The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

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Greg Freeman

Thu 13th Oct 2011 08:38

John, thanks for commenting on The Carpet-Fitter's Tale. Trust you had a good break!

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Shirley Smothers

Tue 4th Oct 2011 19:25

Hi John. Thanks for the comments on "Who is This Woman in the Mirror".
Men don't age? LOL. Someone should tell my husband this.

Thanks again

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<Deleted User> (7676)

Fri 30th Sep 2011 22:13

Boo! I've found you ! I am so glad that you liked my poem.

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Fri 30th Sep 2011 14:46

John (Leibfraumilch) I'm sure they do look at us but not in a way we would wish. Reminds me of the song 'Standing on the corner watchin' all the world go by......' Well its a good job we can't go to jail for what we're thinking. Even if these days it's just to stand and admire the outer beauty of youth and perhaps not without a little envy. Thanks for commenting.

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<Deleted User> (7212)

Fri 23rd Sep 2011 20:15

Thanks John - I sent off for my Poetic licence at the same time.... (shock n' aw)

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Lynn Dye

Thu 22nd Sep 2011 21:42

Thanks for anniversary wishes, John. x

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Thu 22nd Sep 2011 21:31

Hello John (Speechless)many thanks for the encouraging words so appreciated.

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Elaine Booth

Thu 22nd Sep 2011 00:02

John, many thanks for commenting on my latest - much appreciated.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Wed 21st Sep 2011 13:53

Hi, John! Thank you very much for commenting on "In a Wood". Much appreciated. With warmest wishes, Larisa

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<Deleted User> (6315)

Wed 21st Sep 2011 08:29

Good morning John,.,,thanks for that reassurance on Day's End! Yaaay!! :)

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Lynn Dye

Tue 20th Sep 2011 22:07

Thanks for comments on Crimson Lipstick, John. Have answered more on the blog itself.

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Shirley Smothers

Tue 20th Sep 2011 19:14

Hi John. Thanks for commenting on my poem "My Mother's Gentle Hands. I especially liked your poems, "I dreamt You Were Little Again" and "Fix".
I have left comments on these pages.


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David Cooke

Tue 20th Sep 2011 15:53

Hi John Glad you like the Scholars poem. It was inspired by a recent visit to Reading Museum. I had never heard the phrase 'ragged school' before and just wanted to get it into a poem by hook or crook. I must say that I also didn't see much difference between the Victorian classroom and those we had in the 50s in my own school!

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<Deleted User> (6315)

Mon 19th Sep 2011 16:24

Such a nice reply John...(I have just edited it lol) thanks for looking :)

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Shirley Smothers

Mon 19th Sep 2011 14:43

Hello John. Thank you for your comments about my "A Silly Poem about Hair". I was inspired to post this after listening to "Silly Housework Poem" by Ann Foxglove.


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Lynn Dye

Fri 16th Sep 2011 20:54

Thanks for kind comments on Teardrops in my coffee, John, also your comment on my profile which made me laugh - typical man! Lol. x

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Laura Taylor

Fri 16th Sep 2011 13:06

Howdy John

I was made up to find it there, was only looking for The Bidding and must have missed it first time around.

Aye, me other half is a Leonard Cohen nut, and played it to me :) I love that 'we are ugly but we have the music' line - making me fill up just thinking about it!

I shall look up that band you mention :)

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Thu 15th Sep 2011 22:49

Hi John - thanks for commenting on 'There be fairies' - I must get you to relate the story you hinted about! :)

Best wishes, Dave

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Thu 15th Sep 2011 15:18

Hello John (Townships) many thanks for commenting in your positive way.

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<Deleted User> (6315)

Wed 7th Sep 2011 11:30

Yes! I think you are an altogether bad lad..ha ha ha ha...

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John Embley

Mon 5th Sep 2011 18:54

Thanks for the YouTube info on Bert Williams, John -- amazed by the quality of the recording, and how fresh his material still feels today.
I reckon your little recording's up there with it though!

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Thu 1st Sep 2011 16:08

Thanks for commenting on 'Shades', John. Much appreciated. Goldenrods very common in my neck of the woods.

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<Deleted User> (9554)

Tue 30th Aug 2011 18:27

Hi John, Thanks for your comments on "Rear gunner" and the "Liver birds."
They say of the Liver birds that: The one facing west is looking out for homecoming seafarers; and the other one faces east to see if the pubs are open. I am inclined to differ; I think it's because they're just not speaking. (One's an Evertonian.)
P.S. "The ghost of white hart lane." gets exorcised next Monday.

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<Deleted User> (9554)

Tue 23rd Aug 2011 00:17

I don't know if it works or not John; I've only ever done this poem at stag do's. Without any response whatsoever, I'm glad to say.

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<Deleted User> (9554)

Sun 21st Aug 2011 11:02

Hi John,
Thanks for your comment on "Over by Christmas."
I've done 5 or 6 of these 10 worders; sometimes I need the challenge to spur me on, otherwise I lay dormant for months. These exercises are set by 10 members of our writing club. using a metaphorical pin and a dictionary. (Sadists all of them.) They never enter the competition.
I take it you won't mind if I do "The ghost of White Hart lane." at my club.
Cheers Mate.

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Chris Co

Fri 19th Aug 2011 22:53

Hey John, Just to let you know I voted for
'The Ghosts of Bamiyam' in the Ghosts competition; the best poem for me.

My Best


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Fri 19th Aug 2011 10:38

Re; Steam Railway Fans, thanks John, I knew that stanza needed a tweak and your comment spurred me into doing it. Much obliged.

As to ongoing railways yes I'm sure there are but can't cite them from the top of my head - some of the more backward African countries perhaps.

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<Deleted User> (8943)

Wed 17th Aug 2011 11:22

Hi John, yes the "quote" is mine, not from any poem I've written - though I might have to use it now - lol!

And whether taken to the dark places of imagination or a past reality or a light place or any other kind of place - the ability to transport the reader is, as you say what a writer aims to do xXx

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<Deleted User> (8943)

Wed 17th Aug 2011 10:01

Thanks John, that means a lot and is good to know - I hit the mark then?! :) x

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Lynn Dye

Sun 14th Aug 2011 21:16

Hi John, thanks for your comment on Summer Seasons - I answered it on my page. x

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<Deleted User> (9554)

Sun 14th Aug 2011 13:36

Hi Pardner,
I've managed to put one poem on audio. They'll
be more later. Thanks for your help.
Tommy Mc.

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 14th Aug 2011 00:05

John- (re Abstraction...)
Indeed, but wherever your 'position' physically at the time happens to be - ones political stance should be dictated by principles and the understanding of both the events and wider consequences. :o)

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<Deleted User> (9554)

Thu 11th Aug 2011 19:37

It might not be your joke John but you have certainly enhanced it. I've done this a couple of times myself. I would say it was poetic licence.
About the underwear, I'm sorry but it's gone to Qxfam. It depends on what part of the world you are from weather you will be a recipient or not.
Cheers John. Carry on blogging. Tommy Mc.

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<Deleted User> (9554)

Tue 9th Aug 2011 11:35

I was part of a gig last night John and I performed one of your poems; it went down so well that they asked for an encore, I won’t tell you what the poem was but I said “I’m not doing it twice.” When you said you didn’t mind me doing your stuff, you also stated that if any pint pots where thrown the poem was not yours; on the other hand you instructed that if I was showered with money then the proceeds should go to the man who holds the copyright.
I was last on and finished at At the eleventh hour the throwing of
Pint pots or money had not been undertaken; instead they just threw Knickers and bras. The question is what do you want me to do with them, should l I keep them or send them of to you. Before you answer John I must point out that; that is the last
Stag Do I shall ever perform at.
Cheers mate. Tommy Mc.

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<Deleted User> (9554)

Mon 8th Aug 2011 12:07

The best tribute I can give to your poetry John is I would like to perform them at my local folk club.
(The Red Lion.)With your permission?

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 7th Aug 2011 23:40

A feather fast what?

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<Deleted User> (9554)

Sat 6th Aug 2011 14:17

I've read and listened to your poems and enjoyed them immensely; the voice really puts meat on the already flavored bone. As you suggest I would like to put my stuff on audio; I have the equipment but not the nohow. I would appreciate any help you can give me.My e-mail is:
Thanks John. Tom Mc D.

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Neil West

Fri 5th Aug 2011 10:15

Hi John, sorry it's taken me a while to get back to you. You're very kind but I'm only standing on the shoulders of taller poets. I enjoy your writing very much, a modern Marriott Edgar methinks!

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Graham Sherwood

Thu 4th Aug 2011 17:02

Thanks John, for the comments on Apparition.

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<Deleted User> (8286)

Thu 4th Aug 2011 14:09

Thank you for your kind words John. It's good to know you found it uplifting as I wrote it for a family member and that's exactly how I wanted them to feel. M xx

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<Deleted User> (9554)

Thu 4th Aug 2011 10:36

'Doing it Twice.'
Is my kind of stuff John, I really enjoyed it.
I will read more when I get my new spectacles; but am struggling a bit at present. I like the audio suggestion. As a matter of fact I am now trying to put my "Strictly for the Birds" to my three chord guitar range, doing the Carter lick similar to "A boy named Sue." I do that some tmes
at my folk club.
I'll be in touch. Tom Mc D.

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Greg Freeman

Mon 1st Aug 2011 23:01

Thanks for your comments on The Clyde Paddle Steamers, John. I don't know the Clyde at all; maybe I'll explore it one day.

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 29th Jul 2011 13:43

Might not put my Jack the Ripper poem on for a while as my latest was a bit raunchy - won't want to be getting a reputation!

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Thu 21st Jul 2011 12:02

Is there any end to your perversions Coopey? You'll have to write a poem about it. Am I glad to be your muse? I shall have to think about that one!

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Alan Morrison

Wed 20th Jul 2011 09:35

John, thank you for the comment on "Inevitable". I love form too. Especially the sonnet. To me, it is perfection. No room to be trendy in a sonnet! :-)

The word "did" just came naturally. Honest! It's the old way of talking tensewise. I'm old-fashioned that way. I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from writing thees and thous! I think I come from sometime between the 14th and 16th centuries :-D

Thanks again for the comment!


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Ann Foxglove

Sun 17th Jul 2011 23:41

Thanks John (Whitechapel Ladies). I wrote another poem on this theme ages ago but too felt it a bit ott to post. But John, I will if you will! Maybe!

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Greg Freeman

Sun 17th Jul 2011 09:14

I disagree about the romance of British road names, John. The days of cultural imperialism are over! I think it's all to do with the associations they evoke. The A19 means something to me because I spent a year driving along it every working day between York and Selby. And north of York it took you towards the North York Moors, and further on, up to the north-east. It's true I'm a southerner who finds the north very alluring. On the whole. Down south, someone's written a book about the A303. I must look it up on Amazon at once ...

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 17th Jul 2011 07:50

I don't think bonfires are blokey at all. They can be girly too! My friend and I had a fab bonfire last year - we burnt a whole caravan (on purpose I hasten to add). Haven't had so much fun in ages!

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kath hewitt

Fri 15th Jul 2011 19:18

Hi John,

Thanks again for taking time out to comment on my latest. :-)

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Neil West

Wed 13th Jul 2011 17:56

Hi John, I stand corrected, perhaps the title should be E Tenebris Lux - Out of Darkness Light? School boy error! It's a bit wordy but I think the sense I wanted to convey comes from 'In presentia of obscurum, illic vadum exsisto lux lucis' or 'In the presence of darkness, there shall be light'. The poem concerns itself with an ancient evil awakening - what do you think?

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