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Moving on (Remove filter)

april showers bring may flowers

I tried to wait,
But new flowers grow where the old ones die,
I didnā€™t want to move on,
But the sun involuntarily started to shine,
I lost myself searching for you,
But the fire eventually went out,
The dark smoke turned into wind,
I no longer needed to dwell on my feelings within,
New flowers grow where the old ones die,
Even if the soil needs to cry
Something beautiful can still arise


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naturemoving on

What's Left Of Love

Too many nights, too many times

I've woke in sweat and had to find

a way to push you out again,

and pray once more that this will end.


That from my heart you'll finally leave

and not come back into my dreams.


For I am old enough to know

the years have made our love run cold.

And I am wise enough to seeā€¦

I only love your memory.

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lovelosslost lovemoving on

At The Ledge

Each time before when I had fallen, landing in the pit below,

I found upon the ground were words that I could gather up to build

a latticework of scaffolding to climb upon so I could go

back to the surface with the crowd, but every time I found that still


Iā€™d stay close to the ledge not knowing why I didnā€™t walk away.

I told myself it wasnā€™t wise. I asked, ā€œwhy donā€™t you ever l...

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addictionrelapserecoverymoving onovercoming

I thank you for not being good enough

You pulled me into your orbit

when I needed your help

and so, I made you my centreĀ 

to centre myself


That was my first mistake


I looked inside you

for places where I could hide

I hoped to run from reality

into the delusions of your mind

I was happy to believeĀ you were one of a kind

chuffed upon chuffed that you were mine

and I felt adored

grateful to m...

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healingnarcissistnarcissismrelationship breakupReflectiongrowthidentityneedsHeartbreakmoving onself esteemself worthself workbreaking freeselfhoodindependence


I design my flow of life in my own way
Never built regrets;
Only keep on building memories!!!

Made my way through hard rocks enduring all the pain;
But still enjoy my tracks!!!

'll seem quite and beautiful,
'll reflect what you desire;
Don't dare to test my threshold,
Or else 'll sweep out all theĀ darkness around!!!

You help me carve and pave new path
Helped me see the world in dif...

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moving onrejuvenateunrequited loveBe stronggrow to heightsLove yourselfrebirthforwardlost love

Itā€™s hidden well, but I search deep within the crevices of your mind.
I interpret your words and actions to depict intention and longing, want and need.
Theyā€™re masked behind masculinity; hidden within the social construct that disallows you to be feel.
That which praises to the appeal of lust; turns love to dust.
Strong enough to break a womanā€™s heart, but no strength to trust us.


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loveheartbreaktoxic masculinitylosshurtmoving on

When His Words Become Hands

His words could become sharp as corners

And trap you there

Flailing in his grasp

They could pinch your skin

Until you cried

And cried

Throughout your shifts

They could catch your wrists and stop you

From moving on

From moving

They could lock the doors, no leaving

They could shame you and shrink you

They could come flying in from an open window,

A buzzing phon...

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abusive relationshipbaggagebecoming independentbecoming strongerbreaking freecarry oncontrolcontrollingcontrolling relationshipdangerous relationshipemotional abuseemotional manipulationemotional scarsexexesgrowinghaunted by pasthealingindependentmemoriesmental abusemental health in relationshipsmind controlmoving onobsessivepersonal growthphysicalphysical violenceposessivereflectiontoxitoxic masculinitytoxic relationshipsviolencewanting to be freewords hurt

The Tide Will Come Out Of Your Mouth


Every time the glass of your skull

Crashes into the fist of another memory

To crush you where you stand

Because another memory has broken you

Because another memory has entered you

Like intruders, they force their way inside

They punch their way into your attention

They invade your heart

Until you must look at them

All so that they can violate you again


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acceptingassaultblockblock outbraverycoping mechanismdealingdealing with traumadifficultfeeling is okayforgetfuturegetting bettergrowingLiving after traumamemoriesmental healthmindmind protectsmoving forwardsmoving onpainpainfulpastraperecallreliveself preservationself protectionsupressedsupressed memoriessurvivortoxictraumaunderstandingviolence

Speak for the Trees

tears fall from the tips of leaves,Ā 
no longer heaving but finally at peace,Ā 
no longer a place for relief,Ā 
no longer bending to the constant breeze,Ā 
no longer kept afloat meandering rivers,Ā 
no longer subject to raging fires,Ā 
no longer a victim to defeat.Ā 

tides no longer pulling at the heart,Ā 
stars no longer hovering above,Ā 
no longer tormented to be part of the worldĀ 
that casts...

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treesautumnchangesforestmoving onfall

Why Would You Do That?

Iā€™ve got callouses
Iā€™m covered in scars
Iā€™m broken inside
So loving me is hard

You kissed my fingers
My heart pounded so hard
You bathed me in love
And now i canā€™t get up my guard

It just seems so easy for you
Even after all weā€™ve been through
You told me you didnā€™t want to lose me
So how are you being so cold
You washed away the armour that i hold
I wish that this hurt you like i...

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heartbreakangermoving onlosthurthidden feelings

Revolving Door

He says, ā€œyouā€™ve been a great lover,

opened up doors for me,Ā 

been there when I needed you

but Iā€™m going to leave you, woman

for I know you could do better than meā€

He picks up his suitcase,Ā 

then heā€™s running out the door


And thatā€™s the way it is

thatā€™s the way itā€™ll always be

lovers in and out the revolving door


She says, ā€œIā€™m going to leave this town


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loverslost loversmoving ondreamersartists

What is next?

What is next? I ask God

Tell me please because I feel so lost

Losing control of all that is around

What is next? I ask God

Then a small voice howls in the wind saying, "Worry about now!"

Smile, Breathe, Relax

Don't worry about the future nor the past

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godfuturepastbreatherelaxmoving oncontroluncertainty


One by one counting memories:
an old photograph of us at the beach,
a sweater that wonā€™t rid itself of your scent,
books and CDs that you lent,
Iā€™ve packed them away
They wonā€™t see another day

Iā€™ve packed the boxes,Ā 
made the plans,
the rooms are empty
but I am motionless

Is it that familiar look?
Is it the morning glow
that paints itself through the window?
No, itā€™s the memories ...

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lost lovememoriesmoving onletting go

Hyde Park Winter Rink

We circle as sharks
on the Hyde Park winter rink
our eyes like lasers
I audibly bleep when they meet

We both go forwards
not getting anywhere
we pass with differing intervals
I only breathe when we pass

Some laps are flawless
some laps are clumsy
some laps I nearly take some sucker down
some laps I kiss the ice

I feel your eyes lift me to my feet
I feel them brush the slush from...

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Christmasice skatingLondonlonginglost lovemoving onskatingunrequited love

Shedding Skin

Been living with trouble in mind
trouble of mind, troubling life
with trouble pulled inside

Spent a decade in the shade
spent a decade dealing in shame
a decade; feeling a certain kind of hate

Crawled out into the light
staggered through that blinding light
still I busied myselfĀ 
with needless slivers of selfish night

Do you want to start again
do you want to make that change

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growingmoving onmaturingstarting again

What were they like?

They were the deciding factor

Of a good or bad day

Of whether I was okay

If we were okay


They could change my mood

Stop me in my tracks

Jumble my mind

Blind me from the truth


Like heroin

I was their addict

Ephemeral pleasure

Everlasting poison


By the end

I was weak


Stripped of all identity


And they appeared

In my dreams


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moving onMoving forwardclosurelost loveExes

Spit of Life

Do you remember how we used to savour the pins and needles on our tongues?

Do you remember how we used to bite into bitterness?

lick the spit of life

I was turned on by brokenness

maybe itā€™s cliche

that I craved pain

swallowing broken bottles

it's lined my pockets

it's swollen my stomach

Do you remember when we saw ā€˜sadā€™ as just another crayon

to colour ourselves in w...

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depressionmoving ongetting betterpainsadismhopebreak up

Broken Bottles

It shattered across the floor

I knew this was coming, it was no surprise

I couldnā€™t take it anymore

Oh, the fire in his eyes


His hand against my neck

His breath against my cheek

I pulled away hoping not to wreck

Yet his presence felt so meek


The way he talked to me

The way he spat on the ground

The way he grabbed my knee;

It had me all turned around



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alcohol abusesexual assaultmoving on

When I Knew I Deserved Better Than You

the day i faked saying i love you was the day i put myself above you. the day i realized i didn't want you anymore was the day i finally was able to kick you out and bolt lock that door. i don't know what exactly lead me to this point of closure, i think maybe i had just regained my confidence and composure. by you, i was left alone.. your whereabouts most nights were unknown, and you made sure to...

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cruz 2017better not bittermoving onstep forward

What We Leave Behind (and what we take)

You told me I was worthy of more, but always convinced me to stay


But today

Today I leave our bedroom the way it was left this morningĀ 

Cushions and pillows adorning the bedĀ 

we chose for this life togetherĀ 

A shared bathroom that won't be shared anymoreĀ 

Two shelves, one mostly emptyĀ 

A walk in wardrobe, filled once with fabric that clothed us

Only now it is bare with...

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leavingforgettingmoving ongiving up

Farewell Serpentine

Circling the water
one final evening
I catch sight of my reflection
see those lines forming
writ across my brow
soĀ I roll my head in ink
kiss the pageā€¦

Soon, weā€™ll be quietly leaving
no longer anchored in Zone Two
swaddled by the Thames
for an unknown pause weā€™re going now
The shapeless mess of time approaches
with me, desperately
clawing at relief lines
to understand what gradient

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leavinggoodbyemoving onlondon

Storm Chasers

Tyre tracks on dirt roads
storm chasers
looking for the eye
or something on the other side

Peddle kisses the floor
world whips past the window
tearing up the old road
headed North, searching for more

We were happy here
but could there be greater happiness
storm is a chorus
always another verseĀ 
on the other sideā€¦

In some mad way
weā€™re headed for a great...

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movingmoving citiesmoving housemoving on

Delicate Love-

Delicate Love


Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Moving day; a time of excitement, worry and letting go. My baby girl has finished college, married the man of her dreams and is beginning a new chapter in her life.Ā  The van left an hour ago and on a whim I went to the attic to make sure she had everything. I glanced around and tucked in the corner the words ā€œchinaā€ in girlish writing popped out at me.

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā ...

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lovemoving onmemoriesinspiration

Moving On

Moving On

staring through the window
at that dark and dismal place
where shadows danced and jittered
and a stranger had my face
I was shocked, but not surprised, to find
my future hopes would never last
if I stayed gazing in the mirror
and obsessing with the past

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leaving past behindlooking backlooking forwardmoving onnew start


Tunnelling in the dirt below my feet
I've been digging here all week
carving this hollow so deep
today, I hit bone

This is heavier work than I imagined
surveyed the ground from beyond the fence
And we both agreed that this was right
but now the toil is breaking me apart

As a new day rises
I'm bawling in the shower
never knew I could feel this pain
with the taps turned up to ten

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break updepressionlowmoving onsadness

Each Branch I Snap


each branch I snap spills
accusations of every broken neck I ever wished
so out of politeness I bow my head
to show the dotted line,
the hemp tattooed severance knot;
that grace, which allows my hands
such time to forsake the face
of saved history
when everyday swings
the way of an ending that wont be changed
the grass, as always, redder
on that...

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Moving onregretageingmissed opportunitiesbitternessmaliceresignationresistancejealousy

Gotta Keep On


Gotta keep on moving,
keep on travelling...
keep one foot ahead of the other
like a race that has no winner.

Then I shall outrun my tears and leave all my fears

the wind before me, then behind me.
Ridding me of moistness, passed my ears.
Gotta get going, to keep from falling....
keep this foot in front, then the next.



Please make you...

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tearsfearsmoving ongetting onforwardaheadsurvivalheading on

Pull Apart The Perfect Nest

So then, stick by stick
tonight we tear off strip after strip
the newest feathers first
then the older twigs and vines
with each one
my heart drops
until there's nothing left
and nowhere lower
just empty branches
where our sweet home once was

Inch by inch
we pack and divide the moss
all the soft things we've collected
years of careful, loving selection
pecking them away, each and e...

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break upbreaking up the familydivorcemoving onmoving outseparating

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