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52 Hertz Competition Results
Hello all you 52 Hertz readers and writers out there. I'd like to announce the results of our recent competition and reflect a little on all the lovely feedback I had from voters. Not everyone chose to explain their vote, but I've included here some of the more salient comments. If your poem doesn't feature in comments, that's not to say someone didn't vote for it - just that they were in ...
Monday 8th July 2013 10:52 pm
Deep within its depths
it strikes you like a chord
An aria known only to you
You follow along your path
for something to connect with
Another soul
binds you
until you break free
You are not like the others
They do not understand
are alone
feel the void
expand with every breath
Sunday 30th June 2013 5:55 am
He stands at the bar,
a fine specimen of a man,
a warrior,
he surveys all around him.
He's popular,
loved by everyone,
but his heart is broken,
his eyes although beautiful,
oceans of empathy,
lives sadness.
He laughs,
he tells jokes,
he smiles,
behind these things,
lives a tortured spirit,
a lost soul,
a fallen warrior.
He'd ne...
Saturday 29th June 2013 3:06 pm
Untuned Radio (52 hertz)
Fucking hell, what is that noise?
Waves of unwanted interference
fading in and out again,
your absence is more of a presence.
Breathe deep, shake my woeful head
attempting to retune my brain
to eliminate buzzing static,
transmitting me to join the insane.
Am I crazy? Or are you thinking of me?
In the crazy way - we used to be?
© Ka...
Saturday 29th June 2013 8:19 am
52 Hertz
There’s a constant ache of a memory -
Your eyes, your smile and your hair;
I fell in love with a shadow,
Though, of course, there was nothing there.
The pulse of the thing was enormous
It beat in my head night and day
The piteous joke and pain of it
Was it only travelled one way.
So the pulse throbs on unabated
A secret cross t...
Friday 28th June 2013 10:38 pm
Listen To My Call
(sorry -can't leave my stuff alone- had to edit this cos I wasn'y happy with it)
I’m sending out a signal, sending out a call
It’s for someone I knew years ago
That’s if she’s listening at all.
Silent years, lonely years are in between us now
So let us talk, let us bridge the gap
So softly, ask me how
Send me a message, send me a signal, I’ll be wai...
Friday 28th June 2013 10:24 pm
The Last Song
Dim are the depths and deep are the dives
As he glides on his solitary way
Through forests of fronze and rainbowed reefs
Round rocks where the guillemots play
Past silvering sands and palm dappled beach
And out to the oceans embrace
He follows the path that his ancestors took
The last of his line and his race...
Wednesday 26th June 2013 9:53 am
The Project
The Project.
Woke up to darkness
from a restless sleep.
A dream of colour,
light and steady beat.
Alone with my thoughts,
drifting on the void
until the idea
was fully employed.
Still dark, much later,
getting what I need.
Some paint, certainly,
plaster, wood and seed.
Starlight and fire,
ice and molten r...
Monday 24th June 2013 11:07 pm
(A full explanation of the mystery surrounding 52 hertz)
It`s attested scientifically
That that fish I`d had last night for tea
(Battered so deliciously)
Had now become a part of me
Sat here writing poetry.
(Sitting – as I was wont to do –
Poohing and peeing on the loo
Penning verses earnestly
To Lily, who`d abandoned me).
And down...
Friday 21st June 2013 11:17 pm
The Lonely Willow
Willow’s over the river
A tear quietly drops
She is too tired to shiver,
Wasn’t born in a copse.
No one is around her
No one to embrace…
Only the wind has found her.
Is she in such disgrace?
How hard it is for the willow
To stay here all alone,
Looking at the swallow,
Which all the trees know.
She has no one to talk with,
Thursday 20th June 2013 9:58 pm
The Bath
She is so tired - almost lethargic
Drugged by wet heat and sweet oil.
If she succumbs, sinks down deep
Into scented foam, will her nerves react
As water slips up her nose?
Does she have a safety system to shock her awake?
Smoke sifts insidiously into the lungs.
Would water?
She is afraid – she – who spears cold surf
Slicing into elemental thrust laughin...
Tuesday 11th June 2013 12:58 pm
52 Hertz
Monday 10th June 2013 12:16 am
From A High Window
Standing on the wide grey hill
The noontide skyscape hangs heavily
Like fog crafted from artists’ hands
Cities of unease hang invisible in the air.
They pour scorn on every hope in his heart
Picturing clouds unfurling with time
And shades of black rolling in on him.
A binocular gazer, from a high window
In the distance
Watches and waits, careful a...
Thursday 30th May 2013 4:54 pm
I sit on the rustic park bench
that gives me splinters
to watch the world go by.
Families pass, as do couples
many hand in hand
oblivious to my sigh.
The only solitary figure
am I on this spring day
I know that's how it ...
Wednesday 29th May 2013 3:58 pm
52 Hertz
It's not the days
it's the minutes.
The days can be managed
to have shape, content
But the minutes can be hell.
The wolf howls at the moon
circled by Command Module pilots
so far from humanity.
Six lonely men, enduring their forty seven dark minutes.
But even they were loved.
Their lives had flavour,
they knew the intimacy...
Sunday 26th May 2013 9:51 am
Of Katy and Narcissus (52 hertz)
In the gloom of dell
Command and repeat the spell
That held the blaze
Of you and me
Why did I jump so bold into your arms?
In the forest of grief
Tear and scatter the leaf
That held the hope
Of you and me
What made you torment both our souls?
In the river of vigour
Fade and smote the figure
...Saturday 25th May 2013 6:57 am
In The Belly Of The Whale
In The Belly Of The Whale.
In a silent chamber
a disc of shining gold
has crossed the void
for thirty five years or more,
a blink in its ultimate journey
to exit the solar system
and span the galaxy.
This Voyager –
spinning, spiralling, swooping
in a cold, dark, vacuum.
Waiting to sing
for unknown creatures
at the other side of the...
Monday 20th May 2013 7:46 pm
I walked 52 countries wide
my feet weary and bruised.
i let the tide wash over them,
52 lovers all die, a muse.
With the crashing of a wave,
their indifference
to the sounds i make,
to the waves of frequency running
through my brain.
8 hertz and 8 hurts,
A stranger
in every town,
speaking the tongues
of the Pentecost.
i sit on th...
Monday 20th May 2013 6:12 pm
52 Hertz
Hi Folks. Does anyone fancy having a go at a new WOL competition?
I'm posting a link to a newspaper article that explains the theme. Basically, think loneliness, isolation, alienation. I'm sure some of us may already have drawers bursting at the seams with poems written on the subject, but if not, you can always put pen to paper or finger to key...
In case you find the whole subje...
Friday 10th May 2013 5:28 pm
Recent Comments
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