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Propaganda (Remove filter)

My Dark Thinking Mind

My dark thinking mind,

I wish it wasn't mine,

Stuck remembering past times,

A twisted cerebral bind,

A day dies everyday,

A night is born everynight,

I look up at the moon and it's bright,

I know it provides it's own light,

Most will laugh and say I'm wrong,

They need to stop smoking out of N.A.S.A.'s bong,

Waiting for them to think will take too long,

My wisdom an...

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Depressionpropagandastuck in your headtruth



It runs amok inside of my head.
It arrogantly prances as if I were dead.
It thumbs its nose whenever I try
to quell its intelligence-insulting lie.

It bleeds the eyes with the morning news.
It voids in me with its monstrous views.
It winds me up as a talking head,
then perturbs me at night when I go to bed.

Sliding along, biding our time,
or still soaking up the trumpeted slime,

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The "Corona" Special

So we all know this is bullshit, this thing called Corona Virus,

My friends and I don't wear masks and now people won't stand beside us,

Damn it's crazy that people still watch the news,

All they do is lie and it's owned by the Jews,

That doesn't make me a racist so please just relax,

Just look up the definitions and make sure you know your facts,

Can't you see this virus is one ...

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americabrainwashingconspiracyCorona viruscorruptiongovernmentlieslock downmedianewspropagandatruthtyranny

The Big Red, White and Blue Dick

Guns, knives and hand grenades,
Bombs and shells we'll blow them away,
Underground bunkers are no match for us,
United States of America "In God we trust",
Blood, guts and body parts,
Shoot to kill and aim for their hearts,
Chemical warfare is also a treat,
We'll gas them out and leave 'em in defeat,
Put your hands up and surrender now,
We'll shoot you in the face unless you put your gun ...

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Assertion Repetition and Contagion


Assertion repetition and contagion.

Assertion repetition and contagion.

Assertion repetition and contagion.



Statements of greatness

over and over.

Statements of greatness

over and over.

Statements of greatness

over and over.



Statements of greatness

all over the papers in black and white lies,


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Sides of Deception

Orginally posted on

Sides of deception;

Powers of corruption;

One nation’s view;

Historical moments recorded.

By the ones who won them.

The Propaganda Puppet corrupted.

Propaganda is a tool to fool a fool.

Its words spewed under fowl breath.

The iron fist prepares to force the mule....

Under the pressure of their head they work to death.

Burying t...

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Burning Books

Listen not unto the lie that stings the lips.
Witness not the act that stays a pitied mind.
Speak not of the hatred that will crack the whips.
Let not those insidious be here enshrined.

Trample not upon the freedoms of your kin.
Take not which was never here for you to own.
Read not of the bitterness that splits the skin.
Write not of the malice that shatters the bone.

Reason with the ...

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