The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

afraid (Remove filter)

Hoping she holds her breath

Agitation eats at my chest due to my un-feathered yearning for this person, she cannot begin to think about what she wants other than the bare necessity of breathing.

                Which implores me to wish she didn’t need to breathe, selfishly, so that I can then be an option for her. I'm sure another necessity would take sprout.

I’m not sure who is the root of the problem. A possible s...

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You’re right

3 years ago, I viewed frogs as aliens

Now I wonder whether they’re angels

Months ago, I hated the sound of songbirds

Now I write their songs

I tweet along

Everything I did, I did do

It still was

Even if it no longer is

Whatever I am

I still am what I was

Even if I no longer am

You’re right

I was right and now I’m left

But the person I was hasn...

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These violent delights have violent ends,

Come close and kiss me hard again,

Will I stay? It depends,

If after the sacred act,

I can stay upon my back,

Nestled in an unknown arm,

and tell my heart I mean no harm,

For is this sweat or are they my tears?

I've forgotten your name I quietly fear,

But really it doesn't matter,

When you live your life served upon a platter,


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April First


No more fools again on April 
It was last lies to believe 
Complicated!!, Why not simple? 
Take it easy, or should leave 


If someone forces to trust 
That one puts others in doubting 
When the truth appear very fast 
That one is afraid or hiding 


We should only pray to God 
God will keep hearts more faithful 
When the purity clean the blood 
Surely life will be more...

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Who are the real Monsters?

Isn't imprisonment enough?
Without the guards being too rough
And forever being cuffed
Prisoners  are abused and raped
Every damn single day
As if they haven't already paid
By being held captive and afraid.


Isn't imprisonment enough?
Without being forced to confess
To somebody else's mess
Being stripped and undressed
Every damn single day
As if they haven't already paid
By bein...

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abuseabuse behind barsabuse by guardsafraidalreasy paying their debtscaptivecrimecriminalcriminals are still humanscrkminals still have rightsdont lose your humanityextortionImprisonmentjaillocked upno escapenot everyone behind bars is guiltypaidpainprisonprisonsrapeset ups happen

Weakness and sorrow

I am always second guessing myself

hiding my shame and health

Never knowing what to do 

If i could only open up to you

It's scary the thing's i think 

always contemplating drink

the level of stress is unbearable

It makes me depressed and feel terrible

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I cant run away from it

I won't run away from it
No matter how deep the shit
I swear that I'll never quit
I'll be here til the end of it

Skin that is bruising
Scars I'm not loosing 
A time in my life where all I've seen abusing
Whip me, break me, beat me until I'm oozing
I'll still get up
Its my life your not choosing.

I make the choice to stay and endure
I make the choice because she is so pure
I'll take...

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hurtdomestic abuseloveafraidfamily

Feathers at the altar roses draw near my cage

Flamable is love, its scent has no age

I fear not flying but remaining at this stage.

I ponder about the joy of escaping feels like but I still remain the same.

A perpetual moonlight filled with stars, dreams and hopes.

I want to escape and be with you buy my heart is vain

Laconic i am with you in sight, never able to scatter light on...

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In the beginning

In the beginning he would wake at every peculiar sound that came from the babies crib 

In the beginning he would bring me a beverage as I fed his son whilst the moon was dimly lit 

In the beginning he would rush home from work eager to see the family he created 

In the beginning we were the people whom he could be himself and escape with 

In the beginning we were enough 


He wou...

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Beginningendloveheartbreakyoungsorrowfamilybrokenhusbandwifemarriagedivorceseparationbroken familybroken heartslostaloneafraid

Guarded Walls



Quick! Hurry!


Before she sees

Build up a wall

Be careful not to fall

Its just too much to bare

Yes, I know its unfair

But I can't

I just.....

I can't! 

If I were to take a wrong turn

If I were to get burned

I don't think I could go on

See, I thought I had the one

Really, truly

She hurt me brutally

I could have sworn...

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I guess I'm afraid to love you

I put on my mask when I woke up in the morning.

The silent grins and the innocent eyes.

Filtering the truth I feared could dry the sea,

I smiled and laughed, they thought I never cry.

Through the reflection, I saw myself.

I stared at those eyes and sometimes I don’t know who it was.

My heart would’ve repel itself from this body, if it has the chance to succeed.

Like a bir...

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Afraid Of The Dark

Afraid Of The Dark

what you can’t see
cannot hurt you
ghouls and ghosts
things of the dark
things you don’t understand.
close your eyes go to sleep
think of happy things and places
let your mind move on
be at peace child

the thing that scratches at the window
you know it’s just a branch
the creak of a floorboard
late at night
a cold chill that drifts
through a warm house
the un...

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afraiddarknessfairy taleshalloweenillnesswhite liesrichpix

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