The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Holocaust (Remove filter)

Stalag Zehn B

the feldwebel became a general
the campdoctor, a professor
and we the jews - it’s banal
we stayed jewish - no error

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wandering jew, damned jew
no words about them are forbidden
suspected of crimes and treason
they have been put in jail
they have been tortured and murdered
in the name of an insane idea
and now - more than ever -
who is next, please ?

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HolocaustJewno touch tortureTheuninckcriminalisation

Red River

the train was too late
by foot it was too far
the river too nearby
the hatred too strong
bullets through your head
river of blood
red Danube
dead Budapest

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Zip it, Hotovely!

No, Board of Deputies of British Jews,

you do not speak for her;

neither does the tool-maker’s son,

he does not speak for her;

nor you, Hotovely, you don’t speak for her…


…for that brave Jewish lady with a conscience

whose family died in The Holocaust,

who, in London, engaged in peaceful protest,

was harassed, arrested and detained

for twenty-four hours by a bored-...

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After The Holocaust

Here I am,

The last man survived

Nobody left to console

None to share the pain

The only fool to withstand

The holocaust


It is raining since

The last bullet fired

Perhaps to wash out

Human sins

Till a single drop of

Dead blood remains


Feeling ashamed

Of all the memories

Feeling guilty

Of human legacy

Feeling relieved

From war a...

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war poetrydeathholocaust

Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)

Who, if anyone, will survive

to read our words?

Will they be found in an archive...

reductio in absurdum,

read in a nuclear winter-proofed bunker

by the very one who

mocked, maligned

and slandered

the prophet

who said








on the grounds that the deterrent was not a deterrent?




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Holocaustnuclear winter

Cold Flint Makes Fire

smiles so rare for her

not a welcoming face

fear in pale grey eyes

of warmth not a trace


appearances can fool

no semblance of fire

that beneath the skin

makes the mask a liar


stumbled into tinder

my chimney smoking

horned into bonfires

deception is stoking


inner magma outed

slow magnetic glow

mechanic love only

imagination can sow



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cold flintfirelusttinderbonfiresmagmaholocaustcoalsfacade


Pretty much the only poem I have that is appropriate for Holocaust Memorial Day.

(Artwork: "Rabbi Loew and the Golem", from "The Prague Golem: Jewish Stories from the Ghetto", ed. Harald Salfellner, Vitalis, 2016. The artist is uncredited)



(Prague, 1939)


For centuries I’ve lain here undisturbed,
this synagogue’s hushed attic my bedchamber,
the life-spark in me stilled...

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poetryJewish folkloreHolocaustmemorial

"Night will Fall"

 For those who are alive

To see the British newsreel

And remember the spring of 1945.


The British army entered Bergen-Belsen,

The heart of Germany -

The town of beauty and harmony.

Neat gardens, rich farms, …

All around seemed to have only charms.

English soldiers began to admire the place,

In any case, up to the moment

When they felt the smell.

It looked lik...

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Burning Books

Listen not unto the lie that stings the lips.
Witness not the act that stays a pitied mind.
Speak not of the hatred that will crack the whips.
Let not those insidious be here enshrined.

Trample not upon the freedoms of your kin.
Take not which was never here for you to own.
Read not of the bitterness that splits the skin.
Write not of the malice that shatters the bone.

Reason with the ...

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Forever Let This Place Here Be

Forever let this place here be
A warning to humanity,
A cry of despair, suffering;
Death in total, unrelenting.
Forever let its soil be bare,
For life shall grow not anywhere,
This place, a scar upon the face
Of mans wickedness, mans disgrace.

Forever let this place here stand
As evidence of evil planned,
A barren wasteland, void of hope,
Where many left in clouds of sm...

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By the dull electric lamp

arose a vision so intense,

undimmed by squalor, stench and damp

in that Polish prison camp.


Emblems of their offence,

pink triangle and yellow star,

tattoo just below the sleeve

a hunger for tomorrow,

for reprieve. A hope that 

what began in sorrow

would not end in grief.


A fa...

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holocausthomosexualityjewish identitylove


The Fury
Pitiful the morsels for the feeding of the rats,
Dished out unemotionally by vicious little cats,
Like vermin, out the rats they come and scurry back to hide,
Whilst all the while the fat cats feast voraciously outside.

The Persecuted
In the darkest corners of the high walled city streets,
The rank and rotten souls of human waste claw to compete,
Shuffling through th...

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Humanity Lost

I freeze,
And fall to my knees.
The earth is cold tonight, my sight
Is sorrowed as I place my hands on its frozen surface,
No furnace to warm me, but bereft.
Here, on the borrowed hour
Of my death.

The frost seeping through my clothes
Chills my bones, I am lost here, alone.
The precipice in front of me is wide, and deep,
But full. I keep my head dipped,
Knowing they wat...

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