The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 39 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 07:13 pm

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Marksy did not go to Oxford (or Cambridge) or go hiking in the Andes for two years at the age of 21. However, he has done a fair few interesting things in his 40-odd years on this planet, such as being a dad, bass player, songwriter, amateur actor, writer and not least of all, being a reasonably successful journalist for the past 20 years. His scribblings here are the detritus of what is left of his brain after all that.


The Template of my Being Been there Done it Eaten it Drunk it Almost drowned in it Nearly died Praised it Cursed it Dodged it Traversed it Just you name it I’ll have tried Smoked it Snorted it Been traumatised by it Reduced to tears by it Laughed and cried Run it Walked it Chased it Caught it Wished I hadn’t bothered sometimes Yes this is the template of my life Too much trouble Not enough strife Eventful tedium strewn across time Welcome to my being Reached it – grabbed it Felt it – nabbed it Seen it fall away Far out of sight Loved it – hated it Been loved – mated it Watched it slip away Far out of mind Earned it – lost it Carefully costed Saved it – blown it Raucous times Squirreled it – spent it Laughed – I meant it! Raised a glass to it Here’s to life Yes, this is the template of my being Sometimes tight Never mean An expedition into weirdest dreams Welcome to my world Mixers Drunk Ambitions Sunk Headaches Thumped Champions Slumped Suntan Burnt Feelings Hurt Songs Unlearned Stomach Churned Taxis Hailed Grand schemes Unveiled Grand schemes Failed! Spirits Regailed Yes, this is the template of my being Almost imagined Hardly real A timeless trip on a wonky wheel Welcome to my world

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Marksy

Just Another Load of Shite (28/06/2013)

The Template of my Being (24/06/2013)

Hatred Junkie (18/06/2013)

Living Life on the Ledge (11/06/2013)

(Not) Up a Height (05/06/2013)

Dostoyevski's Chicken (30/05/2013)

My Obsession (Again) (27/05/2013)

(Be my) Only One (24/05/2013)

The Misfits (going awol) (22/05/2013)

We're Northerners, us (22/05/2013)

Do you want to be featured here? Submit your profile.


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Jeff Dawson

Sat 5th Apr 2014 08:25

Hi Marksy, thanks for reading Snakeskin Sid! - as a Bolton Wanderers fan, Frank Worthy was one of my heroes and a bit of a character on and off the park, the difference was he could play football! Thanks, glad you like it!

ps Enjoying your work!

C Byrne

Fri 3rd Jan 2014 17:40

The 'Template' is epic!

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chris stevenson

Sat 26th Oct 2013 08:46

.. howdo and thanks for the comment. The poem was more disjointed to reflect a 15 month girl in her first shoes, but tidied it up a bit .. I see you list 'Jeffarama'. I did a couple of songs last night at the Cadence cafe and bought his new book off him. He signed it so it's now worth more !! Very good too.

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barrie singleton

Fri 25th Oct 2013 17:37

Barrie thought Marksy was the Alpaca-thingy but then realised he did not look bright enough to master a keyboard. And now I'm stuck with addressing myself as "Barrie" when I prefer "Mr S". Wo' Evah! I was much taken with the line: "Wished I hadn't bothered sometimes." Unfortunately coupling couples break the First Law: "No conception without representation." Scroll on. Might you photoshop a sign on the Rama Llama Dingdong? "I'M NOT MARKSY." It will help the old folk.

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 2nd Oct 2013 19:17

thanks for the kind comments on 'dust' marksy - much appreciated mate

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John Coopey

Mon 30th Sep 2013 22:43

Thanks for commenting on "Cottage Sleaze", Simon. I'm rather proud that it evokes a certain odour!

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John Coopey

Wed 25th Sep 2013 21:41

Glad you enjoyed "I'm The Urbane Statesman", Marksy.

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Steve Higgins

Tue 24th Sep 2013 23:12

Ta for looking in on 'Some Love' Marksy. Been away for a month in France and thought I'd come back with a notebook full of poems. (I didn't) Actually wrote 'Some Love' during a lull at work!
All the best, Steve

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Dave Bradley

Sun 28th Jul 2013 08:02

Thanks Marksy, I like yours too. Your profile poem is a cracker.

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Ian Whiteley

Fri 12th Jul 2013 23:42

thanks for the comments on 'westgate run' marksy - the haze is the best of daze :-)

Ste J Bee

Fri 5th Jul 2013 17:58

Cheers Marksy, I think I've got the 'grass is always greener syndrome'

Ste J Bee

Thu 4th Jul 2013 21:29

Hi Marksy, thanks for reading the seagulls are watching, I can see your building up your blog entries, Just had a read of The template of my being, Just another load of shite and Dostoyevski's chicken. You are extremely good with words, when I look at my simple stuff, alongside your wordy attitudey stuff, well? what can I say? very inventive... I must try to write something a little more ballsy. Keep up the good verse.

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Steve Higgins

Fri 28th Jun 2013 22:13

Hi Marksy, Stratagems wasn't the right word. Its close but It'll do for now. All the best, Steve

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Simon Marks

Tue 25th Jun 2013 01:00

Cheers for the comments, folks. Living Life on the Ledge was put to music originally but I could only think of two chords to go with it. It wasn't very good, but my good friend Stollemeyer also suggested that, so will ponder on it.

C Byrne

Mon 24th Jun 2013 19:16

Thanks for reading my stuff. Have you put "Living Life on the Ledge" to music?

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Steve Higgins

Mon 24th Jun 2013 17:22

Hi, ta for taking a look at Richard Burton. Just had a quick look at your sample poem; not many of us left that remember Peter Glaze. Best wishes, Steve

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Pete Slater

Tue 18th Jun 2013 12:18

Hya Marksy
Thanks for reading "RIB CAGE PRISON" Hope you enjoyed it and thanks for the comment. It was inspired by a comment made by a fellow poet, Ged Thompson on another poem of mine he described as a rib cage poem.
Pete A "Rib cage poet"
Just read Living Life on the Ledge(bordering on mutual appreciation)glad I did, it made me laugh out loud.......and think.

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 9th Jun 2013 20:08

also thanks for the observation on 'I wish I had a harley' age cannot be avoided mate - it's how you cope with it that counts :-)

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 9th Jun 2013 20:06

thanks for commenting on 'domestosterone' Marksy - trust me, it would need to be a very big duck in our house ;-)

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John Coopey

Sat 8th Jun 2013 19:49

Glad you enjoyed North Yorkshire Moors Railway, Simon.

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John Coopey

Mon 3rd Jun 2013 22:59

Glad you enjoyed, "Your First Hut Is The Cheapest", Simon. Sheds seem to be a rich vein for me (I think it's an age thing) although this was the first one on which I've inflicted one of my many parodies.

Ste J Bee

Wed 29th May 2013 20:39

Thanks for you comment on 'This Dog' Marksy, a fellow bass player I see.
Just read The Misfits, the section, we're northerners, put me in mind of the Black Knight in Monty Pythons Holy grail, Brilliant, well written Marksy

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Simon Marks

Sat 25th May 2013 11:42

Cheers for the welcome Ann and the comments Tim. Misfits was actually a song originally, funny enough, so it has been performed many years ago.
Would do performances but work nights at the moment. Maybe some day...

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Tim Ellis

Fri 24th May 2013 22:33

Thanks for your comments Simon. I like your Misfits poem. I reckon it's something that would work well in performance.

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 24th May 2013 17:09

Hi Marksy - a very warm welcome to WOL - good to see you blogging! Hope you are enjoying the site :)

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