months :) so thanks for that.

Glad you enjoyed it, and keep up the good work, your poetry is great :)


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Shirley Smothers

Sat 31st Aug 2013 19:30

Hi Ged
It's me again. Thank you for commenting on my poem "Eyes in the Darkness". I thought about putting humor into this. But I just left it the the readers imagination.

Thank you so much,

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Shirley Smothers

Sat 31st Aug 2013 19:27

Thank your for your comments on my "Lune Poetry". I don't know about being brave. Sometimes the poetry is just silly. Such as...
Cat on boob
All her weight on it
Oww! oww! oww!

Thanks again

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Mon 19th Aug 2013 10:20

Thanks for your comment on my Beautiful poem - I'll try to perform it next time I'm at the spoke - and I'll expect you to join in on the chorus!


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Ann Foxglove

Fri 16th Aug 2013 18:36

Thanks for your comments on my January Fairy poem! :)

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John Coopey

Wed 5th Jun 2013 23:35

Glad you enjoyed Living Doll, Ged. We really need more culture like this.

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Mon 3rd Jun 2013 20:27

Thanks for commenting on "In Search Of Honest Politicians" Ged - it is hard to use those two words in a single sentence isn't it? I've yet to visit Hope (Derbyshire), but bet it is crowded... ;) Best wishes, Dave

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Laura Taylor

Mon 15th Apr 2013 10:23

Thanks Ged for your note on Dear Margaret. That's all we can ever do eh? Write our own truth. Surely that's the essence of being a poet?

Ta anyway, appreciate you taking the time to read and comment. Kind of wrote itself - been bubbling away in me for years, unsurprisingly :)



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Chris Co

Fri 12th Apr 2013 18:50

Thx for the feedback on the poem 'Nothing Left'. I've sent a pm to you on Facebook.



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Tom Harding

Sat 2nd Feb 2013 22:10

Hi Ged, a belated thanks for your comments on Ghosts.

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Tue 29th Jan 2013 20:27

Thanks for your feedback on my driving seat poem Ged. It was an uncomfortable experience for me - I'm glad that came across. It all makes for good poetic fodder though, so something positive came out of it. x

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Ann Foxglove

Thu 3rd Jan 2013 16:51

Hi Ged - a very warm welcome to WOL. You seem to be at home here already! Great :)

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 27th Dec 2012 15:32

Ged - thanks for your comment about "Thoughts At Christmas".
I hope you find more to enjoy while you add to
"the brew" that WOL provides.

tony sheridan

Mon 24th Dec 2012 17:15

Hi Ged. Thanks for your comments on Christine and However it may seem. Take care, Tony.

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Ged Thompson

Mon 24th Dec 2012 00:22

A lifetime ago Dave

Thanks again for the encouragement

By the way when you dropped me off the other night and made the comment "you will be wrong" and I smiled and said "I know". I wasnt making light of it. I really do know....

I'd already written something that day in an email.

At times it seems that my life journey is a series of failures holding varying degrees of severity and all I have to hold me together while travelling this wonderful tapestry of almost unending fuck ups is the adhesive of good intention along with a stoicism that is almost belligerently defiant in the fact that I choose to smile at each and every fuck up and move onto the next without anxiety or anticipation. Maybe this is a victory in itself?

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Dave Bradley

Sun 23rd Dec 2012 23:03

Welcome Ged. That first afternoon at the Sudley seems a while ago now

tony sheridan

Sun 23rd Dec 2012 20:12

A Snow Patrol fan? Keep on writing. Take care, Tony.

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Ged Thompson

Sun 23rd Dec 2012 17:41

Posted the written one, not sure if I have a vid but will look X

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