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Jealous Cat

Soft and fluffy 

Ball of fur 

Curled up tight

Contented purr 

His favourite place 

Right on her lap

But Hey what's this?


Am I not the one

Who gives her Love?

Now all of a sudden 

It isn't enough 

Her eyes are glowing 

As she scrolls

The screen 

All these faces 

I've never seen 

I don't see men

Just a bunch of mice 

If they come...

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catspetrandomwriting for funstorytelling


Playing in the garden
watching films together
as you nestle into my arm
learning each other's language
You trusted me, eventually
became part of my family

I loved to watch you
explore the world we shared
sunbathing on the rug
or endless pats in the living room
Your fur and the quiet purr
of little teeth grinding

What I've been dreading
now, it's happening
You’re still you
but yo...

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Cute and fluffy sweet little face

runs away when you start to chase

love to nibble on his kibble

runs around so much fun 

wants you to give him ferret one

eats his eggs of a dish

enjoys a piece of fish

have to get up what's my rush?

Alexander's knocked over the toilet brush

comes in the kitchen when you cook

play with him and he'll dook dook dook

after playing for ...

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Pritty Little Boy

What a pretty little boy!
He was born for love and joy.
Creamy, milky, marmalade,
Out of sweetness he was made.

Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

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